public int AddCoin(CommonCoin theCoin) { try { if (backendCode.DoesCoinExistInDB(theCoin) == 0) { if (theCoin.Mint != "W") { backendCode.AddTheCoin(theCoin); return(1); } else if (theCoin.Type != "Quarter") { return(2); } else { backendCode.AddTheCoin(theCoin); return(1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(0); // Did not add a coin to DB }
public void DeleteTheCoin(CommonCoin theCoin) { SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectString); connect.Open(); string sql = "DELETE tblCoinsDataSQL WHERE Type = '" + theCoin.Type + "' AND Mint = '" + theCoin.Mint + "' AND Year = '" + theCoin.Year + "' AND Name = '" + theCoin.Name + "'"; if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connect); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public void AddTheCoin(CommonCoin theCoin) { SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectString); connect.Open(); string sql = "INSERT INTO tblCoinsDataSQL (Year, Type, Mint, Name) VALUES('" + theCoin.Year + "','" + theCoin.Type + "','" + theCoin.Mint + "','" + theCoin.Name + "')"; if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connect); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public int DeleteCoin(CommonCoin theCoin) { try { if (backendCode.DoesCoinExistInDB(theCoin) == 1) { backendCode.DeleteTheCoin(theCoin); return(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(1); // Did not delete a coin to DB }
public List <CommonCoin> GetData() { var listOfCoins = new List <CommonCoin>(); SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectString); connect.Open(); string sql = @"SELECT Year, Type, Mint, Name FROM tblCoinsDataSQL ORDER BY Type, Year, Name"; if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connect); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var coin = new CommonCoin("", "", 0, ""); var type = reader["Type"] as string; var mint = reader["Mint"] as string; var year = (int)reader["Year"]; var name = reader["Name"] as string; coin.Year = year; coin.Type = type.Trim(); coin.Mint = mint.Trim(); coin.Name = name.Trim(); listOfCoins.Add(coin); } reader.Close(); } } return(listOfCoins); }
public int DoesCoinExistInDB(CommonCoin theCoin) { SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectString); connect.Open(); string sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM tblCoinsDataSQL WHERE Type = '" + theCoin.Type + "' AND Mint = '" + theCoin.Mint + "' AND Year = '" + theCoin.Year + "' AND Name = '" + theCoin.Name + "'"; int value = 0; if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connect); try { value = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return((int)value); }
public List <CommonCoin> SearchDatabase(CommonCoin theCoin) { var listOfCoins = new List <CommonCoin>(); SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectString); connect.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCoinsDataSQL WHERE Type = '" + theCoin.Type + "' AND Mint = '" + theCoin.Mint + "' AND Year = '" + theCoin.Year + "' AND Name = '" + theCoin.Name + "'"; if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connect); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var coin = new CommonCoin("", "", 0, ""); var type = reader["Type"] as string; var mint = reader["Mint"] as string; var year = (int)reader["Year"]; var name = reader["Name"] as string; coin.Year = year; coin.Type = type.Trim(); coin.Mint = mint.Trim(); coin.Name = name.Trim(); listOfCoins.Add(coin); } reader.Close(); } } return(listOfCoins); }
public bool DoesCoinHaveSilver(CommonCoin theCoin) { switch (theCoin.Type.ToLower()) { case "dime": return(theCoin.Year < 1965); case "quarter": case "dollar": bool contains = false; if ((theCoin.Year == 1975 || theCoin.Year == 1976) && theCoin.Mint.ToLower() == "s" && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "bicentennial") { contains = true; } else if (theCoin.Year < 1965) { contains = true; } return(contains); case "half-dollar": bool halfContains = false; if ((theCoin.Year == 1975 || theCoin.Year == 1976) && theCoin.Mint.ToLower() == "s" && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "bicentennial") { halfContains = true; } else if (theCoin.Year < 1971) { halfContains = true; } return(halfContains); default: return(false); } }
public List <CommonCoin> SearchData(CommonCoin theCoin) { return(backendCode.SearchDatabase(theCoin)); }
public Tuple <bool, string> IsCoinKeyDate(CommonCoin theCoin) { string strMessage = ""; bool blnValue = false; switch (theCoin.Type.ToLower()) { case "penny": if ((theCoin.Year == 2009 && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "lincoln") || ((theCoin.Year == 1943 || theCoin.Year == 1909) && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "wheat")) { strMessage = "You found a " + theCoin.Year + " penny. This is a keeper!"; blnValue = true; } else if (theCoin.Year > 1908 && theCoin.Year < 1916 && theCoin.Mint.ToLower() == "s" && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "wheat") { strMessage = "Key date! Keeper!"; } else if (theCoin.Year > 1909 && theCoin.Year < 1960 && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "wheat") { strMessage = "Keeper!"; blnValue = true; } else if (theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "indian head" || theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "wheat" || theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "flying eagle") { strMessage = "You found an " + theCoin.Name + " ! This is a keeper!"; blnValue = true; } break; case "nickel": if (((theCoin.Year > 1929 && theCoin.Year < 1960) || theCoin.Year == 2009) && theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "Jefferson") { strMessage = "You found a keeper!"; blnValue = true; } else if (theCoin.Year == 2004 || theCoin.Year == 2005) { strMessage = "You found a Louis and Clark commemerative coin!"; blnValue = true; } else if (theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "buffalo" || theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "shield" || theCoin.Name.ToLower() == "war") { strMessage = "You found a " + theCoin.Name + " !"; blnValue = true; } break; case "dime": if (theCoin.Year == 2009) { strMessage = "Keeper!"; blnValue = true; } break; case "quarter": if (theCoin.Mint.ToLower() == "w" && theCoin.Year == 2019) { strMessage = "2,000,000 coins were made of each!"; blnValue = true; } else if (theCoin.Year == 2009 || theCoin.Year == 2010) { strMessage = "Keeper!"; } break; case "half-dollar": break; case "dollar": break; default: break; } var tuple = new Tuple <bool, string>(blnValue, strMessage); return(tuple); }