Пример #1
        /* Function: FindFileSourceEntry
         * Returns the menu entry that contains the passed file source, or null if there isn't one yet.
        protected MenuEntries.FileSource FindFileSourceEntry(Files.FileSource fileSource)
            if (rootFileMenu == null)

            // If the menu only had one file source and it was condensed, the root file entry may have been replaced
            // by that file source.
            else if (rootFileMenu is MenuEntries.FileSource)
                MenuEntries.FileSource fileSourceEntry = (MenuEntries.FileSource)rootFileMenu;

                if (fileSourceEntry.WrappedFileSource == fileSource)

            // We're assuming that the only other possibility is a container with a flat list of FileSources.  If we later allow
            // FileSources to be put in nested groups this will need to be updated.
                foreach (var member in rootFileMenu.Members)
                    if (member is MenuEntries.FileSource)
                        MenuEntries.FileSource fileSourceEntry = (MenuEntries.FileSource)member;

                        if (fileSourceEntry.WrappedFileSource == fileSource)

Пример #2
        /* Function: CreateFileSourceEntry
         * Creates an entry for the file source, adds it to the menu, and returns it.  It will also create the <rootFileMenu>
         * container if necessary.
        protected MenuEntries.FileSource CreateFileSourceEntry(Files.FileSource fileSource)
                        #if DEBUG
            if (FindFileSourceEntry(fileSource) != null)
                throw new Exception("Tried to create a file source entry that already existed in the menu.");

            if (rootFileMenu == null)
                rootFileMenu       = new MenuEntries.Container(Hierarchy.File);
                rootFileMenu.Title = Engine.Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Menu.Files");

            MenuEntries.FileSource fileSourceEntry = new MenuEntries.FileSource(fileSource);
            fileSourceEntry.Parent = rootFileMenu;

Пример #3
        /* Function: AddFile
         * Adds a file to the menu tree.
        public void AddFile(Files.File file)
                        #if DEBUG
            if (isCondensed)
                throw new Exception("Cannot add a file to the menu once it's been condensed.");

            // Find which file source owns this file and generate a relative path to it.

            MenuEntries.FileSource fileSourceEntry = FindOrCreateFileSourceEntryOf(file);
            Path relativePath = fileSourceEntry.WrappedFileSource.MakeRelative(file.FileName);

            // Split off the file name and split the rest into individual folder names.

            string        prefix;
            List <string> pathSegments;
            relativePath.Split(out prefix, out pathSegments);

            string fileName = pathSegments[pathSegments.Count - 1];
            pathSegments.RemoveAt(pathSegments.Count - 1);

            // Create the file entry and find out where it goes.  Create new folder levels as necessary.

            MenuEntries.File      fileEntry = new MenuEntries.File(file);
            MenuEntries.Container container = fileSourceEntry;

            foreach (string pathSegment in pathSegments)
                Path pathFromFileSource;

                if (container == fileSourceEntry)
                    pathFromFileSource = pathSegment;
                    pathFromFileSource = (container as MenuEntries.Folder).PathFromFileSource + '/' + pathSegment;

                MenuEntries.Folder folderEntry = null;

                foreach (var member in container.Members)
                    if (member is MenuEntries.Folder &&
                        (member as MenuEntries.Folder).PathFromFileSource == pathFromFileSource)
                        folderEntry = (MenuEntries.Folder)member;

                if (folderEntry == null)
                    folderEntry        = new MenuEntries.Folder(pathFromFileSource);
                    folderEntry.Parent = container;

                container = folderEntry;

            fileEntry.Parent = container;
Пример #4
        /* Function: Condense
         *	 Removes unnecessary levels in the menu.  Only call this function after everything has been added.
        public void Condense()
            if (rootFileMenu != null)

                // If there's only one file source we can remove the top level container.
                if (rootFileMenu.Members.Count == 1)
                    MenuEntries.FileSource fileSourceEntry = (MenuEntries.FileSource)rootFileMenu.Members[0];

                    // Overwrite the file source name with the tab title, especially since it might not be defined if there was only one.
                    // We don't need an unnecessary level for a single file source.
                    fileSourceEntry.Title = rootFileMenu.Title;

                    // Get rid of unnecessary levels as there's no point in displaying them.
                    fileSourceEntry.CondensedTitles = null;

                    rootFileMenu = fileSourceEntry;

            if (rootClassMenu != null)

                // If there's only one language we can remove the top level container.
                if (rootClassMenu.Members.Count == 1)
                    MenuEntries.Language languageEntry = (MenuEntries.Language)rootClassMenu.Members[0];

                    // We can overwrite the language name with the tab title.  We're not going to preserve an unnecessary level
                    // for the language.
                    languageEntry.Title = rootClassMenu.Title;

                    // However, we are going to keep CondensedTitles because we want all scope levels to be visible, even if
                    // they're empty.

                    rootClassMenu = languageEntry;

            if (rootDatabaseMenu != null)

                // If the only top level entry is a scope we can merge it
                if (rootDatabaseMenu.Members.Count == 1 && rootDatabaseMenu.Members[0] is MenuEntries.Scope)
                    MenuEntries.Scope scopeEntry = (MenuEntries.Scope)rootDatabaseMenu.Members[0];

                    // Move the scope title into CondensedTitles since we want it to be visible.
                    if (scopeEntry.CondensedTitles == null)
                        scopeEntry.CondensedTitles = new List <string>(1);
                        scopeEntry.CondensedTitles.Insert(0, scopeEntry.Title);

                    // Now overwrite the original title with the tab title.
                    scopeEntry.Title = rootDatabaseMenu.Title;

                    rootDatabaseMenu = scopeEntry;

            isCondensed = true;