Пример #1
        public override void OnEnter()

            var s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            var layer1 = new CCLayerColor(new CCColor4B(255, 255, 0, 80));
            layer1.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width / 3, s.Height / 2));
            layer1.IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition = false;
            AddChild(layer1, 1);

            var layer2 = new CCLayerColor(new CCColor4B(0, 0, 255, 255));
            layer2.Position = (new CCPoint((s.Width / 3) * 2, s.Height / 2));
            layer2.IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition = false;
            AddChild(layer2, 1);

            var actionTint = new CCTintBy (2, -255, -127, 0);
            var actionTintBack = actionTint.Reverse();
            var seq1 = new CCSequence(actionTint, actionTintBack);

            var actionFade = new CCFadeOut(2.0f);
            var actionFadeBack = actionFade.Reverse();
            var seq2 = new CCSequence(actionFade, actionFadeBack);
Пример #2
        void AddNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
            CCSpriteBatchNode BatchNode = (CCSpriteBatchNode)GetChildByTag((int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            int idx = (int)(CCRandom.NextDouble() * 1400 / 100);
            int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
            int y = (idx / 5) * 121;

            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(BatchNode.Texture, new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));
            sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(p.X, p.Y));

            CCFiniteTimeAction action = null;
            float random = (float)CCRandom.NextDouble();

            if (random < 0.20)
                action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
            else if (random < 0.40)
                action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
            else if (random < 0.60)
                action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
            else if (random < 0.8)
                action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
                action = new CCFadeOut  (2);

            CCFiniteTimeAction action_back = (CCFiniteTimeAction)action.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq = (CCFiniteTimeAction)(new CCSequence(action, action_back));

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));
Пример #3
        public LabelTTFA8Test()
			var layer = new CCLayerColor(new CCColor4B(128, 128, 128, 255));
            AddChild(layer, -10);

            // CCLabelBMFont
			label1 = new CCLabelTtf("Testing A8 Format", "MarkerFelt", 38);
            label1.Color = CCColor3B.Red;

			var fadeOut = new CCFadeOut  (2);
			var fadeIn = new CCFadeIn  (2);
			label1.RepeatForever(fadeIn, fadeOut);
Пример #4
        public Atlas4()
            m_time = 0;

            // Upper Label
			label = new CCLabelBMFont("Bitmap Font Atlas", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt");

			label.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;

			var BChar = (CCSprite)label[0];
			var FChar = (CCSprite)label[7];
			var AChar = (CCSprite)label[12];

			var rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
			var rot_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (rotate);

			var scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 1.5f);
			var scale_back = scale.Reverse();
			var scale_seq = new CCSequence(scale, scale_back);
			var scale_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (scale_seq);

            var jump = new CCJumpBy (0.5f, new CCPoint(), 60, 1);
            var jump_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (jump);

			var fade_out = new CCFadeOut  (1);
			var fade_in = new CCFadeIn  (1);
			var seq = new CCSequence(fade_out, fade_in);
			var fade_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (seq);


            // Bottom Label
			label2 = new CCLabelBMFont("00.0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt");
            AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2);

			var lastChar = (CCSprite)label2[3];

            //schedule( schedule_selector(Atlas4::step), 0.1f);
            base.Schedule(step, 0.1f);
        public LabelSystemFontColorAndOpacity()
            m_time = 0;

            Color = new CCColor3B(128, 128, 128);
            Opacity = 255;

            label1 = new CCLabel("Label FadeOut/FadeIn", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", 40, CCLabelFormat.SystemFont)
                    Color = CCColor3B.Orange,
                    // testing anchors
                    AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorLowerLeft

            AddChild(label1, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas1);

			var fade = new CCFadeOut  (1.0f);
			var fade_in = fade.Reverse();
			label1.RepeatForever ( fade, fade_in);

            label2 = new CCLabel("Label TintTo", "fonts/MorrisRoman-Black.ttf", 40, CCLabelFormat.SystemFont)                
                    Color = CCColor3B.Red,
                    // testing anchors
                    AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle

            AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2);

			label2.RepeatForever( new CCTintTo (1, 255, 0, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 255, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 0, 255));

            label3 = new CCLabel("Label\nPlain\nBlue", "Helvetica", 40, CCLabelFormat.SystemFont)
                    Color = CCColor3B.Blue,
                    Opacity = 128,
                    // testing anchors
                    AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorUpperRight
             AddChild(label3, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas3);

Пример #6
        public LabelAtlasColorTest()
            CCLabelAtlas label1 = new CCLabelAtlas("123 Test", "fonts/tuffy_bold_italic-charmap", 48, 64, ' ');
            AddChild(label1, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagSprite1);
            label1.Position = new CCPoint(10, 100);
            label1.Opacity = 200;

            CCLabelAtlas label2 = new CCLabelAtlas("0123456789", "fonts/tuffy_bold_italic-charmap", 48, 64, ' ');
            AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagSprite2);
            label2.Position = new CCPoint(10, 200);
            label2.Color = ccRED;

            CCFiniteTimeAction fade = new CCFadeOut  (1.0f);
            CCFiniteTimeAction fade_in = fade.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq = new CCSequence(fade, fade_in);
            CCAction repeat = new CCRepeatForever ((CCFiniteTimeAction)seq);

            m_time = 0;

            Schedule(step); //:@selector(step:)];
        public LabelFNTColorAndOpacity()
            m_time = 0;

            Color = new CCColor3B(128, 128, 128);
            Opacity = 255;

			label1 = new CCLabel("Label1", "fonts/bitmapFontTest2.fnt");

            // testing anchors
			label1.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorLowerLeft;
            AddChild(label1, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas1);

			var fade = new CCFadeOut  (1.0f);
			var fade_in = fade.Reverse();
			label1.RepeatForever ( fade, fade_in);

            // VERY IMPORTANT
            // color and opacity work OK because bitmapFontAltas2 loads a BMP image (not a PNG image)
            // If you want to use both opacity and color, it is recommended to use NON premultiplied images like BMP images
            // Of course, you can also tell XCode not to compress PNG images, but I think it doesn't work as expected
			label2 = new CCLabel("Label2", "fonts/bitmapFontTest2.fnt");
            // testing anchors
			label2.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
            label2.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
            AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2);

			label2.RepeatForever( new CCTintTo (1, 255, 0, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 255, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 0, 255));

			label3 = new CCLabel("Label3", "fonts/bitmapFontTest2.fnt");
            // testing anchors
			label3.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorUpperRight;
            AddChild(label3, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas3);

Пример #8
        void AddNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
            int idx = (int)(CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * 1400.0f / 100.0f);
            int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
            int y = (idx / 5) * 121;

            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));

            sprite.Position = p;

            CCFiniteTimeAction action;
            float random = CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1();

            if (random < 0.20)
                action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
            else if (random < 0.40)
                action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
            else if (random < 0.60)
                action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
            else if (random < 0.8)
                action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
                action = new CCFadeOut  (2);
            object obj = action.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction action_back = (CCFiniteTimeAction)action.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq = (CCFiniteTimeAction)(new CCSequence(action, action_back));

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));
Пример #9
        public TMXReadWriteTest() : base("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2")
            m_gid = CCTileGidAndFlags.EmptyTile;

            CCTileMapLayer layer = tileMap.LayerNamed("Layer 0");
            layer.Antialiased = true;

            tileMap.Scale = (1);

            CCSprite tile0 = layer.ExtractTile(1, 63);
            CCSprite tile1 = layer.ExtractTile(2, 63);
            CCSprite tile2 = layer.ExtractTile(3, 62); //new CCPoint(1,62));
            CCSprite tile3 = layer.ExtractTile(2, 62);
            tile0.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile1.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile2.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile3.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));

            CCMoveBy move = new CCMoveBy (0.5f, new CCPoint(0, 160));
            CCRotateBy rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
            CCScaleBy scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFadeOut opacity = new CCFadeOut  (2);
            CCFadeIn fadein = new CCFadeIn  (2);
            CCScaleTo scaleback = new CCScaleTo(1, 1);
            CCCallFuncN finish = new CCCallFuncN(removeSprite);
			CCSequence sequence = new CCSequence(move, rotate, scale, opacity, fadein, scaleback, finish);


            m_gid = layer.TileGIDAndFlags(0, 63);

            Schedule(updateCol, 2.0f);
            Schedule(repaintWithGID, 2.0f);
            Schedule(removeTiles, 1.0f);

            m_gid2 = CCTileGidAndFlags.EmptyTile;
Пример #10
        public ActionFade()
            action1 = new CCFadeIn(1.0f);
            action1Back = action1.Reverse();

            action2 = new CCFadeOut(1.0f);
            action2Back = action2.Reverse();
Пример #11
        void OnTouchesEnded(List<CCTouch> touches, CCEvent touchEvent)
            var monstersToDelete = new List<CCNode>();

            var touch = touches[0];
            var touchLocation = Layer.ScreenToWorldspace(touch.LocationOnScreen);

            foreach(var monster in _monstersOnScreen)

                    var m = _monsters[monster.Tag];
                    var splashPool = new CCSprite(m.SplashSprite);

                    if(m.KillMethod == 1)
                        splashPool.Position = monster.Position;

                        var fade = new CCFadeOut(3.0f);
                        var remove = new CCCallFuncN (RemoveSprite);
                        var sequencia = new CCSequence(fade, remove);
                        CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.EffectsVolume = 0.7f;
                    else if(m.KillMethod == 2)
                        CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.EffectsVolume = 1.0f;

                        splashPool.Position = monster.Position;

                        var fade = new CCFadeOut(3.0f);
                        var particleEmitter = new CCCallFuncND(StartExplosion, monster);
                        var sequencia = new CCSequence(particleEmitter, fade);
                        CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.EffectsVolume = 0.7f;

            foreach(var monster in monstersToDelete)
Пример #12
        void AddNewSprite()
            CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            CCPoint p = new CCPoint((float)(CCRandom.NextDouble() * s.Width), (float)(CCRandom.NextDouble() * s.Height));

            int idx = (int)(CCRandom.NextDouble() * 1400 / 100);
            int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
            int y = (idx / 5) * 121;

            CCNode node = GetChildByTag((int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);
            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(texture1, new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));

            sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(p.X, p.Y));

            CCFiniteTimeAction action;
            float random = (float)CCRandom.NextDouble();

            if (random < 0.20)
                action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
            else if (random < 0.40)
                action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
            else if (random < 0.60)
                action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
            else if (random < 0.8)
                action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
                action = new CCFadeOut  (2);

            CCFiniteTimeAction action_back = (CCFiniteTimeAction)action.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq = (CCFiniteTimeAction)(new CCSequence(action, action_back));

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));
Пример #13
        public TMXReadWriteTest()
            m_gid = 0;

            CCTMXTiledMap map = new CCTMXTiledMap("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2");
            AddChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap);

            CCTMXLayer layer = map.LayerNamed("Layer 0");
			layer.IsAntialiased = true;

            map.Scale = (1);

            CCSprite tile0 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(1, 63));
            CCSprite tile1 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(2, 63));
            CCSprite tile2 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(3, 62)); //new CCPoint(1,62));
            CCSprite tile3 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(2, 62));
            tile0.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile1.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile2.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));
            tile3.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f));

            CCMoveBy move = new CCMoveBy (0.5f, new CCPoint(0, 160));
            CCRotateBy rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
            CCScaleBy scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFadeOut opacity = new CCFadeOut  (2);
            CCFadeIn fadein = new CCFadeIn  (2);
            CCScaleTo scaleback = new CCScaleTo(1, 1);
            CCCallFuncN finish = new CCCallFuncN(removeSprite);
			CCSequence sequence = new CCSequence(move, rotate, scale, opacity, fadein, scaleback, finish);


            m_gid = layer.TileGIDAt(new CCPoint(0, 63));
            ////----UXLOG("Tile GID at:(0,63) is: %d", m_gid);

            Schedule(updateCol, 2.0f);
            Schedule(repaintWithGID, 2.0f);
            Schedule(removeTiles, 1.0f);

            ////----UXLOG("++++atlas quantity: %d", layer.textureAtlas().getTotalQuads());
            ////----UXLOG("++++children: %d", layer.getChildren().count() );

            m_gid2 = 0;
        protected override void AddedToScene()

            var visibleRect = VisibleBoundsWorldspace;

            loading.Position = visibleRect.Center;

            LoadLabel((fntFNT) =>
                    label1 = new CCLabel(fntFNT, "Label1", CCSize.Zero, CCLabelFormat.BitMapFont);
                    AddChild(label1, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas1);
                    //// testing anchors
                    label1.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorLowerLeft;
                    label1.Position = visibleRect.LeftBottom();

                    var fade = new CCFadeOut(1.0f);
                    var fade_in = fade.Reverse();
                    label1.RepeatForever(fade, fade_in);

                    // VERY IMPORTANT
                    // color and opacity work OK because bitmapFontAltas2 loads a BMP image (not a PNG image)
                    // If you want to use both opacity and color, it is recommended to use NON premultiplied images like BMP images
                    // Of course, you can also tell XCode not to compress PNG images, but I think it doesn't work as expected
                    label2 = new CCLabel(fntFNT, "Label2", CCSize.Zero, CCLabelFormat.BitMapFont);
                    // testing anchors
                    label2.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
                    label2.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
                    label2.Position = visibleRect.Center();
                    AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2);

                    label2.RepeatForever(new CCTintTo(1, 255, 0, 0), new CCTintTo(1, 0, 255, 0), new CCTintTo(1, 0, 0, 255));

                    label3 = new CCLabel(fntFNT, "Label3", CCSize.Zero, CCLabelFormat.BitMapFont);
                    // testing anchors
                    label3.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorUpperRight;
                    label3.Position = visibleRect.RightTop();
                    AddChild(label3, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas3);

                    loading.Visible = false;
