Пример #1
        public void PopulateAsHollowCone(float radius, float height, LCC3Tessellation angleAndHeightDivs)
            uint numAngularDivs = Math.Max(angleAndHeightDivs.X, 3);
            uint numHeightDivs = Math.Max(angleAndHeightDivs.Y, 1);

            float radiusHeightRatio = radius / height;
            float angularDivSpan = (float)(Math.PI * 2) / numAngularDivs;
            float heightDivSpan = height / numHeightDivs;
            float radialDivSpan = radius / numHeightDivs;
            float texAngularDivSpan = 1.0f / numAngularDivs;
            float texHeightDivSpan = 1.0f / numHeightDivs;

            uint vertexCount = (numAngularDivs + 1) * (numHeightDivs + 1);
            uint triangleCount = 2 * numAngularDivs * numHeightDivs - numAngularDivs;

            this.AllocatedVertexCapacity = vertexCount;
            this.AllocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3);

            uint vIdx = 0;
            uint iIdx = 0;

            for (uint ia = 0; ia <= numAngularDivs; ia++)
                float angle = angularDivSpan * ia;
                float ca = (float)-Math.Cos(angle);
                float sa = (float)-Math.Sin(angle);

                LCC3Vector vtxNormal = new LCC3Vector(sa, radiusHeightRatio, ca).NormalizedVector();

                for (uint ih = 0; ih <= numHeightDivs; ih++, vIdx++)
                    float vtxRadius = radius - (radialDivSpan * ih);
                    float vtxHt = heightDivSpan * ih;
                    LCC3Vector vtxLoc = new LCC3Vector(vtxRadius * sa, vtxHt, vtxRadius * ca);

                    this.SetNormalAtIndex(vtxNormal, vIdx);

                    CCTex2F texCoord = new CCTex2F(texAngularDivSpan * ia, (1.0f - texHeightDivSpan * ih));
                    this.SetVertexTexCoord2FAtIndex(texCoord, vIdx);

                    if (ia < numAngularDivs && ih < numHeightDivs)
                        this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex( vIdx, iIdx++);
                        this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex((vIdx + numHeightDivs + 1),iIdx++);
                        this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex((vIdx + numHeightDivs + 2),iIdx++);

                        if (ih < numHeightDivs - 1)
                            this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex((vIdx + numHeightDivs + 2), iIdx++);
                            this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex((vIdx + 1), iIdx++);
                            this.SetVertexIndexAtIndex(vIdx, iIdx++);
Пример #2
        public void PopulateAsSphere(float radius, LCC3Tessellation divsPerAxis)
            divsPerAxis.X = Math.Max(divsPerAxis.X, 3);
            divsPerAxis.Y = Math.Max(divsPerAxis.Y, 2);

            CCSize divSpan = new CCSize((float)((Math.PI * 2) / divsPerAxis.X), (float)(Math.PI / divsPerAxis.Y));
            CCSize divTexSpan = new CCSize((float)(1.0 / divsPerAxis.X), (float)(1.0 / divsPerAxis.Y));
            float halfDivTexSpanWidth = divTexSpan.Width * 0.5f;

            LCC3Tessellation verticesPerAxis = new LCC3Tessellation(0,0);
            verticesPerAxis.X = divsPerAxis.X + 1;
            verticesPerAxis.Y = divsPerAxis.Y + 1;
            uint vertexCount = verticesPerAxis.X * verticesPerAxis.Y;
            uint triangleCount = divsPerAxis.X * (divsPerAxis.Y - 1) * 2;

            this.AllocatedVertexCapacity = vertexCount;
            this.AllocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3);
            LCC3VertexIndices indices = this.VertexIndices;

            uint vIndx = 0;
            uint iIndx = 0;

            for (uint iy = 0; iy < verticesPerAxis.Y; iy++)
                float y = divSpan.Height * iy;
                float sy = (float)Math.Sin(y);
                float cy = (float)Math.Cos(y);

                for (uint ix = 0; ix < verticesPerAxis.X; ix++)
                    float x = divSpan.Width * ix;
                    float sx = (float)Math.Sin(x);
                    float cx = (float)Math.Cos(x);

                    LCC3Vector unitRadial = new LCC3Vector(-(sy * sx), cy, -(sy * cx));
                    this.SetVertexLocationAtIndex(unitRadial * radius, vIndx);

                    this.SetNormalAtIndex(unitRadial.NormalizedVector(), vIndx);

                    float uOffset = 0.0f;
                    if (iy == 0)
                        uOffset = halfDivTexSpanWidth;

                    if (iy == (verticesPerAxis.Y - 1))
                        uOffset = -halfDivTexSpanWidth;

                    float u = divTexSpan.Width * ix + uOffset;
                    float v = divTexSpan.Height * iy;
                    this.SetVertexTexCoord2FAtIndex(new CCTex2F(u, v), vIndx);

                    if (iy > 0 && ix > 0)
                        if (iy > 1)
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx, iIndx++);
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx - verticesPerAxis.X, iIndx++);
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx - verticesPerAxis.Y - 1, iIndx++);

                        if (iy < (verticesPerAxis.Y - 1))
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx - verticesPerAxis.X - 1, iIndx++);
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx - 1, iIndx++);
                            indices.SetIndex(vIndx, iIndx++);

Пример #3
        public void PopulateAsRectangle(CCSize rectSize, CCPoint origin, LCC3Tessellation divsPerAxis)
            divsPerAxis.X = Math.Max(divsPerAxis.X, 1);
            divsPerAxis.Y = Math.Max(divsPerAxis.Y, 1);

            CCPoint rectExtent = new CCPoint(rectSize.Width, rectSize.Height);
            origin = new CCPoint(rectExtent.X * origin.X, rectExtent.Y * origin.Y);
            CCPoint botLeft = CCPoint.Zero - origin;
            CCPoint topRight = rectExtent - origin;

            CCSize divSize = new CCSize((topRight.X - botLeft.X) / divsPerAxis.X,
                                        (topRight.Y - botLeft.Y) / divsPerAxis.Y);
            CCSize divTexSpan = new CCSize((1.0f / divsPerAxis.X), (1.0f / divsPerAxis.Y));

            LCC3Tessellation verticesPerAxis = new LCC3Tessellation(0,0);
            verticesPerAxis.X = divsPerAxis.X + 1;
            verticesPerAxis.Y = divsPerAxis.Y + 1;
            uint vertexCount = verticesPerAxis.X * verticesPerAxis.Y;
            uint triangleCount = divsPerAxis.X * divsPerAxis.Y * 2;

            this.AllocatedVertexCapacity = vertexCount;
            this.AllocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3);

            for (uint iy = 0; iy < verticesPerAxis.Y; iy++)
                for (uint ix = 0; ix < verticesPerAxis.X; ix++)
                    uint vIndx = iy * verticesPerAxis.X + ix;

                    float vx = botLeft.X + (divSize.Width * ix);
                    float vy = botLeft.Y + (divSize.Height * iy);
                    this.SetVertexLocationAtIndex(new LCC3Vector(vx, vy, 0.0f), vIndx);

                    this.SetNormalAtIndex(LCC3Vector.CC3UnitZPositive, vIndx);

                    float u = divTexSpan.Width * ix;
                    float v = divTexSpan.Height * iy;
                    this.SetVertexTexCoord2FAtIndex(new CCTex2F(u, (1.0f - v)), vIndx);

            LCC3VertexIndices indices = this.VertexIndices;
            uint iIndx = 0;
            for (uint iy = 0; iy < divsPerAxis.Y; iy++)
                for (uint ix = 0; ix < divsPerAxis.X; ix++)
                    uint botLeftOfFace;

                    // First triangle of face wound counter-clockwise
                    botLeftOfFace = iy * verticesPerAxis.X + ix;
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace, iIndx++);
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace + 1, iIndx++);
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace + verticesPerAxis.X + 1, iIndx++);

                    // Second triangle of face wound counter-clockwise
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace + verticesPerAxis.X + 1, iIndx++);
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace + verticesPerAxis.X, iIndx++);
                    indices.SetIndex(botLeftOfFace, iIndx++);