Пример #1
        public RSAParameters ParseRSAPrivateKey()
            RSAParameters parameters = new RSAParameters();

            // Current value
            byte[] value = null;

            // Checkpoint
            int position = _parser.CurrentPosition();

            // Sanity Check
            int length = 0;

            // Ignore Sequence - PrivateKeyInfo
            length = _parser.NextSequence();
            if (length != _parser.RemainingBytes())
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect Sequence Size. ");
                sb.AppendFormat("Specified: {0}, Remaining: {1}",
                                length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _parser.RemainingBytes().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();
            // Version
            value = _parser.NextInteger();
            if (0x00 != value[0])
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect PrivateKeyInfo Version. ");
                BigInteger    v  = new BigInteger(value);
                sb.AppendFormat("Expected: 0, Specified: {0}", v.ToString(10));
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();

            // Ignore Sequence - AlgorithmIdentifier
            length = _parser.NextSequence();
            if (length > _parser.RemainingBytes())
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect AlgorithmIdentifier Size. ");
                sb.AppendFormat("Specified: {0}, Remaining: {1}",
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();

            // Grab the OID
            value = _parser.NextOID();
            byte[] oid = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 };
            if (!EqualOid(value, oid))
                throw new BerDecodeException("Expected OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", position);

            // Optional Parameters
            if (_parser.IsNextNull())
                // Also OK: value = parser.Next();
                // Gracefully skip the optional data
                value = _parser.Next();

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();

            // Ignore OctetString - PrivateKey
            length = _parser.NextOctetString();
            if (length > _parser.RemainingBytes())
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect PrivateKey Size. ");
                sb.AppendFormat("Specified: {0}, Remaining: {1}",
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();

            // Ignore Sequence - RSAPrivateKey
            length = _parser.NextSequence();
            if (length < _parser.RemainingBytes())
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect RSAPrivateKey Size. ");
                sb.AppendFormat("Specified: {0}, Remaining: {1}",
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            // Checkpoint
            position = _parser.CurrentPosition();
            // Version
            value = _parser.NextInteger();
            if (0x00 != value[0])
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect RSAPrivateKey Version. ");
                BigInteger    v  = new BigInteger(value);
                sb.AppendFormat("Expected: 0, Specified: {0}", v.ToString(10));
                throw new BerDecodeException(sb.ToString(), position);

            parameters.Modulus  = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.Exponent = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.D        = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.P        = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.Q        = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.DP       = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.DQ       = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());
            parameters.InverseQ = TrimLeadingZero(_parser.NextInteger());

            Debug.Assert(0 == _parser.RemainingBytes());
