private void detach_ManagedGivings(ManagedGiving entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Person = null; }
public ActionResult ManageGiving(ManageGivingModel m) { SetHeaders(m.orgid); RemoveNonDigitsIfNecessary(m); m.ValidateModel(ModelState); if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(m); try { var gateway = OnlineRegModel.GetTransactionGateway(); if (gateway == "authorizenet") { var au = new AuthorizeNet(DbUtil.Db, m.testing); au.AddUpdateCustomerProfile(, m.Type, m.Cardnumber, m.Expires, m.Cardcode, m.Routing, m.Account); } else if (gateway == "sage") { var sg = new SagePayments(DbUtil.Db, m.testing); sg.storeVault(, m.Type, m.Cardnumber, m.Expires, m.Cardcode, m.Routing, m.Account, giving: true); } else throw new Exception("ServiceU not supported"); var mg = m.person.ManagedGiving(); if (mg == null) { mg = new ManagedGiving(); m.person.ManagedGivings.Add(mg); } mg.SemiEvery = m.SemiEvery; mg.Day1 = m.Day1; mg.Day2 = m.Day2; mg.EveryN = m.EveryN; mg.Period = m.Period; mg.StartWhen = m.StartWhen; mg.StopWhen = m.StopWhen; mg.NextDate = mg.FindNextDate(DateTime.Today); var pi = m.person.PaymentInfo(); pi.FirstName = m.firstname.Truncate(50); pi.MiddleInitial = m.middleinitial.Truncate(10); pi.LastName = m.lastname.Truncate(50); pi.Suffix = m.suffix.Truncate(10); pi.Address = m.address.Truncate(50); pi.City =; pi.State = m.state.Truncate(10); pi.Zip =; pi.Phone =; var q = from ra in DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts where ra.PeopleId == select ra; DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(q); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); foreach (var c in m.FundItemsChosen()) { var ra = new RecurringAmount { PeopleId =, FundId = c.fundid, Amt = c.amt }; DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts.InsertOnSubmit(ra); } DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("form", ex.Message); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(m); TempData["managegiving"] = m; return Redirect("ConfirmRecurringGiving"); }
public void Update() { // first check for total amount greater than zero. // if so we skip everything except updating the amounts. var chosenFunds = FundItemsChosen().ToList(); if (chosenFunds.Sum(f => f.amt) > 0) { var pi = person.PaymentInfo(); if (pi == null) { pi = new PaymentInfo(); person.PaymentInfos.Add(pi); } pi.SetBillingAddress(FirstName, Middle, LastName, Suffix, Address, Address2, City, State, Country, Zip, Phone); // first need to do a $1 auth if it's a credit card and throw any errors we get back // from the gateway. var vaultSaved = false; var gateway = DbUtil.Db.Gateway(testing); if (Type == PaymentType.CreditCard) { // perform $1 auth. // need to randomize the $1 amount because some gateways will reject same auth amount // subsequent times per user. var random = new Random(); var dollarAmt = (decimal)random.Next(100, 199) / 100; TransactionResponse transactionResponse; if (CreditCard.StartsWith("X")) { // store payment method in the gateway vault first before doing the auth. gateway.StoreInVault(pid, Type, CreditCard, Expires, CVV, Routing, Account, giving: true); vaultSaved = true; transactionResponse = gateway.AuthCreditCardVault(pid, dollarAmt, "Recurring Giving Auth", 0); } else transactionResponse = gateway.AuthCreditCard(pid, dollarAmt, CreditCard, Expires, "Recurring Giving Auth", 0, CVV, string.Empty, FirstName, LastName, Address, Address2, City, State, Country, Zip, Phone); if (!transactionResponse.Approved) throw new Exception(transactionResponse.Message); // if we got this far that means the auth worked so now let's do a void for that auth. var voidResponse = gateway.VoidCreditCardTransaction(transactionResponse.TransactionId); } // store payment method in the gateway vault if not already saved. if (!vaultSaved) gateway.StoreInVault(pid, Type, CreditCard, Expires, CVV, Routing, Account, giving: true); // save all the managed giving data. var mg = person.ManagedGiving(); if (mg == null) { mg = new ManagedGiving(); person.ManagedGivings.Add(mg); } mg.SemiEvery = SemiEvery; mg.Day1 = Day1; mg.Day2 = Day2; mg.EveryN = EveryN; mg.Period = Period; mg.StartWhen = StartWhen; mg.StopWhen = StopWhen; mg.NextDate = mg.FindNextDate(DateTime.Today); } DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(person.RecurringAmounts); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); person.RecurringAmounts.AddRange(chosenFunds.Select(c => new RecurringAmount { FundId = c.fundid, Amt = c.amt })); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); }
private void PopulateSetup(ManagedGiving rg) { RepeatPattern = rg.SemiEvery != "S" ? rg.Period : rg.SemiEvery; SemiEvery = rg.SemiEvery; StartWhen = rg.StartWhen; StopWhen = null; //rg.StopWhen; Day1 = rg.Day1; Day2 = rg.Day2; EveryN = rg.EveryN; Period = rg.Period; foreach (var ra in person.RecurringAmounts.AsEnumerable()) FundItem.Add(ra.FundId, ra.Amt); NextDate = rg.NextDate; }
public void Update() { var gateway = OnlineRegModel.GetTransactionGateway(); if (gateway == "authorizenet") { var au = new AuthorizeNet(DbUtil.Db, testing); au.AddUpdateCustomerProfile(pid, Type, Cardnumber, Expires, Cardcode, Routing, Account); } else if (gateway == "sage") { var sg = new SagePayments(DbUtil.Db, testing); sg.storeVault(pid, Type, Cardnumber, Expires, Cardcode, Routing, Account, giving: true); } else throw new Exception("ServiceU not supported"); var mg = person.ManagedGiving(); if (mg == null) { mg = new ManagedGiving(); person.ManagedGivings.Add(mg); } mg.SemiEvery = SemiEvery; mg.Day1 = Day1; mg.Day2 = Day2; mg.EveryN = EveryN; mg.Period = Period; mg.StartWhen = StartWhen; mg.StopWhen = StopWhen; mg.NextDate = mg.FindNextDate(DateTime.Today); var pi = person.PaymentInfo(); pi.FirstName = FirstName.Truncate(50); pi.MiddleInitial = Middle.Truncate(10); pi.LastName = LastName.Truncate(50); pi.Suffix = Suffix.Truncate(10); pi.Address = Address.Truncate(50); pi.City = City.Truncate(50); pi.State = State.Truncate(10); pi.Zip = Zip.Truncate(15); pi.Phone = Phone.Truncate(25); var q = from ra in DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts where ra.PeopleId == pid select ra; DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(q); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); foreach (var c in FundItemsChosen()) { var ra = new RecurringAmount { PeopleId = pid, FundId = c.fundid, Amt = c.amt }; DbUtil.Db.RecurringAmounts.InsertOnSubmit(ra); } DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); }