public ActionResult RedirectEdit(Content cContent) { switch (cContent.TypeID) // 0 = HTML, 1 = Text, 2 = eMail Template { case ContentTypeCode.TypeHtml: cContent.RemoveGrammarly(); return(View("EditHTML", cContent)); case ContentTypeCode.TypeText: return(View("EditText", cContent)); case ContentTypeCode.TypeSqlScript: return(View("EditSqlScript", cContent)); case ContentTypeCode.TypePythonScript: ViewBag.SimpleTextarea = CurrentDatabase.UserPreference("SimpleTextarea", "false"); return(View("EditPythonScript", cContent)); case ContentTypeCode.TypeEmailTemplate: cContent.RemoveGrammarly(); return(View("EditTemplate", cContent)); case ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft: cContent.RemoveGrammarly(); return(View("EditDraft", cContent)); } return(View("Index")); }
private string GetIndexTabUrl(Content content) { var url = Url.Action("Index"); switch (content.TypeID) { case ContentTypeCode.TypeHtml: url += "#tab_htmlContent"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeText: url += "#tab_textContent"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeSqlScript: url += "#tab_sqlScripts"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypePythonScript: url += "#tab_pythonScripts"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeEmailTemplate: url += "#tab_emailTemplates"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft: url += "#tab_savedDrafts"; break; } return(url); }
public ConfirmEnum ConfirmManageSubscriptions() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, GetEntryPoint()); if (p.CreatingAccount) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeConfirmation"); if (c == null) { c = new Content(); c.Name = "OneTimeConfirmation"; c.Title = "Manage Your Subscriptions"; c.Body = @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your subscriptions. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p> "; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(c); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } var Staff = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(masterorgid.Value); p.SendOneTimeLink( Staff.First().FromEmail, DbUtil.Db.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManageSubscriptions/"), c.Title, c.Body); Log("SendOneTimeLinkManageSub"); return ConfirmEnum.ConfirmAccount; }
public ActionResult ContentCreate(int newType, string newName, int? newRole) { var content = new Content(); content.Name = newName; content.TypeID = newType; content.RoleID = newRole ?? 0; content.Title = content.Body = ""; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); return RedirectEdit(content); }
public ActionResult ContentCreate(int newType, string newName, int?newRole) { var content = new Content(); content.Name = newName; content.TypeID = newType; content.RoleID = newRole ?? 0; content.Title = newName; content.Body = ""; content.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); return(RedirectEdit(content)); }
public void ConfirmManageSubscriptions() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, GetEntryPoint()); if (p.CreatingAccount == true) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeConfirmation"); if (c == null) c = new Content(); var message = Util.PickFirst(c.Body, @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your subscriptions. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p> "); var Staff = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(masterorgid.Value); p.SendOneTimeLink( Staff.First().FromEmail, DbUtil.Db.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManageSubscriptions/"), "Manage Your Subscriptions", message); }
public void ConfirmManagePledge() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, ?? 0); if (p.CreatingAccount == true) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeConfirmationPledge"); if (c == null) { c = new Content(); c.Title = "Manage your pledge"; c.Body = @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your pledge. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p> "; } p.SendOneTimeLink( DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(orgid.Value).First().FromEmail, Util.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManagePledge/"), c.Title, c.Body); }
public ActionResult ContentCreate(int newType, string newName, int?newRole) { var content = new Content(); content.Name = newName; content.TypeID = newType; content.RoleID = newRole ?? 0; content.Title = newName; content.Body = ""; content.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; var ContentKeywordFilter = Session["ContentKeywordFilter"] as string; if (ContentKeywordFilter.HasValue()) { content.SetKeyWords(CurrentDatabase, new[] { ContentKeywordFilter }); } CurrentDatabase.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); CurrentDatabase.SubmitChanges(); ViewBag.ContentKeywords = ContentKeywordFilter ?? ""; return(RedirectEdit(content)); }
private string GetIndexTabUrl(Content content) { var url = Url.Action("Index"); switch (content.TypeID) { case ContentTypeCode.TypeHtml: url += "#tab_htmlContent"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeText: url += "#tab_textContent"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeSqlScript: url += "#tab_sqlScripts"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypePythonScript: url += "#tab_pythonScripts"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeEmailTemplate: url += "#tab_emailTemplates"; break; case ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft: url += "#tab_savedDrafts"; break; } return url; }
public ActionResult RedirectEdit(Content cContent) { switch (cContent.TypeID) // 0 = HTML, 1 = Text, 2 = eMail Template { case ContentTypeCode.TypeHtml: return View("EditHTML", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeText: return View("EditText", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeSqlScript: return View("EditSqlScript", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypePythonScript: ViewBag.SimpleTextarea = DbUtil.Db.UserPreference("SimpleTextarea", "false"); return View("EditPythonScript", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeEmailTemplate: return View("EditTemplate", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft: return View("EditDraft", cContent); } return View("Index"); }
public ActionResult RedirectEdit(Content cContent) { switch (cContent.TypeID) // 0 = HTML, 1 = Text, 2 = eMail Template { case ContentTypeCode.TypeHtml: return View("EditHTML", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeText: return View("EditText", cContent); case ContentTypeCode.TypeEmailTemplate: case ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft: return View("EditTemplate", cContent); } return View("Index"); }
public ActionResult SaveDraft(int tagId, bool wantParents, int saveid, string name, string subject, string body, int roleid) { Content content; if (saveid > 0) { content = DbUtil.ContentFromID(saveid); } else { content = new Content { Name = name.HasValue() ? name : "new draft " + DateTime.Now.FormatDateTm(), TypeID = ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft, RoleID = roleid }; content.OwnerID = Util.UserId; } content.Title = subject; content.Body = body; content.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; if (saveid == 0) DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); var m = new MassEmailer { TagId = tagId, wantParents = wantParents, CmsHost = DbUtil.Db.CmsHost, Host = Util.Host, Subject = subject, }; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Template ID: " + content.Id); ViewBag.parents = wantParents; ViewBag.templateID = content.Id; return View("Compose", m); }
private ConfirmEnum ConfirmPickSlots() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, GetEntryPoint()); if (p.CreatingAccount) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeConfirmationVolunteer"); if (c == null) { c = new Content(); c.Name = "OneTimeConfirmationVolunteer"; c.Title = "Manage Your Volunteer Commitments"; c.Body = @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your volunteer commitments. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p>"; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(c); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } List<Person> Staff = null; Staff = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(Orgid.Value); p.SendOneTimeLink( Staff.First().FromEmail, DbUtil.Db.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManageVolunteer/"), c.Title, c.Body); Log("SendOneTimeLinkManageVol"); URL = null; return ConfirmEnum.ConfirmAccount; }
internal ConfirmEnum SendLinkToManageGiving() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, ?? 0); if (p.CreatingAccount) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeManageGiving"); if (c == null) { c = new Content(); c.Name = "OneTimeManageGiving"; c.Title = "Manage your recurring giving"; c.Body = @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your recurring giving. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p> "; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(c); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } p.SendOneTimeLink( DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(Orgid.Value).First().FromEmail, DbUtil.Db.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManageGiving/"), c.Title, c.Body); Log("SendOneTimeLinkManageGiving"); return ConfirmEnum.ConfirmAccount; }
public void ConfirmPickSlots() { var p = List[0]; if (p.IsNew) p.AddPerson(null, GetEntryPoint()); if (p.CreatingAccount == true) p.CreateAccount(); var c = DbUtil.Content("OneTimeConfirmationVolunteer"); if (c == null) c = new Content(); var message = Util.PickFirst(c.Body, @"Hi {name}, <p>Here is your <a href=""{url}"">link</a> to manage your volunteer commitments. (note: it will only work once for security reasons)</p> "); List<Person> Staff = null; Staff = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(orgid.Value); p.SendOneTimeLink( Staff.First().FromEmail, Util.ServerLink("/OnlineReg/ManageVolunteer/"), "Manage Your Volunteer Commitments", message); }
public void SendMovedNotices() { var Db = DbUtil.Db; var q = from om in Db.OrganizationMembers where om.Organization.DivOrgs.Any(di => di.DivId == DivId) where om.Moved == true || EmailAllNotices select new { om, om.Person, om.Person.FromEmail, om.Person.EmailAddress, om.RegisterEmail, om.Person.Name, om.PeopleId, om.Organization.OrganizationName, om.Organization.Location, om.Organization.LeaderName, om.Organization.PhoneNumber }; var content = DbUtil.Db.ContentOfTypeHtml("OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices"); if (content == null) { content = new Content() { Name = "OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices", Body = Resource1.OrgMembersModel_SendMovedNotices, Title = "Room Assignment for {name} in {org}" }; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } if (content.Title == "SendMovedNotices") // replace old Title with new, improved version content.Title = "Room Assignment for {name} in {org}"; // this will be the subject var sb = new StringBuilder("Org Assignment Notices sent to:\r\n<pre>\r\n"); foreach (var i in q) { var msg = content.Body.Replace("{name}", i.Name) .Replace("{org}", i.OrganizationName) .Replace("{room}", i.Location) .Replace("{leader}", i.LeaderName) .Replace("{phone}", DbUtil.Db.Setting("ChurchPhone", "ChurchPhone")) .Replace("{church}", DbUtil.Db.Setting("NameOfChurch", "NameOfChurch")); var subj = content.Title // the title of the content is the subject .Replace("{name}", i.Name) .Replace("{org}", i.OrganizationName) .Replace("{room}", i.Location); if ( == true || EmailAllNotices) { if (i.RegisterEmail.HasValue()) { Db.Email(Db.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail,, Util.ToMailAddressList(i.RegisterEmail), subj, msg, false); sb.Append($"\"{i.Name}\" [{i.FromEmail}]R ({i.PeopleId}): {i.Location}\r\n"); = false; } var flist = (from fm in where (fm.EmailAddress ?? "") != "" where fm.EmailAddress != i.RegisterEmail where fm.PositionInFamilyId == PositionInFamily.PrimaryAdult select fm).ToList(); Db.Email(Db.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, flist, subj, msg); foreach (var m in flist) { sb.Append($"{m}P ({i.PeopleId}): {i.Location}\r\n"); = false; } } } sb.Append("</pre>\n"); var q0 = from o in Db.Organizations where o.DivOrgs.Any(di => di.DivId == DivId) where o.NotifyIds.Length > 0 where o.RegistrationTypeId > 0 select o; var onlineorg = q0.FirstOrDefault(); if (onlineorg == null) Db.Email(Db.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, Db.CurrentUserPerson, "Org Assignment notices sent to:", sb.ToString()); else Db.Email(Db.CurrentUser.Person.FromEmail, Db.PeopleFromPidString(onlineorg.NotifyIds), "Org Assignment notices sent to:", sb.ToString()); Db.SubmitChanges(); }
private static int SaveDraft(int? draftId, string name, int roleId, string draftSubject, string draftBody) { Content content = null; if (draftId.HasValue && draftId > 0) content = DbUtil.ContentFromID(draftId.Value); if (content != null) DbUtil.Db.ArchiveContent(draftId); else { content = new Content { Name = name.HasValue() ? name : "new draft " + DateTime.Now.FormatDateTm(), TypeID = ContentTypeCode.TypeSavedDraft, RoleID = roleId, OwnerID = Util.UserId }; } content.Title = draftSubject; content.Body = GetBody(draftBody); content.Archived = null; content.ArchivedFromId = null; content.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; if (!draftId.HasValue || draftId == 0) DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(content); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); return content.Id; }
public ActionResult SendLink(string id, FormCollection formCollection) { var li = new LinkInfo(sendlinkSTR, landingSTR, id); if (li.error.HasValue()) return Message(li.error); try { if (! throw new Exception("missing peopleid"); if (!li.oid.HasValue) throw new Exception("missing orgid"); var queueid = li.a[2].ToInt(); var linktype = li.a[3]; // for supportlink, this will also have the goerid var q = (from pp in DbUtil.Db.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = DbUtil.Db.LoadOrganizationById(li.oid) select new {p = pp, org}).Single(); if ( == null && DbUtil.Db.Host == "trialdb") { var oid = li.oid + Util.TrialDbOffset; q = (from pp in DbUtil.Db.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = DbUtil.Db.LoadOrganizationById(oid) select new {p = pp, org}).Single(); } if ( == true || == OrgStatusCode.Inactive) throw new Exception("sorry, registration has been closed"); if ( == RegistrationTypeCode.None) throw new Exception("sorry, registration is no longer available"); DbUtil.LogActivity($"{sendlinkSTR}{confirmSTR}", li.oid,; var expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(DbUtil.Db.Setting("SendlinkExpireMintues", "30").ToInt()); var c = DbUtil.Content("SendLinkMessage"); if (c == null) { c = new Content { Name = "SendLinkMessage", Title = "Your Link for {org}", Body = @" <p>Here is your temporary <a href='{url}'>LINK</a> to register for {org}.</p> <p>This link will expire at {time} (30 minutes). You may request another link by clicking the link in the original email you received.</p> <p>Note: If you did not request this link, please ignore this email, or contact the church if you need help.</p> " }; DbUtil.Db.Contents.InsertOnSubmit(c); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } var url = EmailReplacements.RegisterLinkUrl(DbUtil.Db, li.oid.Value,, queueid, linktype, expires); var subject = c.Title.Replace("{org}",; var msg = c.Body.Replace("{org}", .Replace("{time}", expires.ToString("f")) .Replace("{url}", url) .Replace("%7Burl%7D", url); var NotifyIds = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(; DbUtil.Db.Email(NotifyIds[0].FromEmail, q.p, subject, msg); // send confirmation return Message($"Thank you, {q.p.PreferredName}, we just sent an email to {Util.ObscureEmail(q.p.EmailAddress)} with your link..."); } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.LogActivity($"{sendlinkSTR}{confirmSTR}Error: {ex.Message}", li.oid,; return Message(ex.Message); } }