Пример #1
        public void Push(ref Context context, string src, string dest)
            bool srcEndsWithSeparator = OSPath.IsPathSeparator(src.Last());

            // src is a local file system path, thus, use the Path and the OSPath classes
            src = Path.GetFullPath(OSPath.Clean(src));

            FileAttributes fa = File.GetAttributes(src);
            Queue <Tuple <string, string> > queue = new Queue <Tuple <string, string> >();

            if ((fa & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                // src is a folder, let's define the desired behaviour, following
                // the design of rsync:
                // cync push c:/home/user/documents/ /user/documents
                //    Content of c:/home/user/documents goes into /user
                // cync push c:/home/user/documents /user/documents
                //    Content of c:/home/user/documents goes into c:/home/user/documents
                // Notice the difference caused by the presence/lack of the final
                // directory separator (slash in the above example) in the source
                // (documents/ vs just documents).

                // We need to figure out whether the destionation exists, and if so, what
                // is the destionation's type [file vs folder].

                dest = LexicalPath.Clean(dest);

                var item = context.Storage.GetItemInfo(dest);

                if (item != null)
                    // The destination exists
                    if (!item.IsDir)
                        throw new PathException("The directory '" + src + "' cannot be copied - a file with the same name exists.");

                    string fullDestPath = srcEndsWithSeparator ? dest : LexicalPath.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName(src));
                    queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, fullDestPath));
                    _logger.Debug($"Queueing directory '{src}' [target: '{fullDestPath}']");
                    string fullDestPath = srcEndsWithSeparator ? dest : LexicalPath.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName(src));
                    queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, fullDestPath));
                    _logger.Debug($"Queueing directory '{src}' [target: '{fullDestPath}']");

                // Process the queue
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    var tt = queue.Dequeue();

                    // Process all directory entries. Files are added to the repo directly,
                    // sub directories are queued for further processing.
                    var entries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(tt.Item1);

                    // Create the path if it doesn't exist
                    if (tt.Item2.Length > 0 && tt.Item2 != "/")

                    foreach (var ee in entries)
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ee);
                        if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                            // Enque the directory for later processing
                            var destFullPath = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item2, Path.GetFileName(ee));
                            queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(ee, destFullPath));
                            _logger.Debug($"Queueing directory {ee} [target: '{destFullPath}']");
                            // A file - check size and timestamp
                            var fullDestPath = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item2, Path.GetFileName(ee));
                            var destItem     = context.Storage.GetItemInfo(fullDestPath);
                            var upload       = destItem == null || destItem.Size == null || fi.Length != destItem.Size || destItem.LastWriteTime == null || DateTime.Compare(destItem.LastWriteTime.Value, fi.LastWriteTime) < 0;
                            if (upload)
                                _logger.Debug($"Adding '{ee}' as '{fullDestPath}'");
                                context.Storage.Upload(ee, fullDestPath, finalizeLocal: false);
                                _logger.Debug($"Added '{ee}' as '{fullDestPath}'");
                                _logger.Debug($"Skipped '{ee}'. The repository file '{fullDestPath}' is newer or the same.");
Пример #2
        public void Push(ref Context context, string src, string dest)
            bool srcEndsWithSeparator = OSPath.IsPathSeparator(src.Last());

            // src is a local file system path, thus, use the Path and the OSPath classes
            src = Path.GetFullPath(OSPath.Clean(src));

            FileAttributes fa = File.GetAttributes(src);
            Queue <Tuple <string, string> > queue = new Queue <Tuple <string, string> >();

            if ((fa & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                // src is a folder, let's define the desired behaviour, following
                // the design of rsync:
                // cync push c:/home/user/documents/ /user/documents
                //    Content of c:/home/user/documents goes into /user/documents
                // cync push c:/home/user/documents /user/documents
                //    Content of c:/home/user/documents goes into /user/documents/documents
                // Notice the difference caused by the presence/lack of the final
                // directory separator (slash in the above example) in the source
                // (documents/ vs just documents).

                if (srcEndsWithSeparator)
                    string fullDestPath = dest;
                    queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, fullDestPath));
                    context.InfoWriteLine($"Queueing directory '{src}' [target: '{fullDestPath}']");
                    string fullDestPath = LexicalPath.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName(src));
                    queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, fullDestPath));
                    context.InfoWriteLine($"Queueing directory '{src}' [target: '{fullDestPath}']");

                // Compute total size
                var sizeQueue = new Queue <string>(queue.Select(t => t.Item1).ToList());
                var totalSize = 0L;
                while (sizeQueue.Count > 0)
                    var path = sizeQueue.Dequeue();
                    foreach (var ee in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path))
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ee);
                        if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                            totalSize += fi.Length;

                var progress       = new ProgressBar(totalSize, flush: true);
                var processedBytes = 0L;

                // Process the queue
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    var tt = queue.Dequeue();

                    // Process all directory entries. Files are added to the repo directly,
                    // sub directories are queued for further processing.
                    var entries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(tt.Item1);

                    // Create the path if it doesn't exist
                    Dir curDestDir = Dir.Open(ref context, LexicalPath.GetDirectoryName(tt.Item2), true);
                    if (tt.Item2.Length > 0 && tt.Item2 != "/")
                        string destPath = LexicalPath.GetFileName(tt.Item2);
                        if (!curDestDir.HasEntry(destPath))
                            curDestDir.AddDir(destPath, tt.Item1);

                    foreach (var ee in entries)
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ee);
                        if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                            // Enque the directory for later processing
                            var destFullPath = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item2, Path.GetFileName(ee));
                            queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(ee, destFullPath));
                            context.InfoWriteLine($"Queueing directory '{ee}' [target: '{destFullPath}']");
                            if (!context.Verbose)
                                progress.Text = $"Processing '{ee}'";

                            // A file - copy it
                            var added = curDestDir.PushFile(ee, Path.GetFileName(ee), false);
                            if (added)
                                context.InfoWriteLine($"Added '{ee}' as '{LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item2, Path.GetFileName(ee))}'");
                                context.InfoWriteLine($"Skipped '{ee}'. The repository file '{LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item2, Path.GetFileName(ee))}' is newer or the same.");

                            processedBytes += fi.Length;

                if (!context.Verbose)
                    progress.Text = "";
Пример #3
        public void Pull(ref Context context, string src, string dest)
            bool srcEndsWithSeparator = OSPath.IsPathSeparator(src.Last());

            // src is a repository path. We use unix style for it.
            src = LexicalPath.Clean(src);

            // dest is local file system path
            dest = Path.GetFullPath(dest);

            Queue <Tuple <string, string> > queue = new Queue <Tuple <string, string> >();

            if (src == "/")
                queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, dest));
            else if (context.Storage.GetItemInfo(src).IsDir)
                // src is a folder, let's define the desired behaviour, following
                // the design of rsync:
                // cync pull /user/documents/ c:/home/user
                //    Content of /user/documents goes into c:/home/user
                // cync pull /user/documents c:/home/user
                //    Content of /user/documents goes into c:/home/user/documents
                // Notice the difference caused by the presence/lack of the final slash
                // in the source (documents/ vs just documents).
                var fileName = LexicalPath.GetFileName(src);
                var destPath = dest;
                if (fileName.Length > 0 && !srcEndsWithSeparator)
                    destPath = Path.Combine(destPath, ValidLocalPath(fileName));

                queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, destPath));
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only directories are supported currently.");

            // Process the queue
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                var tt    = queue.Dequeue();
                var items = context.Storage.ListDirectory(tt.Item1);

                foreach (var item in items)
                    if (item.IsDir)
                        var destDirPath = Path.Combine(tt.Item2, ValidLocalPath(item.Name));
                        var srcDirPath  = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item1, item.Name);
                        queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(srcDirPath, destDirPath));
                        _logger.Debug($"Queueing directory '{srcDirPath}' [target: '{destDirPath}']");
                        var srcFullPath  = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item1, item.Name);
                        var destFullPath = Path.Combine(tt.Item2, ValidLocalPath(item.Name));
                        var fileInfo     = new FileInfo(destFullPath);
                        var download     = !fileInfo.Exists || fileInfo.Length != item.Size || item.LastWriteTime == null || DateTime.Compare(fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc, item.LastWriteTime.Value) < 0;
                        if (download)
                            _logger.Debug($"Copying '{srcFullPath}' to '{destFullPath}'");
                            context.Storage.Download(srcFullPath, destFullPath);
                            File.SetLastWriteTime(destFullPath, item.LastWriteTime.Value);
                            _logger.Debug($"Copied '{srcFullPath}' to '{destFullPath}'");
                            _logger.Debug($"Skipped '{srcFullPath}'. The local file ({destFullPath}) is either newer or the same as the repository file.");
Пример #4
        public void Pull(ref Context context, string src, string dest)
            bool srcEndsWithSeparator = OSPath.IsPathSeparator(src.Last());

            // src is a repository path. We use unix style for it.
            src = LexicalPath.Clean(src);

            // dest is local file system path
            dest = Path.GetFullPath(dest);

            Queue <Tuple <string, string> > queue = new Queue <Tuple <string, string> >();

            ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(context, src);

            if (oi.IsDir())
                // src is a folder, let's define the desired behaviour, following
                // the design of rsync:
                // cync pull /user/documents/ c:/home/user
                //    Content of /user/documents goes into c:/home/user
                // cync pull /user/documents c:/home/user
                //    Content of /user/documents goes into c:/home/user/documents
                // Notice the difference caused by the presence/lack of the final slash
                // in the source (documents/ vs just documents).
                var fileName = LexicalPath.GetFileName(src);
                var destPath = dest;
                if (fileName.Length > 0 && !srcEndsWithSeparator)
                    destPath = Path.Combine(destPath, fileName);

                queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(src, destPath));
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only directories are supported currently.");

            // Process the queue
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                var tt     = queue.Dequeue();
                var srcDir = Dir.Open(ref context, tt.Item1, false, false);
                foreach (var pp in srcDir)
                    if (Dir.IsDir(pp.Value))
                        var destDirPath = Path.Combine(tt.Item2, pp.Key);
                        var srcDirPath  = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item1, pp.Key);
                        queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(srcDirPath, destDirPath));
                        context.InfoWriteLine($"Queueing directory {srcDirPath} [target: {destDirPath}]");
                        var srcFullPath  = LexicalPath.Combine(tt.Item1, pp.Key);
                        var destFullPath = Path.Combine(tt.Item2, pp.Key);
                        var bb           = srcDir.PullFile(pp.Key, destFullPath, false);
                        if (bb)
                            context.InfoWriteLine($"Copied {srcFullPath} to {destFullPath}");
                            context.InfoWriteLine($"Skipped {srcFullPath}. The local file [{destFullPath}] is either newer or the same as the repository file.");