Пример #1
        // This is called when the mod is first loaded.
        public override void OnLoad()
            // Initialize messages
            Messages.CloakProgress = ModNetworking.CreateMessageType(DataType.Block, DataType.Single, DataType.Boolean, DataType.Single, DataType.Vector3, DataType.Boolean);
            // Script after message has been received
            ModNetworking.Callbacks[Messages.CloakProgress] += message2 =>
                // Save and convert data that just received from message
                Block   block      = (Block)message2.GetData(0);
                float   sizee      = (float)message2.GetData(1);
                bool    Activation = (bool)message2.GetData(2);
                float   timer      = (float)message2.GetData(3);
                Vector3 position   = (Vector3)message2.GetData(4);
                bool    flashish   = (bool)message2.GetData(5);
                // I used static method so I can get the desired detector script
                // Note that block.SimBlock is the simulating instance of desired block. if not using SimBlock then the building instance will be given.
                StealthCloakFieldScript clk = StealthCloakFieldScriptMP.getSCFS(block.SimBlock);
                if (clk.GetType() == typeof(StealthCloakFieldScriptMP))
                    // Some method for syncing
                    ((StealthCloakFieldScriptMP)clk).CloakSizeModifier(sizee, Activation, timer, position, flashish);

            Messages.CloakSimuStart = ModNetworking.CreateMessageType(DataType.Block);
            ModNetworking.Callbacks[Messages.CloakSimuStart] += message4 =>
                Block block = (Block)message4.GetData(0);
                // The script on cloak block in client
                PROCloakScript clk = block.SimBlock.GameObject.GetComponent <PROCloakScript>();
                // Use the initialization
Пример #2
 public static void PushInNewSCFS(Block cloakBlock, StealthCloakFieldScript instancee)
         StealthCloakFieldScript blockk = dicForSCFS[cloakBlock.Guid];
     dicForSCFS[cloakBlock.Guid] = instancee;
Пример #3
        public void Initialization()
            if (FieldDetector != null)
                return;                        // Avoid initializaiton running multiple times
            ReactivationTimer = CloakExtendingTime.Value;
            FieldSize    = CloakFieldSize.Value;
            CoolDownTime = 0;
            InvBumpTex   = new Material(Shader.Find("FX/Glass/Stained BumpDistort"));

            InvBumpTex.color       = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
            InvBumpTex.mainTexture = ModResource.GetTexture("Cloak disturb.png");
            InvBumpTex.SetTexture("_BumpMap", ModResource.GetTexture("Cloak disturb.png"));
            InvTex             = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
            InvTex.color       = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
            InvTex.mainTexture = ModResource.GetTexture("ALL BLACK.jpg");

            FieldDetector      = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            FieldDetector.name = "StealthFieldDetector";
            FieldDetector.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().isTrigger = true;
            FieldDetector.transform.position = Vector3.down * 999999;
            Destroy(FieldDetector.GetComponent <Renderer>());

            // Polymorphism
            StealthCloakFieldScript a = null;

            // Decide whether create a MP version of detector or a normal version. Note that host will still use normal version.
            if (StatMaster.isMP && StatMaster.isClient)
                a = FieldDetector.AddComponent <StealthCloakFieldScriptMP>();
                a = FieldDetector.AddComponent <StealthCloakFieldScript>();

            a.useFlashVFX = this.DirectionVisualization.IsActive;

            // Use the static method to store the detector instance
            StealthCloakFieldScript.PushInNewSCFS(Block.From(this).SimBlock, a);
            // This is for deletion usage
            a.MyBeloning = this;

            // Adding Cloak script to other blocks
            foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in Machine.SimulationMachine.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>())