public GMacroEditorPanel(Client.Macro m) : base(0, 0, 0x103, 230) { GMainMenu menu; GMenuItem menuFrom; this.m_Macro = m; base.m_CanDrag = false; base.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; base.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_Ctrl = new GSystemButton(10, 10, 40, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), SystemColors.ControlText, "Ctrl", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Alt = new GSystemButton(0x31, 10, 40, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), SystemColors.ControlText, "Alt", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Shift = new GSystemButton(0x58, 10, 0x2a, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), SystemColors.ControlText, "Shift", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Ctrl.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Ctrl_OnClick); this.m_Alt.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Alt_OnClick); this.m_Shift.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Shift_OnClick); this.m_Ctrl.Tooltip = new Tooltip("Toggles the control key modifier", true); this.m_Alt.Tooltip = new Tooltip("Toggles the alt key modifier", true); this.m_Shift.Tooltip = new Tooltip("Toggles the shift key modifier", true); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Ctrl); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Alt); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Shift); this.UpdateModifiers(); GAlphaBackground toAdd = new GAlphaBackground(0x81, 10, 0x4a, 20) { FillAlpha = 1f, FillColor = GumpColors.Window }; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); GMacroKeyEntry entry = new GMacroKeyEntry(GetKeyName(m.Key), 0x81, 10, 0x4a, 20) { Tooltip = new Tooltip("Press any key here to change the macro", true) }; base.m_Children.Add(entry); GSystemButton button = new GSystemButton(10, 10, 40, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), SystemColors.ControlText, "Delete", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); button.SetBackColor(GumpPaint.Blend(Color.SteelBlue, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.25f)); button.InactiveColor = GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f); button.Tooltip = new Tooltip("Deletes the entire macro", true); button.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Delete_OnClick); button.X = (this.Width - 10) - button.Width; base.m_Children.Add(button); base.FillAlpha = 0.15f; for (int i = 0; i < m.Actions.Length; i++) { try { Action action = m.Actions[i]; if (action.Handler != null) { ActionHandler ah = action.Handler; menu = new GMainMenu(10, 0x23 + (i * 0x17)); menuFrom = new GActionMenu(this, m, action); menu.Add(this.FormatMenu(menuFrom)); if (ah.Params == null) { GAlphaBackground background2 = new GAlphaBackground(0x81, 0x23 + (i * 0x17), 120, 0x18) { FillAlpha = 1f, FillColor = GumpColors.Window }; base.m_Children.Add(background2); IHue windowText = GumpHues.WindowText; GTextBox box = new GMacroParamEntry(action, action.Param, background2.X, background2.Y, background2.Width, background2.Height) { MaxChars = 0xef }; base.m_Children.Add(box); } else if (ah.Params.Length != 0) { string name = Find(action.Param, ah.Params); if (name == null) { name = action.Param; } menuFrom = this.GetMenuFrom(new ParamNode(name, ah.Params), action, ah); menuFrom.DropDown = i == (m.Actions.Length - 1); menu.Add(menuFrom); } menu.LeftToRight = true; base.m_Children.Add(menu); } } catch { } } menu = new GMainMenu(10, 0x23 + (m.Actions.Length * 0x17)); menuFrom = this.GetMenuFrom(ActionHandler.Root); menuFrom.Tooltip = new Tooltip("To create a new instruction pick one from the menu below", false, 200); menuFrom.Text = "New..."; menuFrom.DropDown = true; menu.Add(this.FormatMenu(menuFrom)); menu.LeftToRight = true; base.m_Children.Add(menu); }
protected internal override unsafe void Draw(int X, int Y) { if (this.m_ScrollTexture == null) { this.m_ScrollTexture = new Texture(0x10, 0x10, true); LockData data = this.m_ScrollTexture.Lock(LockFlags.WriteOnly); ushort num = Engine.C32216(GumpColors.ControlLightLight); ushort num2 = Engine.C32216(GumpColors.ScrollBar); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { ushort *numPtr = (ushort *)(data.pvSrc + (i * data.Pitch)); for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) { if ((((i & 1) + j) & 1) == 0) { numPtr++; numPtr[0] = num; } else { numPtr++; numPtr[0] = num2; } } } this.m_ScrollTexture.Unlock(); } this.m_ScrollTexture.Draw(X, Y, this.Width, this.Height); int barHeight = this.GetBarHeight(); int num6 = Y + 0x10; int num7 = this.Height - 0x20; int position = base.GetPosition(num7 - barHeight); Renderer.SetTexture(null); if (this.m_State == State.LargeScrollUp) { if (position > 0) { Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(0.9f); Renderer.SolidRect(GumpColors.ControlDarkDark, X, Y + this.Width, this.Width, position); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); int num9 = base.PointToClient(new Point(Engine.m_xMouse, Engine.m_yMouse)).Y - 0x10; if (position > num9) { base.Value -= base.LargeOffset; } else { this.m_State = State.Inactive; } } } else if ((this.m_State == State.LargeScrollDown) && (((num7 - position) - barHeight) > 0)) { Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(0.9f); Renderer.SolidRect(GumpColors.ControlDarkDark, X, (num6 + position) + barHeight, this.Width, (num7 - position) - barHeight); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); int num10 = base.PointToClient(new Point(Engine.m_xMouse, Engine.m_yMouse)).Y - 0x10; if ((position + barHeight) < num10) { base.Value += base.LargeOffset; } else { this.m_State = State.Inactive; } } GumpPaint.DrawRaised3D(X, num6 + position, 0x10, barHeight); if (this.m_State == State.SmallScrollUp) { GumpPaint.DrawFlat(X, Y, this.Width, this.Width); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(1f); Engine.m_WinScrolls[0].Draw(X + 5, Y + 7, GumpColors.ControlText); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); base.Value -= base.SmallOffset; } else { GumpPaint.DrawRaised3D(X, Y, this.Width, this.Width); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(1f); Engine.m_WinScrolls[0].Draw(X + 4, Y + 6, GumpColors.ControlText); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); } Renderer.SetTexture(null); if (this.m_State == State.SmallScrollDown) { GumpPaint.DrawFlat(X, (Y + this.Height) - this.Width, this.Width, this.Width); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(1f); Engine.m_WinScrolls[1].Draw(X + 5, ((Y + this.Height) - this.Width) + 7, GumpColors.ControlText); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); base.Value += base.SmallOffset; } else { GumpPaint.DrawRaised3D(X, (Y + this.Height) - this.Width, this.Width, this.Width); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(1f); Engine.m_WinScrolls[1].Draw(X + 4, ((Y + this.Height) - this.Width) + 6, GumpColors.ControlText); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); } }
protected internal override void Draw(int x, int y) { Renderer.SetTexture(null); int num = 0; switch (this.m_Style) { case WindowsButtonStyle.Normal: switch (this.m_State) { case 0: GumpPaint.DrawRaised3D(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height); this.CaptionDown = false; goto Label_0143; case 1: GumpPaint.DrawRaised3D(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height); this.CaptionDown = false; goto Label_0143; case 2: GumpPaint.DrawFlat(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height, GumpColors.ControlDark, GumpColors.Control); this.CaptionDown = true; num = 1; goto Label_0143; } break; case WindowsButtonStyle.Flat: switch (this.m_State) { case 0: GumpPaint.DrawFlat(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height, GumpColors.ControlDarkDark, GumpColors.Control); this.CaptionDown = false; goto Label_0143; case 1: GumpPaint.DrawFlat(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height, GumpColors.ControlDarkDark, GumpColors.ControlAlternate); this.CaptionDown = false; goto Label_0143; case 2: GumpPaint.DrawFlat(x, y, this.m_Width, this.m_Height, GumpColors.ControlDarkDark, GumpPaint.Blend(GumpColors.ControlAlternate, GumpColors.ControlLightLight, 0x80)); this.CaptionDown = false; goto Label_0143; } break; } Label_0143: if (this.m_Image != null) { if (this.m_vCache == null) { this.m_vCache = new VertexCache(); } if (this.m_ImageColor == -1) { this.m_vCache.Draw(this.m_Image, ((num + x) + ((this.m_Width - ((this.m_Image.xMax - this.m_Image.xMin) + 1)) / 2)) - this.m_Image.xMin, ((num + y) + ((this.m_Height - ((this.m_Image.yMax - this.m_Image.yMin) + 1)) / 2)) - this.m_Image.yMin); } else { Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(true); Renderer.SetAlpha(1f); this.m_vCache.Draw(this.m_Image, ((num + x) + ((this.m_Width - ((this.m_Image.xMax - this.m_Image.xMin) + 1)) / 2)) - this.m_Image.xMin, ((num + y) + ((this.m_Height - ((this.m_Image.yMax - this.m_Image.yMin) + 1)) / 2)) - this.m_Image.yMin, this.m_ImageColor); Renderer.SetAlphaEnable(false); } } }
protected internal override void OnMouseEnter(int X, int Y, MouseButtons mb) { this.m_NameBack.FillColor = GumpPaint.Blend(GumpColors.Window, GumpColors.Highlight, (float)0.9f); this.m_ValueBack.FillColor = this.m_NameBack.FillColor; }
protected internal override void Draw(int X, int Y) { base.Draw(X, Y); Renderer.SetTexture(null); GumpPaint.DrawSunken3D(((X + base.Client.X) + this.m_Sunken.X) - 1, ((Y + base.Client.Y) + this.m_Sunken.Y) - 1, this.m_Sunken.Width + 2, this.m_Sunken.Height + 2); }
public GMacroKeyboard() : base(0, 0, 0x27f, 0xb8) { this.m_Bold = true; this.m_Buttons = new object[0x100]; this.m_HighButtons = new object[0x100]; base.FillColor = GumpColors.Control; base.FillAlpha = 1f; base.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; int x = this.Width - 0x62; this.m_All = new GSystemButton(x - 0x13, 10, 20, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), Color.Black, "", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Ctrl = new GSystemButton(x, 10, 0x20, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), Color.Black, "Ctrl", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Alt = new GSystemButton(x + 0x1f, 10, 0x20, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), Color.Black, "Alt", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_Shift = new GSystemButton(x + 0x3e, 10, 0x20, 20, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), Color.Black, "Shift", Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_All.OnClick = new OnClick(this.All_OnClick); this.m_Ctrl.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Ctrl_OnClick); this.m_Alt.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Alt_OnClick); this.m_Shift.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Shift_OnClick); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_All); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Ctrl); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Alt); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Shift); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Escape, "Esc"); this.Skip(); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F1); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F2); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F3); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F4); this.Skip(0.5f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F5); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F6); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F7); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F8); this.Skip(0.5f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F9); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F10); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F11); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F12); this.Skip(0.25f); this.m_Bold = false; this.PlaceKey(Keys.PrintScreen, "Prnt"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Scroll, "Scrl"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Pause, "Paus"); this.m_Bold = true; this.m_fX = 0f; this.m_fY += 1.25f; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem3, "~"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D1, "1"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D2, "2"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D3, "3"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D4, "4"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D5, "5"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D6, "6"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D7, "7"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D8, "8"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D9, "9"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D0, "0"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.OemMinus, "-"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oemplus, "+"); this.m_Bold = false; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Back, "Backspace", 2f); this.m_Bold = true; this.Skip(0.25f); this.m_Bold = false; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Insert, "Ins"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Home); this.m_Bold = true; this.PlaceKey(Keys.PageUp, "↑"); this.Skip(0.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumLock, "Num"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Divide, "/"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Multiply, "*"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Subtract, "-"); this.m_fX = 0f; this.m_fY++; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Tab, (float)1.5f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Q); this.PlaceKey(Keys.W); this.PlaceKey(Keys.E); this.PlaceKey(Keys.R); this.PlaceKey(Keys.T); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Y); this.PlaceKey(Keys.U); this.PlaceKey(Keys.I); this.PlaceKey(Keys.O); this.PlaceKey(Keys.P); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem4, "["); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem6, "]"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem5, @"\", 1.5f); this.Skip(0.25f); this.m_Bold = false; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Delete, "Del"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.End); this.m_Bold = true; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Next, "↓"); this.Skip(0.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad7, "7"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad8, "8"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad9, "9"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Add, "+", 1f, 2f); this.m_fX = 0f; this.m_fY++; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Capital, "Caps", 1.75f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.A); this.PlaceKey(Keys.S); this.PlaceKey(Keys.D); this.PlaceKey(Keys.F); this.PlaceKey(Keys.G); this.PlaceKey(Keys.H); this.PlaceKey(Keys.J); this.PlaceKey(Keys.K); this.PlaceKey(Keys.L); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem1, ";"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem7, "'"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Enter, (float)2.25f); this.Skip(3.5f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad4, "4"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad5, "5"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad6, "6"); this.m_fX = 0f; this.m_fY++; this.PlaceKey(Keys.ShiftKey, "Shift", 2.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Z); this.PlaceKey(Keys.X); this.PlaceKey(Keys.C); this.PlaceKey(Keys.V); this.PlaceKey(Keys.B); this.PlaceKey(Keys.N); this.PlaceKey(Keys.M); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oemcomma, ","); this.PlaceKey(Keys.OemPeriod, "."); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Oem2, "/"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.ShiftKey, "Shift", 2.75f); this.Skip(1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Up, "↑"); this.Skip(1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad1, "1"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad2, "2"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad3, "3"); this.m_Bold = false; this.PlaceKey(Keys.Enter, "Entr", 1f, 2f); this.m_Bold = true; this.m_fX = 0f; this.m_fY++; this.PlaceKey(Keys.ControlKey, "Ctrl", 1.5f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.LWin, "Win", 1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Menu, "Alt", 1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Space, (float)5.75f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Menu, "Alt", 1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.RWin, "Win", 1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Apps, (float)1.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.ControlKey, "Ctrl", 1.5f); this.Skip(0.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Left, "←"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Down, "↓"); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Right, "→"); this.Skip(0.25f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.NumPad0, "0", 2f); this.PlaceKey(Keys.Decimal, "."); this.Mods = MacroModifiers.All; }
public override Gump CreateGump() { return(new GSystemButton(0, 0, 100, 0x18, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlText, base.Name, Engine.GetUniFont(1)) { FillAlpha = 1f, InactiveColor = GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), ActiveColor = GumpPaint.Blend(Color.SteelBlue, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), PressedColor = GumpPaint.Blend(Color.White, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.SteelBlue, SystemColors.Control, (float)0.5f), (float)0.5f), OnClick = new OnClick(this.OnClicked) }); }
public GMacroKeyButton(Keys key, string name, bool bold, int x, int y, int w, int h) : base(x, y, w, h, GumpPaint.Blend(Color.WhiteSmoke, SystemColors.Control, (float) 0.5f), SystemColors.ControlText, name, bold ? Engine.GetUniFont(1) : Engine.GetUniFont(2)) { this.m_Key = key; base.Tooltip = new Tooltip(string.Format("{0}\nClick to create", GMacroEditorPanel.GetKeyName(this.m_Key)), true); base.FillAlpha = 1f; base.m_QuickDrag = false; base.m_CanDrag = true; base.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Clicked); }