Пример #1
 public void RefreshKeys()
     KeyBindObject[] keyBinds = KeyBinds;
     for (int i = 0; i < keyBinds.Length; i++)
         KeyBindObject keyBindObject = keyBinds[i];
Пример #2
        private void CancelKey()
            bool flag = ActiveKey == null;

            if (!flag)
                ActiveKey            = null;
                InputKey.Visible     = false;
                PressKeyText.Visible = false;
Пример #3
        public KeyboardLayoutDialog()
            Index    = 119;
            Library  = Libraries.CustomTitle;
            Movable  = false;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 3,
                Library  = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location = new Point(207, 11),
                Parent   = this
            CharacterName = new MirLabel
                Text       = "Hotkey settings for",
                Location   = new Point(130, 39),
                Parent     = this,
                AutoSize   = true,
                DrawFormat = (TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter),
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 13f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                NotControl = true
            PressKeyText = new MirLabel
                Text       = "Please enter the key to be assigned",
                Location   = new Point(25, 378),
                Parent     = this,
                AutoSize   = true,
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9f),
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                NotControl = true,
                Visible    = false
            CloseButton = new MirButton
                Parent       = this,
                Index        = 361,
                PressedIndex = 363,
                HoverIndex   = 362,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse,
                Location     = new Point(485, 6),
                Hint         = "Exit"
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            NoticeButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 147,
                Index        = 146,
                Location     = new Point(35, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 148,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Key Info"
            NoticeButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ActiveKey != null;
                if (!flag)
                    MirMessageBox mirMessageBox = new MirMessageBox("The following keys can not be set with shortcut keys.\n[ Enter ] [ Tab ] [ Pause(break) ] [ Esc ]\nThe following keys can only be used in combination.\n[ Ctrl ] [ Alt ] [ Shift ]", MirMessageBoxButtons.OK);

            ResetButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 628,
                Index        = 627,
                Location     = new Point(120, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 629,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Reset Keys."
            ResetButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ActiveKey != null;
                if (!flag)
                    KeyBindObject[] keyBinds = KeyBinds;
                    for (int j = 0; j < keyBinds.Length; j++)
                        KeyBindObject keyBindObject = keyBinds[j];

            SaveButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 587,
                Index        = 586,
                Location     = new Point(430, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 588,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Save Changes."
            SaveButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Location     = new Point(360, 398),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint         = "Cancel Changes."
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            CharacterCheckBox = new MirCheckBox
                Index       = 1346,
                TickedIndex = 1347,
                LabelText   = "By character\nkey settings",
                Library     = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent      = this,
                Location    = new Point(410, 40)
            MirControl arg_448_0 = CharacterCheckBox;

            //EventHandler arg_448_1;
            //if ((arg_448_1 = KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5) == null)
            //   arg_448_1 = (KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5 = new EventHandler(KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9.<.ctor > b__20_5));
            //arg_448_0.Click += arg_448_1;

            KeyPanel = new MirImageControl
                Parent   = this,
                Size     = new Size(500, 280),
                Location = new Point(13, 95),
                Visible  = true
            KeyPanel.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel);

            UpButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 198,
                Index        = 197,
                Visible      = true,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(488, 92),
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            UpButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ScrollIndex == 0;
                if (!flag)

            DownButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 208,
                Index        = 207,
                Visible      = true,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(488, 363),
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA
            DownButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bool flag = ScrollIndex == ShowCount - PageRows;
                if (!flag)

            PositionBar = new MirButton
                Index    = 206,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location = new Point(488, 108),
                Parent   = this,
                Movable  = true,
                Sound    = SoundList.None
            PositionBar.OnMoving += new MouseEventHandler(PositionBar_OnMoving);

            InputKey = new MirTextBox
                BackColour = Color.DarkGray,
                ForeColour = Color.Black,
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new Size(1, 1),
                Location   = new Point(0, 0),
                MaxLength  = 80,
                Visible    = false,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10f)
            InputKey.TextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(InputKey_KeyDown);
            KeyBinds  = new KeyBindObject[CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count];
            ShowCount = KeyBinds.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count; i++)
                KeyBinds[i] = new KeyBindObject
                    Parent   = KeyPanel,
                    Location = new Point(0, i * 22),
                    Size     = new Size(500, 20),
                    Key      = CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i]
                KeyBinds[i].MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel);