Пример #1
        public override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (Buttons == e.Button)
                if (LastClickTime + SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime >= Main.Time)
                LastClickTime = 0;

            if (ActiveControl != null && ActiveControl.IsMouseOver(e.Location) && ActiveControl != this)

            ClickedControl = ActiveControl;

            LastClickTime = Main.Time;
            Buttons       = e.Button;
Пример #2
        public override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (_buttons == e.Button)
                if (_lastClickTime + SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime >= CMain.Time)
                _lastClickTime = 0;

            if (ActiveControl != null && ActiveControl.IsMouseOver(CMain.MPoint) && ActiveControl != this)

            _clickedControl = ActiveControl;

            _lastClickTime = CMain.Time;
            _buttons       = e.Button;
Пример #3
        private void RemoveControl(MirControl Control)

            if (Controls.Count == 0)
                Controls = null;
Пример #4
        private void AddControl(MirControl Control)
            if (Controls == null)
                Controls = new List <MirControl>();

Пример #5
        protected virtual void Deactivate()
            if (ActiveControl != this)

            ActiveControl = null;
            Moving        = false;
            _movePoint    = Point.Empty;
Пример #6
        protected virtual void Activate()
            if (ActiveControl == this)

            if (ActiveControl != null)

            ActiveControl = this;
Пример #7
        public void InsertControl(int index, MirControl control)
            if (control.Parent != this)
                control.Parent  = null;
                control._parent = this;

            if (index >= Controls.Count)
                Controls.Insert(index, control);
Пример #8
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            if (!disposing)

            if (ActiveScene == this)
                ActiveScene = null;

            _buttons        = 0;
            _lastClickTime  = 0;
            _clickedControl = null;
Пример #9
        public void InsertControl(int Index, MirControl Control)
            if (Controls == null)
                Controls = new List <MirControl>();

            if (Control.Parent != this)
                Control.Parent  = null;
                Control._Parent = this;

            if (Index >= Controls.Count)
                Controls.Insert(Index, Control);
Пример #10
        public MirControl NeedInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region LEVEL
            if (realItem.RequiredAmount > 0)
                string text;
                Color colour = Color.White;
                switch (realItem.RequiredType)
                    case RequiredType.Level:
                        text = string.Format("Required Level : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.Level < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.AC:
                        text = string.Format("Required AC : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxAC < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.MAC:
                        text = string.Format("Required MAC : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxMAC < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.DC:
                        text = string.Format("Required DC : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxDC < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.MC:
                        text = string.Format("Required MC : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxMC < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.SC:
                        text = string.Format("Required SC : {0}", realItem.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxSC < realItem.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                        text = "Unknown Type Required";

                MirLabel LEVELLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = colour,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, LEVELLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, LEVELLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CLASS
            if (realItem.RequiredClass != RequiredClass.None)
                Color colour = Color.White;

                switch (MapObject.User.Class)
                    case MirClass.Warrior:
                        if (!realItem.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Warrior))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Wizard:
                        if (!realItem.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Wizard))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Taoist:
                        if (!realItem.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Taoist))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Assassin:
                        if (!realItem.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Assassin))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Archer:
                        if (!realItem.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Archer))
                            colour = Color.Red;

                MirLabel CLASSLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = colour,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Class Required : {0}", realItem.RequiredClass)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CLASSLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CLASSLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #11
        public MirControl WeightInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);
            int count = 0;
            int minValue = 0;
            int maxValue = 0;
            int addValue = 0;
            #region HANDWEIGHT

            minValue = realItem.HandWeight;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel HANDWEIGHTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Hand Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Hand Weight + {0} (+{1})" : "Hand Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, HANDWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, HANDWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region WEARWEIGHT

            minValue = realItem.WearWeight;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel WEARWEIGHTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Wear Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Wear Weight + {0} (+{1})" : "Wear Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, WEARWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, WEARWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region BAGWEIGHT

            minValue = realItem.BagWeight;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel BAGWEIGHTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Bag Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Bag Weight + {0} (+{1})" : "Bag Weight + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BAGWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BAGWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region FASTRUN
            minValue = realItem.CanFastRun==true?1:0;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel BAGWEIGHTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Instant Run")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BAGWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BAGWEIGHTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region TIME & RANGE
            minValue = 0;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Potion && HoverItem.Info.Durability > 0)
                MirLabel TNRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format(HoverItem.Info.Shape == 3 ? "Time : {0}s" : "Range : {0}", HoverItem.Info.Durability)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, TNRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, TNRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            if (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Transform && HoverItem.Info.Durability > 0)
                MirLabel TNRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Time : {0}", CreateTimeString(HoverItem.Info.Durability))

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, TNRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, TNRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #12
        public MirControl AttackInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            bool fishingItem = false;

            switch (HoverItem.Info.Type)
                case ItemType.Hook:
                case ItemType.Float:
                case ItemType.Bait:
                case ItemType.Finder:
                case ItemType.Reel:
                    fishingItem = true;
                case ItemType.Weapon:
                    if (HoverItem.Info.Shape == 49 || HoverItem.Info.Shape == 50)
                        fishingItem = true;
                case ItemType.Pets:
                    if (HoverItem.Info.Shape == 26) return null;
                    fishingItem = false;

            int count = 0;
            int minValue = 0;
            int maxValue = 0;
            int addValue = 0;
            string text = "";

            #region Dura gem
            minValue = realItem.Durability;

            if (minValue > 0 &&  realItem.Type == ItemType.Gem)
                text = string.Format("Adds {0}Durability", minValue / 1000);
                MirLabel DuraLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DuraLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DuraLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DC
            minValue = realItem.MinDC;
            maxValue = realItem.MaxDC;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.DC : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "DC + {0}~{1} (+{2})" : "DC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}DC",minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel DCLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("DC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MC

            minValue = realItem.MinMC;
            maxValue = realItem.MaxMC;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.MC : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "MC + {0}~{1} (+{2})" : "MC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}MC", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel MCLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("MC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region SC

            minValue = realItem.MinSC;
            maxValue = realItem.MaxSC;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.SC : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "SC + {0}~{1} (+{2})" : "SC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}SC", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel SCLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("SC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, SCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, SCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region LUCK / SUCCESS

            minValue = realItem.Luck;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.Luck : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel LUCKLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format(minValue + addValue > 0 ? "Luck + {0} " : "Curse + {0}", minValue + addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, LUCKLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, LUCKLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region ACC

            minValue = realItem.Accuracy;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.Accuracy : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Accuracy: + {0} (+{1})" : "Accuracy: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}Accuracy", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel ACCLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Accuracy + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ACCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, ACCLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region HOLY

            minValue = realItem.Holy;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel HOLYLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Holy + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Holy: + {0} (+{1})" : "Holy: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, HOLYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, HOLYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region ASPEED

            minValue = realItem.AttackSpeed;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.AttackSpeed : 0;

            if (minValue != 0 || maxValue != 0 || addValue != 0)
                string plus = (addValue + minValue < 0) ? "" : "+";

                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    string negative = "+";
                    if (addValue < 0) negative = "";
                    text = string.Format(addValue != 0 ? "A.Speed: " + plus + "{0} ({2}{1})" : "A.Speed: " + plus + "{0}", minValue + addValue, addValue, negative);
                    //text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "A.Speed: + {0} (+{1})" : "A.Speed: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}A.Speed", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel ASPEEDLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("A.Speed + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ASPEEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, ASPEEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region FREEZING

            minValue = realItem.Freezing;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.Freezing : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Freezing: + {0} (+{1})" : "Freezing: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}Freezing", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel FREEZINGLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Freezing + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, FREEZINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, FREEZINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region POISON

            minValue = realItem.PoisonAttack;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.PoisonAttack : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Poison: + {0} (+{1})" : "Poison: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0}Poison", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel POISONLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Poison + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, POISONLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, POISONLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CRITICALRATE / FLEXIBILITY

            minValue = realItem.CriticalRate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.CriticalRate : 0;

            if ((minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0) && (realItem.Type != ItemType.Gem))
                MirLabel CRITICALRATELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Critical Chance + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Critical Chance: + {0} (+{1})" : "Critical Chance: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                    CRITICALRATELabel.Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Flexibility: + {0} (+{1})" : "Flexibility: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CRITICALRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CRITICALRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CRITICALDAMAGE

            minValue = realItem.CriticalDamage;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.CriticalDamage : 0;

            if ((minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0) && (realItem.Type != ItemType.Gem))
                MirLabel CRITICALDAMAGELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Critical Damage + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Critical Damage: + {0} (+{1})" : "Critical Damage: + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CRITICALDAMAGELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CRITICALDAMAGELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region Reflect

            minValue = realItem.Reflect;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if ((minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0) && (realItem.Type != ItemType.Gem))
                MirLabel ReflectLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Reflect chance: {0}", minValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ReflectLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, ReflectLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region Hpdrain

            minValue = realItem.HpDrainRate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if ((minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0) && (realItem.Type != ItemType.Gem))
                MirLabel HPdrainLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("HP Drain Rate: {0}%", minValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, HPdrainLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, HPdrainLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #13
 public void DisposeItemLabel()
     if (ItemLabel != null && !ItemLabel.IsDisposed)
     ItemLabel = null;
Пример #14
        private void Control_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int selectedCreature = BeforeAfterDraw();
            if (selectedCreature < 0) return;

            if (sender == FullnessMin)
                HoverLabel.Visible = true;
                HoverLabel.Text = "Needed " + GameScene.User.IntelligentCreatures[selectedCreature].CreatureRules.MinimalFullness.ToString();
                HoverLabel.Size = new Size(150, 15);
                HoverLabel.Location = new Point((FullnessMin.Location.X + 8) - (HoverLabel.Size.Width / 2), FullnessFG.Location.Y - 18);
            if (sender == FullnessFG || sender == FullnessBG)
                HoverLabel.Visible = true;
                HoverLabel.Text = GameScene.User.IntelligentCreatures[selectedCreature].Fullness.ToString() + " / 10000";
                HoverLabel.Size = FullnessFG.Size;
                HoverLabel.Location = new Point(FullnessFG.Location.X, FullnessFG.Location.Y - 2);
                HoverLabelParent = FullnessFG;
            if (sender == BlackStoneImageBG || sender == BlackStoneImageFG)
                HoverLabel.Visible = true;
                HoverLabel.Text = string.Format("{0}", Functions.PrintTimeSpanFromSeconds(blackstoneProduceTime - GameScene.User.IntelligentCreatures[selectedCreature].BlackstoneTime));
                HoverLabel.Size = BlackStoneImageBG.Size;
                HoverLabel.Location = new Point(BlackStoneImageBG.Location.X + 5, BlackStoneImageBG.Location.Y - 2);
                HoverLabelParent = BlackStoneImageFG;
Пример #15
        public FishingDialog()
            Index = 1340;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Sort = true;
            Location = Center;
            BeforeDraw += FishingDialog_BeforeDraw;

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                Location = new Point(10, 5),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Size = new Size(180, 20),

            FishingRod = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 30),
                NotControl = true,
            FishingRod.BeforeDraw += FishingRod_BeforeDraw;

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 361,
                Index = 360,
                Location = new Point(175, 3),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,

            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            Grid = new MirItemCell[Enum.GetNames(typeof(FishingSlot)).Length];

            Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Hook] = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Hook,
                GridType = MirGridType.Fishing,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(34, 30),
                Location = new Point(17, 203),
            Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Float] = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Float,
                GridType = MirGridType.Fishing,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(34, 30),
                Location = new Point(17, 241),

            Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Bait] = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Bait,
                GridType = MirGridType.Fishing,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(34, 30),
                Location = new Point(57, 241),

            Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Finder] = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Finder,
                GridType = MirGridType.Fishing,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(34, 30),
                Location = new Point(97, 241),

            Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Reel] = new MirItemCell
                ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Reel,
                GridType = MirGridType.Fishing,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(34, 30),
                Location = new Point(137, 241),
Пример #16
        public MirControl NameInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            byte level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            MirLabel nameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = GradeNameColor(HoverItem.Info.Grade),
                Location = new Point(4, 4),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Text = HoverItem.Info.Grade != ItemGrade.None ? HoverItem.Info.FriendlyName +
                "\n" + HoverItem.Info.Grade.ToString() : HoverItem.Info.FriendlyName

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            string text = "";

            if (HoverItem.Info.StackSize > 1)
                text += string.Format(" Count {0}", HoverItem.Count);

            if (HoverItem.Info.Durability > 0)
                switch (HoverItem.Info.Type)
                    case ItemType.Amulet:
                        text += string.Format(" Usage {0}/{1}", HoverItem.CurrentDura, HoverItem.MaxDura);
                    case ItemType.Ore:
                        text += string.Format(" Purity {0}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M));
                    case ItemType.Meat:
                        text += string.Format(" Quality {0}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M));
                    case ItemType.Mount:
                        text += string.Format(" Loyalty {0} / {1}", HoverItem.CurrentDura, HoverItem.MaxDura);
                    case ItemType.Food:
                        text += string.Format(" Nutrition {0}", HoverItem.CurrentDura);
                        text += string.Format(" Durability {0}/{1}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M),
                                                   Math.Round(HoverItem.MaxDura / 1000M));

            MirLabel etcLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location = new Point(4, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Text = HoverItem.Info.Type.ToString() +
                "\n" + "W " + HoverItem.Weight + text

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, etcLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, etcLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom + 4));

            #region OUTLINE
            MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Opacity = 0.4F,
                Location = new Point(0, 0)
            outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

            return outLine;
Пример #17
        public MainDialog()
            Index = Settings.HighResolution ? 2 : 1;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Location = new Point(0, Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height);
            PixelDetect = true;

            InventoryButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1904,
                Index = 1903,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 96, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1905,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            InventoryButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Visible)

            CharacterButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1901,
                Index = 1900,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 119, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1902,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CharacterButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.CharacterPage.Visible)

            SkillButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1907,
                Index = 1906,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 73, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1908,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            SkillButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.SkillPage.Visible)

            QuestButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1910,
                Index = 1909,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 50, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1911,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,

            OptionButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1913,
                Index = 1912,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 27, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1914,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            OptionButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Visible)
                else GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Hide();

            MenuButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1961,
                Index = 1960,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 55, 35),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1962,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonC,
            MenuButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Visible) GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Show();
                else GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Hide();

            HealthOrb = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 30),
                NotControl = true,
            HealthOrb.BeforeDraw += HealthOrb_BeforeDraw;

            HealthLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 32),
                Parent = HealthOrb,
            HealthLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            ManaLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 50),
                Parent = HealthOrb,
            ManaLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            LevelLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(5, 108),
            CharacterName = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(6, 122),
                Size = new Size(90, 16)

            ExperienceBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = Settings.HighResolution ? 8 : 7,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(9, 143),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            ExperienceBar.BeforeDraw += ExperienceBar_BeforeDraw;

            ExperienceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = ExperienceBar,
                NotControl = true,

            GoldLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 105, 119),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(99, 13),
                Sound = SoundList.Gold,
            GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null)
                    GameScene.PickedUpGold = !GameScene.PickedUpGold && GameScene.Gold > 0;

            WeightBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = 76,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 105, 103),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            WeightBar.BeforeDraw += WeightBar_BeforeDraw;

            WeightLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth - 30, 101),
                Size = new Size(26, 14),

            AModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(115, 125)

            PModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(230, 125),
                Visible = false

            TerritoryLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(400, 125)
Пример #18
        public void CreateItemLabel(UserItem item)
            if (item == null)
                HoverItem = null;

            if (item == HoverItem && ItemLabel != null && !ItemLabel.IsDisposed) return;

            HoverItem = item;

            ItemLabel = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 24, 48),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.FromArgb(144, 148, 48),
                    DrawControlTexture = true,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = this,
                    Opacity = 0.7F,
                    Visible = false

            MirLabel nameLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, 4),
                    OutLine = false,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = HoverItem.Info.Name
            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom);

            if (HoverItem.Weight > 0)
                MirLabel label = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right, 4),
                        OutLine = false,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = string.Format("W: {0}", HoverItem.Weight)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4, ItemLabel.Size.Height);

            if (HoverItem.Info.StackSize > 1)
                MirLabel label = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right, 4),
                        OutLine = false,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = string.Format("Count: {0}/{1}", HoverItem.Count, HoverItem.Info.StackSize)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4, ItemLabel.Size.Height);

            switch (HoverItem.Info.Type)
                case ItemType.Potion:
                case ItemType.Scroll:

            if (HoverItem.Info.RequiredGender != RequiredGender.None)
                Color colour = Color.White;
                switch (MapObject.User.Gender)
                    case MirGender.Male:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredGender.HasFlag(RequiredGender.Male))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirGender.Female:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredGender.HasFlag(RequiredGender.Female))
                            colour = Color.Red;

                MirLabel label = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = colour,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = false,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = string.Format("Gender Required: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredGender),

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 > ItemLabel.Size.Width ? label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 : ItemLabel.Size.Width,
                                          label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom > ItemLabel.Size.Height ? label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom : ItemLabel.Size.Height);
            if (HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass != RequiredClass.None)
                Color colour = Color.White;
                switch (MapObject.User.Class)
                    case MirClass.Warrior:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Warrior))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Wizard:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Wizard))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Taoist:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Taoist))
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case MirClass.Assassin:
                        if (!HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(RequiredClass.Assassin))
                            colour = Color.Red;

                MirLabel label = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = colour,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = false,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = string.Format("Class Required: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass),

                if (HoverItem.Info.RequiredClass == RequiredClass.WarWizTao)
                    label.Text = string.Format("Class Required: {0}, {1}, {2}", RequiredClass.Warrior, RequiredClass.Wizard, RequiredClass.Taoist);

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 > ItemLabel.Size.Width ? label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 : ItemLabel.Size.Width,
                                          label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom > ItemLabel.Size.Height ? label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom : ItemLabel.Size.Height);

            if (HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount > 0)
                string text;
                Color colour = Color.White;
                switch (HoverItem.Info.RequiredType)
                    case RequiredType.Level:
                        text = string.Format("Required Level: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.Level < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.AC:
                        text = string.Format("Required AC: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxAC < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.MAC:
                        text = string.Format("Required MAC: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxMAC < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.DC:
                        text = string.Format("Required DC: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxDC < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.MC:
                        text = string.Format("Required MC: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxMC < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                    case RequiredType.SC:
                        text = string.Format("Required SC: {0}", HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount);
                        if (MapObject.User.MaxSC < HoverItem.Info.RequiredAmount)
                            colour = Color.Red;
                        text = "Unknown Type Required";
                MirLabel label = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = colour,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = false,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 > ItemLabel.Size.Width ? label.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4 : ItemLabel.Size.Width,
                                          label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom > ItemLabel.Size.Height ? label.DisplayRectangle.Bottom : ItemLabel.Size.Height);

            ItemLabel.Size = ItemLabel.Size.Add(0, 4);

            ItemLabel.Visible = true;
Пример #19
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, string message)
            ImageIndex = image;

            Modal   = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index   = 238;
            Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse;

            Location = new Point((800 - Size.Width) / 2, (600 - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            TextLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(60, 43),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = message

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
Пример #20
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, uint max, uint min = 0, uint defaultAmount = 0)
            ImageIndex = image;
            MaxAmount  = max;
            MinAmount  = min;
            Amount     = max;
            Modal      = true;
            Movable    = false;

            Index   = 238;
            Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent       = this,
                Border       = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location     = new Point(58, 43),
                Size         = new Size(132, 19),
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += MirInputBox_KeyPress;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += TextBox_TextChanged;
            InputTextBox.Text = (defaultAmount > 0 && defaultAmount <= MaxAmount) ? defaultAmount.ToString() : MaxAmount.ToString();
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionLength = InputTextBox.Text.Length;
Пример #21
        private static void CreateDebugLabel()
            if (!Settings.DebugMode) return;

            if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl
                        BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50),
                        Border = true,
                        BorderColour = Color.Black,
                        DrawControlTexture = true,
                        Location = new Point(5, 5),
                        NotControl = true,
                        Opacity = 0.5F
            if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Parent = DebugBaseLabel,

                DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size;

            if (DebugOverride) return;
            string text;
            if (MirControl.MouseControl != null)
                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

                if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl)
                    text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation);

                    //text += "\r\n";

                    //var cell = GameScene.Scene.MapControl.M2CellInfo[MapControl.MapLocation.X, MapControl.MapLocation.Y];

                    //if (cell != null)
                    //    text += string.Format("BackImage : {0}. BackIndex : {1}. MiddleImage : {2}. MiddleIndex {3}. FrontImage : {4}. FrontIndex : {5}", cell.BackImage, cell.BackIndex, cell.MiddleImage, cell.MiddleIndex, cell.FrontImage, cell.FrontIndex);

                if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene)
                    //text += "\r\n";
                    text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count);
                if (MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject != null)
                    text += string.Format(", Target: {0}", MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject.Name);
                    text += string.Format(", Target: none");
                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

            DebugTextLabel.Text = text;
Пример #22
        public MirControl OverlapInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region GEM

            if (realItem.Type == ItemType.Gem)
                string text = "";

                switch (realItem.Shape)
                    case 1:
                        text = "Hold CTRL and left click to repair weapons.";
                    case 2:
                        text = "Hold CTRL and left click to repair armour\nand accessory items.";
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        text = "Hold CTRL and left click to combine with an item.";
                MirLabel GEMLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GEMLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GEMLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region SPLITUP

            if (realItem.StackSize > 1 && realItem.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                MirLabel SPLITUPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Max Combine Count : {0}\nShift + Left click to split the stack", realItem.StackSize)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, SPLITUPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, SPLITUPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #23
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, uint max, uint min = 0, uint defaultAmount = 0)
            ImageIndex = image;
            MaxAmount = max;
            MinAmount = min;
            Amount = max;
            Modal = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index = 238;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text = title

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 361,
                Index = 360,
                Location = new Point(180, 3),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 201,
                Index = 200,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 204,
                Index = 203,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent = this,
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location = new Point(58, 43),
                Size = new Size(132, 19),
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += MirInputBox_KeyPress;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += TextBox_TextChanged;
            InputTextBox.Text = (defaultAmount > 0 && defaultAmount <= MaxAmount) ? defaultAmount.ToString() : MaxAmount.ToString();
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionStart = 0;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionLength = InputTextBox.Text.Length;

Пример #24
        public override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (_buttons == e.Button)
                if (_lastClickTime + SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime >= CMain.Time)
                _lastClickTime = 0;

            if (ActiveControl != null && ActiveControl.IsMouseOver(CMain.MPoint) && ActiveControl != this)

            _clickedControl = ActiveControl;

            _lastClickTime = CMain.Time;
            _buttons = e.Button;
Пример #25
        public MirControl StoryInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            byte level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region TOOLTIP

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HoverItem.Info.ToolTip))
                MirLabel TOOLTIPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Goldenrod,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = HoverItem.Info.ToolTip

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, TOOLTIPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, TOOLTIPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #26
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)


            if (!disposing) return;

            if (ActiveScene == this) ActiveScene = null;

            _buttons = 0;
            _lastClickTime = 0;
            _clickedControl = null;
Пример #27
        public FishingStatusDialog()
            Index = 1341;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Sort = true;
            Size = new Size(244, 128);
            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, 300);
            BeforeDraw += FishingStatusDialog_BeforeDraw;

            ChanceBar = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(14, 64),
                NotControl = true,
            ChanceBar.BeforeDraw += ChanceBar_BeforeDraw;

            ChanceLabel = new MirLabel
                Location = new Point(14, 62),
                Size = new Size(216, 12),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,

            ProgressBar = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(14, 79),
                NotControl = true,
            ProgressBar.BeforeDraw += ProgressBar_BeforeDraw;

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 361,
                Index = 360,
                Location = new Point(216, 4),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>

            FishDisableButton = new MirImageControl
                Index = 149,
                Location = new Point(47, 95),
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true

            FishButton = new MirAnimatedButton()
                Animated = true,
                AnimationCount = 10,
                Loop = true,
                AnimationDelay = 130,
                Index = 170,
                PressedIndex = 142,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(47, 95),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible = false
            FishButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                Network.Enqueue(new C.FishingCast { CastOut = false });

            AutoCastButton = new MirButton
                Index = 143,
                HoverIndex = 144,
                PressedIndex = 145,
                Location = new Point(110, 95),
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            AutoCastButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (_canAutoCast)
                    _autoCast = !_autoCast;

                    //AutoCastTick.Visible = _autoCast;
                    AutoCastBox.Index = _autoCast ? 1344 : 1343;

                    Network.Enqueue(new C.FishingChangeAutocast { AutoCast = _autoCast });

            AutoCastBox = new MirImageControl
                Index = 1343,
                Location = new Point(172, 95),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this

            ESCExitButton = new MirButton
                Index = 1346,
                HoverIndex = 1346,
                PressedIndex = 1346,
                Location = new Point(135, 41),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            ESCExitButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                bEscExit = !bEscExit;
                ESCTick.Visible = bEscExit;

            ESCTick = new MirImageControl
                Index = 1347,
                Location = new Point(135, 41),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false,
                NotControl = true,

            ESCExit = new MirImageControl
                Index = 45,
                Location = new Point(150, 40),
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
Пример #28
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, uint max, uint min = 0)
            ImageIndex = image;
            MaxAmount  = max;
            MinAmount  = min;
            Amount     = max;
            Modal      = true;
            Movable    = false;

            Index   = 660;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((800 - Size.Width) / 2, (600 - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19 + 2, 8 + 15 + 3),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 23),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = false,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
                Visible  = false,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 383,
                Index        = 382,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(23 + 120, 76 + 47),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 384,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 386,
                Index        = 385,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(110 + 100, 76 + 47),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 387,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent       = this,
                Border       = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location     = new Point(59 - 37 + 2, 43 + 40 + 4),
                Size         = new Size(238, 19),
            //InputTextBox.Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10);
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += MirInputBox_KeyPress;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += TextBox_TextChanged;
            InputTextBox.Text = MaxAmount.ToString();
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionLength = InputTextBox.Text.Length;
Пример #29
 private void Control_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HoverLabel.Text = "";
     HoverLabel.Visible = false;
     HoverLabel.Parent = this;
     HoverLabelParent = null;
Пример #30
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                if (Disposing != null)
                    Disposing.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                Disposing = null;

                BackColourChanged = null;
                _backColour       = Color.Empty;

                BorderChanged   = null;
                _border         = false;
                BorderRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
                _borderInfo     = null;

                BorderColourChanged = null;
                _borderColour       = Color.Empty;

                DrawControlTexture = false;
                if (ControlTexture != null && !ControlTexture.Disposed)
                ControlTexture = null;
                TextureValid   = false;

                ControlAdded   = null;
                ControlRemoved = null;

                if (Controls != null)
                    for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (Controls[i] != null && !Controls[i].IsDisposed)

                    Controls = null;
                _enabled       = false;
                EnabledChanged = null;

                HasShown = false;

                BeforeDraw  = null;
                AfterDraw   = null;
                Shown       = null;
                BeforeShown = null;

                Click       = null;
                DoubleClick = null;
                MouseEnter  = null;
                MouseLeave  = null;
                MouseMove   = null;
                MouseDown   = null;
                MouseUp     = null;
                MouseWheel  = null;

                KeyPress = null;
                KeyUp    = null;
                KeyDown  = null;

                ForeColourChanged = null;
                _foreColour       = Color.Empty;

                LocationChanged = null;
                _location       = Point.Empty;

                ModalChanged = null;
                _modal       = false;

                MovableChanged = null;
                _movePoint     = Point.Empty;
                Moving         = false;
                OnMoving       = null;
                _movable       = false;

                NotControlChanged = null;
                _notControl       = false;

                OpacityChanged = null;
                _opacity       = 0F;

                if (Parent != null && Parent.Controls != null)
                ParentChanged = null;
                _parent       = null;

                SizeChanged = null;
                _size       = Size.Empty;

                SoundChanged = null;
                _sound       = 0;

                VisibleChanged = null;
                _visible       = false;

                if (ActiveControl == this)
                    ActiveControl = null;
                if (MouseControl == this)
                    MouseControl = null;

            IsDisposed = true;
Пример #31
        public MirControl NameInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            MirLabel nameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = GradeNameColor(HoverItem.Info.Grade),
                Location = new Point(4, 4),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Text = HoverItem.Info.Grade != ItemGrade.None ? HoverItem.Info.FriendlyName + "\n" + HoverItem.Info.Grade.ToString() : 
                (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Pets && HoverItem.Info.Shape == 26 && HoverItem.Info.Effect != 7) ? "WonderDrug" : HoverItem.Info.FriendlyName,

            if (HoverItem.RefineAdded > 0)
            nameLabel.Text = "(*)" + nameLabel.Text;

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            string text = "";

            if (HoverItem.Info.StackSize > 1)
                text += string.Format(" Count {0}", HoverItem.Count);

            if (HoverItem.Info.Durability > 0)
                switch (HoverItem.Info.Type)
                    case ItemType.Amulet:
                        text += string.Format(" Usage {0}/{1}", HoverItem.CurrentDura, HoverItem.MaxDura);
                    case ItemType.Ore:
                        text += string.Format(" Purity {0}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M));
                    case ItemType.Meat:
                        text += string.Format(" Quality {0}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M));
                    case ItemType.Mount:
                        text += string.Format(" Loyalty {0} / {1}", HoverItem.CurrentDura, HoverItem.MaxDura);
                    case ItemType.Food:
                        text += string.Format(" Nutrition {0}", HoverItem.CurrentDura);
                    case ItemType.Gem:
                    case ItemType.Potion:
                    case ItemType.Transform:
                    case ItemType.Pets:
                        if (HoverItem.Info.Shape == 26)//WonderDrug
                            string strTime = CreateTimeString((HoverItem.CurrentDura * 3600));
                            text += "\n" + string.Format(" Duration {0}", strTime);
                        text += string.Format(" Durability {0}/{1}", Math.Round(HoverItem.CurrentDura / 1000M),
                                                   Math.Round(HoverItem.MaxDura / 1000M));

            String WedRingName = "";
            if (HoverItem.WeddingRing == -1)
                WedRingName = HoverItem.Info.Type.ToString() +
                "\n" + "W " + HoverItem.Weight + text;
                WedRingName = "Wedding Ring" +
                "\n" + "W " + HoverItem.Weight + text;

            MirLabel etcLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location = new Point(4, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Text = WedRingName

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, etcLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, etcLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom + 4));

            #region OUTLINE
            MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent = ItemLabel,
                Opacity = 0.4F,
                Location = new Point(0, 0)
            outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

            return outLine;
Пример #32
 private void AddControl(MirControl control)
Пример #33
        public MirControl DefenseInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            bool fishingItem = false;

            switch (HoverItem.Info.Type)
                case ItemType.Hook:
                case ItemType.Float:
                case ItemType.Bait:
                case ItemType.Finder:
                case ItemType.Reel:
                    fishingItem = true;
                case ItemType.Weapon:
                    if (HoverItem.Info.Shape == 49 || HoverItem.Info.Shape == 50)
                        fishingItem = true;
                case ItemType.Pets:
                    if (HoverItem.Info.Shape == 26) return null;
                    fishingItem = false;

            int count = 0;
            int minValue = 0;
            int maxValue = 0;
            int addValue = 0;

            string text = "";
            #region AC

            minValue = realItem.MinAC;
            maxValue = realItem.MaxAC;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.AC : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "AC + {0}~{1} (+{2})" : "AC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0} AC", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel ACLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("AC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                if (fishingItem)
                    if (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Float)
                        ACLabel.Text = string.Format("Nibble Chance + " + (addValue > 0 ? "{0}~{1}% (+{2})" : "{0}~{1}%"), minValue, maxValue + addValue);
                    else if (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Finder)
                        ACLabel.Text = string.Format("Finder Increase + " + (addValue > 0 ? "{0}~{1}% (+{2})" : "{0}~{1}%"), minValue, maxValue + addValue);
                        ACLabel.Text = string.Format("Success Chance + " + (addValue > 0 ? "{0}% (+{1})" : "{0}%"), maxValue, maxValue + addValue);

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ACLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, ACLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAC

            minValue = realItem.MinMAC;
            maxValue = realItem.MaxMAC;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.MAC : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "MAC + {0}~{1} (+{2})" : "MAC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0} MAC", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel MACLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("MAC + {0}~{1}", minValue, maxValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                if (fishingItem)
                    MACLabel.Text = string.Format("AutoReel Chance + {0}%", maxValue + addValue);

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MACLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MACLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXHP

            minValue = realItem.HP;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.HP : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXHPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format(realItem.Type == ItemType.Potion ? "HP + {0} Recovery" : "MAXHP + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = realItem.Type == ItemType.Potion ? 
                    string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "HP + {0} Recovery (+{1})" : "HP + {0} Recovery", minValue + addValue, addValue)
                    : string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Max HP + {0} (+{1})" : "Max HP + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXHPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXHPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXMP

            minValue = realItem.MP;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.MP : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXMPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format(realItem.Type == ItemType.Potion ? "MP + {0} Recovery" : "MAXMP + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = realItem.Type == ItemType.Potion ? 
                    string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "MP + {0} Recovery (+{1})" : "MP + {0} Recovery", minValue + addValue, addValue)
                    : string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Max MP + {0} (+{1})" : "Max MP + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXMPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXMPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXHPRATE

            minValue = realItem.HPrate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXHPRATELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Max HP + {0}%", minValue + addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXHPRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXHPRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXMPRATE

            minValue = realItem.MPrate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXMPRATELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Max MP + {0}%", minValue + addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXMPRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXMPRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXACRATE

            minValue = realItem.MaxAcRate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXACRATE = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Max AC + {0}%", minValue + addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXACRATE.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXACRATE.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAXMACRATE

            minValue = realItem.MaxMacRate;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MAXMACRATELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Max MAC + {0}%", minValue + addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAXMACRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAXMACRATELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region HEALTH_RECOVERY

            minValue = realItem.HealthRecovery;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.HealthRecovery : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel HEALTH_RECOVERYLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("HealthRecovery + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Health Recovery + {0} (+{1})" : "Health Recovery + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, HEALTH_RECOVERYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, HEALTH_RECOVERYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MANA_RECOVERY

            minValue = realItem.SpellRecovery;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.ManaRecovery : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel MANA_RECOVERYLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("ManaRecovery + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Mana Recovery + {0} (+{1})" : "Mana Recovery + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MANA_RECOVERYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MANA_RECOVERYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region POISON_RECOVERY

            minValue = realItem.PoisonRecovery;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.PoisonRecovery : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel POISON_RECOVERYabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Poison Recovery + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Poison Recovery + {0} (+{1})" : "Poison Recovery + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, POISON_RECOVERYabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, POISON_RECOVERYabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region AGILITY

            minValue = realItem.Agility;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.Agility : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel AGILITYLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Agility + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Agility + {0} (+{1})" : "Agility + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, AGILITYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, AGILITYLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region STRONG

            minValue = realItem.Strong;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.Strong : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                MirLabel STRONGLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Strong + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Strong + {0} (+{1})" : "Strong + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, STRONGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, STRONGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region POISON_RESIST

            minValue = realItem.PoisonResist;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.PoisonResist : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Poison Resist + {0} (+{1})" : "Poison Resist + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0} Poison Resist", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel POISON_RESISTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Poison Resist + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, POISON_RESISTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, POISON_RESISTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region MAGIC_RESIST

            minValue = realItem.MagicResist;
            maxValue = 0;
            addValue = (!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) ? HoverItem.MagicResist : 0;

            if (minValue > 0 || maxValue > 0 || addValue > 0)
                if (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem)
                    text = string.Format(addValue > 0 ? "Magic Resist + {0} (+{1})" : "Magic Resist + {0}", minValue + addValue, addValue);
                    text = string.Format("Adds {0} Magic Resist", minValue + maxValue + addValue);
                MirLabel MAGIC_RESISTLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = addValue > 0 ? Color.Cyan : Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    //Text = string.Format("Magic Resist + {0}", minValue + addValue)
                    Text = text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, MAGIC_RESISTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, MAGIC_RESISTLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);
                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #34
        public void CreateItemLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            if (item == null)
                HoverItem = null;

            if (item == HoverItem && ItemLabel != null && !ItemLabel.IsDisposed) return;
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel = new MirControl
                BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent = this,
                Opacity = 0.7F,
              //  Visible = false

            //Name Info Label
            MirControl[] outlines = new MirControl[9];
            outlines[0] = NameInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Attribute Info1 Label - Attack Info
            outlines[1] = AttackInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Attribute Info2 Label - Defense Info
            outlines[2] = DefenseInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Attribute Info3 Label - Weight Info
            outlines[3] = WeightInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Awake Info Label
            outlines[4] = AwakeInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //need Info Label
            outlines[5] = NeedInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Bind Info Label
            outlines[6] = BindInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Overlap Info Label
            outlines[7] = OverlapInfoLabel(item, Inspect);
            //Story Label
            outlines[8] = StoryInfoLabel(item, Inspect);

            foreach (var outline in outlines)
                if (outline != null)
                    outline.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, outline.Size.Height);

            //ItemLabel.Visible = true;
Пример #35
        public MirControl AwakeInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region AWAKENAME
            if (HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevel() > 0)
                MirLabel AWAKENAMELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = GradeNameColor(HoverItem.Info.Grade),
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("{0} Awakening({1})", HoverItem.Awake.type.ToString(), HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevel())

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, AWAKENAMELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, AWAKENAMELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region AWAKE_TOTAL_VALUE
            if (HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeValue() > 0)
                MirLabel AWAKE_TOTAL_VALUELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format(realItem.Type != ItemType.Armour ? "{0} + {1}~{2}" : "MAX {0} + {1}", HoverItem.Awake.type.ToString(), HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeValue(), HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeValue())

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, AWAKE_TOTAL_VALUELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, AWAKE_TOTAL_VALUELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region AWAKE_LEVEL_VALUE
            if (HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevel() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevel(); i++)
                    MirLabel AWAKE_LEVEL_VALUELabel = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = string.Format(realItem.Type != ItemType.Armour ? "Level {0} : {1} + {2}~{3}" : "Level {0} : MAX {1} + {2}~{3}", i + 1, HoverItem.Awake.type.ToString(), HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevelValue(i), HoverItem.Awake.getAwakeLevelValue(i))

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, AWAKE_LEVEL_VALUELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, AWAKE_LEVEL_VALUELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #36
        public void CreateMemoLabel(ClientFriend friend)
            if (friend == null)

            if (MemoLabel != null && !MemoLabel.IsDisposed) return;

            MemoLabel = new MirControl
                BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent = this,
                Opacity = 0.7F

            MirLabel memoLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location = new Point(4, 4),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = MemoLabel,
                Text = Functions.StringOverLines(friend.Memo, 5, 20)

            MemoLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(MemoLabel.Size.Width, memoLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(MemoLabel.Size.Height, memoLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom + 4));
Пример #37
        public MirControl BindInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region DONT_DEATH_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontDeathdrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't drop on death")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontDrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DROPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't drop")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_UPGRADE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontUpgrade))
                MirLabel DONT_UPGRADELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't upgrade")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_UPGRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_UPGRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_SELL

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontSell))
                MirLabel DONT_SELLLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't sell")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_SELLLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_SELLLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_TRADE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontTrade))
                MirLabel DONT_TRADELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't trade")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_TRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_TRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_STORE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontStore))
                MirLabel DONT_STORELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't store")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_STORELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_STORELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_REPAIR

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontRepair))
                MirLabel DONT_REPAIRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't repair")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_SPECIALREPAIR

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.NoSRepair))
                MirLabel DONT_REPAIRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't special repair")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region BREAK_ON_DEATH

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.BreakOnDeath))
                MirLabel DONT_REPAIRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Breaks on death")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_DESTROY_ON_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DestroyOnDrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DODLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Destroyed when dropped")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DODLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DODLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region BIND_ON_EQUIP

            if ((HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.BindOnEquip)) & HoverItem.SoulBoundId == -1)
                MirLabel BOELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Soulbinds on equip")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
            else if (HoverItem.SoulBoundId != -1)
                MirLabel BOELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = "Soulbound to: " + GetUserName((uint)HoverItem.SoulBoundId)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CURSED

            if ((!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) && HoverItem.Cursed)
                MirLabel CURSEDLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Cursed")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CURSEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CURSEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region Gems

            if (HoverItem.Info.Type == ItemType.Gem)
                #region UseOn text
                string Text = "";
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique == SpecialItemMode.None)
                    Text = "Cannot be used on any item.";
                    Text = "Can be used on: ";
                MirLabel GemUseOn = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = Text

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GemUseOn.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GemUseOn.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Weapon text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Paralize))
                    MirLabel GemWeapon = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Weapon"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GemWeapon.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GemWeapon.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Armour text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Teleport))
                    MirLabel GemArmour = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Armour"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GemArmour.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GemArmour.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Helmet text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Clearring))
                    MirLabel Gemhelmet = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Helmet"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemhelmet.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemhelmet.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Necklace text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Protection))
                    MirLabel Gemnecklace = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Necklace"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemnecklace.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemnecklace.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Bracelet text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Revival))
                    MirLabel GemBracelet = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Bracelet"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GemBracelet.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GemBracelet.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Ring text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Muscle))
                    MirLabel GemRing = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Ring"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, GemRing.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, GemRing.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Amulet text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Flame))
                    MirLabel Gemamulet = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Amulet"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemamulet.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemamulet.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Belt text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Healing))
                    MirLabel Gembelt = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Belt"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gembelt.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gembelt.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Boots text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Probe))
                    MirLabel Gemboots = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Boots"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemboots.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemboots.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Stone text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.Skill))
                    MirLabel Gemstone = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Stone"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemstone.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemstone.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
                #region Torch text
                if (HoverItem.Info.Unique.HasFlag(SpecialItemMode.NoDuraLoss))
                    MirLabel Gemtorch = new MirLabel
                        AutoSize = true,
                        ForeColour = Color.White,
                        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = ItemLabel,
                        Text = "-Candle"

                    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, Gemtorch.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, Gemtorch.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CANTAWAKEN

            //if ((HoverItem.Info.CanAwakening != true) && (HoverItem.Info.Type != ItemType.Gem))
            //    count++;
            //    MirLabel CANTAWAKENINGLabel = new MirLabel
            //    {
            //        AutoSize = true,
            //        ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
            //        Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
            //        OutLine = true,
            //        Parent = ItemLabel,
            //        Text = string.Format("Can't awaken")
            //    };

            //    ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CANTAWAKENINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
            //        Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CANTAWAKENINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region EXPIRE

            if (HoverItem.ExpireInfo != null)
                double remainingSeconds = (HoverItem.ExpireInfo.ExpiryDate - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds;

                MirLabel EXPIRELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = remainingSeconds > 0 ? string.Format("Expires in {0}", Functions.PrintTimeSpanFromSeconds(remainingSeconds)) : "Expired"

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, EXPIRELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, EXPIRELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #38
        private static void CreateDebugLabel()
            if (!Settings.DebugMode) return;

            if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl
                        BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50),
                        Border = true,
                        BorderColour = Color.Black,
                        DrawControlTexture = true,
                        Location = new Point(5, 5),
                        NotControl = true,
                        Opacity = 0.5F

            if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Parent = DebugBaseLabel,

                DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size;

            string text;
            if (MirControl.MouseControl != null)
                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

                if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl)
                    text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation);

                if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene)
                    text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count);

                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

            DebugTextLabel.Text = text;
Пример #39
        public MirControl StoryInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            ushort level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region TOOLTIP

            if (realItem.Type == ItemType.Pets && realItem.Shape == 26)//Dynamic wonderDrug
                string strTime = CreateTimeString((HoverItem.CurrentDura * 3600));
                switch ((int)realItem.Effect)
                    case 0://exp low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase experience gained by {0}% for {1}.", HoverItem.Luck + realItem.Luck, strTime);
                    case 1://drop low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase droprate by {0}% for {1}.", HoverItem.Luck + realItem.Luck, strTime);
                    case 2://hp low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase MaxHP +{0} for {1}.", HoverItem.HP + realItem.HP, strTime);
                    case 3://mp low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase MaxMP +{0} for {1}.", HoverItem.MP + realItem.MP, strTime);
                    case 4://ac low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase AC {0}-{0} for {1}.", HoverItem.AC + realItem.MaxAC, strTime);
                    case 5://amc low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase AMC {0}-{0} for {1}.", HoverItem.MAC + realItem.MaxAC, strTime);
                    case 6://speed low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase AttackSpeed by {0} for {1}.", HoverItem.AttackSpeed + realItem.AttackSpeed, strTime);
                    case 7://knapsack low/med/high
                        HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Increase BagWeight by {0} for {1}.", HoverItem.Luck + realItem.Luck, strTime);

            if (realItem.Type == ItemType.Scroll && realItem.Shape == 7)//Credit Scroll
                HoverItem.Info.ToolTip = string.Format("Adds {0} Credits to your Account.", HoverItem.Info.Price);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HoverItem.Info.ToolTip))
                MirLabel TOOLTIPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Goldenrod,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = HoverItem.Info.ToolTip

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, TOOLTIPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, TOOLTIPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #40
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, string message)
            ImageIndex = image;

            Modal = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index = 238;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((800 - Size.Width) / 2, (600 - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text = title

            TextLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(60, 43),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text = message

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 361,
                Index = 360,
                Location = new Point(180, 3),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 201,
                Index = 200,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 204,
                Index = 203,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
Пример #41
        public void CreateMailLabel(ClientMail mail)
            if (mail == null)

            if (MailLabel != null && !MailLabel.IsDisposed) return;

            MailLabel = new MirControl
                BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent = this,
                Opacity = 0.7F

            MirLabel nameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                Location = new Point(4, 4),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = MailLabel,
                Text = mail.SenderName

            MailLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Width, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Height, nameLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            MirLabel dateLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.White,
                Location = new Point(4, MailLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = MailLabel,
                Text = "Date Sent : " + mail.DateSent.ToString("dd/MM/yy H:mm:ss")

            MailLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Width, dateLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Height, dateLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            if (mail.Gold > 0)
                MirLabel goldLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Location = new Point(4, MailLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = MailLabel,
                    Text = "Gold: " + mail.Gold

                MailLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Width, goldLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Height, goldLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));

            MirLabel openedLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Red,
                Location = new Point(4, MailLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                OutLine = true,
                Parent = MailLabel,
                Text = mail.Opened ? "[Old]" : "[New]"

            MailLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Width, openedLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
            Math.Max(MailLabel.Size.Height, openedLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
Пример #42
 private void RemoveControl(MirControl control)
Пример #43
        public MainDialog()
            Index = Settings.Resolution == 800 ? 0 : Settings.Resolution == 1024 ? 1 : 2;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Location = new Point(((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)), Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height);
            PixelDetect = true;

            LeftCap = new MirImageControl
                Index = 12,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(-67, this.Size.Height - 96),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false
            RightCap = new MirImageControl
                Index = 13,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(1024, this.Size.Height - 104),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false

            if (Settings.Resolution > 1024)
                LeftCap.Visible = true;
                RightCap.Visible = true;

            InventoryButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1904,
                Index = 1903,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 96, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1905,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Inventory (I)"
            InventoryButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Visible)

            CharacterButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1901,
                Index = 1900,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 119, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1902,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Character (C)"
            CharacterButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.CharacterPage.Visible)

            SkillButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1907,
                Index = 1906,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 73, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1908,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Skills (S)"
            SkillButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.SkillPage.Visible)

            QuestButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1910,
                Index = 1909,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 50, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1911,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Quests (Q)"
            QuestButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Visible)
                else GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Hide();

            OptionButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1913,
                Index = 1912,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 27, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1914,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Options (O)"
            OptionButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Visible)
                else GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Hide();

            MenuButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1961,
                Index = 1960,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 55, 35),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1962,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonC,
                Hint = "Menu"
            MenuButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Visible) GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Show();
                else GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Hide();

            GameShopButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 827,
                Index = 826,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 35),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 828,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonC,
                Hint = "Game Shop"
            GameShopButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Visible) GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Show();
                else GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Hide();

            HealthOrb = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 30),
                NotControl = true,

            HealthOrb.BeforeDraw += HealthOrb_BeforeDraw;

            HealthLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 27),
                Parent = HealthOrb
            HealthLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            ManaLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 42),
                Parent = HealthOrb
            ManaLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            TopLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(85, 30),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location = new Point(9, 20),
                Parent = HealthOrb,

            BottomLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(85, 30),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location = new Point(9, 50),
                Parent = HealthOrb,

            LevelLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(5, 108)

            CharacterName = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(6, 120),
                Size = new Size(90, 16)

            ExperienceBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 8 : 7,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(9, 143),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            ExperienceBar.BeforeDraw += ExperienceBar_BeforeDraw;

            ExperienceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = ExperienceBar,
                NotControl = true,

            GoldLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 119),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(99, 13),
                Sound = SoundList.Gold,
            GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null)
                    GameScene.PickedUpGold = !GameScene.PickedUpGold && GameScene.Gold > 0;

            WeightBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = 76,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 103),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            WeightBar.BeforeDraw += WeightBar_BeforeDraw;

            WeightLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 30, 101),
                Size = new Size(26, 14),

            AModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -448 : -280),

            PModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Orange,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(230, 125),
                Visible = false

            SModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -463 : -295),
Пример #44
        public MirControl BindInfoLabel(UserItem item, bool Inspect = false)
            byte level = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Level : MapObject.User.Level;
            MirClass job = Inspect ? InspectDialog.Class : MapObject.User.Class;
            HoverItem = item;
            ItemInfo realItem = Functions.GetRealItem(item.Info, level, job, ItemInfoList);

            ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

            int count = 0;

            #region DONT_DEATH_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontDeathdrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't drop on death")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DEATH_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontDrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DROPLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't drop")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DROPLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_UPGRADE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontUpgrade))
                MirLabel DONT_UPGRADELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't upgrade")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_UPGRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_UPGRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_SELL

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontSell))
                MirLabel DONT_SELLLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't sell")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_SELLLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_SELLLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_TRADE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontTrade))
                MirLabel DONT_TRADELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't trade")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_TRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_TRADELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_STORE

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontStore))
                MirLabel DONT_STORELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't store")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_STORELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_STORELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_REPAIR

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DontRepair))
                MirLabel DONT_REPAIRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't repair")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_REPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_SUERREPAIR

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.BindNoSRepair)
                MirLabel DONT_SUERREPAIRLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't special repair")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_SUERREPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_SUERREPAIRLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region DONT_DESTROY_ON_DROP

            if (HoverItem.Info.Bind != BindMode.none && HoverItem.Info.Bind.HasFlag(BindMode.DestroyOnDrop))
                MirLabel DONT_DODLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Destroyed when dropped")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, DONT_DODLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, DONT_DODLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region BIND_ON_EQUIP

            if ((HoverItem.Info.BindOnEquip) & HoverItem.SoulBoundId == -1)
                MirLabel BOELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Soulbinds on equip")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));
            else if (HoverItem.SoulBoundId != -1)
                MirLabel BOELabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = "Soulbound to: " + GetUserName((uint)HoverItem.SoulBoundId)

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, BOELabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CURSED

            if ((!HoverItem.Info.NeedIdentify || HoverItem.Identified) && HoverItem.Cursed)
                MirLabel CURSEDLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Cursed")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CURSEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CURSEDLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            #region CANTAWAKEN

            if (HoverItem.Info.CanAwakening != true)
                MirLabel CANTAWAKENINGLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Location = new Point(4, ItemLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Text = string.Format("Can't awaken")

                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Width, CANTAWAKENINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Right + 4),
                    Math.Max(ItemLabel.Size.Height, CANTAWAKENINGLabel.DisplayRectangle.Bottom));


            if (count > 0)
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 4);

                #region OUTLINE
                MirControl outLine = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Gray,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = ItemLabel,
                    Opacity = 0.4F,
                    Location = new Point(0, 0)
                outLine.Size = ItemLabel.Size;

                return outLine;
                ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height - 4);
            return null;
Пример #45
        private static void CreateHintLabel()
            if (HintBaseLabel == null || HintBaseLabel.IsDisposed)
                HintBaseLabel = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    DrawControlTexture = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Yellow,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Parent = MirScene.ActiveScene,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Opacity = 0.5F

            if (HintTextLabel == null || HintTextLabel.IsDisposed)
                HintTextLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Parent = HintBaseLabel,

                HintTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => HintBaseLabel.Size = HintTextLabel.Size;

            if (MirControl.MouseControl == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MirControl.MouseControl.Hint))
                HintBaseLabel.Visible = false;

            HintBaseLabel.Visible = true;

            HintTextLabel.Text = MirControl.MouseControl.Hint;

            Point point = MPoint.Add(-HintTextLabel.Size.Width, 20);

            if (point.X + HintBaseLabel.Size.Width >= Settings.ScreenWidth)
                point.X = Settings.ScreenWidth - HintBaseLabel.Size.Width - 1;
            if (point.Y + HintBaseLabel.Size.Height >= Settings.ScreenHeight)
                point.Y = Settings.ScreenHeight - HintBaseLabel.Size.Height - 1;

            if (point.X < 0)
                point.X = 0;
            if (point.Y < 0)
                point.Y = 0;

            HintBaseLabel.Location = point;
Пример #46
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing)
            if (Disposing)
                BackColorChanged = null;
                _BackColor       = Color.Empty;

                BorderChanged   = null;
                _Border         = false;
                BorderRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
                _BorderInfo     = null;

                BorderColorChanged = null;
                _BorderColor       = Color.Empty;

                DrawControlTexture = false;
                if (ControlTexture != null && !ControlTexture.Disposed)
                ControlTexture = null;
                TextureValid   = false;

                ControlAdded   = null;
                ControlRemoved = null;

                if (Controls != null)
                    //Reverse because control will remove it's self from list changing list count.
                    for (int I = Controls.Count - 1; I >= 0; I--)
                        if (Controls[I] != null && !Controls[I].IsDisposed)

                    Controls = null;
                _Enabled       = false;
                EnabledChanged = null;

                HasShown = false;

                BeforeDraw = null;
                AfterDraw  = null;
                Shown      = null;

                Click       = null;
                DoubleClick = null;
                MouseEnter  = null;
                MouseLeave  = null;
                MouseMove   = null;
                MouseDown   = null;
                MouseUp     = null;

                KeyPress = null;
                KeyUp    = null;
                KeyDown  = null;

                ForeColorChanged = null;
                _ForeColor       = Color.Empty;

                LocationChanged = null;
                _Location       = Point.Empty;

                ModalChanged = null;
                _Modal       = false;

                MovableChanged = null;
                MovePoint      = Point.Empty;
                Moving         = false;
                _Movable       = false;

                NotControlChanged = null;
                _NotControl       = false;

                OpacityChanged = null;
                _Opacity       = 0F;

                if (Parent != null && Parent.Controls != null)
                ParentChanged = null;
                _Parent       = null;

                SizeChanged = null;
                _Size       = Size.Empty;

                SoundChanged = null;
                _Sound       = SoundList.None;

                VisibleChanged = null;
                _Visible       = false;

            IsDisposed = true;