Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the display of the reassignment paths for a SelectionChanged event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">A reference to the control/object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">>State information and event data associated with a SelectionChanged event.</param>
        private void ReassignPaths_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            string display     = "";
            string infoDisplay = "";

            string []           display1; // Contains the course names
            string []           display2; // Contains the room names
            string []           display3; // Contains the course sections
            LinkedReassignments node = ReassignPaths.SelectedItem as LinkedReassignments;

            // Splits the strings
            display1 = node.courseSteps.Split(',');
            display2 = node.roomSteps.Split(',');
            display3 = node.courseSections.Split(',');

            for (int i = 0; i < display2.Length; i++)
                if (node.steps == 0)
                    display += display1[i] + " is assigned to " + display2[i] + "\n";
                    display += "If this is the only item you see the reassignment has failed";

                else if (i != 0 && i % 2 == 1)
                    display += display1[i] + " will be assigned to " + display2[i] + "\n\n";

                    display += display1[i] + " was assigned to " + display2[i] + "\n";

                    var thecourse = from course in CourseRepo.Courses
                                    where course.CourseName == display1[i] && course.SectionNumber == display3[i]
                                    select course;

                    foreach (Course course in thecourse)
                        infoDisplay += course.CourseName + " Section " + course.SectionNumber + "\n" + course.MeetingPattern.ToString() + "\n\n";

            PathDisplay.Text = display;
            RoomInfo.Text    = infoDisplay;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Commit the reassigned room to the course.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">A reference to the control/object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">State information and event data associated with a routed event.</param>
        void CommitReassign(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[]            coursestoassign;
            string[]            roomstoassign;
            string[]            coursesections;
            LinkedReassignments node = ReassignPaths.SelectedItem as LinkedReassignments;

            // Splits the strings
            coursestoassign = node.courseSteps.Split(',');
            roomstoassign   = node.roomSteps.Split(',');
            coursesections  = node.courseSections.Split(',');

            for (int i = 0; i < roomstoassign.Length; i++)
                if (node.steps == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("You can not reassign with this item!");

                else if (i != 0 && i % 2 == 1)
                    var thecourse = from course in CourseRepo.Courses
                                    where course.CourseName == coursestoassign[i] && course.SectionNumber == coursesections[i]
                                    select course;

                    var theroom = from room in RoomRepo.Rooms
                                  where room.RoomName == roomstoassign[i]
                                  select room;

                    foreach (Course course in thecourse)
                        foreach (Room room in theroom)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Course is: " + course.CourseName + " assigned to " + room.RoomName);
                            course.Room           = room.RoomName;
                            course.RoomAssignment = room;

            MessageBox.Show("Reassigned rooms to courses");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for ReassignmentPage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The course</param>
        /// <param name="capacity">The new capacity to search for for a course.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The room type to search for.</param>
        public ReassignmentPage(Course c, string capacity, string type)
            saveWork = new SaveBase();

            LinkedReassignments node = new LinkedReassignments();

            Type     = type;
            Capacity = capacity;

            var courses = from course in CourseRepo.Courses
                          where course.CourseName == c.CourseName && course.SectionNumber == c.SectionNumber
                          select course;

            foreach (Course course in courses)
                course.RoomCapRequest = capacity;

            c.RoomCapRequest = capacity;

            // initializes the head node
            node.steps          = 0;
            node.courseSteps    = c.CourseName;
            node.courseSections = c.SectionNumber;
            node.roomSteps      = c.RoomAssignment.ToString();
            node.next           = null;

            node        = recursiveReassign(node, c);
            viewModel   = new ReassignmentViewModel(node);
            DataContext = viewModel;

            if (viewModel.ReassignPath.Count() == 0)
                PathDisplay.Text = "Couldn't reassign the course.\nPlease change the course time or manually reassign the room";
                RoomInfo.Text    = "";
Пример #4
        // Still working on this
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively reassign a room for the course.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">A node represented the linked reassignments.</param>
        /// <param name="c">The course to be reassigned.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if it takes over three shuffles. The available room(s) otherwise.</returns>
        public LinkedReassignments recursiveReassign(LinkedReassignments node, Course c)
            int steps = node.steps + 1;
            LinkedReassignments traverser;
            AvailableRoomSearch availableRoomSearch = new AvailableRoomSearch(RoomRepo, CourseRepo);
            IEnumerable <Room>  rooms = availableRoomSearch.AvailableRooms(c.MeetingDays, (TimeSpan)c.StartTime, (TimeSpan)c.EndTime, int.Parse(c.RoomCapRequest), Type);
            LinkedReassignments newnode;

            // If it takes more than three shuffles then that's too much and ends it
            if (steps > 3)

            // If there are available rooms with regards to room type
            else if (rooms.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var room in rooms)
                    traverser              = node;
                    newnode                = new LinkedReassignments();
                    newnode.steps          = steps;
                    newnode.courseSections = node.courseSections + "," + c.SectionNumber;
                    newnode.courseSteps    = node.courseSteps + "," + c.CourseName;
                    newnode.roomSteps      = (node.roomSteps + "," + room.RoomName);
                    newnode.next           = null;

                    while (traverser.next != null)
                        traverser = traverser.next;

                    traverser.next = newnode;


            // Finds all the rooms that match, if a course is assigned to it takes that room, then puts that course through
            // the algorithm
                // Took this from AvailableRoomSearch
                // Pretty sure it gets all rooms from the roomrepository that matches the requirements
                // Then finds all the courses that are assigned to those rooms
                var coursesGroupedByRoom = from room in RoomRepo.Rooms
                                           where room.Capacity >= int.Parse(c.RoomCapRequest) && room.RoomType == Type
                                           join course in CourseRepo.Courses on room equals course.RoomAssignment into courseGroup
                                           select new { Room = room, Courses = courseGroup };

                foreach (var courseGroup in coursesGroupedByRoom)
                    // If no available rooms are found find all the courses assigned
                    // to rooms that match the specifications and run the algorithm on them
                    List <Course> courses = courseGroup.Courses
                                            .Where(x => x.HasRoomAssignment && x.MeetingDays.Intersect(c.MeetingDays).Count(z => true) != 0 && x.StartTime.HasValue &&
                                                   ((x.StartTime.Value <= c.EndTime && x.StartTime.Value >= c.StartTime) || (x.EndTime >= c.StartTime && x.EndTime <= c.EndTime)))
                                            .OrderBy(x => x.StartTime.Value)

                    // Then we'll go through all the paths trying to shuffle here
                    for (int i = 0; i < courses.Count; i++)
                        newnode                = new LinkedReassignments();
                        traverser              = node;
                        newnode.steps          = steps;
                        newnode.courseSections = node.courseSections + "," + c.SectionNumber + "," + courses[i].SectionNumber;
                        newnode.courseSteps    = node.courseSteps + "," + c.CourseName + "," + courses[i].CourseName;
                        newnode.roomSteps      = node.roomSteps + "," + courses[i].RoomAssignment.RoomName + "," + courses[i].RoomAssignment.RoomName;
                        newnode.next           = null;
                        newnode                = recursiveReassign(newnode, courses[i]);

                        // The first node is just this nodes info which isn't what we want
                        if (newnode != null)
                            if (newnode.next != null)
                                newnode = newnode.next;

                                while (traverser.next != null)
                                    traverser = traverser.next;

                                traverser.next = newnode;
