public override void DrawClippedText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y, float maxWidth, float maxHeight )
            if( !args.SkipPartsCheck )
                GetTextParts( args.Text );

            Brush shadowBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( FastColour.Black );
            StringFormatFlags flags = format.FormatFlags;
             			format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
            format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
            float textX = x;

            for( int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++ ) {
                TextPart part = parts[i];
                Brush textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( part.TextColour );
                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( textX + Offset, y + Offset, maxWidth, maxHeight );
                if( args.UseShadow )
                    g.DrawString( part.Text, args.Font, shadowBrush, rect, format );

                rect = new RectangleF( textX, y, maxWidth, maxHeight );
                g.DrawString( part.Text, args.Font, textBrush, rect, format );
                textX += g.MeasureString( part.Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format ).Width;
            format.Trimming = StringTrimming.None;
            format.FormatFlags = flags;
Пример #2
 /// <summary> Draws a string using the specified arguments, using the specified font or 
 /// the current bitmapped font depending on the 'useFont' argument, at the
 /// specified coordinates in the currently bound bitmap. </summary>
 public void DrawChatText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int windowX, int windowY )
     if( !UseBitmappedChat )
         DrawText( ref args, windowX, windowY );
         DrawBitmappedText( ref args, windowX, windowY );
        Texture DrawAdvanced( ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text )
            string[] items = Split( index, text );
            Size total = Size.Empty;
            Size[] partSizes = new Size[items.Length];

            for( int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++ ) {
                args.Text = items[i];
                args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize( ref args );
                total.Height = Math.Max( partSizes[i].Height, total.Height );
                total.Width += partSizes[i].Width;

            using( IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D )
                using( Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap( total ) )
                drawer.SetBitmap( bmp );
                int x = 0;

                for( int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++ ) {
                    args.Text = items[i];
                    args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                    Size size = partSizes[i];

                    drawer.DrawChatText( ref args, x, 0 );
                    urlBounds[index][i].X = x;
                    urlBounds[index][i].Width = size.Width;
                    x += size.Width;
                return drawer.Make2DTexture( bmp, total, 0, 0 );
Пример #4
        public override void Init()
            X = 10;
            DrawTextArgs caretArgs = new DrawTextArgs( "_", Color.White, false );
            chatCaretTexture = game.Drawer2D.MakeTextTexture( boldFont, 0, 0, ref caretArgs );
            string value = chatInputText.GetString();

            if( chatInputText.Empty ) {
                caretPos = -1;
            Size size = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize( value, font, false );

            if( caretPos == -1 ) {
                chatCaretTexture.X1 = 10 + size.Width;
                size.Width += chatCaretTexture.Width;
                DrawString( size, value, true );
            } else {
                string subString = chatInputText.GetSubstring( caretPos );
                Size trimmedSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize( subString, font, false );

                chatCaretTexture.X1 = 10 + trimmedSize.Width;
                Size charSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize( new String( value[caretPos], 1 ), font, false );
                chatCaretTexture.Width = charSize.Width;
                DrawString( size, value, false );
 public override void DrawBitmappedText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y )
     using( bitmapWrapper ) {
         bitmapWrapper.SetData( curBmp, true, false );
         DrawBitmapTextImpl( bitmapWrapper, ref args, x, y );
        public override void DrawBitmappedText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y )
            if( !args.SkipPartsCheck )
                GetTextParts( args.Text );

            using( FastBitmap fastBmp = new FastBitmap( curBmp, true ) )
                DrawTextImpl( fastBmp, ref args, x, y );
Пример #7
        protected void InitRenderingData()
            api = game.Graphics;

            using( Font font = new Font( "Arial", 14 ) ) {
                DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( DisplayName, font, true );
                nameTex = game.Drawer2D.MakeBitmappedTextTexture( ref args, 0, 0 );
Пример #8
        public void DrawAt( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font,
            Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y)
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
            Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
            Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height;

            CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor );
            Redraw( drawer, text, font );
Пример #9
        public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font )
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
            Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
            Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height;

            args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
            drawer.DrawText( ref args, X, Y );
            Text = text;
Пример #10
        public override void Init()
            Textures = new Texture[ElementsCount];
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "I", font, true );
            defaultHeight = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize( ref args ).Height;

            for( int i = 0; i < Textures.Length; i++ ) {
                Textures[i].Height = defaultHeight;
Пример #11
        public void SetDrawData( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font,
            Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y)
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
            Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
            Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height;

            CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor );
            Text = text;
            this.font = font;
Пример #12
        public override void Init()
            Textures = new Texture[ElementsCount];
            lines = new string[ElementsCount];
            urlBounds = new Rectangle[ElementsCount][];
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "I", font, true );
            defaultHeight = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize( ref args ).Height;

            for( int i = 0; i < Textures.Length; i++ )
                Textures[i].Height = defaultHeight;
        protected void DrawBitmapTextImpl( FastBitmap dst, ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y )
            bool underline = args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Underline;
            if( args.UseShadow ) {
                int offset = ShadowOffset( args.Font.Size );
                DrawPart( dst, ref args, x + offset, y + offset, true );
                if( underline ) DrawUnderline( dst, x + offset, 0, ref args, true );

            DrawPart( dst, ref args, x, y, false );
            if( underline ) DrawUnderline( dst, x, -2, ref args, false );
 public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer )
     drawer.DrawRect( FastColour.Black, X, Y, Width, Height );
     if( Value ) {
         DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "X", font, false );
         Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
         args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
         drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + (Width - size.Width) / 2,
                         Y + (Height - size.Height) / 2 );
     drawer.DrawRectBounds( FastColour.White, 2, X, Y, Width, Height );
Пример #15
 public override void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer )
     if( Window.Minimised ) return;
     drawer.DrawRect( FastColour.Black, X, Y, Width, Height );
     if( Value ) {
         DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "X", font, false );
         Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
         args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
         drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + (Width + 2 - size.Width) / 2, // account for border
                         Y + (Height - size.Height) / 2 );
     drawer.DrawRectBounds( FastColour.White, 2, X, Y, Width, Height );
 unsafe void MeasureContentSizes( Element e, Font font, Size* sizes )
     string s = new String( '\0', e.CharsPerItem );
     DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( s, font, false );
     // avoid allocating temporary strings here
     fixed( char* ptr = s ) {
         for( int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem ) {
             for( int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++ )
                 ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j];
             sizes[i / e.CharsPerItem] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize( ref args );
Пример #17
        public override void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer )
            if( Window.Minimised ) return;
            string text = Text;
            if( !Active ) text = "&7" + text;
            int xOffset = Width - textSize.Width, yOffset = Height - textSize.Height;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );

            DrawBorder( drawer );
            if( Window.ClassicBackground ) DrawClassic( drawer );
            else DrawNormal( drawer );

            drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + xOffset / 2, Y + yOffset / 2 );
Пример #18
        public Texture MakeTextTexture( Font font, int screenX, int screenY, ref DrawTextArgs args )
            Size size = MeasureSize( args.Text, font, args.UseShadow );
            if( parts.Count == 0 )
                return new Texture( -1, screenX, screenY, 0, 0, 1, 1 );

            using( Bitmap bmp = CreatePow2Bitmap( size ) ) {
                SetBitmap( bmp );
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;

                DrawText( font, ref args, 0, 0 );
                return Make2DTexture( bmp, size, screenX, screenY );
        void DrawTitles( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font )
            int x = 0;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( null, font, false );
            for( int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++ ) {
                args.Text = elements[i].Title;
                FastColour col = i == selectedIndex ? new FastColour( 30, 30, 30, 200 ) :
                    new FastColour( 60, 60, 60, 200 );
                Size size = elements[i].TitleSize;

                drawer.Clear( col, x, 0, size.Width, size.Height );
                drawer.DrawChatText( ref args, x + titleSpacing / 2, 0 );
                x += size.Width;
Пример #20
 public void SetText( string text )
     graphicsApi.DeleteTexture( ref texture );
     if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) ) {
         texture = new Texture();
         Height = defaultHeight;
     } else {
         DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, true );
         texture = game.Drawer2D.MakeTextTexture( font, 0, 0, ref args );
         X = texture.X1 = CalcOffset( game.Width, texture.Width, XOffset, HorizontalDocking );
         Y = texture.Y1 = CalcOffset( game.Height, texture.Height, YOffset, VerticalDocking );
         Height = texture.Height;
     Width = texture.Width;
Пример #21
        /// <summary> Draws the specified string from the arguments into a new bitmap,
        /// them creates a 2D texture with origin at the specified window coordinates. </summary>
        public Texture MakeTextTexture( ref DrawTextArgs args, int windowX, int windowY )
            Size size = MeasureSize( ref args );
            if( parts.Count == 0 )
                return new Texture( -1, windowX, windowY, 0, 0, 1, 1 );

            using( Bitmap bmp = CreatePow2Bitmap( size ) ) {
                SetBitmap( bmp );
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;

                DrawText( ref args, 0, 0 );
                return Make2DTexture( bmp, size, windowX, windowY );
Пример #22
        public override Size MeasureSize( ref DrawTextArgs args )
            GetTextParts( args.Text );
            SizeF total = SizeF.Empty;
            for( int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++ ) {
                SizeF size = measuringGraphics.MeasureString( parts[i].Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format );
                total.Height = Math.Max( total.Height, size.Height );
                total.Width += size.Width;

            if( args.UseShadow && parts.Count > 0 ) {
                total.Width += Offset; total.Height += Offset;
            return Size.Ceiling( total );
        public override void DrawText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y )
            if( !args.SkipPartsCheck )
                GetTextParts( args.Text );

            Paint shadowBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( Color.Black );
            float textX = x;
            for( int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++ ) {
                TextPart part = parts[i];
                Paint textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( part.TextColour );
                if( args.UseShadow )
                    c.DrawText( part.Text, textX + Offset, y + Offset, shadowBrush );

                c.DrawText( part.Text, textX, y, textBrush );
                textX += textBrush.MeasureText( part.Text );
        public override void DrawText( ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y )
            if( !args.SkipPartsCheck )
                GetTextParts( args.Text );

            Brush shadowBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( Color.Black );
            float textX = x;
            for( int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++ ) {
                TextPart part = parts[i];
                Brush textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( part.TextColour );
                if( args.UseShadow )
                    g.DrawString( part.Text, args.Font, shadowBrush, textX + Offset, y + Offset, format );

                g.DrawString( part.Text, args.Font, textBrush, textX, y, format );
                textX += g.MeasureString( part.Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format ).Width;
        public override Size MeasureSize( ref DrawTextArgs args )
            GetTextParts( args.Text );
            if( parts.Count == 0 )
                return Size.Empty;

            SizeF total = SizeF.Empty;
            for( int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++ ) {
                TextPart part = parts[i];
                Paint textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush( part.TextColour );
                total.Width += textBrush.MeasureText( part.Text );
            total.Height = PtToPx( args.Font.Size );
            if( args.UseShadow ) {
                total.Width += Offset; total.Height += Offset;
            return Size.Ceiling( total );
Пример #26
        unsafe void MeasureContentSizes(Element e, Font font, Size *sizes)
            string       s    = new String('\0', e.CharsPerItem);
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(s, font, false);

            // avoid allocating temporary strings here
            fixed(char *ptr = s)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem)
                    for (int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++)
                        ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j];
                    sizes[i / e.CharsPerItem] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);
Пример #27
        public override void SetText( string text )
            graphicsApi.DeleteTexture( ref texture );
            if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) ) {
                texture = new Texture();
                Height = defaultHeight;
            } else {
                DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
                texture = game.Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat ?
                    game.Drawer2D.MakeBitmappedTextTexture( ref args, 0, 0 ) :
                    game.Drawer2D.MakeTextTexture( ref args, 0, 0 );

                X = texture.X1 = CalcOffset( game.Width, texture.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor );
                Y = texture.Y1 = CalcOffset( game.Height, texture.Height, YOffset, VerticalAnchor );
                Height = texture.Height;
            Width = texture.Width;
Пример #28
 public virtual void SetText(string text)
     graphicsApi.DeleteTexture(ref texture);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
         texture = new Texture();
         Height  = defaultHeight;
         DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
         texture = game.Drawer2D.MakeTextTexture(ref args, 0, 0);
         X       = texture.X1 = CalcOffset(game.Width, texture.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor);
         Y       = texture.Y1 = CalcOffset(game.Height, texture.Height, YOffset, VerticalAnchor);
         Height  = texture.Height;
     Width = texture.Width;
        public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font )
            if( !Active )
                text = "&7" + Text;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
            Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args );
            int width = ButtonWidth, height = ButtonHeight;
            int xOffset = width - size.Width, yOffset = height - size.Height;

            if( Shadow )
                drawer.DrawRoundedRect( Active ? shadowColActive : shadowCol,
                                       3, X + IDrawer2D.Offset, Y + IDrawer2D.Offset, width, height );
            drawer.DrawRoundedRect( Active ? boxColActive : boxCol,
                                   3, X, Y, width, height );

            args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
            drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + 1 + xOffset / 2, Y + 1 + yOffset / 2 );
        unsafe void DrawContent( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Element e, int yOffset )
            string s = new String( '\0', e.CharsPerItem );
            int wrap = e.ItemsPerRow;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( s, font, false );

            fixed( char* ptr = s ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem ) {
                    for( int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++ )
                        ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j];
                    int item = i / e.CharsPerItem;

                    int x = (item % wrap) * elementSize.Width, y = (item / wrap) * elementSize.Height;
                    y += yOffset;
                    drawer.DrawChatText( ref args, x, y );
Пример #31
        /// <summary> Draws the specified string from the arguments into a new bitmap,
        /// using the specified font or the current bitmapped font depending on 'UseBitmappedChat',
        /// then creates a 2D texture with origin at the specified window coordinates. </summary>
        public Texture MakeTextTexture(ref DrawTextArgs args, int windowX, int windowY)
            Size size = MeasureSize(ref args);

            if (size == Size.Empty)
                return(new Texture(-1, windowX, windowY, 0, 0, 1, 1));

            using (Bitmap bmp = CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) {
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                DrawText(ref args, 0, 0);

                return(Make2DTexture(bmp, size, windowX, windowY));
Пример #32
        protected override Size MeasureSysSize(ref DrawTextArgs args)

            float width = 0, height = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                SizeF size = measuringGraphics.MeasureString(parts[i].Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format);
                height = Math.Max(height, size.Height);
                width += size.Width;

            if (args.UseShadow)
                width += Offset; height += Offset;
            return(new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(width), (int)Math.Ceiling(height)));
Пример #33
        protected override Size MeasureSysSize(ref DrawTextArgs args)

            SizeF total = SizeF.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                TextPart part      = parts[i];
                Paint    textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(part.Col);
                total.Width += textBrush.MeasureText(part.Text);
            total.Height = PtToPx(args.Font.Size);
            if (args.UseShadow)
                total.Width += Offset; total.Height += Offset;
Пример #34
        public TextInputWidget(Game game, Font font, Font boldFont) : base(game)
            HorizontalAnchor = Anchor.LeftOrTop;
            VerticalAnchor   = Anchor.BottomOrRight;
            typingLogPos     = game.Chat.InputLog.Count;         // Index of newest entry + 1.

            chatInputText = new WrappableStringBuffer(len);
            DrawTextArgs args    = new DrawTextArgs("A", boldFont, true);
            Size         defSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);

            defaultWidth = defSize.Width; defaultHeight = defSize.Height;
            Width        = defaultWidth; Height = defaultHeight;

            args     = new DrawTextArgs("_", boldFont, true);
            caretTex = game.Drawer2D.MakeChatTextTexture(ref args, 0, 0);

            this.font = font;
            altText   = new AltTextInputWidget(game, font, this);
        public void SetText( int index, string text )
            graphicsApi.DeleteTexture( ref Textures[index] );
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true );
            Font underlineFont = new Font( font, FontStyle.Underline );
            urlBounds[index] = null;

            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) ) {
                Texture tex = NextToken( text, 0 ) == -1 ? DrawSimple( ref args ) :
                    DrawAdvanced( ref args, index, text );
                tex.X1 = CalcOffset( game.Width, tex.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor );
                tex.Y1 = CalcY( index, tex.Height );
                Textures[index] = tex;
                lines[index] = text;
            } else {
                Textures[index] = new Texture( -1, 0, 0, 0, defaultHeight, 0, 0 );
                lines[index] = null;
        protected void DrawBitmapTextImpl(FastBitmap dst, ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            bool underline = args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Underline;

            if (args.UseShadow)
                int offset = ShadowOffset(args.Font.Size);
                DrawPart(dst, ref args, x + offset, y + offset, true);
                if (underline)
                    DrawUnderline(dst, x + offset, 0, ref args, true);

            DrawPart(dst, ref args, x, y, false);
            if (underline)
                DrawUnderline(dst, x, -2, ref args, false);
Пример #37
        void MakeTexture(string text)
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
            Size         size = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);

            int xOffset = Math.Max(size.Width, DesiredMaxWidth) - size.Width;

            size.Width = Math.Max(size.Width, DesiredMaxWidth);
            int yOffset = Math.Max(size.Height, DesiredMaxHeight) - size.Height;

            size.Height = Math.Max(size.Height, DesiredMaxHeight);

            using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size))
                using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                    args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                    drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, xOffset / 2, yOffset / 2);
                    texture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 0, 0);
        void DrawUnderline(FastBitmap fastBmp, FastColour textCol, int startX, int endX,
                           int yOffset, ref DrawTextArgs args)
            int height = PtToPx(args.Font.Size, boxSize);
            int offset = ShadowOffset(args.Font.Size);
            int col    = textCol.ToArgb();

            if (args.UseShadow)
                height += offset;

            for (int yy = height - offset; yy < height; yy++)
                int *dstRow = fastBmp.GetRowPtr(yy + yOffset);
                for (int xx = startX; xx < endX; xx++)
                    dstRow[xx] = col;
        public override void Init()
            DrawTextArgs measureArgs = new DrawTextArgs("ABC", font, false);

            elemHeight = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref measureArgs).Height;
            overview   = ChatTextWidget.Create(game, 0, 0, "Connected players:",
                                               Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, font);

            if (!extList)
                game.EntityEvents.EntityAdded   += PlayerSpawned;
                game.EntityEvents.EntityRemoved += PlayerDespawned;
                game.EntityEvents.CpeListInfoAdded   += PlayerListInfoAdded;
                game.EntityEvents.CpeListInfoRemoved += PlayerDespawned;
                game.EntityEvents.CpeListInfoChanged += PlayerListInfoChanged;
Пример #40
        public TextInputWidget( Game game, Font font, Font boldFont )
            : base(game)
            HorizontalAnchor = Anchor.LeftOrTop;
            VerticalAnchor = Anchor.BottomOrRight;
            typingLogPos = game.Chat.InputLog.Count; // Index of newest entry + 1.

            chatInputText = new WrappableStringBuffer( len );
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "A", boldFont, true );
            Size defSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize( ref args );
            defaultWidth = defSize.Width; defaultHeight = defSize.Height;
            Width = defaultWidth; Height = defaultHeight;

            args = new DrawTextArgs( "_", boldFont, true );
            caretTex = game.Drawer2D.MakeChatTextTexture( ref args, 0, 0 );

            this.font = font;
            this.boldFont = boldFont;
            altText = new AltTextInputWidget( game, font, boldFont, this );
Пример #41
        public void SetText(string value)
            chatInputText.Append(0, value);
            DrawTextArgs args     = new DrawTextArgs(value, font, false);
            Size         textSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize(ref args);
            Size         size     = new Size(Math.Max(textSize.Width, DesiredMaxWidth),
                                             Math.Max(textSize.Height, DesiredMaxHeight));

            using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size))
                using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                    drawer.DrawRect(backColour, 0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
                    args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                    drawer.DrawText(ref args, 0, 0);

                    args.Text           = Validator.Range;
                    args.SkipPartsCheck = false;
                    Size hintSize = drawer.MeasureSize(ref args);

                    args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                    int hintX = size.Width - hintSize.Width;
                    if (textSize.Width < hintX)
                        drawer.DrawText(ref args, hintX, 0);
                    chatInputTexture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 0, 0);

            X = CalcOffset(game.Width, size.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor);
            Y = CalcOffset(game.Height, size.Height, YOffset, VerticalAnchor);
            chatCaretTexture.X1  = chatInputTexture.X1 = X;
            chatCaretTexture.X1 += textSize.Width;
            chatCaretTexture.Y1  = chatInputTexture.Y1 = Y;
            chatCaretTexture.Y1  = (Y + size.Height) - chatCaretTexture.Height;
            Width  = size.Width;
            Height = size.Height;
Пример #42
        unsafe void DrawContent(IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Element e, int yOffset)
            string       s    = new String('\0', e.CharsPerItem);
            int          wrap = e.ItemsPerRow;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(s, font, false);

            fixed(char *ptr = s)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem)
                    for (int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++)
                        ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j];
                    int item = i / e.CharsPerItem;

                    int x = (item % wrap) * elementSize.Width, y = (item / wrap) * elementSize.Height;
                    y += yOffset;
                    drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, y);
        unsafe void SetCaretToCursor(int mouseX, int mouseY)
            mouseX -= inputTex.X1; mouseY -= inputTex.Y1;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true);
            IDrawer2D    drawer = game.Drawer2D;
            int          offset = 0, elemHeight = defaultHeight;
            string       oneChar = new String('A', 1);

            for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++)
                string line = parts[y];
                if (line == null)

                for (int x = 0; x < line.Length; x++)
                    args.Text = line.Substring(0, x);
                    int trimmedWidth = drawer.MeasureChatSize(ref args).Width;

                    // avoid allocating an unnecessary string
                    fixed(char *ptr = oneChar)
                    ptr[0] = line[x];

                    args.Text = oneChar;
                    int elemWidth = drawer.MeasureChatSize(ref args).Width;
                    if (Contains(trimmedWidth, y * elemHeight, elemWidth, elemHeight, mouseX, mouseY))
                        caretPos = offset + x;
                        CalculateCaretData(); return;
                offset += partLens[y];
            caretPos = -1;
        void DrawString()
            int totalHeight = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
                totalHeight += sizes[i].Height;
            Size size = new Size(maxWidth, totalHeight);

            int realHeight = 0;

            using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size))
                using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                    DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true);

                    for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                        if (parts[i] == null)
                        args.Text = parts[i];

                        drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, 0, realHeight);
                        realHeight += sizes[i].Height;
                    inputTex = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 10, 0);

            Height       = realHeight == 0 ? defaultHeight : realHeight;
            Y            = game.Height - Height - YOffset;
            inputTex.Y1  = Y;
            caretTex.Y1 += Y;
            Width        = size.Width;
Пример #45
        protected override void DrawSysText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            if (!args.SkipPartsCheck)

            float textX     = x;
            Paint backBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(PackedCol.Black);

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                TextPart part      = parts[i];
                Paint    foreBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(part.Col);
                if (args.UseShadow)
                    c.DrawText(part.Text, textX + Offset, y + Offset, backBrush);

                c.DrawText(part.Text, textX, y, foreBrush);
                textX += foreBrush.MeasureText(part.Text);
        public override void DrawText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            if (!args.SkipPartsCheck)

            Paint shadowBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(Color.Black);
            float textX       = x;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                TextPart part      = parts[i];
                Paint    textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(part.TextColour);
                if (args.UseShadow)
                    c.DrawText(part.Text, textX + Offset, y + Offset, shadowBrush);

                c.DrawText(part.Text, textX, y, textBrush);
                textX += textBrush.MeasureText(part.Text);
Пример #47
        protected override void DrawSysText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            if (!args.SkipPartsCheck)

            float textX     = x;
            Brush backBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(PackedCol.Black);

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                TextPart part      = parts[i];
                Brush    foreBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(part.Col);
                if (args.UseShadow)
                    g.DrawString(part.Text, args.Font, backBrush, textX + Offset, y + Offset, format);

                g.DrawString(part.Text, args.Font, foreBrush, textX, y, format);
                textX += g.MeasureString(part.Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format).Width;
        public override void DrawText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            if (!args.SkipPartsCheck)

            Brush shadowBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(Color.Black);
            float textX       = x;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                TextPart part      = parts[i];
                Brush    textBrush = GetOrCreateBrush(part.TextColour);
                if (args.UseShadow)
                    g.DrawString(part.Text, args.Font, shadowBrush, textX + Offset, y + Offset, format);

                g.DrawString(part.Text, args.Font, textBrush, textX, y, format);
                textX += g.MeasureString(part.Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format).Width;
        public override Size MeasureSize(ref DrawTextArgs args)
            if (parts.Count == 0)

            SizeF total = SizeF.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                SizeF size = measuringGraphics.MeasureString(parts[i].Text, args.Font, Int32.MaxValue, format);
                total.Height = Math.Max(total.Height, size.Height);
                total.Width += size.Width;

            if (args.UseShadow)
                total.Width += Offset; total.Height += Offset;
Пример #50
        unsafe Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text)
            LinkData data      = Split(index, text);
            Size     total     = Size.Empty;
            Size *   partSizes = stackalloc Size[];

            linkData[index] = data;

            for (int i = 0; i <; i++)
                args.Text    =[i];
                args.Font    = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);
                total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height);
                total.Width += partSizes[i].Width;

            using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total))
                    int x = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i <; i++)
                        args.Text =[i];
                        args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                        Size size = partSizes[i];

                        drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, 0);
                        data.bounds[i].X     = x;
                        data.bounds[i].Width = size.Width;
                        x += size.Width;
                    return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0));
Пример #51
        protected void DrawBitmapTextImpl(FastBitmap dst, ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y)
            bool ul     = args.Font.Style == FontStyle.Underline;
            int  offset = Utils.Floor(args.Font.Size) / 8;

            if (args.UseShadow)
                DrawCore(dst, ref args, x + offset, y + offset, true);
                                #if !LAUNCHER
                if (ul)
                    DrawUnderline(dst, ref args, x + offset, y + offset, true);

            DrawCore(dst, ref args, x, y, false);
                        #if !LAUNCHER
            if (ul)
                DrawUnderline(dst, ref args, x, y, false);
        Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text)
            string[] items = Split(index, text);
            Size     total = Size.Empty;

            Size[] partSizes = new Size[items.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                args.Text    = items[i];
                args.Font    = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);
                total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height);
                total.Width += partSizes[i].Width;

            using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total))
                    int x = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                        args.Text = items[i];
                        args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont;
                        Size size = partSizes[i];

                        drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, 0);
                        urlBounds[index][i].X     = x;
                        urlBounds[index][i].Width = size.Width;
                        x += size.Width;
                    return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0));
        public void SetText(int index, string text)
            graphicsApi.DeleteTexture(ref Textures[index]);
            DrawTextArgs args          = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
            Font         underlineFont = new Font(font, FontStyle.Underline);

            urlBounds[index] = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                Texture tex = NextToken(text, 0) == -1 ? DrawSimple(ref args) :
                              DrawAdvanced(ref args, index, text);
                tex.X1          = CalcOffset(game.Width, tex.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor);
                tex.Y1          = CalcY(index, tex.Height);
                Textures[index] = tex;
                lines[index]    = text;
                Textures[index] = new Texture(-1, 0, 0, 0, defaultHeight, 0, 0);
                lines[index]    = null;
 public override void DrawClippedText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y, float maxWidth, float maxHeight)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #55
 /// <summary> Returns the size of a bitmap needed to contain the specified text with the given arguments,
 /// when drawn with the specified font or the current bitmapped font depending on 'UseBitmappedChat'. </summary>
 public Size MeasureChatSize(ref DrawTextArgs args)
     return(!UseBitmappedChat?MeasureSize(ref args) :
                MeasureBitmappedSize(ref args));
Пример #56
 /// <summary> Returns the size of a bitmap needed to contain the specified text with the given arguments,
 /// when drawn with the current bitmapped font. </summary>
 public abstract Size MeasureBitmappedSize(ref DrawTextArgs args);
Пример #57
 /// <summary> Returns the size of a bitmap needed to contain the specified text with the given arguments. </summary>
 public abstract Size MeasureSize(ref DrawTextArgs args);
Пример #58
 /// <summary> Draws a string using the specified arguments and the current bitmapped font at the
 /// specified coordinates in the currently bound bitmap. </summary>
 public abstract void DrawBitmappedText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y);
Пример #59
 /// <summary> Draws a string using the specified arguments and fonts at the
 /// specified coordinates in the currently bound bitmap, clipping if necessary. </summary>
 public abstract void DrawClippedText(ref DrawTextArgs args, int x, int y, float maxWidth, float maxHeight);
Пример #60
 /// <summary> Draws the specified string from the arguments into a new bitmap,
 /// using the specified font or the current bitmapped font depending on 'UseBitmappedChat',
 /// then creates a 2D texture with origin at the specified window coordinates. </summary>
 public Texture MakeChatTextTexture(ref DrawTextArgs args, int windowX, int windowY)
     return(MakeTextureImpl(ref args, windowX, windowY, UseBitmappedChat));