//[FUNCTION - CourseSelectionForm_Load]
        //Formats the labels on the courses selection form upon load
        private void CourseSelectionForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Display correct intro label
            string fullTermName;

            if (userInfo.getTermInterest() == "FA")
                fullTermName = "fall";
            else if (userInfo.getTermInterest() == "SP")
                fullTermName = "spring";
                fullTermName = "January";
            CourseSelectionLabel.Text = "Welcome " + userInfo.getFirstName() + ", please add your " + fullTermName + " course(s)... ";

            //Table Setup
            selectedCourseTable = new DataTable();
            // - Set labels
            selectedCourseTable.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
            selectedCourseTable.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            // - Set initial entry (doesn't count as course)
            selectedCourseTable.Rows.Add("N/A", "No Courses Added");
            // - Set formatting
            selectedCoursesGridView.DataSource = selectedCourseTable;
            selectedCoursesGridView.Columns["ID"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            selectedCoursesGridView.Columns["ID"].Width = 72;
            // - Preselect first row
            selectedRow           = selectedCoursesGridView.Rows[0];
            selectedTableRowIndex = 0;
Пример #2
        //[FUNCTION - RemoveIrevSections]
        //Cleans up course data by removing irrevelant sections with missing times/days
        void RemoveIrevSections()
            //Store the locations of sections to remove
            List <int> removeCourseIndexes  = new List <int>();
            List <int> removeSectionIndexes = new List <int>();

            //Detemine section need by iterating over all sections in all courses and marking their location in parallel lists above
            foreach (var course in courses)
                foreach (var section in course.getSections())
                    if (section.getMeetDays().Exists(s => s.Contains("NA")) || section.getStartTimes().Exists(s => s.Contains("NA")) ||

            //Add unneeded courses to secondary list (some may have partial valid data) (revise to deep copy courses instead)
            foreach (var index in removeCourseIndexes)

            //Remove course entry from primary list
            int indexOffset = 0;

            if (removeCourseIndexes.Count() == 0)

            //Iterates over all section removal locations removing them from database
            int currentCourseIndex = removeCourseIndexes[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < removeCourseIndexes.Count(); i++)
                if (currentCourseIndex != removeCourseIndexes[i])
                    indexOffset        = 0;
                    currentCourseIndex = removeCourseIndexes[i];
                Debug.WriteLine("Removing - Course: " + courses[removeCourseIndexes[i]].getCourseName() + " | Section: " + removeSectionIndexes[i]);
                courses[removeCourseIndexes[i]].getSections().RemoveAt(removeSectionIndexes[i] - indexOffset);
