private void StartIPC() { Task.Run(async() => { try { var pid = m_process.Id; m_inPipe = new NamedPipeClientStream($"FXServer_Instance_MIn_{pid}"); m_outPipe = new NamedPipeClientStream($"FXServer_Instance_MOut_{pid}"); await Task.WhenAll(m_inPipe.ConnectAsync(20000), m_outPipe.ConnectAsync(20000)); m_hadPipe = true; Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(m_outPipe, new BaseCommand() { Type = 1, Data = null }, PrefixStyle.Base128); while (m_inPipe != null && m_inPipe.IsConnected && m_process != null && pid == m_process.Id) { var cmd = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <BaseCommand>(m_inPipe, PrefixStyle.Base128); if (cmd != null) { await HandleCommand(cmd); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }); }
public async Task Monitor() { bool healthy = true; if (m_process.HasExited) { healthy = false; } if (m_hadPipe && m_peer == null) { healthy = false; } if (healthy && (DateTime.UtcNow - m_lastHealthCheck) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) { healthy = await RunHealthCheck(); } if (!healthy) { Debug.WriteLine($"^3?^7 {Name}"); await Stop(); await m_backoff.Delay(); await Start(); } }
private Task HandleCommand(BaseCommand command) { switch (command.Type) { case 2: { var cd = command.DeserializeAs <GetPortResponseCommand>(); m_port = cd.Port; string urlBit = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cd.NucleusUrl)) { m_nucleusUrl = cd.NucleusUrl; urlBit = $", ^4{cd.NucleusUrl}^7"; } Debug.WriteLine($"^2>^7 {Name} (:{m_port}{urlBit})"); break; } case 3: m_nucleusUrl = command.DeserializeAs <NucleusConnectedCommand>().Url; m_backoff = new ExponentialBackoff(int.MaxValue, 1000, 30000); Debug.WriteLine($"^2:^7 {Name} -> ^4{m_nucleusUrl}^7"); break; } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public TResult Execute(string query = null, IDictionary <string, object> parameters = null, bool debug = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { this.query = query; this.parameters = parameters; this.debug = debug; } TResult result = default(TResult); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); try { stopwatch.Start(); using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); var ConnectionTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); using (var command = CreateCommand(query, parameters, connection)) { var QueryTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); result = Reader(command); stopwatch.Stop(); if (debug) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] [C: {1}ms, Q: {2}ms, R: {3}ms] {4}", "MySQL", ConnectionTime, QueryTime, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, QueryToString(query, parameters))); } } } } catch (AggregateException aggregateException) { var firstException = aggregateException.InnerExceptions.First(); if (!(firstException is MySqlException)) { throw; } Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), firstException.Message)); } catch (MySqlException mysqlException) { Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), mysqlException.Message)); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An critical error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2} {3}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), exception.Message, exception.StackTrace)); } return(result); }
private void StartIPC() { Task.Run(async() => { // TODO: cleaner way? var nngFactory = new nng.Tests.TestFactory(); while (!m_hadPipe) { try { if (m_process == null) { return; } var pid = m_process.Id; // c# isnt f# or rust // why is this api trying to be both at once var pairResult = nngFactory .PairOpen() .ThenListen($"ipc:///tmp/fxs_instance_{pid}"); if (pairResult.TryError(out var error)) { await Task.Delay(500); continue; } m_pair = pairResult.Unwrap(); m_peer = new PipePeer(m_pair); m_peer.Start(); m_peer.CommandReceived += async cmd => { await HandleCommand(cmd); }; m_peer.TargetUnreachable += () => { m_pair = null; }; m_hadPipe = true; while (m_pair != null && m_process != null && pid == m_process.Id) { await Task.Delay(500); } m_peer.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } }); }
public async void ExecuteAsync(string query, IDictionary <string, object> parameters, CallbackDelegate callback, bool debug = false) { TResult result = default(TResult); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); try { stopwatch.Start(); using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { await connection.OpenAsync(); var ConnectionTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); using (var command = CreateCommand(query, parameters, connection)) { var QueryTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); result = await ReaderAsync(command); stopwatch.Stop(); if (debug) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] [C: {1}ms, Q: {2}ms, R: {3}ms] {4}", "MySQL", ConnectionTime, QueryTime, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, QueryToString(query, parameters))); } callback.Invoke(result); } } } catch (AggregateException aggregateException) { var firstException = aggregateException.InnerExceptions.First(); if (!(firstException is MySqlException)) { throw aggregateException; } Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), firstException.Message)); } catch (MySqlException mysqlException) { Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), mysqlException.Message)); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] Check the error above, an error happens when executing the callback from the query : \"{1}\"\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters))); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] [{0}] An critical error happens on MySQL for query \"{1}\": {2} {3}\n", "MySQL", QueryToString(query, parameters), exception.Message, exception.StackTrace)); } }
private void UpdateState( bool paused, float currentTime, float duration, float remainingTime, string currentSource, string currentType) { if (!this.scaleformTickActive && !paused && this.isInitialized) { Debug.WriteLine("synchronizing playback state.."); API.SendDuiMessage( this.duiObj, JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { type = "update", currentTime, src = new { type = currentType, url = currentSource } })); this.scaleformTickActive = true; this.Tick += this.ShowVideo; } }
private async Task ShowVideo() { // draw call wrapped inside try block to be able to stop video playback on error try { if (this.scaleform.IsValid && !this.txdHasBeenSet) { this.scaleform.CallFunction("SET_TEXTURE", this.TxdName, TxnName, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.txdHasBeenSet = true; } if (this.scaleform.IsValid) { this.scaleform.Render3D(this.scaleformPos, this.scaleformRot, this.scaleformScale); //this.scaleform2.Render3D(this.scaleformPos + (Vector3.UnitX * 20), this.scaleformRot, this.scaleformScale); var playerPos = Game.PlayerPed.Position; var distance = API.GetDistanceBetweenCoords( playerPos.X, playerPos.Y, playerPos.Z, this.scaleformPos.X, this.scaleformPos.Y, this.scaleformPos.Z, true); var sndFactor = this.CalculateSoundFactor(distance); var volume = sndFactor * this.sndGlobalVolume; API.SendDuiMessage( this.duiObj, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = "volume", volume = volume / 100 })); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine($"[Hypnonema]: Exception occured at attempt to play video: {e.Message}"); this.StopVideo(); } await Task.FromResult(0); }
public async Task Monitor() { bool healthy = true; if (m_process.HasExited) { healthy = false; } if (m_hadPipe && !m_inPipe.IsConnected) { healthy = false; } if (!healthy) { // TODO: various kinds of backoff Debug.WriteLine($"^3?^7 {Name}"); await Stop(); await Start(); } }
private async Task StartNew() { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); var arguments = new List <string>(); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { psi.FileName = Path.Combine(GetConvar("citizen_root", ""), "FXServer.exe"); } else { var r = GetConvar("citizen_root", ""); var lr = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(r)))); psi.FileName = Path.Combine(r, ""); arguments.Add("--library-path"); arguments.Add($"{lr}/alpine/usr/lib/v8/:{lr}/alpine/lib/:{lr}/alpine/usr/lib/"); arguments.Add("--"); arguments.Add(Path.Combine(r, "FXServer")); arguments.Add("+start"); arguments.Add("monitor"); } foreach (var config in m_instanceConfig.ConfigFiles) { arguments.Add("+exec"); arguments.Add(config); } var fixedConvars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "monitor_killServerOnBrokenPipe", "1" }, { "citizen_dir", GetConvar("citizen_dir", "") }, { "con_disableNonTTYReads", "true" } }; foreach (var convar in m_instanceConfig.ConVars.Concat(fixedConvars)) { arguments.Add("+set"); arguments.Add(convar.Key); arguments.Add(convar.Value); } foreach (var command in m_instanceConfig.Commands) { // TODO: handle spaces var parts = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 3); arguments.Add("+" + parts[0]); arguments.AddRange(parts.Skip(1)); } psi.Arguments = string.Join(" ", arguments .Select(a => a.Replace("\"", "\\\"")) .Select(a => a.Contains(" ") || a.Contains("\"") ? $"\"{a}\"" : a)); psi.CreateNoWindow = false; psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; m_process = new Process(); m_process.StartInfo = psi; if (!m_process.Start()) { await BaseScript.Delay(5000); } void PrintOutput(string data) { if (GetConvar("monitor_showServerOutput", "0") != "0") { Debug.WriteLine("^5!^7 {0} => {1}", Name, data); } } void PrintTask(StreamReader source) { Task.Run(async() => { while (!source.EndOfStream) { try { var read = await source.ReadLineAsync(); PrintOutput(read); } catch { } } }); } PrintTask(m_process.StandardOutput); PrintTask(m_process.StandardError); // save a pidfile Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ms_rootPath, "cache")); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ms_rootPath, "cache", $"{Name}.pid"), m_process.Id.ToString()); }
private async void HandleHttpRequest(dynamic request, dynamic response) { Debug.WriteLine("Ha"); }
public TestScript() { EventHandlers["getMapDirectives"] += new Action<dynamic>(add => { Func<dynamic, string, Action<string>> addCB = (state, key) => { Debug.WriteLine("adding key {0}", key); return new Action<string>(value => { Debug.WriteLine("and key + value = {0} {1}", key, value); state.add("key", key); }); }; Action<dynamic> removeCB = (state) => { Debug.WriteLine("removing key {0}", state.key); }; add("banana", addCB, removeCB); }); Tick += TestScript_Tick; EventHandlers["chatMessage"] += new Action<dynamic, dynamic, dynamic>((name, color, text) => { Debug.WriteLine("hmm, nice bike!45? " + text.ToString()); CitizenFX.Core.UI.Screen.ShowNotification($"oi m9 - {text}"); if (text.Contains("freeze")) { Debug.WriteLine("hmm, nice bike!4534!!!"); Game.PlayerPed.IsPositionFrozen = !Game.PlayerPed.IsPositionFrozen; /*var vehicle = await World.CreateVehicle("infernus", Game.PlayerPed.Position, 120.0f); vehicle.Mods.LicensePlate = await Game.GetUserInput(8); vehicle.Doors[VehicleDoorIndex.FrontLeftDoor].Open(instantly: true);*/ Debug.WriteLine("hmm, nice bike!!356457!!"); TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "heya", new int[] { 255, 0, 0 }, "i'm frozen!!"); } else if (text.Contains("spown")) { Exports["spawnmanager"].spawnPlayer(new { model = new Model("player_one").Hash, x = -31.010f, y = 6316.830f, z = 40.083f, heading = 180.0f }, new Action<dynamic>(s => { Debug.WriteLine("omg cb?"); Debug.WriteLine($"spawned on {s.x}"); TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "heya", new int[] { 255, 0, 0 }, $"wew {s.model}"); })); } }); }
public static void Log(string message) => Debug.Write($"{DateTime.Now:s} [SERVER]: {message}{Environment.NewLine}");
private async Task OnClientResourceStart(string resourceName) { if (API.GetCurrentResourceName() != resourceName) { return; } Debug.WriteLine($"Using hypnonema version: {this.GetHypnonemaVersion()}"); Debug.WriteLine("creating new scaleform"); this.scaleform = new Scaleform(SfName); Debug.WriteLine("loaded new scaleform"); var numberFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat; this.TxdName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); while (!this.scaleform.IsLoaded) { await Delay(0); } var url = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_url", 0); var posX = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_position", 0); var posY = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_position", 1); var posZ = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_position", 2); this.scaleformPos = new Vector3( float.Parse(posX, numberFormat), float.Parse(posY, numberFormat), float.Parse(posZ, numberFormat)); var rotX = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_rotation", 0); var rotY = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_rotation", 1); var rotZ = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_rotation", 2); this.scaleformRot = new Vector3( float.Parse(rotX, numberFormat), float.Parse(rotY, numberFormat), float.Parse(rotZ, numberFormat)); var scaleX = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_scale", 0); var scaleY = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_scale", 1); var scaleZ = API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_scale", 2); this.scaleformScale = new Vector3( float.Parse(scaleX, numberFormat), float.Parse(scaleY, numberFormat), float.Parse(scaleZ, numberFormat)); this.height = int.Parse(API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_height", 0)); this.width = int.Parse(API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_width", 0)); var txd = API.CreateRuntimeTxd(this.TxdName); this.duiObj = API.CreateDui(url, this.width, this.height); var dui = API.GetDuiHandle(this.duiObj); var txn = Function.Call <long>(Hash.CREATE_RUNTIME_TEXTURE_FROM_DUI_HANDLE, txd, TxnName, dui); this.isInitialized = true; this.isAceAllowed = API.IsAceAllowed( $"command.{API.GetResourceMetadata(resourceName, "hypnonema_command_name", 0)}"); Debug.WriteLine($"dui runtime texture handle: {txn}"); await Delay(0); }
[Conditional("DEBUG")] public static void Log(string message) { Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:s} [SERVER]: {message}"); }
public static void Log(string message) { Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:s} [SERVER:QUEUE]: {message}"); }
public static void Log(string message) => Debug.Write($"{DateTime.Now:s} [CLIENT]: {message}");
public Test() { Debug.WriteLine("Test Loaded"); API.SetHttpHandler(new Action <dynamic, dynamic>(HandleHttpRequest)); }