Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Call to run a file chooser dialog. Only a single file chooser dialog may be
        /// pending at any given time. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display.
        /// |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL to show the
        /// default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |defaultFilePath|
        /// is the path with optional directory and/or file name component that will be
        /// initially selected in the dialog. |acceptFilters| are used to restrict the
        /// selectable file types and may any combination of (a) valid lower-cased MIME
        /// types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*"), (b) individual file extensions (e.g.
        /// ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) combined description and file extension delimited
        /// using "|" and ";" (e.g. "Image Types|.png;.gif;.jpg").
        /// |selectedAcceptFilter| is the 0-based index of the filter that will be
        /// selected by default. |callback| will be executed after the dialog is
        /// dismissed or immediately if another dialog is already pending. The dialog
        /// will be initiated asynchronously on the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See also the original CEF documentation in
        /// <see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumfx/chromiumfx/src/tip/cef/include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h">cef/include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h</see>.
        /// </remarks>
        public void RunFileDialog(CfxFileDialogMode mode, string title, string defaultFilePath, System.Collections.Generic.List <string> acceptFilters, int selectedAcceptFilter, CfxRunFileDialogCallback callback)
            var title_pinned           = new PinnedString(title);
            var defaultFilePath_pinned = new PinnedString(defaultFilePath);

            PinnedString[] acceptFilters_handles;
            var            acceptFilters_unwrapped = StringFunctions.UnwrapCfxStringList(acceptFilters, out acceptFilters_handles);

            CfxApi.cfx_browser_host_run_file_dialog(NativePtr, (int)mode, title_pinned.Obj.PinnedPtr, title_pinned.Length, defaultFilePath_pinned.Obj.PinnedPtr, defaultFilePath_pinned.Length, acceptFilters_unwrapped, selectedAcceptFilter, CfxRunFileDialogCallback.Unwrap(callback));
            StringFunctions.CfxStringListCopyToManaged(acceptFilters_unwrapped, acceptFilters);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Call to run a file chooser dialog. Only a single file chooser dialog may be
 /// pending at any given time. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display.
 /// |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL to show the
 /// default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |defaultFilePath|
 /// is the path with optional directory and/or file name component that will be
 /// initially selected in the dialog. |acceptFilters| are used to restrict the
 /// selectable file types and may any combination of (a) valid lower-cased MIME
 /// types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*"), (b) individual file extensions (e.g.
 /// ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) combined description and file extension delimited
 /// using "|" and ";" (e.g. "Image Types|.png;.gif;.jpg").
 /// |selectedAcceptFilter| is the 0-based index of the filter that will be
 /// selected by default. |callback| will be executed after the dialog is
 /// dismissed or immediately if another dialog is already pending. The dialog
 /// will be initiated asynchronously on the UI thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// See also the original CEF documentation in
 /// <see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumfx/chromiumfx/src/tip/cef/include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h">cef/include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h</see>.
 /// </remarks>
 public void RunFileDialog(CfxFileDialogMode mode, string title, string defaultFilePath, System.Collections.Generic.List<string> acceptFilters, int selectedAcceptFilter, CfxRunFileDialogCallback callback)
     var title_pinned = new PinnedString(title);
     var defaultFilePath_pinned = new PinnedString(defaultFilePath);
     PinnedString[] acceptFilters_handles;
     var acceptFilters_unwrapped = StringFunctions.UnwrapCfxStringList(acceptFilters, out acceptFilters_handles);
     CfxApi.cfx_browser_host_run_file_dialog(NativePtr, (int)mode, title_pinned.Obj.PinnedPtr, title_pinned.Length, defaultFilePath_pinned.Obj.PinnedPtr, defaultFilePath_pinned.Length, acceptFilters_unwrapped, selectedAcceptFilter, CfxRunFileDialogCallback.Unwrap(callback));
     StringFunctions.CfxStringListCopyToManaged(acceptFilters_unwrapped, acceptFilters);