private void OnEnable()
            tileSize          = EditorPrefs.GetInt(PREVIEW_SIZE_PREF_KEY, 64);
            showNameLabels    = EditorPrefs.GetBool(TILE_LABEL_PREF_KEY, false);
            m_CurrentTilesTab = (ChiselMaterialBrowserTab)EditorPrefs.GetInt(TILE_LAST_TAB_OPT_KEY, 0);

            ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, false);
        private void OnGUI()
            // rebuild IMGUI styling

            if (previewMaterial == null)
                previewMaterial = GetPreviewMaterial(lastSelectedMaterialIndex);

            // notification layout
            m_NotifRect.x      = (position.width * 0.5f) - 200;
            m_NotifRect.y      = (position.height * 0.5f) - 60;
            m_NotifRect.width  = 400;
            m_NotifRect.height = 150;

            if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)
                GUI.Box(m_NotifRect, "Please wait...", "NotificationBackground");

            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying || EditorApplication.isPaused)
                GUI.Box(m_NotifRect, "Exit Playmode to Edit Materials", "NotificationBackground");

            // toolbar and side bar
            if (!EditorApplication.isCompiling && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                // toolbars
                m_ToolbarRect.x      = 0;
                m_ToolbarRect.y      = 2;
                m_ToolbarRect.width  = position.width;
                m_ToolbarRect.height = 24;

                // top
                GUI.Label(m_ToolbarRect, "", toolbarStyle);

                // 2nd top
                m_ToolbarRect.y += 25;
                GUI.Label(m_ToolbarRect, "", toolbarStyle);

                // refresh button
                m_ToolbarRect.y     = 2;
                m_ToolbarRect.width = 60;
                if (GUI.Button(m_ToolbarRect, "Refresh", EditorStyles.toolbarButton))
                    ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, false);
                    previewEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(previewMaterial = GetPreviewMaterial(lastSelectedMaterialIndex = 0));


                // search field
                m_ToolbarRect.x      = position.width < 600 ? 66 : 6;
                m_ToolbarRect.y     += position.width < 600 ? 0 : 28;
                m_ToolbarRect.width  = 200;
                m_ToolbarRect.height = 22;

                searchText = EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(m_ToolbarRect, string.Empty, searchText, EditorStyles.toolbarSearchField);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, false, searchText: searchText);

                // all/used material filter
                m_ToolbarRect.x      = position.width - (m_ShowPropsArea ? 372 : 135);
                m_ToolbarRect.y      = m_ToolbarRect.y + (position.width < 600 ? 28 : 0);
                m_ToolbarRect.width  = 100;
                m_ToolbarRect.height = 22;

                m_CurrentTilesTab = (ChiselMaterialBrowserTab)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(m_ToolbarRect, m_CurrentTilesTab, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    EditorPrefs.SetInt(TILE_LAST_TAB_OPT_KEY, (int)m_CurrentTilesTab);
                    previewEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(previewMaterial = GetPreviewMaterial(lastSelectedMaterialIndex = 0));
                    ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, false, searchText: searchText);

                m_ToolbarRect.width = 40;
                m_ToolbarRect.x     = position.width - (m_ShowPropsArea ? 412 : 175);
                GUI.Label(m_ToolbarRect, "Show:", EditorStyles.toolbarButton);

                if (m_Tiles.Count > 0)
                    if (m_ShowPropsArea)
                        // tab group area
                        m_ToolbarRect.x      = position.width - 262;
                        m_ToolbarRect.y      = 26;
                        m_ToolbarRect.width  = 262;
                        m_ToolbarRect.height = 24;

                        GUI.Box(m_ToolbarRect, "", "dockHeader");

                        // tabs
                        m_ToolbarRect.y  += 2;
                        m_ToolbarRect.x  += 4;
                        m_CurrentPropsTab = GUI.Toolbar(m_ToolbarRect, m_CurrentPropsTab, m_PropsTabLabels, EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents);

                        switch (m_CurrentPropsTab)
                        // label search property page
                        case 0:
                            m_PropsAreaRect.x      = position.width - 256;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 50;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.width  = 240;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.height = position.height;

                            m_LabelScrollViewArea.x      = position.width - 256;
                            m_LabelScrollViewArea.y      = 50;
                            m_LabelScrollViewArea.width  = 240;
                            m_LabelScrollViewArea.height = 0;

                            m_LabelScrollPositon = GUI.BeginScrollView(m_PropsAreaRect, m_LabelScrollPositon, m_LabelScrollViewArea);
                                m_PropsAreaRect.height = 24;

                                for (int i = 0; i < m_Labels.Count; i++)
                                    m_LabelScrollViewArea.height += 24;

                                    if (i > 0)
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.y += 26;

                                    // label button, filters search to the specified label when clicked
                                    if (GUI.Button(m_PropsAreaRect, m_Labels[i]))
                                        ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, true, m_Labels[i], searchText);
                                        lastSelectedMaterialIndex = 0;

                                        previewEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(previewMaterial = GetPreviewMaterial(0));


                        // material property page
                        case 1:
                            // material property page group
                            m_PropsAreaRect.x      = position.width - 260;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 50;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.width  = 260;
                            m_PropsAreaRect.height = position.height - 50;

                            GUI.BeginGroup(m_PropsAreaRect, propsSectionBG);
                                // header label
                                m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 0;
                                m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 0;
                                m_PropsAreaRect.height = 22;
                                GUI.Label(m_PropsAreaRect, $"{m_Tiles[lastSelectedMaterialIndex].materialName}", EditorStyles.toolbarButton);

                                // interactive preview
                                m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 2;
                                m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 22;
                                m_PropsAreaRect.width  = 256;
                                m_PropsAreaRect.height = 256;

                                if (m_Tiles[lastSelectedMaterialIndex] != null && previewMaterial != null)
                                    if (previewEditor == null)
                                        previewEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(previewMaterial, typeof(MaterialEditor));
                                    previewEditor.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(m_PropsAreaRect, EditorStyles.whiteLabel);

                                // buttons, hidden when the window is too small
                                if (position.height > 520)
                                    m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 278;
                                    m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 2;
                                    m_PropsAreaRect.height = 188;
                                    m_PropsAreaRect.width  = 256;

                                        m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 0;
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 0;
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.height = 22;
                                        GUI.Label(m_PropsAreaRect, $"Material", EditorStyles.toolbarButton);

                                        m_PropsAreaRect.y += 24;
                                        if (GUI.Button(m_PropsAreaRect, "Select In Project", "largebutton"))
                                            EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(Selection.activeObject = GetPreviewMaterial(lastSelectedMaterialIndex));

                                        if (m_CurrentTilesTab > 0)
                                            m_PropsAreaRect.y += 24;
                                            if (GUI.Button(m_PropsAreaRect, "Select In Scene", "largebutton"))

                                        m_PropsAreaRect.y += 24;
                                        if (GUI.Button(m_PropsAreaRect, applyToSelectedFaceLabelContent, "largebutton"))

                                    // labels on the selected material
                                    if (position.height >= 400)
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 2;
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 379;
                                        m_PropsAreaRect.height = 200;

                                            m_PropsAreaRect.x      = 0;
                                            m_PropsAreaRect.y      = 0;
                                            m_PropsAreaRect.height = 22;

                                            GUI.Label(m_PropsAreaRect, "Labels", EditorStyles.toolbarButton);

                                            const float btnWidth = 60;
                                            int         idx      = 0;

                                            foreach (string l in m_Tiles[lastSelectedMaterialIndex].labels)
                                                float xOffset = 2;
                                                float yOffset = 22;
                                                int   row     = 0;
                                                for (int i = 0; i < (m_PropsAreaRect.width / btnWidth); i++)
                                                    if (idx == m_Tiles[lastSelectedMaterialIndex].labels.Length)

                                                    xOffset = (40 * i) + 2;
                                                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xOffset, yOffset, btnWidth, 22), new GUIContent(l, $"Click to filter for label \"{l}\""), assetLabelStyle))
                                                        ChiselMaterialBrowserUtilities.GetMaterials(ref m_Tiles, ref m_UsedTiles, ref m_Labels, ref m_Models, true, l, searchText);
                                                        lastSelectedMaterialIndex = 0;

                                                        previewEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(previewMaterial = GetPreviewMaterial(0));


                                                row    += 1;
                                                yOffset = 22 + (22 * row);


                    // side bar toggle, hides/shows the entire side bar when toggled
                    m_ToolbarRect.width  = 22;
                    m_ToolbarRect.height = 24;
                    m_ToolbarRect.x      = position.width - 24;
                    m_ToolbarRect.y      = 28;

                    m_PropsAreaToggleContent.text    = (m_ShowPropsArea) ? ">>" : "<<";
                    m_PropsAreaToggleContent.tooltip = (m_ShowPropsArea) ? "Hide utility bar" : "Show utility bar";
                    m_ShowPropsArea = GUI.Toggle(m_ToolbarRect, m_ShowPropsArea, m_PropsAreaToggleContent, EditorStyles.toolbarButton);

                    m_ToolbarRect.x      = position.width - 104;
                    m_ToolbarRect.y      = 2;
                    m_ToolbarRect.width  = 100;
                    m_ToolbarRect.height = 24;

                    // $TODO: change styling on this... its fugly. Also needs tooltips.
                    showNameLabels = GUI.Toggle(m_ToolbarRect, showNameLabels, (showNameLabels) ? "Hide Labels" : "Show Labels", "ToolbarButton");
                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        EditorPrefs.SetBool(TILE_LABEL_PREF_KEY, showNameLabels);

                // search has no results, show notification to convey this
                    m_NotifRect.x      = (position.width * 0.5f) - 200;
                    m_NotifRect.y      = (position.height * 0.5f) - 80;
                    m_NotifRect.width  = 400;
                    m_NotifRect.height = 130;

                    GUI.Box(m_NotifRect, "No Results", "NotificationBackground");