private Encoder orderEncoder = new Encoder(); //init new encoder

        public void ChickenRetailer()                 //thread continues until ChickenFarm thread terminates
            ChickenFarm chicken = new ChickenFarm();

            while (farmIsProducing)
                if (priceCut) //if there has been a price cut, have thread create order, then wait
                    createOrder(Thread.CurrentThread.Name, newPrice);
                    Thread.Sleep(1000); //so retailers can't continuously place orders during a price cut
                //else wait for price cut
            //terminate thread
            Console.WriteLine("Store {0} has closed for the day.", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ChickenFarm chickenFarm = new ChickenFarm(); //init chicken farm
            //Initialize Farmer (Producer) thread
            Thread farmer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(chickenFarm.ChickenFarmer));

            farmer.Name = "Farmer";
            farmer.Start(); //Start farmer thread

            //Initialize Retailer (Consumer) threads
            Retailer chickenStore = new Retailer();                                                   //init ChickenStore

            ChickenFarm.priceCut              += new priceCutEvent(chickenStore.chickenPriceCut);     //Subscribe chickenStore to Price Cut event
            ChickenFarm.priceRaise            += new priceRaiseEvent(chickenStore.chickenPriceRaise); //Subscribe to Price Raise event
            OrderProcessing.orderConfirmation += new orderConfirmationEvent(chickenStore.orderConfirmed);

            Thread[] retailerThreads = new Thread[MAX_NUM_RETAILERS]; //init retailerThreads array
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_RETAILERS; i++)
                retailerThreads[i]      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(chickenStore.ChickenRetailer));
                retailerThreads[i].Name = (i + 1).ToString();

            //Wait for 10 price cuts
            while (farmer.IsAlive)
            //Tell retailers that farm is not producing anymore

            //wait for retailers to close

            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_RETAILERS; i++)
                while (retailerThreads[i].IsAlive)
                    mb.getOneCell(); //empty the buffer

            //Wait for user input to end program
            Console.WriteLine("Enter any key to end the program...");