Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets move, if there is no figure in the place moving to, null otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerColor">Moving player</param>
        /// <param name="from">Position to move from</param>
        /// <param name="to">Position to move to</param>
        private static GameMove CanMove(ChessboardModel chessboard, PlayerColor playerColor, ChessPosition from, ChessPosition to)
            if (!to.IsValid())

            var moveTo = chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(to);

            if (moveTo != null)

            return(new GameMove(from, to, chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(from).Type, chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(to)?.Type));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all possible moves of pawns of given player
        /// </summary>
        private static List <GameMove> GetMovesForPawns(ChessboardModel chessboard, PlayerColor playerColor)
            var acumulator = new List <GameMove>();

            var moveVector     = playerColor == PlayerColor.White ? new GameMoveVector(0, 1) : new GameMoveVector(0, -1);
            var captureVector1 = playerColor == PlayerColor.White ? new GameMoveVector(1, 1) : new GameMoveVector(1, -1);
            var captureVector2 = playerColor == PlayerColor.White ? new GameMoveVector(-1, 1) : new GameMoveVector(-1, -1);

            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    var position = new ChessPosition(x, y);
                    var figure   = chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(position);
                    if (
                        figure != null &&
                        figure.Type == FigureType.Pawn &&
                        figure.Color == playerColor
                        acumulator.Add(CanAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(captureVector1)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(captureVector2)));
                        var moveOnce = CanMove(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(moveVector));
                        if (moveOnce != null && !figure.Moved)
                            acumulator.Add(CanMove(chessboard, playerColor, position, moveOnce.To.Add(moveVector)));

            acumulator.RemoveAll(x => x == null);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all possible moves of bishops of given player
        /// </summary>
        private static List <GameMove> GetMovesForBishops(ChessboardModel chessboard, PlayerColor playerColor)
            var acumulator = new List <GameMove>();

            var upLeft    = new GameMoveVector(-1, 1);
            var upRight   = new GameMoveVector(1, 1);
            var downLeft  = new GameMoveVector(-1, -1);
            var downRight = new GameMoveVector(1, -1);

            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    var position = new ChessPosition(x, y);
                    var figure   = chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(position);
                    if (
                        figure != null &&
                        figure.Type == FigureType.Bishop &&
                        figure.Color == playerColor
                        acumulator.AddRange(CanMoveOrAttackIterative(chessboard, playerColor, position, upLeft));
                        acumulator.AddRange(CanMoveOrAttackIterative(chessboard, playerColor, position, upRight));
                        acumulator.AddRange(CanMoveOrAttackIterative(chessboard, playerColor, position, downLeft));
                        acumulator.AddRange(CanMoveOrAttackIterative(chessboard, playerColor, position, downRight));

            acumulator.RemoveAll(x => x == null);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all possible moves of king of given player
        /// </summary>
        private static List <GameMove> GetMovesForKing(ChessboardModel chessboard, PlayerColor playerColor)
            var acumulator = new List <GameMove>();

            var up        = new GameMoveVector(0, 1);
            var left      = new GameMoveVector(-1, 0);
            var down      = new GameMoveVector(0, -1);
            var right     = new GameMoveVector(1, 0);
            var upLeft    = new GameMoveVector(-1, 1);
            var upRight   = new GameMoveVector(1, 1);
            var downLeft  = new GameMoveVector(-1, -1);
            var downRight = new GameMoveVector(1, -1);

            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    var position = new ChessPosition(x, y);
                    var figure   = chessboard.GetFigureOnPosition(position);
                    if (
                        figure != null &&
                        figure.Type == FigureType.King &&
                        figure.Color == playerColor
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(up)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(left)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(down)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(right)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(upLeft)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(upRight)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(downLeft)));
                        acumulator.Add(CanMoveOrAttack(chessboard, playerColor, position, position.Add(downRight)));

            acumulator.RemoveAll(x => x == null);