static void Main() { using (var game = new ChessGame()) game.Run(); }
public dlgPawnPromotion(ChessGame chessGame) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // this.chessGame = chessGame; }
public static void PrintCapturedPieces(ChessGame game) { Console.Write("Pieces captured by white player: "); ConsoleColor aux = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; PrintCapturedPiecesColor(game, Color.Black); Console.ForegroundColor = aux; Console.Write("Pieces captured by black player: "); PrintCapturedPiecesColor(game, Color.White); Console.WriteLine(); }
public dlgDebugArtificialIntelligence(ChessGame chessGame) { InitializeComponent(); this.chessGame = new ChessGame(); this.chessGame.Board = Chess.ChessGame.CopyBoard(chessGame.Board); this.chessGame.Turn = chessGame.Turn; this.chessGame.Human = chessGame.Human; this.chessGame.Computer = chessGame.Computer; this.ctlUIChessBoard.chessgame = this.chessGame; ai = new ArtificialIntelligence(this.chessGame); }
public static void PrintCapturedPiecesColor(ChessGame game, Color color) { HashSet <Piece> set = game.CapturedPiecesColor(color); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("[ "); foreach (Piece piece in set) { str.Append(piece.ToString() + " "); } str.Append("]"); Console.WriteLine(str.ToString()); }
//write the current state of the board with a grid drawn around it and axes labelled and pieces taken //if FLIPPED it will draw it FLIPPED public static void WriteGameState(ChessGame game) { if (game.Moves.Count % 2 == 0) //then its even or zero { Console.WriteLine("╔══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╗ WHITE to move..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("╔══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╦══╗ BLACK to move..."); } for (int R = 0; R < 8; R++) { for (int F = 0; F < 8; F++) { if (!game.FLIPPED) { Console.Write("║" + game.Board[R, F]); } else { Console.Write("║" + game.Board[7 - R, 7 - F]); } if (F == 7) { if (!game.FLIPPED) { Console.Write("║ " + (8 - R).ToString()); } else { Console.Write("║ " + (R + 1).ToString()); } Console.Write("\n"); } } if (R < 7) { Console.WriteLine("╠══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╬══╣"); } } Console.WriteLine("╚══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╝"); if (!game.FLIPPED) { Console.WriteLine(" a b c d e f g h Pieces taken: " + game.StringOfPiecesTaken); } else { Console.WriteLine(" h g f e d c b a Pieces taken: " + game.StringOfPiecesTaken); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void PrintCaughtPieces(ChessGame game) { Console.WriteLine("Peças capturadas:"); Console.Write("Brancas: "); PrintSet(game.CaughtPieces(Color.White)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Pretas: "); ConsoleColor aux = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; PrintSet(game.CaughtPieces(Color.Black)); Console.ForegroundColor = aux; Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void PrintCapturedPieces(ChessGame chessGame) { Console.WriteLine("Captured pieces: "); Console.Write("White: "); PrintPieceSet(chessGame.CapturedPieces(Color.White)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Black: "); ConsoleColor aux = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; PrintPieceSet(chessGame.CapturedPieces(Color.Black)); Console.ForegroundColor = aux; Console.WriteLine(); }
public MoveModel GetMoveCoordsAndPiece(ChessGame game, string move) { MoveModel mm = new MoveModel(); var src = move.Substring(0, 2); var dst = move.Substring(2, 2); mm.xsrc = (int)Convert.ToChar(src.Substring(0, 1)); mm.ysrc = (int)Convert.ToChar(src.Substring(1, 1)); mm.xdst = (int)Convert.ToChar(dst.Substring(0, 1)); mm.ydst = (int)Convert.ToChar(dst.Substring(1, 1)); mm.srcval = (GetVal(game.Board, src)); mm.dstval = (GetVal(game.Board, dst)); return(mm); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { ChessGame game = new ChessGame(); while (!game.Finished) { try { Screen.PrintGame(game); Console.Write("Origem: "); Position source = Screen.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition(); game.ValidateSourcePosition(source); bool[,] posibleMovements = game.Board.Piece(source).PossibleMovements(); Console.Clear(); Screen.PrintBoard(game.Board, posibleMovements); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Destino: "); Position destination = Screen.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition(); game.ValidateDestinationPosition(source, destination); game.MakePlay(source, destination); } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } Screen.PrintGame(game); } } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } //ChessPosition pos = new ChessPosition('a', 1); //Console.WriteLine(pos); //Console.WriteLine(pos.ToPosition()); }
public void Initialize(ChessGame game, PieceTeam team) { this.Team = team; switch (type) { case Type.Player: break; case Type.MinMax: playerModel = new Player.AI.ChessMinMaxAI(game, team); playerModel.OnMovementDecided += OnDecideMovement; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public static void PrintPlay(ChessGame game, bool[,] possibleMoves) { Console.Clear(); Screen.PrintBoard(game.Board, possibleMoves); Console.WriteLine(); PrintCapturedPieces(game); Console.WriteLine("Turn #" + game.Turn.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Current player: " + game.CurrentPlayer); if (game.IsInCheck(game.CurrentPlayer)) { Console.WriteLine("CHECK!"); } Console.WriteLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { ChessGame game = new ChessGame(); while (!game.Finished) { try { Screen.PrintPlay(game, new bool[game.Board.Lines, game.Board.Columns]); Console.Write("Initial position: "); ChessPosition initialChessPosition = Screen.ReadPosition(); Position initialPosition = initialChessPosition.ToPosition(); game.CheckInitialPosition(initialPosition); bool[,] possibleMoves = game.Board.GetPiece(initialPosition).PossibleMoves(); Screen.PrintPlay(game, possibleMoves); Console.Write("Initial position: "); Screen.PrintPosition(initialPosition); Console.Write("Final position: "); Position finalPosition = Screen.ReadPosition().ToPosition(); game.CheckFinalPosition(initialPosition, finalPosition); game.PerformPlay(initialPosition, finalPosition); Screen.EndGame(game); } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.Write("Press ENTER to re-do this play. "); Console.ReadLine(); } } } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
protected void OnPieceOrder(ChessPiece piece, Point destination) { Point old = ChessGame.ConvertToPoint(piece.Position); Board[old.X, old.Y] = null; piece.Position = ChessGame.ConvertToPosition(destination); ChessPiece pieceAtDestination = Board[destination.X, destination.Y]; if (pieceAtDestination != null) { OnPieceDestroyed(pieceAtDestination); } Board[destination.X, destination.Y] = piece; piece.UpdateTransform(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame(); while (!chessGame.Finished) { try { Console.Clear(); View.PrintGame(chessGame); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Origin: "); Position origin = View.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition(); chessGame.ValidateOriginPosition(origin); bool[,] PossiblePositions = chessGame.board.piece(origin).PossibleMoves(); Console.Clear(); View.PrintBoard(chessGame.board, PossiblePositions); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Destiny: "); Position destiny = View.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition(); chessGame.ValidateDestinyPosition(origin, destiny); chessGame.ExePlay(origin, destiny); } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } } Console.Clear(); View.PrintGame(chessGame); } catch (BoardException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public bool IsValidMove(ChessGame game, string move) { if ((move == "0") || (move == "00")) { if (IsCastlingValid(game, move)) { return(true); } } else { //NOW WE CAN GET THE src AND dst parts safely... var src = move.Substring(0, 2); var dst = move.Substring(2, 2); //XY_SRC_DST = GetXYs(move); //e.g. 4,2,4,4 .... ints !!! NOT USED ??? //do some more fundamental checks !!! //make sure the source square is not a blank one !!! if (GetVal(game.Board, src) == " ") { return(false); } //make sure its correct turn !!! //if (IsItYourTurn(board, src)) //{ // return false; //} //make sure it is moving somewhere if (src == dst) { return(false); } //make sure move is not taking own piece if ((" R N B Q K P".Contains(GetVal(game.Board, src))) && (" R N B Q K P".Contains(GetVal(game.Board, dst))) || (" r n b q k p".Contains(GetVal(game.Board, src))) && (" r n b q k p".Contains(GetVal(game.Board, dst)))) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void PrintGame(ChessGame chessGame) { PrintBoard(chessGame.board); Console.WriteLine(); PrintCapturedPieces(chessGame); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Turn: " + chessGame.Turn); Console.WriteLine("Waiting play: " + chessGame.CurrentPlayer); if (!chessGame.Finished) { if (chessGame.Check) { Console.WriteLine("CHECK!!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("CHECKMATE!!"); Console.WriteLine("Winner: " + chessGame.CurrentPlayer); } }
public bool IsWhiteOrBlackToMove(ChessGame game, string move) { MoveModel mm = GetMoveCoordsAndPiece(game, move); //blacks turn? if (" r n b q k p".Contains(mm.srcval)) { if (game.Moves.Count % 2 == 0) { return(false); } } //whites turn? if (" R N B Q K P".Contains(mm.srcval)) { if (game.Moves.Count % 2 != 0) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private static void CommandMove(ChessGame game, string move) { if (move.StartsWith("q")) //quit the game { PLAYING = false; } else if (move.StartsWith("r")) //reset { game.FLIPPED = false; game.Board = game.InitialiseGame(); game.Moves.Clear(); game.PiecesTaken.Clear(); game.StringOfPiecesTaken.Clear(); } else if (move.StartsWith("f")) //flip the board over { game.FLIPPED = !game.FLIPPED; } else if (move.StartsWith("s")) //save { // save the game - TODO } }
public static void Main() { string LowerCaseMove; Validation validate = new Validation(); ChessGame Game1 = new ChessGame(); BoardInternal Game2 = new BoardInternal(); //test comment while (PLAYING) { CommonUtils.DisplayBoard(Game2); WriteBoard(Game1); Message.Clear(); LowerCaseMove = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (validate.IsFormatValid(LowerCaseMove)) { if (LowerCaseMove == "r" || LowerCaseMove == "f" || LowerCaseMove == "s" || LowerCaseMove == "q") { CommandMove(Game1, LowerCaseMove); CommandMove2(Game2, LowerCaseMove); } else { ChessMove(Game1, Game2, LowerCaseMove, validate); ChessMove2(Game2, LowerCaseMove, validate); } } else { Message.Append("Invalid move :" + LowerCaseMove + " "); } } }
void DisplayChessPieces(ChessGame chessGame) { Dictionary <int, string> pairs = new Dictionary <int, string>(); pairs.Add(0, "A"); pairs.Add(1, "B"); pairs.Add(2, "C"); pairs.Add(3, "D"); pairs.Add(4, "E"); pairs.Add(5, "F"); pairs.Add(6, "G"); pairs.Add(7, "H"); for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) { Label label = (Label)Controls.Find(pairs[col] + (row + 1), true)[0]; ChessPiece chessPiece = chessGame.chessboard[row, col]; if (chessPiece == null) { label.Text = ""; } else { if (chessPiece.color == ChessPieceColor.Black) { label.ForeColor = Color.Black; } else { label.ForeColor = Color.White; } string type = chessPiece.type.ToString().ToLower(); if (type == "king" || type == "queen") { type = chessPiece.type.ToString(); } label.Text = type[0].ToString(); } } } }
bool CheckMove(ChessGame chessGame, Position from, Position to) { if (chessGame.chessboard[from.row, from.column] == null) { MessageBox.Show("There is no chess piece at from-position!", "From-position error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtFrom.Clear(); txtFrom.Focus(); return(false); } else if (chessGame.chessboard[from.row, from.column].color != chessGame.turn) { MessageBox.Show("That is not your chess piece!", "From-position error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtFrom.Clear(); txtFrom.Focus(); return(false); } else if (!chessGame.ValidMove(chessGame.chessboard[from.row, from.column], from, to)) { MessageBox.Show("That is not a valid move!", "Move error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtFrom.Focus(); return(false); } else if (!chessGame.AvailableMove(chessGame.chessboard[from.row, from.column], from, to)) { MessageBox.Show("There are pieces in the way!", "Move error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtFrom.Focus(); return(false); } else if (chessGame.chessboard[to.row, to.column] != null && chessGame.chessboard[to.row, to.column].color == chessGame.turn) { MessageBox.Show("There already is a chess piece of your color at the to-position!", "Move error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtFrom.Focus(); return(false); } return(true); }
public void setChessGame(ChessGame chessGame) { this.chessgame = chessGame; }
static void Main(string[] args) { ChessGame jogo = new ChessGame(); jogo.GameLoop(); }
private ChessGame CreateGame() { ChessGame game = new ChessGame(); game.Player = this.Player; game.cbcBoard.Turn = false; game.txtTurn.Text = "Other Players Turn"; game.cbcBoard.Moved = (b, m) => { Square A = game.cbcBoard.Board[m.A]; Square B = game.cbcBoard.Board[m.B]; if (A.Piece != null && A.Piece.TotallyValidMoves.Contains(B)) { game.txtTurn.Text = "Other Players Turn"; this.Player.Move(m); } return false; }; this.Player.Moved += (p, m) => game.cbcBoard.InvokeIfRequired(() => { game.cbcBoard.Turn = false; game.cbcBoard.Board[m.A].To(game.cbcBoard.Board[m.B]); game.cbcBoard.Repaint(); }); this.Player.PlayerColorChanged += (p, c) => game.cbcBoard.InvokeIfRequired(() => { game.cbcBoard.Player = c; game.cbcBoard.Repaint(); }); this.Player.MyTurn += p => { game.cbcBoard.Turn = true; game.InvokeIfRequired(() => { game.txtTurn.Text = "Your Turn"; }); }; game.Closed += (o, ea) => { this.Toggle(true); this.Activate(); }; return game; }
public bool IsClearPath(ChessGame game, BoardInternal game2, string move) //is the path clear? { var src = move.Substring(0, 2); var dst = move.Substring(2, 2); //real in memory coordinates.. int srank = GetRank(src); //source rank int sfile = GetFile(src); //source file int drank = GetRank(dst); //dest rank int dfile = GetFile(dst); //dest file //if its any piece moving just one square then no spaces in between to check if ((Math.Abs(srank - drank) <= 1) && (Math.Abs(sfile - dfile) <= 1)) { return(true); } //if a knight is moving return true as they just jump over things so dont need to check spaces if (" N n".Contains(GetVal(game.Board, move.Substring(0, 2)))) { return(true); } //check spaces in between all other moves ///////// horizontal? if (Math.Abs(srank - drank) == 0) // y(rank) coordinate of src to dst not varying so moving horizontally { if (sfile < dfile) //x(file) moving right { for (int i = sfile + 1; i < dfile; i++) //so move along to the rank to the right by incrementing i { if (GetVal(game.Board, srank, i) != " ") //checking each square for blank { return(false); //if its not blank then something is in the way } } return(true); } else //moving to left { for (int i = sfile - 1; i > dfile; i--) //so move along to the rank to the left by decrementing i { if (GetVal(game.Board, srank, i) != " ") //checking each square for blank { return(false); //if its not blank then something is in the way } } return(true); } } ////////////////////// ///////// vertical? if (Math.Abs(sfile - dfile) == 0) // x(file) coordinate of src to dst not varying so moving vertically { if (srank > drank) //y(rank) moving down { for (int i = srank - 1; i > drank; i--) //so move up the file by decrementing i { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, sfile) != " ") //checking each square for blank { return(false); //if its not blank then something is in the way } } return(true); } else //moving up the file { for (int i = srank + 1; i < drank; i++) //so move down the file by decrementing i { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, sfile) != " ") //checking each square for blank { return(false); //if its not blank then something is in the way } } return(true); } } //diagonal ? if the absolute difference between the source rank and the destination rank is the same // as the file source and destination difference then it is diagonal movement int j; if (Math.Abs(srank - drank) == Math.Abs(sfile - dfile)) //this means it is diagonal movement { if (srank < drank) //moving down the board (from the black side to the white side - source rank < destination rank) { if (sfile < dfile) //so, moving generally from 0,0 towards 7,7 (in memory coordinates) top left to bottom right { j = sfile + 1; //start checks on the second square as the start square is where the piece is coming from for (int i = srank + 1; i < drank; i++) //move along the diagonal with increasing rank, dont need to check the last square.. that has already been done in a previous method { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, j) != " ") //checking for non blank square { return(false); } j++; //increment the file coordinate } } else { //so, moving generally from 0,7 towards 7,0 (in memory coordinates) top right to bottom left j = sfile - 1; for (int i = srank + 1; i < drank; i++) //move along the diagonal with increasing rank { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, j) != " ") //checking for non blank square { return(false); } j--; //decrement the file coordinate } } return(true); } if (srank > drank) //moving up the board (from the white side to the black side - source rank > destination rank) { if (sfile < dfile) //so, moving generally from 7,0 towards 0,7 (in memory coordinates) bottom left to top right { j = sfile + 1; for (int i = srank - 1; i > drank; i--) //move along the diagonal with decreasing rank { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, j) != " ") //checking for non blank square { return(false); } j++; //increment the file coordinate } } else { //so, moving generally from 7,7 towards 0,0 (in memory coordinates) bottom right to top left j = sfile - 1; for (int i = srank - 1; i > drank; i--) //move down along the diagonal with decreasing rank { if (GetVal(game.Board, i, j) != " ") //checking for non blank square { return(false); } j--; //decrement the file coordinate } } return(true); } } return(true); }
public GameForm() { InitializeComponent(); Board = new Board(); game = new ChessGame(); }
public bool IsPieceMoveValid(ChessGame game, string move) { MoveModel mm = GetMoveCoordsAndPiece(game, move); //If castling if ((move == "0") || (move == "00")) { if (IsCastlingValid(game, move)) { return(true); } return(false); } switch (mm.srcval) { case " r": case " R": if (!IsMovingLikeARook(mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " n": case " N": if (!IsMovingLikeAKnight(mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " b": case " B": if (!IsMovingLikeABishop(mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " q": case " Q": if (!IsMovingLikeAQueen(mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " k": case " K": if (!IsMovingLikeAKing(mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " p": if (!IsMovingLikeABlackPawn(mm.dstval, mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; case " P": if (!IsMovingLikeAWhitePawn(mm.dstval, mm.xsrc, mm.ysrc, mm.xdst, mm.ydst)) { return(false); } break; default: break; } return(true); }
public King(GameBoard board, Color color, ChessGame game) : base(board, color) { = game; }
//Constructor public King(Color color, BoardTable board, ChessGame game) : base(color, board) { Game = game; }
public void OnEndGame(PSide side, ChessGame.EndGames endType) { PlaySound(Sounds.endgame); switch(endType) { case (ChessGame.EndGames.Checkmate): { MessageBox.Show(null, side.ToString() + " has been checkmated!", "Game over", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); break; } case (ChessGame.EndGames.Draw): { MessageBox.Show(null, "Game drawn, 50/50", "Game over", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); break; } case (ChessGame.EndGames.Stalemate): { MessageBox.Show(null, "StaleMate, 50/50", "Game over", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); break; } } btn_reset.Enabled = true; }
public bool IsCastlingValid(ChessGame game, string move) { if (!IsEmptySquaresInBetween(game, move)) { return(false); } string src; if (game.Moves.Count % 2 == 0) { //white moving for (int i = 0; i < game.Moves.Count; i++) //look at all previous moves { src = game.Moves.ElementAt(i).Substring(0, 2); if (src == "e1") //if the king has already been moved then castling is not allowed { return(false); } if (move == "0") //king side castle { if (src == "h1") //castle on king side has already moved { return(false); } } else //must be queen side castle - 00 { if (src == "a1") //castle on queen side has already moved { return(false); } } } } else { //black castling for (int i = 0; i < game.Moves.Count; i++) //look at all previous moves { src = game.Moves.ElementAt(i).Substring(0, 2); if (src == "e8") //if the king has already been moved then castling is not allowed { return(false); } if (move == "0") //king side castle { if (src == "h8") //castle on king side has already moved { return(false); } } else //must be queen side castle - 00 { if (src == "a8") //castle on queen side has already moved { return(false); } } } } return(true); }