Пример #1
        public ChessBoard(ChessBoard copy)
            // init piece position lists
            Pieces = new Dictionary<Player, List<position_t>>();
            Pieces.Add(Player.BLACK, new List<position_t>());
            Pieces.Add(Player.WHITE, new List<position_t>());

            // init board grid to copy locations
            Grid = new piece_t[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Grid[i] = new piece_t[8];
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    Grid[i][j] = new piece_t(copy.Grid[i][j]);

                    // add piece location to list
                    if (Grid[i][j].piece != Piece.NONE)
                        Pieces[Grid[i][j].player].Add(new position_t(j, i));

            // copy last known move
            LastMove = new Dictionary<Player, position_t>();
            LastMove[Player.BLACK] = new position_t(copy.LastMove[Player.BLACK]);
            LastMove[Player.WHITE] = new position_t(copy.LastMove[Player.WHITE]);

            // copy king locations
            Kings = new Dictionary<Player, position_t>();
            Kings[Player.BLACK] = new position_t(copy.Kings[Player.BLACK]);
            Kings[Player.WHITE] = new position_t(copy.Kings[Player.WHITE]);
Пример #2
        BitboardLayer[] pieceLocations; //0 is white, 1 is black

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public AttackedSquaresGetter(ChessBoard c)
            lastUpdated = new int[64];
            this.c = c;
            pieceLocations = new BitboardLayer[2];
            currAttackedSquares = new BitboardLayer[2][];
            kingAttackedSquares = new BitboardLayer[2];
            allAttackedSq = new BitboardLayer[2];
            allValidMoves = new BitboardLayer[2];
            currValidMoves = new BitboardLayer[2][];
            currPinnedPcs = new List<int[]>[2];
            currCheckers = new List<int[]>[2];
            canCastle = new bool[2][];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                pieceLocations[i] = new BitboardLayer();
                currAttackedSquares[i] = new BitboardLayer[64];
                kingAttackedSquares[i] = new BitboardLayer();
                currValidMoves[i] = new BitboardLayer[64];
                allValidMoves[i] = new BitboardLayer();
                allAttackedSq[i] = new BitboardLayer();
                currPinnedPcs[i] = new List<int[]>();
                canCastle[i] = new bool[] { false, false };
                currCheckers[i] = new List<int[]>();

                for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
                    currAttackedSquares[i][j] = new BitboardLayer();
                    currValidMoves[i][j] = new BitboardLayer();
            numIterations = 0;
            updatePosition(true, new int[] { 63, 63 });
            updatePosition(false, new int[] { 0, 0 });
Пример #3
    private void Awake()
        data.seed = DateTime.Now.ToString();

        board    = new Chess.ChessBoard();
        searchP1 = new CurveSearch <Chess.ChessBoard, Chess.ChessMove, ChessStrategy, ChessTactic>(board, data, strategies);
        searchP2 = new CurveSearch <Chess.ChessBoard, Chess.ChessMove, ChessStrategy, ChessTactic>(board, data, strategies);

        searchP1.PlayerOne = true;
        searchP2.PlayerOne = false;

        pieces = new VisualPiece[32];
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            pieces[i] = new VisualPiece();

        boardVisualStart = -size / 2 + size / 16;
        nodeSize         = size / 8;

        SpriteRenderer renderer   = boardVisual.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        Bounds         bounds     = renderer.sprite.bounds;
        float          boundsSize = bounds.size.x;

        boardVisual.localScale = new Vector2(size, size) / boundsSize;


        thread = new Thread(Cycle)
            IsBackground = true
Пример #4
        Dictionary<ulong[][], int> transTable; //stores transpositions - pre-calculated positions we've already searched for and already know the point value of

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public AI(ChessBoard c, bool isWhite, int searchDepth, MainForm f)
            transTable = new Dictionary<ulong[][], int>();
            expectedMovesTable = new Dictionary<ulong[][], int[]>();
            this.searchDepth = searchDepth;

            gui = f;
Пример #5
        public int[][] alphaBeta(ChessBoard cb, bool isWhite, int depth, int alpha, int beta, int[] move, bool isMyMove)
            if (numIterations == 32974)
                gui.addText("Found error");
            //GOAL: minimize beta (starts at infinity) and maximize alpha (starts at neg. infinity)
            bool isWhiteMove = isWhite ^ isMyMove;
            //problem is in sortalphabeta
            List<int[]> possibleMoves = depth > 1 ? sortAlphaBeta(cb, isWhiteMove, getPossibleMoves(cb, isWhiteMove)) : getPossibleMoves(cb, isWhiteMove);
            int numMoves = possibleMoves.Count;

            if (depth == 0 || numMoves == 0) {
                int i = Rating.rating(isWhite, cb, numMoves, searchDepth);
                return new int[][] { move, new int[] { i } };
            isMyMove = !isMyMove;
            foreach (int[] currMove in possibleMoves) {
                if (depth == searchDepth) {
                    gui.stepProgBarBy((int)(100 / possibleMoves.Count));
                    gui.addText("Currently searching move: [" + currMove[0] + ", " + currMove[1] + "] (alpha = " + alpha + ", beta = " + beta + ")\n");
                if (numIterations == 5053)
                    gui.addText("Found error!");
                cb.movePiece(isWhiteMove, currMove[0], currMove[1], true);
                int[][] retVal = alphaBeta(cb, isWhite, depth - 1, alpha, beta, currMove, isMyMove);
                if (!matchesMoveList(cb))
                    gui.addText("Found error!");
                if (!isMyMove) { //is min node
                    if (retVal[1][0] <= beta) {
                        beta = retVal[1][0];
                        if (depth == searchDepth) move = retVal[0];
                else { //is max node
                    if (retVal[1][0] > alpha) {
                        alpha = retVal[1][0];
                        if (depth == searchDepth) move = retVal[0];
                if (alpha >= beta) {
                    if (!isMyMove) return new int[][] { move, new int[] { beta } };
                    else return new int[][] { move, new int[] { alpha } };
            if (!isMyMove) return new int[][] { move, new int[] { beta } };
            else return new int[][] { move, new int[] { alpha } };
Пример #6
 public ChessBoard(ChessBoard c)
     for (int i = 0; i <= pieceIndex.FLAGS; i++)
         white[i] = new BitboardLayer(c.getDict(true)[i]);
         black[i] = new BitboardLayer(c.getDict(false)[i]);
     white_ep = c.getEP(true);
     black_ep = c.getEP(false);
     moveList = new List<int[]>(c.getMoveList());
     moveNum = c.getMoveNum();
     ASG = c.getASG();
Пример #7
        private static int mimaab(ChessBoard board, Player turn, int depth, int alpha, int beta)
            // base case, at maximum depth return board fitness
            if (depth >= DEPTH)
                return board.fitness(MAX);
                List<ChessBoard> boards = new List<ChessBoard>();

                // get available moves / board states from moves for the current player
                foreach (position_t pos in board.Pieces[turn])
                    if (STOP) return -1; // interupts
                    List<position_t> moves = LegalMoveSet.getLegalMove(board, pos);
                    foreach (position_t move in moves)
                        if (STOP) return -1; // interupts
                        ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, move));

                int a = alpha, b = beta;
                if (turn != MAX) // minimize
                    foreach (ChessBoard b2 in boards)
                        if (STOP) return -1; // interupt
                        b = Math.Min(b, mimaab(b2, (turn == Player.WHITE) ? Player.BLACK : Player.WHITE, depth + 1, a, b));
                        if (a >= b)
                            return a;
                    return b;
                else // maximize
                    foreach (ChessBoard b2 in boards)
                        if (STOP) return -1; // interupt
                        a = Math.Max(a, mimaab(b2, (turn == Player.WHITE) ? Player.BLACK : Player.WHITE, depth + 1, a, b));
                        if (a >= b)
                            return b;
                    return a;
Пример #8
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ChessBoard masa = new ChessBoard();
            Queen C = new Queen('A', 2, true);
            Queen D = new Queen('B',3, true);
           Queen S = new Queen('C', 4, true);

            Console.WriteLine(masa.PathBetweenBoxesFree(masa.getChessBoxByCoordinates('C', 4), masa.getChessBoxByCoordinates('A', 2)));
Пример #9
        public Form1()
            var context =new Context();
            var board = new ChessBoard(context);

            board.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Text = "Chess";
            ClientSize = new Size(board.ClientSize.Width + 50, board.ClientSize.Height) ;
            var panel = new FlowLayoutPanel();
            panel.Size = ClientSize;

            var pnl2 = createPanel(board.ClientSize.Height,string.Empty);
                context.Players[PlayerNo.One].PlayerName ));
            pnl2.Controls.Add(createPanel(board.ClientSize.Height / 2,

            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
Пример #10
 public bool matchesMoveList(ChessBoard cb)
     ChessBoard test = new ChessBoard(null, null);
     var moveList = cb.getMoveList();
     for (int i = 0; i < moveList.Count; i++)
         test.movePiece(i % 2 == 0, moveList[i][0], moveList[i][1], true);
     //return cb.equals(test);
     return displayBoard(cb).Equals(displayBoard(test));
Пример #11
        List<int[]> getPossibleMoves(ChessBoard c, bool isWhite)
            var retVal = new List<int[]>();
            BitboardLayer[] dict = c.getDict(isWhite);
            BitboardLayer[] enemyDict = c.getDict(!isWhite);

            foreach (int i in dict[pieceIndex.ALL_LOCATIONS].getTrueIndicies()) {
                BitboardLayer pieceMoves = c.getValidMoves(isWhite, i);
                foreach (int j in pieceMoves.getTrueIndicies())
                    retVal.Add(new int[] { i, j });
            return retVal;
Пример #12
 protected void changeTileForPiece(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ref ChessBoard chess) // moves pieces ignoring conditions
     if (destinationTile.PieceInside != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
             if (chess.Pieces[i] != null)
                 if (chess.Pieces[i].Position == destinationTile)
                     chess.Pieces[i] = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
         if (chess.Pieces[i] != null)
             if (chess.Pieces[i].Position == startingTile)
                 Position.PieceInside                 = null;
                 chess.Pieces[i].Position             = destinationTile;
                 chess.Pieces[i].Position.PieceInside = chess.Pieces[i];
                 if (chess.Pieces[i] is Pawn)   // pawns' first movement
                     Pawn p = (Pawn)chess.Pieces[i];
                     p.HasMoved = true;
                 startingTile = null;
Пример #13
 public int[][] getAIMove(ChessBoard cb, bool isWhite, int depth)
     searchDepth = depth;
     int[][] retVal = alphaBeta(cb, isWhite, depth, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, new int[0], false);
     gui.addText("***\nAlphabeta is done.\n***");
     return retVal;
Пример #14
        public override bool move(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ChessBoard chess)
            if (destinationTile.PieceInside != null)
                if (destinationTile.PieceInside.IsWhite == IsWhite)
            King blackKing = (King)chess.Pieces[20];
            King whiteKing = (King)chess.Pieces[21];
            bool isClear   = true;

            if (destinationTile.RowInBoard > Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard > Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard))
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + i, Position.ColumnInBoard + i].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
            if (destinationTile.RowInBoard > Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard < Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard))
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + i, Position.ColumnInBoard - i].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
            if (destinationTile.RowInBoard < Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard < Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard))
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - i, Position.ColumnInBoard - i].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
            if (destinationTile.RowInBoard < Position.RowInBoard && destinationTile.ColumnInBoard > Position.ColumnInBoard && Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard) == Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard))
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - i, Position.ColumnInBoard + i].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
            int minPosition;

            if (destinationTile.ColumnInBoard == Position.ColumnInBoard)
                minPosition = Math.Min(Position.RowInBoard, destinationTile.RowInBoard);
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.RowInBoard - destinationTile.RowInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[minPosition + i, Position.ColumnInBoard].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
            if (destinationTile.RowInBoard == Position.RowInBoard)
                minPosition = Math.Min(Position.ColumnInBoard, destinationTile.ColumnInBoard);
                for (int i = 1; i < Math.Abs(Position.ColumnInBoard - destinationTile.ColumnInBoard); i++)
                    if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, minPosition + i].PieceInside != null)
                        isClear = false;
                if (IsWhite)
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && whiteKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                    if (isClear && allowMove(ref chess, ref destinationTile) && blackKing.canMoveBeforeKing(ref chess, ref destinationTile, this) && !IsWhite)
                        changeTileForPiece(ref startingTile, ref destinationTile, ref chess);
                isClear = true;
Пример #15
        public override List <Position> GetAListOfMoves(ChessBoard chessBoard, TypeMove typeMove)
            List <Position> listOfMoves = new List <Position>();

            int side;

            if (this.color == ChessColor.White)
                side = -1;
                side = +1;

            if (typeMove == TypeMove.Move)
                ChessBoard tmpChessBoard = (ChessBoard)chessBoard.Clone();
                tmpChessBoard.Move(this.position, new Position {
                    V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H
                if (chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (1 * side), this.position.H].piece == null
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H
                    if (first && chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (2 * side), this.position.H].piece == null)
                        listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                            V = this.position.V + (2 * side), H = this.position.H

                if (this.position.H - 1 > 0)
                    if (
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (1 * side), this.position.H - 1].piece != null
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (1 * side), this.position.H - 1].piece.color != this.color
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H - 1].piece is Pawn
                            ((Pawn)chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H - 1].piece).takeOnTheAisle
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H - 1].piece.color != this.color
                        tmpChessBoard = (ChessBoard)chessBoard.Clone();
                        tmpChessBoard.Move(this.position, new Position {
                            V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H - 1

                        if (tmpChessBoard.CheckKingAttacked(this.color))
                            listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                                V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H - 1
                if (this.position.H + 1 < 9)
                    if (
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (1 * side), this.position.H + 1].piece != null
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V + (1 * side), this.position.H + 1].piece.color != this.color
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H + 1].piece is Pawn
                            ((Pawn)chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H + 1].piece).takeOnTheAisle
                            chessBoard.Board[this.position.V, this.position.H + 1].piece.color != this.color
                        tmpChessBoard = (ChessBoard)chessBoard.Clone();
                        tmpChessBoard.Move(this.position, new Position {
                            V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H + 1
                        if (tmpChessBoard.CheckKingAttacked(this.color))
                            listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                                V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H + 1
                if (this.position.H - 1 > 0)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H - 1
                if (this.position.H + 1 < 9)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = this.position.V + (1 * side), H = this.position.H + 1

Пример #16
        private static List<position_t> Pawn(ChessBoard board, position_t pos, bool verify_check = true)
            List<position_t> moves = new List<position_t>();

            piece_t p = board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter];
            if (p.piece == Piece.NONE) return moves;

            // gather relative moves
            List<position_t> relative = new List<position_t>();
            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, 1 * ((p.player == Player.BLACK) ? -1 : 1)));
            relative.Add(new position_t(0, 1 * ((p.player == Player.BLACK) ? -1 : 1)));
            relative.Add(new position_t(0, 2 * ((p.player == Player.BLACK) ? -1 : 1)));
            relative.Add(new position_t(1, 1 * ((p.player == Player.BLACK) ? -1 : 1)));

            // iterate moves
            foreach (position_t move in relative)
                position_t moved = new position_t(move.letter + pos.letter, move.number + pos.number);

                // bounds check
                if (moved.letter < 0 || moved.letter > 7 || moved.number < 0 || moved.number > 7)

                // double forward move
                if (moved.letter == pos.letter && board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece == Piece.NONE && Math.Abs(moved.number - pos.number) == 2)
                    // check the first step
                    int step = -((moved.number - pos.number) / (Math.Abs(moved.number - pos.number)));
                    bool hasnt_moved = pos.number == ((p.player == Player.BLACK) ? 6 : 1);
                    if (board.Grid[moved.number + step][moved.letter].piece == Piece.NONE && hasnt_moved)
                // if it's not blocked we can move forward
                else if (moved.letter == pos.letter && board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece == Piece.NONE)
                // angled attack
                else if (moved.letter != pos.letter && board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece != Piece.NONE && board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].player != p.player)
                // en passant
                else if(isEnPassant(board, new move_t(pos,moved)))

            if (verify_check)// make sure each move doesn't put us in check
                for (int i = moves.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, moves[i]));
                    if (isCheck(b2, p.player))
            return moves;
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Slide along the path steps until you hit something. Return path to point and if it ends attacking with the attack.
        /// </summary>
        private static List<position_t> Slide(ChessBoard board, Player p, position_t pos, position_t step)
            List<position_t> moves = new List<position_t>();
            for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                position_t moved = new position_t(pos.letter + i * step.letter, pos.number + i * step.number);

                if (moved.letter < 0 || moved.letter > 7 || moved.number < 0 || moved.number > 7)

                if (board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece != Piece.NONE)
                    if (board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].player != p)
            return moves;
Пример #18
        private static List<position_t> Knight(ChessBoard board, position_t pos, bool verify_check = true)
            List<position_t> moves = new List<position_t>();

            piece_t p = board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter];
            if (p.piece == Piece.NONE) return moves;

            // collect all relative moves possible
            List<position_t> relative = new List<position_t>();

            relative.Add(new position_t(2, 1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(2, -1));

            relative.Add(new position_t(-2, 1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(-2, -1));

            relative.Add(new position_t(1, 2));
            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, 2));

            relative.Add(new position_t(1, -2));
            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, -2));

            // iterate moves
            foreach (position_t move in relative)
                position_t moved = new position_t(move.letter + pos.letter, move.number + pos.number);

                // bounds check
                if (moved.letter < 0 || moved.letter > 7 || moved.number < 0 || moved.number > 7)

                // if empty space or attacking
                if (board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece == Piece.NONE ||
                    board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].player != p.player) 

            if (verify_check)// make sure each move doesn't put us in check
                for (int i = moves.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, moves[i]));
                    if (isCheck(b2, p.player))
            return moves;
Пример #19
        private static List<position_t> Rook(ChessBoard board, position_t pos, bool verify_check = true)
            List<position_t> moves = new List<position_t>();

            piece_t p = board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter];
            if (p.piece == Piece.NONE) return moves;

            // slide along vert/hor for possible moves
            moves.AddRange(Slide(board, p.player, pos, new position_t(1, 0)));
            moves.AddRange(Slide(board, p.player, pos, new position_t(-1, 0)));
            moves.AddRange(Slide(board, p.player, pos, new position_t(0, 1)));
            moves.AddRange(Slide(board, p.player, pos, new position_t(0, -1)));

            if (verify_check)// make sure each move doesn't put us in check
                for (int i = moves.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, moves[i]));
                    if (isCheck(b2, p.player))
            return moves;
Пример #20
        private static bool allowCastle(ChessBoard board, Player player, position_t pos, bool isRight)
            bool isValid = true;
            int rookPos;
            int kingDirection;
            if (isRight)
                rookPos = 7;
                kingDirection = 1;
                rookPos = 0;
                kingDirection = -1;

            //Check for valid right castling
            // Is the peice at H,7 a rook owned by the player and has it moved
            if (board.Grid[pos.number][rookPos].piece == Piece.ROOK &&
                board.Grid[pos.number][rookPos].player == player && board.Grid[pos.number][rookPos].lastPosition.Equals(new position_t(-1,-1)))
                // Check that the adjacent two squares are empty
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    if (board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter + (i + 1) * kingDirection].piece != Piece.NONE)
                        isValid = false;

                // Don't bother running secondary checks if the way isn't even clear
                if (isValid)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        // Move kings postion over i squares to check if king is passing over an attackable
                        // square
                        ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, new position_t(pos.letter + (i + 1) * kingDirection, pos.number)));

                        // Attackable square is in between king and rook so
                        // its not possible to castle to the right rook
                        if (isCheck(b2, player))
                            isValid = false;
                isValid = false;
            return isValid;
Пример #21
        private static List<position_t> King(ChessBoard board, position_t pos, bool verify_check = true)
            List<position_t> moves = new List<position_t>();

            piece_t p = board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter];
            if (p.piece == Piece.NONE) return moves;

            // collect all relative moves possible
            List<position_t> relative = new List<position_t>();

            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, 1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(0, 1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(1, 1));

            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, 0));
            relative.Add(new position_t(1, 0));

            relative.Add(new position_t(-1, -1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(0, -1));
            relative.Add(new position_t(1, -1));

            // Iterate moves
            foreach (position_t move in relative)
                position_t moved = new position_t(move.letter + pos.letter, move.number + pos.number);

                // bound check
                if (moved.letter < 0 || moved.letter > 7 || moved.number < 0 || moved.number > 7)

                // if it's not blocked we can move
                if (board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].piece == Piece.NONE || board.Grid[moved.number][moved.letter].player != p.player)
                    if (verify_check) // make sure we don't put ourselves in check
                        ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(pos, moved));
                        if(!isCheck(b2, p.player))
			// Castling
            /* A king can only castle if:
             * king has not moved
             * rook has not moved
             * king is not in check
             * king does not end up in check
             * king does not pass through any other peieces
             * king does not pass through any squares under attack
             * king knows secret handshake
            if (verify_check)
                if (!isCheck(board, p.player)
                    && p.lastPosition.Equals(new position_t(-1,-1)))
                    bool castleRight = allowCastle(board, p.player, pos, true);
                    bool castleLeft = allowCastle(board, p.player, pos, false);

                    if (castleRight)
                        moves.Add(new position_t(6, pos.number));
                    if (castleLeft)
                        moves.Add(new position_t(2, pos.number));

            return moves;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the king for a player is in check. This function
        /// works by pretending the king is each of the different board pieces and seeing if it can attack
        /// any of the same type of price from its current position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">Board state</param>
        /// <param name="king">the currnet player</param>
        /// <returns>Is in check</returns>
        public static bool isCheck(ChessBoard b, Player king)
            if (b.Kings.Count == 0) return true;

            position_t king_pos = b.Kings[king];
            if (king_pos.number < 0 || king_pos.letter < 0) return true;

            Piece[] pieces = { Piece.PAWN, Piece.ROOK, Piece.KNIGHT, Piece.BISHOP, Piece.QUEEN, Piece.KING };

            ChessBoard tempBoard = new ChessBoard(b);

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                tempBoard.Grid[king_pos.number][king_pos.letter] = new piece_t(pieces[i], king);
                List<position_t> moves = getLegalMove(tempBoard, king_pos, false);
                foreach (var move in moves)
                    if (b.Grid[move.number][move.letter].piece == pieces[i] &&
                        b.Grid[move.number][move.letter].player != king)
                        return true;

            return false;
Пример #23
 public abstract bool move(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ChessBoard chess); // checks if the move is valid and moves if valid
Пример #24
        public static bool isEnPassant(ChessBoard b, move_t m)
            // step = where opposite pawn is
            int step = ((b.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].player == Player.WHITE) ? -1 : 1);

            // true if
            // move is pawn
            // space is blank
            // move is diagonal
            // opposite pawn exists at step
            // the last move for opposite player was the pawn
            // the last move for opposite pawn was the double jump
            return (
                b.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].piece == Piece.PAWN &&
                b.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].piece == Piece.NONE &&
                m.to.letter != m.from.letter &&
                b.Grid[m.to.number + step][m.to.letter].piece == Piece.PAWN &&
                b.LastMove[(b.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].player == Player.WHITE) ? Player.BLACK : Player.WHITE].Equals(new position_t(m.to.letter, m.to.number + step)) &&
                Math.Abs(b.Grid[m.to.number + step][m.to.letter].lastPosition.number - (m.to.number + step)) == 2 //jumped from last position
Пример #25
 public GameView()
     board = new ChessBoard(playerwhite, playerblack);
     rules = new RulesEngine(board);
Пример #26
 public ChessBoard(ChessBoard b)
     : this(b.Board.Clone() as int[])
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the provided player has any valid moves.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">The state of the game.</param>
 /// <param name="player">The player.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the player has moves.</returns>
 public static bool hasMoves(ChessBoard b, Player player)
     foreach(position_t pos in b.Pieces[player])
         if (b.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter].piece != Piece.NONE && 
             b.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter].player == player && 
             getLegalMove(b, pos).Count > 0) return true;
     return false;
Пример #28
 public override void attackTile(ref ChessBoard chess)
     for (int i = Position.RowInBoard + 1; i < 8; i++)
         if (chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].PieceInside == null)
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderBlackAttack = true;
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderBlackAttack = true;
     for (int i = Position.RowInBoard - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].PieceInside == null)
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderBlackAttack = true;
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[i, Position.ColumnInBoard].UnderBlackAttack = true;
     for (int i = Position.ColumnInBoard + 1; i < 8; i++)
         if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].PieceInside == null)
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderBlackAttack = true;
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderBlackAttack = true;
     for (int i = Position.ColumnInBoard - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].PieceInside == null)
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderBlackAttack = true;
             if (IsWhite)
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
                 chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard, i].UnderBlackAttack = true;
Пример #29
 public override void attackTile(ref ChessBoard chess)
     if (IsWhite)
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 1, Position.ColumnInBoard + 2].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 1, Position.ColumnInBoard + 2].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 1, Position.ColumnInBoard - 2].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 1, Position.ColumnInBoard - 2].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 2, Position.ColumnInBoard + 1].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 2, Position.ColumnInBoard + 1].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 2, Position.ColumnInBoard - 1].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 2, Position.ColumnInBoard - 1].UnderWhiteAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 1, Position.ColumnInBoard + 2].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 1, Position.ColumnInBoard + 2].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 1, Position.ColumnInBoard - 2].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 1, Position.ColumnInBoard - 2].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 2, Position.ColumnInBoard + 1].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 2, Position.ColumnInBoard + 1].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard + 2, Position.ColumnInBoard - 1].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
             chess.Tiles[Position.RowInBoard - 2, Position.ColumnInBoard - 1].UnderBlackAttack = true;
         catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
         { }
Пример #30
        public override List <Position> GetAListOfMoves(ChessBoard chessBoard, TypeMove typeMove)
            List <Position> listOfMoves = new List <Position>();

            bool ul = checkMove(new Position {
                V = this.position.V - 1, H = this.position.H - 1
            }, chessBoard, typeMove);

            for (int i = this.position.V - 1, j = this.position.H - 1; ul && i > 0 && j > 0; i--, j--)
                if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece == null)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = i, H = j
                    if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece.color != this.color)
                        listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                            V = i, H = j
            bool ur = checkMove(new Position {
                V = this.position.V - 1, H = this.position.H + 1
            }, chessBoard, typeMove);

            for (int i = this.position.V - 1, j = this.position.H + 1; ur && i > 0 && j < 9; i--, j++)
                if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece == null)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = i, H = j
                    if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece.color != this.color)
                        listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                            V = i, H = j
            bool dl = checkMove(new Position {
                V = this.position.V + 1, H = this.position.H - 1
            }, chessBoard, typeMove);

            for (int i = this.position.V + 1, j = this.position.H - 1; dl && i < 9 && j > 0; i++, j--)
                if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece == null)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = i, H = j
                    if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece.color != this.color)
                        listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                            V = i, H = j
            bool dr = checkMove(new Position {
                V = this.position.V + 1, H = this.position.H + 1
            }, chessBoard, typeMove);

            for (int i = this.position.V + 1, j = this.position.H + 1; dr && i < 9 && j < 9; i++, j++)
                if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece == null)
                    listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                        V = i, H = j
                    if (chessBoard.Board[i, j].piece.color != this.color)
                        listOfMoves.Add(new Position {
                            V = i, H = j

Пример #31
 public Rook(ChessBoard boad, Color color) : base(color, boad)
Пример #32
 public override bool isLegal(ChessBoard board, Location tryToMoveTo)
     return(isLegalBishopMove(board, tryToMoveTo));
Пример #33
        public string displayBoard(ChessBoard c)
            //for debugging purposes
            //capital letters are white, n's are knights
            char[] whiteLetters = new char[] { 'P', 'R', 'N', 'B', 'Q', 'K' };
            char[] blackLetters = new char[] {  'p', 'r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k' };

            char[] retVal = new char[64];
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) retVal[i] = Convert.ToChar("+");
            BitboardLayer[] white = c.getDict(true);
            BitboardLayer[] black = c.getDict(false);
            for (int i = 0; i <= pieceIndex.KING; i++){
                foreach (int j in white[i].getTrueIndicies()) retVal[j] = whiteLetters[i];
                foreach (int j in black[i].getTrueIndicies()) retVal[j] = blackLetters[i];
            string s = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++){
                s += retVal[i];
                if (i % 8 == 7) s += "\n";
            var ml = c.getMoveList();
            for (int i = 0; i < ml.Count; i++)
                s += (i % 2 == 0 ? "White" : "Black") + ": [" + ml[i][0] + ", " + ml[i][1] + "]\n";
            return s;
Пример #34
        public void SetBoard(ChessBoard board)
            // if a thread called this, invoke recursion
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                this.Invoke(new Action(() => SetBoard(board)));

            // update all tiles on board
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    SetPiece(board.Grid[i][j].piece, board.Grid[i][j].player, j, i);
Пример #35
 public int[] getMoveList(ChessBoard cb)
     List<int> retVal = new List<int>();
     var moveList = cb.getMoveList();
     foreach (int[] i in moveList)
     return retVal.ToArray();
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Get any legal move from the current position on the provided board.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board">The state of the game.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The piece/position to check for valid moves.</param>
        /// <param name="verify_check">Whether or not to recurse and check if the current move puts you in check.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of positions the piece can move to.</returns>
        public static List<position_t> getLegalMove(ChessBoard board, position_t pos, bool verify_check = true)
            piece_t p = board.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter];
            if (p.piece == Piece.NONE) return new List<position_t>();

            switch (p.piece)
                case Piece.PAWN:
                    return LegalMoveSet.Pawn(board, pos, verify_check);
                case Piece.ROOK:
                    return LegalMoveSet.Rook(board, pos, verify_check);
                case Piece.KNIGHT:
                    return LegalMoveSet.Knight(board, pos, verify_check);
                case Piece.BISHOP:
                    return LegalMoveSet.Bishop(board, pos, verify_check);
                case Piece.QUEEN:
                    return LegalMoveSet.Queen(board, pos, verify_check);
                case Piece.KING:
                    return LegalMoveSet.King(board, pos, verify_check);
                    return new List<position_t>();
Пример #37
 public List<int[]> sortAlphaBeta(ChessBoard cb, bool isWhite, List<int[]> possibleMoves)
     List<int[]> retVal = new List<int[]>();
     List<int> valueSet = new List<int>();
     for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoves.Count; i++)
         if (numIterations == 33000)
             gui.addText("Found bug");
         int[] currMove = possibleMoves[i];
         cb.movePiece(isWhite, currMove[0], currMove[1], true);
         valueSet.Add(Rating.rating(isWhite, cb, possibleMoves.Count, searchDepth));
         if (!matchesMoveList(cb))
             gui.addText("More errors!");
     while (valueSet.Count > 0)
         int index = indexOfMax(valueSet);
     return retVal;
Пример #38
 public static bool PlaceQueens(List <ChessBoard> solutions, ChessBoard board = null, int column = 0)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #39
 public abstract bool move(ref Tile startingTile, ref Tile destinationTile, ChessBoard chess); // checks if the move is valid and moves if valid
 public abstract void attackTile(ref ChessBoard chess);                                        // assigns logical attack on tiles
Пример #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all legal moves for the player on the current board.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">The state of the game.</param>
 /// <param name="player">The player whose moves you want.</param>
 /// <returns>A 1-to-many dictionary of moves from one position to many</returns>
 public static Dictionary<position_t, List<position_t>> getPlayerMoves(ChessBoard b, Player player)
     Dictionary<position_t, List<position_t>> moves = new Dictionary<position_t, List<position_t>>();
     foreach (position_t pos in b.Pieces[player])
         if (b.Grid[pos.number][pos.letter].piece != Piece.NONE)
             if (!moves.ContainsKey(pos)) moves[pos] = new List<position_t>();
             moves[pos].AddRange(LegalMoveSet.getLegalMove(b, pos));
     return moves;
Пример #41
 public King(ChessBoard board, Color color, ChessMatch match) : base(board, color)
     this.match = match;
Пример #42
        public static move_t MiniMaxAB(ChessBoard board, Player turn)
            RUNNING = true; // we've started running
            STOP = false; // no interupt command sent
            MAX = turn; // who is maximizing

            // gather all possible moves
            Dictionary<position_t, List<position_t>> moves = LegalMoveSet.getPlayerMoves(board, turn);

            // because we're threading safely store best result from each thread
            int[] bestresults = new int[moves.Count];
            move_t[] bestmoves = new move_t[moves.Count];

            // thread the generation of each move
            Parallel.ForEach(moves, (movelist,state,index) =>
                if (STOP) // interupt

                // initialize thread best
                bestresults[index] = int.MinValue;
                bestmoves[index] = new move_t(new position_t(-1, -1), new position_t(-1, -1));

                // for each move for the current piece(thread)
                foreach (position_t move in movelist.Value)
                    if (STOP) // interupt

                    // make initial move and start recursion
                    ChessBoard b2 = LegalMoveSet.move(board, new move_t(movelist.Key, move));
                    int result = mimaab(b2, (turn == Player.WHITE) ? Player.BLACK : Player.WHITE, 1, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);

                    // if result is better or best hasn't been set yet
                    if (bestresults[index] < result || (bestmoves[index].to.Equals(new position_t(-1, -1)) && bestresults[index] == int.MinValue))
                        bestresults[index] = result;
                        bestmoves[index].from = movelist.Key;
                        bestmoves[index].to = move;

            // interupted
            if (STOP)
                return new move_t(new position_t(-1, -1), new position_t(-1, -1)); 

            // find the best of the thread results
            int best = int.MinValue;
            move_t m = new move_t(new position_t(-1, -1), new position_t(-1, -1));
            for(int i = 0; i < bestmoves.Length; i++)
                if (best < bestresults[i] || (m.to.Equals(new position_t(-1,-1)) && !bestmoves[i].to.Equals(new position_t(-1,-1))))
                    best = bestresults[i];
                    m = bestmoves[i];
            return m;
Пример #43
 public Rook(ChessBoard board, Color color) : base(board, color)
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs all necessary steps to update the game state and move the pieces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">The state of the game.</param>
        /// <param name="m">The desired move.</param>
        /// <returns>The new state of the game.</returns>
        public static ChessBoard move(ChessBoard b, move_t m)
            // create a copy of the board
            ChessBoard b2 = new ChessBoard(b); 

            // determine if move is enpassant or castling
            bool enpassant = (b2.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].piece == Piece.PAWN && isEnPassant(b2, m));
            bool castle = (b2.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].piece == Piece.KING && Math.Abs(m.to.letter - m.from.letter) == 2);

            // update piece list, remove old position from piece list for moving player

            // if move kills a piece directly, remove killed piece from killed player piece list
            if (b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].piece != Piece.NONE && b2.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].player != b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player)
            else if(enpassant) 
                // if kill was through enpassant determine which direction and remove the killed pawn
                int step = (b.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].player == Player.WHITE) ? -1 : 1;
                b2.Pieces[b2.Grid[m.to.number + step][m.to.letter].player].Remove(new position_t(m.to.letter, m.to.number + step));
            else if (castle)
                // if no kill but enpassant, update the rook position
                if (m.to.letter == 6)
                    b2.Pieces[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player].Remove(new position_t(7, m.to.number));
                    b2.Pieces[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player].Add(new position_t(5, m.to.number));
                    b2.Pieces[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player].Remove(new position_t(0, m.to.number));
                    b2.Pieces[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player].Remove(new position_t(3, m.to.number));

            // add the new piece location to piece list

            // update board grid
            b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter] = new piece_t(b2.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter]);
            b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].lastPosition = m.from;
            b2.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].piece = Piece.NONE;
            if (enpassant)
                // if kill was through enpassant determine which direction and remove the killed pawn
                int step = (b.Grid[m.from.number][m.from.letter].player == Player.WHITE) ? -1 : 1;
                b2.Grid[m.to.number + step][m.to.letter].piece = Piece.NONE;
            else if (castle)
                // if no kill but enpassant, update the rook position
                if (m.to.letter == 6)
                    b2.Grid[m.to.number][5] = new piece_t(b2.Grid[m.to.number][7]);
                    b2.Grid[m.to.number][7].piece = Piece.NONE;
                    b2.Grid[m.to.number][3] = new piece_t(b2.Grid[m.to.number][0]);
                    b2.Grid[m.to.number][0].piece = Piece.NONE;

            if (b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].piece == Piece.PAWN)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (b2.Grid[0][i].piece == Piece.PAWN)
                        b2.Grid[0][i].piece = Piece.QUEEN;
                    if (b2.Grid[7][i].piece == Piece.PAWN)
                        b2.Grid[7][i].piece = Piece.QUEEN;

            // update king position
            if (b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].piece == Piece.KING)
                b2.Kings[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player] = m.to;

            // update last move 
            b2.LastMove[b2.Grid[m.to.number][m.to.letter].player] = m.to;

            return b2;
Пример #45
 public bool equals(ChessBoard c)
     BitboardLayer[] test_white = c.getDict(true);
     BitboardLayer[] test_black = c.getDict(false);
     for (int i = 0; i <= pieceIndex.FLAGS; i++)
         if (test_white[i].getLayerData() != white[i].getLayerData()) return false;
         if (test_black[i].getLayerData() != black[i].getLayerData()) return false;
     return true;
Пример #46
        public override bool CanMoveToLocation(int targetCol, int targetRow, ChessBoard gameBoard)
            LinkedList <ChessSquare> path = gameBoard.GetDiagonalSquares(Col, Row, targetCol, targetRow);

            return(CanFollowPath(targetCol, targetRow, path, path.Count));
Пример #47
 // This abstract method is defined but not implemented by AbstractChessPiece.
 // Each derived class will have to implement their own version.
 abstract public bool CanMoveToLocation(int targetCol, int targetRow, ChessBoard gameBoard);
Пример #48
 public abstract bool CanMoveTo(ChessBoard board, BoardTile currentTile, BoardTile destinationTile);