Пример #1
        public static void runCrystalReport( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.CrystalReportReturn Return, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
            CswNbtResources CswNbtResources = (CswNbtResources) CswResources;
            DataTable ReportTable = _getReportTable( CswNbtResources, reportParams );
            if( ReportTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
                // Get the Report Layout File
                Int32 JctNodePropId = reportParams.ReportNode.RPTFile.JctNodePropId;
                if( JctNodePropId > 0 )
                    CswFilePath FilePathTools = new CswFilePath( CswNbtResources );
                    string ReportTempFileName = FilePathTools.getFullReportFilePath( JctNodePropId.ToString() );
                    if( !File.Exists( ReportTempFileName ) )
                        DirectoryInfo DirectoryInfo = ( new FileInfo( ReportTempFileName ) ).Directory;
                        if( DirectoryInfo != null )
                            DirectoryInfo.Create(); //creates the /rpt directory if it doesn't exist

                        CswTableSelect JctSelect = CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect( "getReportLayoutBlob_select", "blob_data" );
                        JctSelect.AllowBlobColumns = true;
                        CswCommaDelimitedString SelectColumns = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                        SelectColumns.Add( "blobdata" );
                        DataTable JctTable = JctSelect.getTable( SelectColumns, "jctnodepropid", JctNodePropId, "", true );

                        if( JctTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
                            if( !JctTable.Rows[0].IsNull( "blobdata" ) )
                                byte[] BlobData = JctTable.Rows[0]["blobdata"] as byte[];
                                FileStream fs = new FileStream( ReportTempFileName, FileMode.CreateNew );
                                BinaryWriter BWriter = new BinaryWriter( fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default );
                                if( BlobData != null )
                                    BWriter.Write( BlobData );
                                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "Report is missing RPT file", "Report's RPTFile blobdata is null" );
                    if( File.Exists( ReportTempFileName ) )
                        Return.Data.reportUrl = _saveCrystalReport( CswNbtResources, ReportTempFileName, reportParams.ReportNode.ReportName.Text, ReportTable );
                        Return.Data.hasResults = true;
                } // if( JctNodePropId > 0 )
            } // if(ReportTable.Rows.Count > 0) 
                Return.Data.hasResults = false;

        } // LoadReport()
Пример #2
        public static void getReportInfo( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportReturn Return, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
            CswNbtResources NBTResources = (CswNbtResources) CswResources;
            reportParams.ReportNode = NBTResources.Nodes[reportParams.NodeId];
            if( null != reportParams.ReportNode )
                reportParams.doesSupportCrystal = ( false == reportParams.ReportNode.RPTFile.Empty );

                CswNbtNode SourceNode = null;
                if( CswTools.IsPrimaryKey( reportParams.SourceId ) )
                    SourceNode = NBTResources.Nodes[reportParams.SourceId];

                reportParams.reportParams = new Collection<ReportData.ReportParam>();
                foreach( var paramPair in reportParams.ReportNode.ExtractReportParams( NBTResources.Nodes[NBTResources.CurrentNbtUser.UserId], SourceNode ) )
                    ReportData.ReportParam paramObj = new ReportData.ReportParam();
                    paramObj.name = paramPair.Key;
                    paramObj.value = paramPair.Value;
                    reportParams.reportParams.Add( paramObj );
            Return.Data = reportParams;
Пример #3
        private static DataTable _getReportTable( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
            CswNbtResources NbtResources = (CswNbtResources) CswResources;
            DataTable rptDataTbl = null;
            reportParams.ReportNode = NbtResources.Nodes[reportParams.NodeId];
            if( null != reportParams.ReportNode )
                if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( reportParams.ReportNode.WebService.Text ) )

                    // See cases: 28562, 31102, 31147, 31190
                    // All of my efforts to get this report to execute using self-referencing webservices have failed.
                    // If I use 'localhost', I get SSL errors with https://.
                    // If I use a real URL, like 'https://nbtdaily.chemswlive.com/CiTest/', then I simply get empty strings back.
                    // So I'm going to use reflection to find and execute the method instead.

                    ////// case 31102
                    ////// Determine the webservice URL from the request URL
                    ////// Use 'localhost' however, since daily/prod may not be able to see its own DNS
                    //////string thisUrl = reportParams.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                    ////string thisUrl = reportParams.Context.Request.Url.Scheme + "://localhost" + reportParams.Context.Request.Url.LocalPath;
                    ////string thisUrlBase = thisUrl.Substring( 0, thisUrl.IndexOf( "/Services/" ) + "/Services/".Length );
                    ////string WebServiceUrl = thisUrlBase + CswNbtObjClassReport.ReplaceReportParams( reportParams.ReportNode.WebService.Text, reportParams.ReportParamDictionary );
                    //string WebServiceUrl = NbtResources.SetupVbls[CswEnumSetupVariableNames.MailReportUrlStem] + "Services/" + CswNbtObjClassReport.ReplaceReportParams( reportParams.ReportNode.WebService.Text, reportParams.ReportParamDictionary );

                    //HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create( WebServiceUrl );
                    //request.Method = "GET";
                    //request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                    //foreach( string c in reportParams.Context.Request.Cookies.Keys )
                    //    HttpCookie cookie = reportParams.Context.Request.Cookies[c];
                    //    if( cookie.Name == "CswSessionId" )
                    //    {
                    //        request.CookieContainer.Add( new Cookie()
                    //            {
                    //                Name = cookie.Name,
                    //                Value = cookie.Value,
                    //                Domain = "localhost",
                    //                Path = cookie.Path
                    //            } );
                    //    }
                    //HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
                    //rptDataTbl = new DataTable();

                    //StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( response.GetResponseStream() );
                    //string result = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    //result = result.Replace( @"\", "" );
                    //if( result.StartsWith( "\"" ) )
                    //    result = result.Substring( 1, result.Length - 2 );
                    ////result = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" + result;
                    ////rptDataTbl.ReadXml( response.GetResponseStream() );
                    //if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( result ) )
                    //    rptDataTbl.ReadXml( new StringReader( result ) );

                    // reportParams.ReportNode.WebService.Text is something like "RegulatoryReporting/getHMISDataTable?ControlZone={Name}"
                    string[] WebServiceStr = reportParams.ReportNode.WebService.Text.Split( '/' );
                    string wsClassName = "NbtWebApp." + WebServiceStr[0];
                    string[] rawParams = WebServiceStr[WebServiceStr.Length - 1].Split( new char[] { '?', '&' } );
                    string wsMethodName = rawParams[0];
                    object[] wsParams = new object[rawParams.Length - 1];
                    for( Int32 w = 1; w < rawParams.Length; w++ )
                        string[] thisParam = rawParams[w].Split( '=' );
                        string paramValue = CswNbtObjClassReport.ReplaceReportParams( thisParam[1], reportParams.ReportParamDictionary );
                        wsParams[w - 1] = paramValue;

                    Type classInfo = Type.GetType( wsClassName );
                    if( null != classInfo )
                        var classInstance = classInfo.GetConstructor( System.Type.EmptyTypes ).Invoke( null );
                        MethodInfo methodInfo = classInfo.GetMethod( wsMethodName );
                        if( null != methodInfo )
                            rptDataTbl = (DataTable) methodInfo.Invoke( classInstance, wsParams );
                else if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( reportParams.ReportNode.SQL.Text ) )
                    string ReportSql = "";
                    //Case 30293: We are not trying to solve all of the (usability) issues with SQL Reporting today;
                    //rather, we just want to return friendlier errors when SQL faults occur
                        ReportSql = CswNbtObjClassReport.ReplaceReportParams( reportParams.ReportNode.SQL.Text, reportParams.ReportParamDictionary );
                        CswArbitrarySelect cswRptSql = NbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "report_sql", ReportSql );

                        reportParams.RowLimit = CswConvert.ToInt32( NbtResources.ConfigVbls.getConfigVariableValue( CswEnumNbtConfigurationVariables.sql_report_resultlimit.ToString() ) );
                        if( 0 >= reportParams.RowCount )
                            reportParams.RowCount = 500;

                        //Getting 1 more than RowLimit in order to determine if truncation occurred
                        rptDataTbl = cswRptSql.getTable( PageLowerBoundExclusive: 0, PageUpperBoundInclusive: reportParams.RowLimit + 1, RequireOneRow: false );
                        if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( rptDataTbl.TableName ) && null != reportParams.ReportNode )
                            rptDataTbl.TableName = reportParams.ReportNode.ReportName.Text;
                    catch( CswSqlException CswException )
                        CswDniException NewException = new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "SQL Execution failed with error: " + CswException.OracleError, "Could not execute SQL: {" + CswException.Sql + "}", CswException );
                        //CswException.Add( NewException );
                        throw NewException;
                    catch( Exception Ex )
                        throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "Invalid SQL.", "Could not execute SQL: {" + ReportSql + "}", Ex );
                        if( null != rptDataTbl )
                            reportParams.RowCount = rptDataTbl.Rows.Count;
                            reportParams.Truncated = reportParams.RowCount > reportParams.RowLimit;
                            if( reportParams.Truncated )
                                rptDataTbl.Rows.RemoveAt( reportParams.RowCount - 1 );
                                reportParams.RowCount -= 1;
                    throw ( new CswDniException( "Report has no SQL to run!" ) );
            return rptDataTbl;
Пример #4
 public static void runReportXML( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportReturn Return, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
     reportParams.datatable = _getReportTable( CswResources, reportParams );
     Return.Data = reportParams;
Пример #5
 public static void runReportCSV( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportReturn Return, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
     DataTable rptDataTbl = _getReportTable( CswResources, reportParams );
     reportParams.stream = wsTools.ReturnCSVStream( rptDataTbl );
     Return.Data = reportParams;
Пример #6
        public static void runReport( ICswResources CswResources, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportReturn Return, CswNbtWebServiceReport.ReportData reportParams )
            JObject ret = new JObject();
            CswNbtResources NbtResources = (CswNbtResources) CswResources;

            DataTable rptDataTbl = _getReportTable( CswResources, reportParams );

            CswNbtGrid cg = new CswNbtGrid( NbtResources );
            ret = cg.DataTableToJSON( rptDataTbl );
            reportParams.gridJSON = ret.ToString();
            Return.Data = reportParams;