private Task Client_Chat(MessageCreateEventArgs e) { DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordMessage content = e.Message; if (!e.Channel.IsPrivate) { guildData dataGet = data[Utils.retrieveGuild(e.Guild.Id)]; use = dataGet.on; Channel = dataGet.disabledChannelID; } else { Channel = 0; use = true; } if (!containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content)) { if (!debugMode || e.Channel.IsPrivate ? true : e.Guild.Id == ulong.Parse(Config.DebugGuildID)) { if (use == true) { if (e.Author != Discord.CurrentUser) { if (e.Channel.Id == Channel || Channel == 0) { //Refresh all of the games foreach (Game game in games) { game.UpdateChatGame(e); } bot = new ChatBot(e.Message.Author.Username, null); content.RespondAsync(showOutput(content.Content)); bot = null; } } } Debug.Log("Chat: " + content.Author + " : " + content.Content, Discord); } } else if (containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content) && e.Channel.IsPrivate) { content.RespondAsync("No commands are executable in private messaging!"); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); File.WriteAllText("prefs.json", json); return(Task.CompletedTask); }