private static Chart GenerateLineScatterChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales() }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() } }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '$' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public ContentResult OnGetChartData(string hashtags) { List <string> colors = new List <string>() { "#FF6384", "#4BC0C0", "#FFCE56", "#E7E9ED", "#36A2EB" }; List <TweetsData> tweets = GetTweets(hashtags); var dates = tweets.GroupBy(d => d.Date).Select(k => k.Key).ToList(); Chart chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.PolarArea }; Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = tweets.GroupBy(k => k.Keyword).Select(k => k.Key).ToList(); PolarDataset dataset = new PolarDataset() { Label = "Keywords dataset", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), Data = new List <double?>() }; Random rnd = new Random(); int i = 0; foreach (string label in data.Labels) { dataset.Data.Add(tweets.Where(l => l.Keyword == label).GroupBy(k => k.Count).Select(c => c.Key).Sum()); //ChartColor.FromHexString(string.Format("#{0:X6}", rnd.Next(0x1000000))) < random colors dataset.BackgroundColor.Add(ChartColor.FromHexString(colors[i])); i++; } data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; return(Content(chart.CreateChartCode("lineChart"))); }
public async Task <JsonResult> OnPostAsync(string UserInput) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserInput)) { List <BinResult> binResults = new List <BinResult>(); string[] keywords = UserInput.Split(" ").Take(5).ToArray(); List <string> jReturns = new List <string>(); foreach (string keyword in keywords) { // data.Labels.Add(keyword); //todo add link to pastbin raw data based on binID try { HttpAsync httpAsync = new HttpAsync(); string response = await httpAsync.Get(PsDumpUrl.Replace("#keyword#", keyword)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { try { binResults.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BinResult>(response)); jReturns.Add(response); } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (Exception) { } } //Create chart Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; LineDataset lineDataset = new LineDataset(); Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); foreach (BinResult binResult in binResults) { LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset(); List <double?> c = new List <double?>(); foreach (var line in => DateTime.Parse(f.Time).ToUniversalTime() .ToString("Y", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))) .Select(group => new { xAxis = group.Key, yAxis = group.Count() }) .OrderBy(x => x.xAxis)) { Debug.WriteLine(line.xAxis); if (!data.Labels.Contains(line.xAxis)) { data.Labels.Add(line.xAxis); } if (c.Count() < data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis)) { for (int i = c.Count(); i < data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis); i++) { c.Add(0); } } c.Insert(data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis), (line.yAxis)); Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", binResult.Search, line.xAxis, line.yAxis); } lineDataset = CreateChartDataSet(binResult.Search, c); data.Datasets.Add(lineDataset); } Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales(), Responsive = true, MaintainAspectRatio = true }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() }, XAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() { Type = "category", Position = "bottom", Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { BeginAtZero = false } } } }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '#of bins' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(new JsonResult(new { table = jReturns, chart = chart.CreateChartCode("lineChart") })); } return(null); }
public async Task <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> GetGraphData() { Random random = new Random(); ChartJSCore.Models.Chart chart = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); chart.Type = "line"; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = (from contextShereRatese in _context.ShereRateses select contextShereRatese.DateTimeRates.ToLongTimeString()).Distinct().ToList(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); foreach (var companyCode in _context.Companies.Select(w => w.Code)) { string coloRround = "rbga(" + random.Next(0, 255) + "," + random.Next(0, 255) + "," + random.Next(0, 255); List <decimal> list = new List <decimal>(); foreach (decimal @decimal in (_context.ShereRateses.Where(w => w.Code == companyCode).Select( contextShereRatese => contextShereRatese.Rate))) { list.Add(@decimal); } LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = companyCode, Data = list as IList <double>, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = coloRround + ",0.4)", BorderColor = coloRround + ",1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { coloRround + ",1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { coloRround + ",1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
private List <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> CreateCharts(Device device) { int binNum = 6; IEnumerable <Code> codes = _repository.GetAll(device); var freq = codes.GroupBy(x => x.Action).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Count()); IEnumerable <double> compl = codes.Where(x => x.DateArrived != DateTime.MinValue && x.DateCompleted != DateTime.MinValue && x.DateExecuted != DateTime.MinValue).Select(x => (x.DateCompleted - x.DateArrived).TotalSeconds); ChartJSCore.Models.Chart frequency = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); ChartJSCore.Models.Chart timeToComplete = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); frequency.Type = "bar"; timeToComplete.Type = "bar"; ChartJSCore.Models.Data freqData = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); freqData.Labels = freq.Keys.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList(); double lowerCompl; double upperCompl; if (compl.Any()) { lowerCompl = compl.Min(); upperCompl = compl.Max(); } else { lowerCompl = 0; upperCompl = 0; } double complRange = (upperCompl - lowerCompl) / binNum; List <string> complBins = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < binNum; i++) { complBins.Add($"{lowerCompl + i * complRange:f1}-{lowerCompl + (i + 1) * complRange:f1}"); } int[] complPoints = new int[binNum]; foreach (var value in compl) { int bucketIndex = 0; if (complRange > 0.0) { bucketIndex = (int)((value - lowerCompl) / complRange); if (bucketIndex == binNum) { bucketIndex--; } } complPoints[bucketIndex]++; } ChartJSCore.Models.Data completeData = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); completeData.Labels = complBins; BarDataset freqDataset = new BarDataset() { Label = "Frequency of Actions", Data = freq.Values.Select(x => (double)x).ToList(), BackgroundColor = new List <string>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>() { 1 } }; freqData.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); freqData.Datasets.Add(freqDataset); BarDataset complDateDataset = new BarDataset() { Label = "Complete time in seconds", Data = complPoints.Select(x => (double)x).ToList(), BackgroundColor = new List <string>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>() { 1 } }; completeData.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); completeData.Datasets.Add(complDateDataset); frequency.Data = freqData; timeToComplete.Data = completeData; BarOptions options = new BarOptions() { Scales = new Scales(), BarPercentage = 0.7 }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { BeginAtZero = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; frequency.Options = options; timeToComplete.Options = options; return(new List <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> { frequency, timeToComplete }); }