public void SetChartSeriesStyle(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart, DataTable dataSource) { for (int i = 0; i < chart.Series.Count; i++) { // Todo: display the point information in the buttom of the line if (chart.AxisX.Labels.Count > 0) { int xpos = this.GetLastPos(dataSource, chart.Series[i].Text); if (xpos < 0 || xpos > chart.AxisX.Labels.Count - 1) { xpos = chart.AxisX.Labels.Count - 1; } chart.Points[i, xpos].PointLabels.Visible = true; if (chart.Series[i].Text.ToUpper().Contains("QTY") || chart.Series[i].Text.ToUpper().Contains("OUTPUT")) { chart.Series[i].Gallery = Gallery.Bar; chart.Points[i, xpos].PointLabels.LineAlignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center; } else if (chart.Series[i].Text.Contains("%") || chart.Series[i].Text.ToUpper().Contains("RATIO") || chart.Series[i].Text.ToUpper().Contains("YIELD")) { chart.Series[i].Gallery = Gallery.Lines; for (int j = 0; j < chart.AxisX.Labels.Count; j++) { chart.Points[i, j].PointLabels.LineAlignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Far; } } } // Todo: if (chart.Series[i].Text.Contains("$")) { chart.Series[i].Text = chart.Series[i].Text.Replace("$", "_"); } } }
public void SetChartTitle(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart, string title) { if (chart == null) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) == true) { return; } chart.Titles.Clear(); List <TitleDockable> listTitle = new List <TitleDockable>(); System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); int start = 0; for (; ;) { int len = 75; if (start + len < title.Length) { if (title[start + len].Equals('_') == false || title[start + len].Equals(',') == false) { for (int i = start + len; i > start + len - 20; i--) { if (title[i] == '_' || title[i] == ',') { len = i - start; break; } } } TitleDockable td = new TitleDockable(title.Substring(start, len + 1)); td.Font = font; listTitle.Add(td); } else { TitleDockable td = new TitleDockable(title.Substring(start)); td.Font = font; listTitle.Add(td); break; } start = start + len + 1; } chart.LegendBox.Titles.Clear(); chart.LegendBox.AutoSize = true; for (int i = 0; i < listTitle.Count; i++) { chart.LegendBox.Titles.Add(listTitle[i]); } chart.LegendBox.ContentLayout = ContentLayout.Spread; chart.LegendBox.Border = DockBorder.None; chart.LegendBox.SizeToFit(); }
public void setchartfxStyle(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart FX, ChartFX.WebForms.Gallery ChartGallery, string title, int AxisX_Step, int X_ScaleUnit, int Y_ScaleUnit, bool showTargetLine, int TargetQty) { //FX.Height = Unit.Pixel(180); //FX.Width = Unit.Pixel(210); //FX.EnableViewState = false; FX.Gallery = ChartGallery; FX.AllSeries.FillMode = FillMode.Gradient; GradientBackground myGradient = new GradientBackground(GradientType.Radial); //myGradient.ColorFrom = Color.Black; //myGradient.ColorTo = Color.Black; myGradient.Angle = 45; SimpleBorder myBorder = new SimpleBorder(SimpleBorderType.Etched); //myBorder.Color = Color.Gray; myBorder.InternalOpposite = false; FX.Background = myGradient; FX.Border = myBorder; FX.LegendBox.Visible = false; FX.RenderFormat = "Image"; //FX.AllSeries.Border.Color = Color.Black; TitleDockable oTitle = new TitleDockable(); oTitle.Text = title; oTitle.TextColor = Color.Red; FX.Titles.Add(oTitle); FX.AxisX.ForceZero = true; FX.AxisX.ScrollPosition = 200; FX.AxisY2.Grids.Major.Visible = false; FX.AxisX.Grids.Major.Visible = false; //FX.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; //FX.ChartAreaRectangle.Location. FX.PlotAreaMargin.Top = 20; FX.PlotAreaMargin.Left = 10; FX.PlotAreaMargin.Bottom = 10; FX.PlotAreaMargin.Right = 10; if (AxisX_Step > 0) { FX.AxisX.Step = double.Parse(AxisX_Step.ToString()); } if (showTargetLine == true) { ShowTagLine_FX(FX, TargetQty); } if (X_ScaleUnit > 0) { FX.AxisX.ScaleUnit = double.Parse(X_ScaleUnit.ToString()); } if (Y_ScaleUnit > 0) { FX.AxisY.ScaleUnit = double.Parse(Y_ScaleUnit.ToString()); } FX.ToolBar.Visible = false; }
public void InitChart(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart) { if (chart == null) { return; } chart.Titles.Clear(); chart.Series.Clear(); chart.Points.Clear(); }
public void ShowTagLine_FX(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart ChartName, int TagValue) { CustomGridLine TagLine = new CustomGridLine(); TagLine.Color = Color.Red; TagLine.Value = TagValue; TagLine.ShowLine = true; TagLine.ShowText = true; TagLine.TextColor = Color.Red; ChartName.AxisY.CustomGridLines.Add(TagLine); ConditionalHighlightAttributes hCustomGridAttr = ChartName.AxisY.CustomGridLines[0].Highlight; hCustomGridAttr.Series = 1; }
public void setchartfx(DataTable dt, ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart, string title) { TitleDockable newTitle = new TitleDockable(); chart.DataSource = dt; chart.DataBind(); chart.Zoom = true; newTitle.Text = title; chart.Titles.Add(newTitle); newTitle.Font = new Font(newTitle.Font, FontStyle.Bold); newTitle.Dock = DockArea.Top; chart.LegendBox.Visible = false; chart.Width = 300; chart.Height = 200; chart.RenderFormat = "Image"; //Link to Chart Link seriesLink = chart.Series[0].Link; seriesLink.OnMouseOver = "DisplayTooltip('<IMG SRC=../ChartReport_Detail.aspx>');"; seriesLink.OnMouseOut = "DisplayTooltip('');"; }
public void SetChartStyle(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart) { if (chart == null) { return; } chart.MenuBar.Visible = false; chart.ToolBar.Visible = false; chart.ContextMenus = false; chart.DataGrid.Visible = false; chart.View3D.Enabled = false; chart.EnableViewState = false; chart.LegendBox.Dock = ChartFX.WebForms.DockArea.Top; //chart.LegendBox.Height = 60; chart.LegendBox.AutoSize = true; chart.LegendBox.Border = DockBorder.None; chart.ToolBar.Dock = DockArea.Top; chart.Width = 750; chart.Height = 350; }
public void SetChartSeriesStyle(ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart) { this.SetChartSeriesStyle(chart, null); }