private static void MixInput(Button button) { bool keyDown = 1 <= DDKey.GetInput(button.KeyId); bool btnDown = 1 <= DDPad.GetInput(DDGround.PrimaryPadId, button.BtnId); DDUtils.UpdateInput(ref button.Status, keyDown || btnDown); }
// // copied the source file by // public static void GameStart() { foreach (string dllFile in "DxLib.dll:DxLib_x64.dll:DxLibDotNet.dll".Split(':')) // DxLibDotNet.dll 等の存在確認 (1) { if (File.Exists(dllFile) == false) { throw new DDError(); } } DX.GetColor(0, 0, 0); // DxLibDotNet.dll 等の存在確認 (2) DDConfig.Load(); // LogFile, LOG_ENABLED 等を含むので真っ先に // Log > File.WriteAllBytes(DDConfig.LogFile, BinTools.EMPTY); ProcMain.WriteLog = message => { if (LogCount < DDConfig.LogCountMax) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(DDConfig.LogFile, true, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] " + message); } LogCount++; } }; // < Log // *.INIT { DDGround.INIT(); DDResource.INIT(); DDDatStrings.INIT(); DDUserDatStrings.INIT(); DDFontRegister.INIT(); DDKey.INIT(); } DDSaveData.Load(); // DxLib > if (DDConfig.LOG_ENABLED) { DX.SetApplicationLogSaveDirectory(FileTools.MakeFullPath(DDConfig.ApplicationLogSaveDirectory)); } DX.SetOutApplicationLogValidFlag(DDConfig.LOG_ENABLED ? 1 : 0); // DxLib のログを出力 1: する 0: しない DX.SetAlwaysRunFlag(1); // ? 非アクティブ時に 1: 動く 0: 止まる SetMainWindowTitle(); //DX.SetGraphMode(DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H, 32); DX.SetGraphMode(DDGround.RealScreen_W, DDGround.RealScreen_H, 32); DX.ChangeWindowMode(1); // 1: ウィンドウ 0: フルスクリーン //DX.SetFullSceneAntiAliasingMode(4, 2); // 適当な値が分からん。フルスクリーン廃止したので不要 DX.SetWindowIconHandle(GetAppIcon()); // ウィンドウ左上のアイコン if (DDConfig.DisplayIndex != -1) { DX.SetUseDirectDrawDeviceIndex(DDConfig.DisplayIndex); } if (DX.DxLib_Init() != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new DDError(); } Finalizers.Add(() => { if (DX.DxLib_End() != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new DDError(); } }); DDUtils.SetMouseDispMode(DDGround.RO_MouseDispMode); // ? マウスを表示する。 DX.SetWindowSizeChangeEnableFlag(0); // ウィンドウの右下をドラッグで伸縮 1: する 0: しない DX.SetDrawScreen(DX.DX_SCREEN_BACK); DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_BILINEAR); // これをデフォルトとする。 // < DxLib { int l; int t; int w; int h; int p1; int p2; int p3; int p4; DX.GetDefaultState(out w, out h, out p1, out p2, out l, out t, out p3, out p4); if ( w < 1 || IntTools.IMAX < w || h < 1 || IntTools.IMAX < h || l < -IntTools.IMAX || IntTools.IMAX < l || t < -IntTools.IMAX || IntTools.IMAX < t ) { throw new DDError(); } DDGround.MonitorRect = new I4Rect(l, t, w, h); } PostSetScreenSize(DDGround.RealScreen_W, DDGround.RealScreen_H); DDGround.GeneralResource = new DDGeneralResource(); DDAdditionalEvents.PostGameStart(); DDAdditionalEvents.PostGameStart_G2(); DDSaveData.Load_Delay(); }
// // copied the source file by // public void PadConfig() { ButtonInfo[] btnInfos = new ButtonInfo[] { // app > @ btnInfos new ButtonInfo(DDInput.DIR_2, "下"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.DIR_4, "左"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.DIR_6, "右"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.DIR_8, "上"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.A, "ショットボタン"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.B, "低速ボタン"), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.C, "ボムボタン"), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.D, ""), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.E, ""), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.F, ""), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.L, ""), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.R, ""), new ButtonInfo(DDInput.PAUSE, "ポーズボタン"), //new ButtonInfo(DDInput.START, ""), // < app }; foreach (ButtonInfo btnInfo in btnInfos) { btnInfo.Button.Backup(); } try { foreach (ButtonInfo btnInfo in btnInfos) { btnInfo.Button.BtnId = -1; } DDCurtain.SetCurtain(); DDEngine.FreezeInput(); int currBtnIndex = 0; while (currBtnIndex < btnInfos.Length) { if (DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_SPACE) == 1) { return; } if (DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_Z) == 1) { currBtnIndex++; goto endInput; } { int pressBtnId = -1; for (int padId = 0; padId < DDPad.GetPadCount(); padId++) { for (int btnId = 0; btnId < DDPad.PAD_BUTTON_MAX; btnId++) { if (DDPad.GetInput(padId, btnId) == 1) { pressBtnId = btnId; } } } for (int c = 0; c < currBtnIndex; c++) { if (btnInfos[c].Button.BtnId == pressBtnId) { pressBtnId = -1; } } if (pressBtnId != -1) { btnInfos[currBtnIndex].Button.BtnId = pressBtnId; currBtnIndex++; } } endInput: DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(); if (this.WallColor != null) { DX.DrawBox(0, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H, DDUtils.GetColor(this.WallColor.Value), 1); } if (this.WallPicture != null) { DDDraw.DrawRect(this.WallPicture, 0, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H); //DDDraw.DrawCenter(this.WallPicture, DDConsts.Screen_W / 2.0, DDConsts.Screen_H / 2.0); // old DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(this.WallCurtain); } if (this.Color != null) { DDPrint.SetColor(this.Color.Value); } if (this.BorderColor != null) { DDPrint.SetBorder(this.BorderColor.Value); } DDPrint.SetPrint(this.X, this.Y, this.YStep); //DDPrint.SetPrint(16, 16, 32); // old DDPrint.Print("ゲームパッドのボタン設定"); DDPrint.PrintRet(); for (int c = 0; c < btnInfos.Length; c++) { DDPrint.Print(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", currBtnIndex == c ? ">" : " ", btnInfos[c].Name)); if (c < currBtnIndex) { int btnId = btnInfos[c].Button.BtnId; DDPrint.Print(" -> "); if (btnId == -1) { DDPrint.Print("割り当てナシ"); } else { DDPrint.Print("" + btnId); } } DDPrint.PrintRet(); } DDPrint.Print("★ カーソルの機能に割り当てるボタンを押して下さい。"); DDPrint.PrintRet(); DDPrint.Print("★ [Z]を押すとボタンの割り当てをスキップします。"); DDPrint.PrintRet(); DDPrint.Print("★ スペースを押すとキャンセルします。"); DDPrint.PrintRet(); if (this.MouseUsable) { DDPrint.Print("★ 右クリックするとキャンセルします。"); DDPrint.PrintRet(); if (DDMouse.R.GetInput() == -1) { return; } } DDEngine.EachFrame(); } btnInfos = null; } finally { if (btnInfos != null) { foreach (ButtonInfo info in btnInfos) { info.Button.Restore(); } } DDEngine.FreezeInput(); } }
public static void EachFrame() { // app > @ enter EachFrame //Ground.EL.ExecuteAllTask(); // < app DDGround.EL.ExecuteAllTask(); DDMouse.ApplyPosNowIfNeeded(); DDCurtain.EachFrame(); if (DDSEUtils.EachFrame() == false) { DDMusicUtils.EachFrame(); } if (DDGround.MainScreen != null && DDSubScreenUtils.CurrDrawScreenHandle == DDGround.MainScreen.GetHandle()) { DDSubScreenUtils.ChangeDrawScreen(DX.DX_SCREEN_BACK); if (DDGround.RealScreenDraw_W == -1) { if (DX.DrawExtendGraph(0, 0, DDGround.RealScreen_W, DDGround.RealScreen_H, DDGround.MainScreen.GetHandle(), 0) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new DDError(); } } else { if (DX.DrawBox(0, 0, DDGround.RealScreen_W, DDGround.RealScreen_H, DX.GetColor(0, 0, 0), 1) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new DDError(); } if (DX.DrawExtendGraph( DDGround.RealScreenDraw_L, DDGround.RealScreenDraw_T, DDGround.RealScreenDraw_L + DDGround.RealScreenDraw_W, DDGround.RealScreenDraw_T + DDGround.RealScreenDraw_H, DDGround.MainScreen.GetHandle(), 0) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new DDError(); } } } GC.Collect(0); FrameProcessingMillis = (int)(DDUtils.GetCurrTime() - FrameStartTime); if (FrameProcessingMillis_Worst < FrameProcessingMillis || DDUtils.CountDown(ref FrameProcessingMillis_WorstFrame) == false) { FrameProcessingMillis_Worst = FrameProcessingMillis; FrameProcessingMillis_WorstFrame = 120; } // DxLib > DX.ScreenFlip(); if (DX.CheckHitKey(DX.KEY_INPUT_ESCAPE) == 1 || DX.ProcessMessage() == -1) { throw new DDCoffeeBreak(); } // < DxLib CheckHz(); ProcFrame++; DDUtils.CountDown(ref FreezeInputFrame); WindowIsActive = DDUtils.IsWindowActive(); if (IntTools.IMAX < ProcFrame) // 192.9日程度でカンスト { ProcFrame = IntTools.IMAX; // 2bs throw new DDError(); } DDPad.EachFrame(); DDKey.EachFrame(); DDInput.EachFrame(); DDMouse.EachFrame(); if (DDGround.RealScreen_W != DDConsts.Screen_W || DDGround.RealScreen_H != DDConsts.Screen_H || DDGround.RealScreenDraw_W != -1) { if (DDGround.MainScreen == null) { DDGround.MainScreen = new DDSubScreen(DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H); } DDGround.MainScreen.ChangeDrawScreen(); } else { if (DDGround.MainScreen != null) { DDGround.MainScreen.Dispose(); DDGround.MainScreen = null; } } // app > @ leave EachFrame // < app }