Пример #1
 public void ChangeByte(FileStream fs, PEFile file, int codeIndex, byte newByte)
     int fileOffset = file.RVAToFileOffset(RVA + Method.HeaderSizeInDWords * 4 + codeIndex);
     fs.Seek(fileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #2
        public void Populate(FileStream fs, MetaDataStream Strings, PEFile file)
            this.Name = Utils.ReadString((byte[])Strings.Data, NameIndex);
            if (RVA != 0)
                int offset = file.FindSectionForRVA(RVA).CalculateFileOffset(RVA);
                fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Method = new Method(fs);

Пример #3
        public CLRDirectory(FileStream fs, PEFile parent)
            // Find the .NET metadata and load it
            PEDataDirectory clrDir =
                    p => p.DirectoryName == PEOptionalHeader.CLR_RUNTIME_HEADER);
            PESection section = parent.FindSectionForRVA(clrDir.VirtualAddress);

            MetaDataOffset = section.CalculateFileOffset(clrDir.VirtualAddress);
            // Skip to the start of the structure
            fs.Seek(MetaDataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current);
            MetDataDirectory = new PEDataDirectory(fs, "MetaData");

            MetaDataHeaderRVF = 
            // load the metadata itself
            MetaDataHeader = new MetaDataHeader(fs);
            MetaDataStreams = new List<MetaDataStream>();
            for(int i =0; i< MetaDataHeader.NumberOfStreams; i++)  {
                MetaDataStreams.Add(new MetaDataStream(fs));
            // we should now be aligned at the start of the first section
            foreach (MetaDataStream ms in MetaDataStreams)
                fs.Seek(ms.Offset + MetaDataHeaderRVF, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                if (ms.Name == "#~")
                    ms.Data = new PoundTildeStream(fs);
                    Tables = ms;
                    if (ms.Name == "#Strings")
                        Strings = ms;
                    ms.Data = new byte[ms.Size];
                    fs.Read((byte[])ms.Data, 0, ms.Size);
            ((PoundTildeStream)Tables.Data).FillMethods(fs, Strings, parent);

Пример #4
 public void FillMethods(FileStream fs,MetaDataStream Strings, PEFile file)
     // now fill in the methods
     foreach (MethodDef md in Methods)
         md.Populate(fs, Strings,file );
Пример #5
 public int GetByteOffset(PEFile file, int codeOffset)
     return RVA + Method.HeaderSizeInDWords * 4 + codeOffset;
Пример #6
 private static void performMemoryPatch(PEFile file, MethodDef def, int patternIndex, ProcessMemoryReader pmr,DllBaseNativeEvent ev)
     IntPtr address =
         Utils.VirtualAllocEx(ev.Process.UnsafeHandle, IntPtr.Zero,
          AllocationType.Reserve | AllocationType.Commit | AllocationType.TopDown, MemoryProtection.ReadWrite);
     int fileAddress = address.ToInt32();
     // set the location for our new filename string
     int offset = ev.Module.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + def.GetByteOffset(file, patternIndex);
     newCode[2] = getByte(fileAddress, 0);
     newCode[3] = getByte(fileAddress, 1);
     newCode[4] = getByte(fileAddress, 2);
     newCode[5] = getByte(fileAddress, 3);
     int writtenBytes;
     pmr.WriteProcessMemory(new IntPtr(offset), newCode, out writtenBytes);
     // write the new filename string
     pmr.WriteProcessMemory(new IntPtr(fileAddress),  Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(FileManager.MergedPath), out writtenBytes);
Пример #7
        private static void performDiskPatch(PEFile file, MethodDef def, int patternIndex, int fileAddress)

            // read the int, shift off the table number
            int fieldNum =
                  BitConverter.ToInt32(def.Method.Code, patternIndex + 6)
                  << 8 >> 8;
            using (FileStream sw = new FileStream(LOADED_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                // change the push 1 to a push 0
                int RVA = def.GetByteOffset(file, patternIndex) + 10;
                byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x16 };
                sw.Position = file.FindSectionForRVA(RVA).CalculateFileOffset(RVA);
                sw.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                // write the new location to the metadata folder
                data = new byte[] { getByte(fileAddress, 0), getByte(fileAddress, 1), getByte(fileAddress, 2), getByte(fileAddress, 3) };
                FieldDef fd = file.GetField(fieldNum);
                RVA =
                sw.Position = file.FindSectionForRVA(RVA).CalculateFileOffset(RVA);
                sw.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                // write the string to an empty file location
                RVA = fileAddress;
                data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(FileManager.MergedPath);
                sw.Position = file.FindSectionForRVA(RVA).CalculateFileOffset(RVA);
                sw.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Пример #8
        private static void patch(Action<PEFile,MethodDef,MethodDef,int> performPatch)
                PEFile file = new PEFile(LOADED_FILE);
                MethodDef def = file.FindCodeForMethodName("D20RulesEngine.LoadRulesDatabase");
                MethodDef def2 = file.FindCodeForMethodName("D20RulesEngine.LoadRulesFile");

                // We're going to replace the arguments from Loadrulesdatabase to loadrulesfile
                // the 2nd arg will be the filename we injected into memory
                // the 3rd arg will be changed from true to false
                Array.ConstrainedCopy(file.GetMetaDataToken(def2), 0, pattern, 12, 4);
                int patternIndex = findPatternIndex(def, pattern);
                // if we found it, patch. Otherwise, assume we've already patched
                if (patternIndex > -1)
                    performPatch(file, def, def2, patternIndex);                   
                    Log.Debug("Could Not patch file: It is likely already patched.");
Пример #9
 public int GetByteOffset(PEFile file, int codeOffset)
     return(RVA + Method.HeaderSizeInDWords * 4 + codeOffset);