/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// </param>
        public override void CalculateModifiers(Character character)
            for (int itemSlot = this.FirstSlotNumber; itemSlot < this.FirstSlotNumber + this.MaxSlots; itemSlot++)
                IItem item = this[itemSlot];
                if (item != null)
                    foreach (Event events in item.Events.Where(x => x.EventType == EventType.OnWear))
                        foreach (Function functions in events.Functions)
                            bool result = true;
                            foreach (Requirement requirements in functions.Requirements)
                                result &= requirements.CheckRequirement(character);
                                if (!result)

                            if (result)
                                Function copy = functions.Copy();
                                MessagePackObject mpo = new MessagePackObject();
                                mpo = itemSlot;
                                character.Controller.CallFunction(copy, character);
        public static ICharacter InstantiateMobSpawn(
            DBMobSpawn mob,
            DBMobSpawnStat[] stats,
            IController npccontroller,
            IPlayfield playfield)
            if (playfield != null)
                Identity mobId = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = mob.Id };
                if (Pool.Instance.GetObject(playfield.Identity, mobId) != null)
                    throw new Exception("Object " + mobId.ToString(true) + " already exists!!");
                Character cmob = new Character(playfield.Identity, mobId, npccontroller);
                cmob.Playfield = playfield;
                cmob.Coordinates(new Coordinate() { x = mob.X, y = mob.Y, z = mob.Z });
                cmob.RawHeading = new Quaternion(mob.HeadingX, mob.HeadingY, mob.HeadingZ, mob.HeadingW);
                cmob.Name = mob.Name;
                cmob.FirstName = "";
                cmob.LastName = "";
                foreach (DBMobSpawnStat stat in stats)
                    cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering(stat.Stat, (uint)stat.Value);

                cmob.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.visualprofession, cmob.Stats[StatIds.profession].BaseValue);
                // initiate affected stats calculation
                int temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.level].Value;
                temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.agility].Value;
                temp = cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value;
                cmob.MeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4);
                cmob.SocialMeshLayer.AddMesh(0, cmob.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value, 0, 4);
                List<MobSpawnWaypoint> waypoints =
                foreach (MobSpawnWaypoint wp in waypoints)
                    Waypoint mobwp = new Waypoint();
                    mobwp.Position.x = wp.X;
                    mobwp.Position.y = wp.Y;
                    mobwp.Position.z = wp.Z;
                    mobwp.Running = wp.WalkMode == 1;
                npccontroller.Character = cmob;
                if (cmob.Waypoints.Count > 2)
                    cmob.Controller.State = CharacterState.Patrolling;
                cmob.DoNotDoTimers = false;
                return cmob;
            return null;
        private static Character CreateMob(
            DBMobTemplate mob,
            Identity playfieldIdentity,
            Coordinate coord,
            Quaternion heading,
            IController controller,
            int level)
            IPlayfield playfield = Pool.Instance.GetObject<IPlayfield>(Identity.None, playfieldIdentity);
            if (playfield != null)
                int newInstanceId = Pool.Instance.GetFreeInstance<Character>(1000000, IdentityType.CanbeAffected);
                Identity newIdentity = new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = newInstanceId };
                Character mobCharacter = new Character(playfield.Identity, newIdentity, controller);
                mobCharacter.Playfield = Pool.Instance.GetObject<IPlayfield>(Identity.None, playfieldIdentity);
                mobCharacter.RawHeading = new Quaternion(heading.xf, heading.yf, heading.zf, heading.wf);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.life, (uint)mob.Health);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.level, (uint)level);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.npcfamily, (uint)mob.NPCFamily);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.side, (uint)mob.Side);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.fatness, (uint)mob.Fatness);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.breed, (uint)mob.Breed);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.sex, (uint)mob.Sex);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.race, (uint)mob.Race);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.flags, (uint)mob.Flags);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.monsterdata, (uint)mob.MonsterData);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.monsterscale, (uint)mob.MonsterScale);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.profession, 15);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.accountflags, 0);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.expansion, 0);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.runspeed, 513);
                mobCharacter.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].BaseValue = (uint)mob.HeadMesh;
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.losheight, 15);
                mobCharacter.Stats.SetBaseValueWithoutTriggering((int)StatIds.visualprofession, 15);

                // For testing only, blue trousers and a helmet
                IItem trousers = new Item(1, ItemLoader.ItemList[27350].GetLowId(1),ItemLoader.ItemList[27350].GetLowId(1));
                IItem helmet = new Item(1, ItemLoader.ItemList[85534].GetLowId(1), ItemLoader.ItemList[85534].GetHighId(1));
                mobCharacter.BaseInventory.Pages[(int)IdentityType.ArmorPage].Add((int)ArmorSlots.Legs + mobCharacter.BaseInventory.Pages[(int)IdentityType.ArmorPage].FirstSlotNumber, trousers);
                mobCharacter.BaseInventory.Pages[(int)IdentityType.ArmorPage].Add((int)ArmorSlots.Head + mobCharacter.BaseInventory.Pages[(int)IdentityType.ArmorPage].FirstSlotNumber, helmet);

                // Set the MeshLayers correctly ( Head mesh!! )  /!\
                // TODO: This needs to be in StatHeadmesh.cs (somehow)
                mobCharacter.MeshLayer.AddMesh(0, mob.HeadMesh, 0, 4);
                mobCharacter.SocialMeshLayer.AddMesh(0, mob.HeadMesh, 0, 4);

                mobCharacter.Name = mob.Name;
                mobCharacter.FirstName = "";
                mobCharacter.LastName = "";
                controller.Character = mobCharacter;
                return mobCharacter;
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage ConstructMessage(Character character)
            // No need to set packet flags here, its all done in the SimpleCharFullUpdateSerializer.cs
            // - Algorithman

            // Character Variables
            bool socialonly;
            bool showsocial;

            int charPlayfield;
            Coordinate charCoord;
            Identity charId;
            Quaternion charHeading;

            uint sideValue;
            uint fatValue;
            uint breedValue;
            uint sexValue;
            uint raceValue;

            string charName;
            int charFlagsValue;
            int accFlagsValue;

            int expansionValue;
            int currentNano;
            int currentHealth;

            uint strengthBaseValue;
            uint staminaBaseValue;
            uint agilityBaseValue;
            uint senseBaseValue;
            uint intelligenceBaseValue;
            uint psychicBaseValue;

            string firstName;
            string lastName;
            int orgNameLength;
            string orgName;
            int levelValue;
            int healthValue;
            int losHeight;

            int monsterData;
            int monsterScale;
            int visualFlags;

            int currentMovementMode;
            uint runSpeedBaseValue;

            int texturesCount;

            int headMeshValue;

            // NPC Values
            int NPCFamily;

            var socialTab = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            var textures = new List<AOTextures>();

            List<AOMeshs> meshs;

            var nanos = new List<AONano>();

            lock (character)
                socialonly = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x40) > 0;
                showsocial = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x20) > 0;

                charPlayfield = character.Playfield.Identity.Instance;
                charCoord = character.Coordinates();
                charId = character.Identity;
                charHeading = character.Heading;

                sideValue = character.Stats[StatIds.side].BaseValue;
                fatValue = character.Stats[StatIds.fatness].BaseValue;
                breedValue = character.Stats[StatIds.breed].BaseValue;
                sexValue = character.Stats[StatIds.sex].BaseValue;
                raceValue = character.Stats[StatIds.race].BaseValue;

                charName = character.Name;
                charFlagsValue = character.Stats[StatIds.flags].Value;
                accFlagsValue = character.Stats[StatIds.accountflags].Value;

                expansionValue = character.Stats[StatIds.expansion].Value;
                currentNano = character.Stats[StatIds.currentnano].Value;

                strengthBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.strength].BaseValue;
                staminaBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.stamina].BaseValue;
                agilityBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.agility].BaseValue;
                senseBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.sense].BaseValue;
                intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.intelligence].BaseValue;
                psychicBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.psychic].BaseValue;

                firstName = character.FirstName;
                lastName = character.LastName;
                orgNameLength = character.OrganizationName.Length;
                orgName = character.OrganizationName;
                levelValue = character.Stats[StatIds.level].Value;
                healthValue = character.Stats[StatIds.life].Value;

                monsterData = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterdata].Value;
                monsterScale = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterscale].Value;
                visualFlags = character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value;

                currentMovementMode = character.Stats[StatIds.currentmovementmode].Value;
                runSpeedBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.runspeed].BaseValue;

                texturesCount = character.Textures.Count;

                headMeshValue = character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value;

                foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys)
                    socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]);

                foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures)
                    textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture));

                meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly);

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, IActiveNano> kv in character.ActiveNanos)
                    var tempNano = new AONano();
                    tempNano.ID = kv.Value.ID;
                    tempNano.Instance = kv.Value.Instance;
                    tempNano.NanoStrain = kv.Key;
                    tempNano.Nanotype = kv.Value.Nanotype;
                    tempNano.TickCounter = kv.Value.TickCounter;
                    tempNano.TickInterval = kv.Value.TickInterval;
                    tempNano.Value3 = kv.Value.Value3;


                losHeight = character.Stats[StatIds.losheight].Value;
                NPCFamily = character.Stats[StatIds.npcfamily].Value;
                currentHealth = character.Stats[StatIds.health].Value;

            var scfu = new SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage();

            // affected identity
            scfu.Identity = charId;

            scfu.Version = 57; // SCFU packet version (57/0x39)
            scfu.PlayfieldId = charPlayfield; // playfield

            if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0)
                scfu.FightingTarget = new Identity
                                          Type = character.FightingTarget.Type,
                                          Instance = character.FightingTarget.Instance

            // Coordinates
            scfu.Coordinates = new Vector3 { X = charCoord.x, Y = charCoord.y, Z = charCoord.z };

            // Heading Data
            scfu.Heading = new SmokeLounge.AOtomation.Messaging.GameData.Quaternion
                               W = charHeading.wf,
                               X = charHeading.xf,
                               Y = charHeading.yf,
                               Z = charHeading.zf

            // Race
            scfu.Appearance = new Appearance
                                  Side = (Side)sideValue,
                                  Fatness = (Fatness)fatValue,
                                  Breed = (Breed)breedValue,
                                  Gender = (Gender)sexValue,
                                  Race = raceValue
                              }; // appearance

            // Name
            scfu.Name = charName;

            scfu.CharacterFlags = (CharacterFlags)charFlagsValue; // Flags
            scfu.AccountFlags = (short)accFlagsValue;
            scfu.Expansions = (short)expansionValue;

            bool isNpc = (NPCFamily != 1234567890) && (NPCFamily != 0);

            if (isNpc)
                var snpc = new SimpleNpcInfo { Family = (short)NPCFamily, LosHeight = (short)losHeight };
                scfu.CharacterInfo = snpc;
                // Are we a player?
                var spc = new SimplePcInfo();

                spc.CurrentNano = (uint)currentNano; // CurrentNano
                spc.Team = 0; // team?
                spc.Swim = 5; // swim?

                // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes
                spc.StrengthBase = (short)Math.Min(strengthBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Strength
                spc.AgilityBase = (short)Math.Min(agilityBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Agility
                spc.StaminaBase = (short)Math.Min(staminaBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Stamina
                spc.IntelligenceBase = (short)Math.Min(intelligenceBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Intelligence
                spc.SenseBase = (short)Math.Min(senseBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Sense
                spc.PsychicBase = (short)Math.Min(psychicBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Psychic

                if (scfu.CharacterFlags.HasFlag(CharacterFlags.HasVisibleName))
                    // has visible names? (Flags)
                    spc.FirstName = firstName;
                    spc.LastName = lastName;

                if (orgNameLength != 0)
                    spc.OrgName = orgName;

                scfu.CharacterInfo = spc;

            // Level
            scfu.Level = (short)levelValue;

            // Health
            scfu.Health = healthValue;

            scfu.HealthDamage = healthValue - currentHealth;

            // If player is in grid or fixer grid
            // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid
            if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107))
                scfu.MonsterData = 99902;
                scfu.MonsterData = (uint)monsterData; // Monsterdata

            scfu.MonsterScale = (short)monsterScale; // Monsterscale
            scfu.VisualFlags = (short)visualFlags; // VisualFlags
            scfu.VisibleTitle = 0; // visible title?

            // 42 bytes long
            // For PlayerCharacters that is
            // NPC's have a shorter one?
            scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[]
                                0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                                (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
                                0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

            // NPC Unknown1
            if ((NPCFamily != 0) && (NPCFamily != 1234567890))
                scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[]
                                    // Knubot values??
                                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                                    (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
                                    0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00

            if (headMeshValue != 0)
                scfu.HeadMesh = (uint?)headMeshValue; // Headmesh

            // Runspeed
            scfu.RunSpeedBase = (short)runSpeedBaseValue;

            scfu.ActiveNanos = (from nano in nanos
                    new ActiveNano
                        NanoId = nano.ID,
                        NanoInstance = nano.Instance,
                        Time1 = nano.TickCounter,
                        Time2 = nano.TickInterval

            // Texture/Cloth Data
            var scfuTextures = new List<Texture>();

            var aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0);
            for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++)
                aotemp.Texture = 0;
                aotemp.place = c;
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++)
                    if (textures[c2].place != c)

                    aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture;

                if (showsocial)
                    if (socialonly)
                        aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];
                        if (socialTab[c] != 0)
                            aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];

                scfuTextures.Add(new Texture { Place = aotemp.place, Id = aotemp.Texture, Unknown = 0 });

            scfu.Textures = scfuTextures.ToArray();

            // End Textures

            // ############
            // # Meshs
            // ############
            scfu.Meshes = (from aoMesh in meshs
                    new Mesh
                        Position = (byte)aoMesh.Position,
                        Id = (uint)aoMesh.Mesh,
                        OverrideTextureId = aoMesh.OverrideTexture,
                        Layer = (byte)aoMesh.Layer

            // End Meshs
            scfu.Flags2 = 0; // packetFlags2
            scfu.Unknown2 = 0;

            return scfu;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="functionName">
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="character">
 /// </param>
 public void CallMethod(string functionName, Character character)
     foreach (Assembly assembly in this.multipleDllList)
         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> kv in this.scriptList)
             if (kv.Key.Substring(kv.Key.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal)) == ":" + functionName)
                 IAOScript aoScript =
                             kv.Key.Substring(0, kv.Key.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal)));
                 if (aoScript != null)
                         BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                         new object[] { character },
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="character">
 /// </param>
 public virtual void CalculateModifiers(Character character)
     // Do nothing
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="showsocial">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="socialonly">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static List<AOMeshs> GetMeshs(Character character, bool showsocial, bool socialonly)
            List<AOMeshs> meshs;
            List<AOMeshs> socials;
            List<AOMeshs> output = new List<AOMeshs>();

            bool leftPadVisible;
            bool rightPadVisible;
            bool doubleLeftPad;
            bool doubleRightPad;

            lock (character)
                meshs = character.MeshLayer.GetMeshs();
                socials = character.SocialMeshLayer.GetMeshs();

                int visualFlags = character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value;
                rightPadVisible = (visualFlags & 0x1) > 0;
                leftPadVisible = (visualFlags & 0x2) > 0;
                bool showHelmet = (visualFlags & 0x4) > 0;
                doubleLeftPad = (visualFlags & 0x8) > 0;
                doubleRightPad = (visualFlags & 0x10) > 0;

                if (!showHelmet)
                    if (meshs.ElementAt(0).Position == 0)
                        // Helmet there?
                        // This probably needs to be looked at (glasses/visors)
                        if (meshs.ElementAt(0).Mesh != character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].BaseValue)
                            // Dont remove the head :)

                    if (socials.ElementAt(0).Position == 0)
                        // Helmet there?
                        // This probably needs to be looked at (glasses/visors)
                        if (socials.ElementAt(0).Mesh != character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].BaseValue)
                            // Dont remove the head :)

            socialonly &= showsocial; // Disable socialonly flag if showsocial is false

            // preapply visual flags
            if (socialonly)

            if ((!socialonly) && (!showsocial))

            AOMeshs leftShoulder = null;
            AOMeshs rightShoulder = null;
            int rightShoulderNum = -1;
            int leftShoulderNum = -1;

            for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < meshs.Count; counter1++)
                AOMeshs m = meshs.ElementAt(counter1);
                if (m.Position == 3)
                    if (!rightPadVisible)
                        rightShoulder = m;
                        rightShoulderNum = counter1;

                if (m.Position == 4)
                    if (!leftPadVisible)
                        leftShoulderNum = counter1;
                        leftShoulder = m;

            int counter;
            for (counter = 0; counter < 7; counter++)
                AOMeshs cloth = null;
                AOMeshs social = null;

                foreach (AOMeshs aoMeshs in meshs)
                    if (aoMeshs.Position == counter)
                        cloth = aoMeshs;

                foreach (AOMeshs aoMeshs in socials)
                    if (aoMeshs.Position == counter)
                        social = aoMeshs;

                if (social != null)
                    if ((cloth != null) && (social != null))
                        // Compare layer only when both slots are set
                        if (cloth.Position == 0)
                            if (social.Mesh != character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].BaseValue)
                                cloth = social;
                        else if (social.Layer - 8 < cloth.Layer)
                            if (cloth.Position == 5)
                                // Backmeshs act different

                            cloth = social;
                        if (showsocial || socialonly)
                            cloth = social;

                if (cloth != null)

                    // Moved check for Double pads here
                    if ((cloth.Position == 3) && doubleRightPad)
                        AOMeshs temp = new AOMeshs();
                        temp.Position = 4;
                        temp.Layer = cloth.Layer;
                        temp.Mesh = cloth.Mesh;
                        temp.OverrideTexture = cloth.OverrideTexture;

                    if ((cloth.Position == 4) && doubleLeftPad)
                        AOMeshs temp = new AOMeshs();
                        temp.Position = 3;
                        temp.Layer = cloth.Layer;
                        temp.Mesh = cloth.Mesh;
                        temp.OverrideTexture = cloth.OverrideTexture;

            return output;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">
        /// </param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            // Remove reference of character
            if (this.character != null)
                this.character.Client = null;

            this.character = null;

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charId">
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">
        /// </exception>
        public void CreateCharacter(int charId)
            IEnumerable<DBCharacter> daochar = CharacterDao.GetById(charId);
            if (daochar.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("Character " + charId + " not found.");

            if (daochar.Count() > 1)
                throw new Exception(
                    daochar.Count() + " Characters with id " + charId + " found??? Check Database setup!");

            DBCharacter character = daochar.First();
            IPlayfield pf = this.server.PlayfieldById(character.Playfield);

            if (pf.Entities.GetObject<Character>(
                new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId }) == null)
                this.character = new Character(
                    new Identity { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId },
                this.character =
                        new Identity() { Type = IdentityType.CanbeAffected, Instance = charId });
                LogUtil.Debug("Reconnected to Character " + charId);

            // Stop pending logouts

            this.character.Playfield = pf;
            this.Playfield = pf;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="character">
 /// </param>
 public void CalculateModifiers(Character character)
     foreach (IInventoryPage page in this.Pages.Values)