private void OnIMEComposition(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam) { string text = string.Empty; using (var handler = IMEHandler.Create(hwnd)) { if (handler.GetResult((uint)lParam, out text)) { _owner.GetBrowserHost().ImeCommitText(text, new Range(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue), 0); return; } } using (var handler = IMEHandler.Create(hwnd)) { var underlines = new List <CompositionUnderline>(); int compositionStart = 0; if (handler.GetComposition((uint)lParam, underlines, ref compositionStart, out text)) { _owner.GetBrowserHost().ImeSetComposition(text, underlines.ToArray(), new Range(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue), new Range(compositionStart, compositionStart)); UpdateCaretPosition(compositionStart - 1); } } }
private void MoveImeWindow(IntPtr hwnd) { if (!_owner.IsFocused) { return; } CefSharp.Structs.Rect rc = _imeRect; int location = _cursorIndex; // If location is not specified fall back to the composition range start. if (location == -1) { location = _compositionRange.From; } // Offset location by the composition range start if required. if (location >= _compositionRange.From) { location -= _compositionRange.From; } if (location < _compositionBounds.Count) { rc = _compositionBounds[location]; } else { return; } int caretMargin = 1; if (_languageCodeId == NativeIME.LANG_CHINESE) { var formPoint = new NativeIME.TagCompositionForm { DwStyle = NativeIME.CFS_POINT, PtCurrentPos = new NativeIME.TagPoint { X = rc.X, Y = rc.Y }, RcArea = new NativeIME.TagRect { Left = rc.X, Top = rc.Y, Right = rc.X + rc.Width, Bottom = rc.Y + rc.Height } }; // TODO :: candidate window for Chinese using (var handler = IMEHandler.Create(hwnd)) { //NativeIME.ImmSetCompositionWindow(handler._hIMC, ref formPoint); } } if (_systemCaret) { if (_languageCodeId == NativeIME.LANG_JAPANESE) { var firstRc = _compositionBounds[0]; NativeIME.SetCaretPos(firstRc.X, firstRc.Y + firstRc.Height); } else { NativeIME.SetCaretPos(rc.X, rc.Y); } } if (_languageCodeId == NativeIME.LANG_KOREAN) { rc = new CefSharp.Structs.Rect(rc.X, rc.Y + caretMargin, rc.Width, rc.Height); } // Japanese IMEs and Korean IMEs also use the rectangle given to // ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() with its 'dwStyle' parameter CFS_EXCLUDE // Therefore, we also set this parameter here. //Referred from : /* * CANDIDATEFORM exclude_rectangle = { * 0, * CFS_EXCLUDE, * {rc.x, rc.y}, * {rc.x, rc.y, rc.x + rc.width, rc.y + rc.height}}; * ::ImmSetCandidateWindow(imc, &exclude_rectangle); * * ::ImmReleaseContext(hwnd_, imc); */ var candidateForm = new NativeIME.TagCandidateForm { DwStyle = NativeIME.CFS_EXCLUDE, PtCurrentPos = new NativeIME.TagPoint { X = rc.X, Y = rc.Y }, RcArea = new NativeIME.TagRect { Left = rc.X, Top = rc.Y, Right = rc.X + rc.Width, Bottom = rc.Y + rc.Height } }; using (var handler = IMEHandler.Create(hwnd)) { NativeIME.ImmSetCandidateWindow(handler._hIMC, ref candidateForm); } }