RegisterJsObject() публичный Метод

Registers a Javascript object in this specific browser instance.
Browser is already initialized. RegisterJsObject must be + /// called before the underlying CEF browser is created.
public RegisterJsObject ( string name, object objectToBind, BindingOptions options = null ) : void
name string The name of the object. (e.g. "foo", if you want the object to be accessible as
objectToBind object The object to be made accessible to Javascript.
options BindingOptions binding options - camelCaseJavascriptNames default to true
Результат void
Пример #1
        private void InitializeBrowser(ChromiumWebBrowser webBrowser)
            webBrowser.RequestHandler = this;
            webBrowser.LifeSpanHandler = this;
            webBrowser.RegisterJsObject("callbackObject", this.callback);

            // So. Fun story. From, we need to set the zoom level
            // in the FrameLoadStart event. However, the IWpfWebBrowser's ZoomLevel is a DependencyProperty, and it wraps
            // the SetZoomLevel method on the unmanaged browser (which is exposed directly by ChromiumWebBrowser, but not by IWpfWebBrowser).
            // Now, FrameLoadState and FrameLoadEnd are called on a background thread, and since ZoomLevel is a DP, it can only be changed
            // from the UI thread (it's "helpful" and does a dispatcher check for us). But, if we dispatch back to the UI thread to call
            // ZoomLevel = xxx, then CEF seems to hit threading issues, and can sometimes render things entirely badly (massive icons, no
            // localization, bad spacing, no JavaScript at all, etc).
            // So, in this case, we need to call SetZoomLevel directly, as we can do that from the thread on which FrameLoadStart is called,
            // and everything's happy.
            // However, this means that the DP value isn't updated... Which means we can't use the DP at all. We have to call SetZoomLevel
            // *everywhere*, and that means keeping a local field zoomLevel to track the current zoom level. Such is life

            webBrowser.FrameLoadStart += (o, e) => webBrowser.SetZoomLevel(this.zoomLevel);
            webBrowser.FrameLoadEnd += (o, e) =>
                if (e.IsMainFrame && e.Url != "about:blank")
                    var script = @"$('#folders .panel-footer .pull-right').prepend(" +
                    @"'<button class=""btn btn-sm btn-default"" onclick=""callbackObject.openFolder(angular.element(this).scope()"">" +
                    @"<span class=""fa fa-folder-open""></span>" +
                    @"<span style=""margin-left: 3px"">" +
                    Resources.ViewerView_OpenFolder +
        public MainWindow()

            m_chromeBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser();

            m_object = new JavascriptObject();
            // Register the JavaScriptInteractionObj class with JS
            m_chromeBrowser.RegisterJsObject("DesktopClient", m_object);


Пример #3
        private void LoadBrowser()
            var setting = new CefSharp.CefSettings();

            webView = new CefSharp.Wpf.ChromiumWebBrowser()
                BrowserSettings =
                    DefaultEncoding = "UTF-8"
                JsDialogHandler = new BrowserDialog(),
                //MenuHandler = false,
            webView.PreviewTextInput += (obj, args) =>
                foreach (var character in args.Text)
                    // 把每个字符向浏览器组件发送一遍
                    webView.GetBrowser().GetHost().SendKeyEvent((int)WM.CHAR, (int)character, 0);

                // 不让cef自己处理
                args.Handled = true;
            webView.PreviewKeyDown += (obj, args) =>
                if (args.Key.ToString() == "F5")
                    webView.Address = "localhost";
                if (args.Key.ToString() == "F12")
                if (args.Key.ToString() == "Back")

            webView.RegisterJsObject("csharp", new CallbackObjectForJs());
            webView.Address       = "localhost";
            webView.FrameLoadEnd += OnLoadEnd;
            Content = webView;
Пример #4
        public MainWindow()
            _jsBridge = new RecentCustomerBridge();
            _jsBridge.OnCustomerReceived += _jsBridge_OnCustomerReceived;
            Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings

            var browserSettings = new BrowserSettings
                UniversalAccessFromFileUrls = CefState.Enabled,
                WebSecurity = CefState.Disabled
            _chromium = new ChromiumWebBrowser
                BrowserSettings = browserSettings,
                Address = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\..\\..\\sample-webapp\\dist\\index.html"

            _chromium.RegisterJsObject("cefResponseChannel", _jsBridge);
Пример #5
        private void InitializeBrowser(ChromiumWebBrowser webBrowser)
            webBrowser.RequestHandler = this;
            webBrowser.LifeSpanHandler = this;
            // Enable WPF touch scrolling - may cause issues, see
            webBrowser.IsManipulationEnabled = true;
            webBrowser.RegisterJsObject("callbackObject", this.callback);

            // So. Fun story. From, we need to set the zoom level
            // in the FrameLoadStart event. However, the IWpfWebBrowser's ZoomLevel is a DependencyProperty, and it wraps
            // the SetZoomLevel method on the unmanaged browser (which is exposed directly by ChromiumWebBrowser, but not by IWpfWebBrowser).
            // Now, FrameLoadState and FrameLoadEnd are called on a background thread, and since ZoomLevel is a DP, it can only be changed
            // from the UI thread (it's "helpful" and does a dispatcher check for us). But, if we dispatch back to the UI thread to call
            // ZoomLevel = xxx, then CEF seems to hit threading issues, and can sometimes render things entirely badly (massive icons, no
            // localization, bad spacing, no JavaScript at all, etc).
            // So, in this case, we need to call SetZoomLevel directly, as we can do that from the thread on which FrameLoadStart is called,
            // and everything's happy.
            // However, this means that the DP value isn't updated... Which means we can't use the DP at all. We have to call SetZoomLevel
            // *everywhere*, and that means keeping a local field zoomLevel to track the current zoom level. Such is life

            webBrowser.FrameLoadStart += (o, e) => webBrowser.SetZoomLevel(this.zoomLevel);
            webBrowser.FrameLoadEnd += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Frame.IsMain && e.Url != "about:blank")
                    var addOpenFolder =
                    @"$('#folders .panel-footer .pull-right').prepend(" +
                    @"  '<button class=""btn btn-sm btn-default"" onclick=""callbackObject.openFolder(angular.element(this).scope()"">" +
                    @"      <span class=""fa fa-folder-open""></span>" +
                    @"      <span style=""margin-left: 3px"">" + Resources.ViewerView_OpenFolder + @"</span>" +
                    @"  </button>')";

                    var addFolderBrowse = 
                    @"$('#folderPath').wrap($('<div/>').css('display', 'flex'));" +
                    @"$('#folderPath').after(" +
                    @"  $('<button>').attr('id', 'folderPathBrowseButton')" +
                    @"               .addClass('btn btn-sm btn-default')" +           
                    @"               .html('" + Resources.ViewerView_BrowseToFolder + @"')" +
                    @"               .css({'flex-grow': 1, 'margin': '0 0 0 5px'})" +
                    @"               .on('click', function() { callbackObject.browseFolderPath() })" +
                    @");" +
                    @"$('#folderPath').removeAttr('list');" +
                    @"$('#directory-list').remove();" +
                    @"$('#editFolder').on('', function() {" +
                    @"  if ($('#folderPath').is('[readonly]')) {" +
                    @"      $('#folderPathBrowseButton').attr('disabled', 'disabled');" +
                    @"  }" +
                    @"  else {" +
                    @"      $('#folderPathBrowseButton').removeAttr('disabled');" +
                    @"  }" +
        public MainWindow()

            Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings { CachePath = @".\cachepath" });

            var urlToNavigate = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"client\index.html";
            var browserSettings = new BrowserSettings
                UniversalAccessFromFileUrlsAllowed = true,
                WebSecurityDisabled = true

            webBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser();
            webBrowser.Address = urlToNavigate;
            webBrowser.BrowserSettings = browserSettings;

            webBrowser.RegisterJsObject("cefCallback", new CefBridge());
