public void CanNotificationBeSaved() { var notification = new Notification() { Text = "transport order two", Url = _destinationURl, RecordId = 2, IsRead = false, TypeOfNotification = "New transport order", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Id = 1, Application = "Hub Managers" }; var tranportRequsition = new TransportRequisition() { CertifiedBy = 1, CertifiedDate = DateTime.Today, RequestedBy = 1, RequestedDate = DateTime.Today, TransportRequisitionID = 1, TransportRequisitionNo = "TRN-001", Status = 1, Remark = "Remark", }; var hubId = new List<int>(){1,2,3}; var resultLogistics = _notificationService.AddNotificationForLogistcisFromEarlyWaring("",1, 1, "reg-001"); var resultProcurement = _notificationService.AddNotificationForProcurementFromLogistics("",tranportRequsition); var resultHubManager = _notificationService.AddNotificationForHubManagersFromTransportOrder("",1, "trans-001",hubId); Assert.IsTrue(resultLogistics); Assert.IsTrue(resultProcurement); Assert.IsTrue(resultHubManager); }
public bool AddNotificationForEarlyWaringFromRegions(string destinationURl, int requestId, int regionId) { try { var notification = new Notification { Text = "Request - " + requestId.ToString(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Id = regionId, RecordId = requestId, Url = destinationURl, TypeOfNotification = "Request Creation from Regions", Application = Application.EARLY_WARNING }; AddNotification(notification); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool AddNotificationForLogistcisFromEarlyWaring(string destinationURl,int requisitionID, int regionId, string requisitioNo) { try { var notification = new Notification { Text = "Approved Requistion" + requisitioNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Role = 1, RecordId = requisitionID, Url = destinationURl, TypeOfNotification = "Requisition Approval", RoleName = Application.HUB_ALLOCATER }; AddNotification(notification); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool AddNotificationForHubManagersFromTransportOrder(string destinationUrl,int transportOrderId, string transportOrderNo) { try { var notification = new Notification { Text = "Transport Order No:" + transportOrderNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Role = 1, RecordId = transportOrderId, Url = destinationUrl, TypeOfNotification = "New Transport Order", RoleName = Application.HUB_MANAGER }; AddNotification(notification); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool AddNotificationForHubManagersFromTransportOrder(string destinationUrl,int transportOrderId, string transportOrderNo,List<int> hubId) { try { Notification notification=null; if (hubId!=null) { foreach (var id in hubId) { notification = new Notification { Text = "Transport Order No:" + transportOrderNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Id = id, RecordId = transportOrderId, Url = destinationUrl, TypeOfNotification = "New Transport Order", Application = Application.HUB }; AddNotification(notification); } } else { notification = new Notification { Text = "Transport Order No:" + transportOrderNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Id = -1, RecordId = transportOrderId, Url = destinationUrl, TypeOfNotification = "New Transport Order", Application = Application.HUB }; AddNotification(notification); } return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool AddNotification(Notification notification) { _unitOfWork.NotificationRepository.Add(notification); _unitOfWork.Save(); return true; }
public bool EditNotification(Notification notification) { _unitOfWork.NotificationRepository.Edit(notification); _unitOfWork.Save(); return true; }
public bool DeleteNotification(Notification notification) { if (notification == null) return false; _unitOfWork.NotificationRepository.Delete(notification); _unitOfWork.Save(); return true; }
public bool AddNotificationForProcurmentForGRNDiscripancy(string destinationURl, int transportOrderId,string transportOrderNo) { try { var notification = new Notification { Text = "GRN with loss from transport order " + transportOrderNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Id = 1, RecordId = transportOrderId, Url = destinationURl, TypeOfNotification = "GRN With loss", Application = Application.TRANSPORT_ORDER_CREATER }; AddNotification(notification); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool AddNotificationForProcurementFromLogistics(string destinationURl, TransportRequisition transportRequisition) { try { var notification = new Notification { Text = "Transport Requisition No:" + transportRequisition.TransportRequisitionNo, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, IsRead = false, Id = 1, RecordId = transportRequisition.TransportRequisitionID, Url = destinationURl, TypeOfNotification = "New Transport Requisition", Application = Application.PROCUREMENT }; AddNotification(notification); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }