Пример #1
        public override void DrawEditor(IBitmapView view)
            if (view.Image == null || view.Image.Width == 0 || view.Image.Height == 0)

            Gdk.Drawable  target         = ((FloatPixmapViewWidget)view).GdkWindow;
            Gdk.Rectangle image_position = ((FloatPixmapViewWidget)view).CurrentImagePosition;

            CrotateStageOperationParameters pm = ((CrotateStageOperationParameters)Parameters);

            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(target);

            // Draw center square dot
            Point C = new Point(pm.Center.X, pm.Center.Y);

            int scr_c_x = image_position.X + (int)(image_position.Width * C.X);
            int scr_c_y = image_position.Y + (int)(image_position.Height * C.Y);

            // Calculating new picture's real dimensions
            int    trueWidth = image_position.Width, trueHeight = image_position.Height;
            double w1, h1;

            w1 = pm.CropWidth * image_position.Width;
            h1 = pm.CropHeight * image_position.Height;

            double asp_rat;

            if (pm.AspectRatioCustom)
                asp_rat = pm.AspectRatio;
                asp_rat = pm.PresetAspectRatioValues[pm.AspectRatioPreset];

            switch (pm.Mode)
            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.Disproportional:
                trueWidth  = (int)w1;
                trueHeight = (int)h1;

            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.ProportionalWidthFixed:
                trueWidth  = (int)w1;
                trueHeight = (int)(w1 / asp_rat);

            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.ProportionalHeightFixed:
                trueWidth  = (int)(h1 * asp_rat);
                trueHeight = (int)h1;

            // Calculating new corners positions and "round" dot position
            double ang = pm.Angle / 180 * Math.PI;

            CatEye.Core.Point lt_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                -trueWidth / 2,
                -trueHeight / 2);
            lt_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(lt_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_lt = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + lt_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + lt_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point rt_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                +trueWidth / 2,
                -trueHeight / 2);
            rt_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(rt_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_rt = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + rt_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + rt_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point rb_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                +trueWidth / 2,
                +trueHeight / 2);
            rb_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(rb_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_rb = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + rb_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + rb_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point lb_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                -trueWidth / 2,
                +trueHeight / 2);
            lb_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(lb_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_lb = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + lb_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + lb_corner_rot.Y));

            Gdk.Point scr_rnd = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + (rt_corner_rot.X + rb_corner_rot.X) / 2),
                (int)(scr_c_y + (rt_corner_rot.Y + rb_corner_rot.Y) / 2));

            // Drawing frame

            using (Cairo.Context cc = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(target))
                cc.LineCap  = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
                cc.LineJoin = Cairo.LineJoin.Round;

                cc.Color     = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
                cc.LineWidth = 3;
                cc.MoveTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lb.X, scr_lb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rb.X, scr_rb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rt.X, scr_rt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);

                cc.Color     = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
                cc.LineWidth = 1;
                cc.SetDash(new double[] { 3, 3 }, 0);
                cc.MoveTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lb.X, scr_lb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rb.X, scr_rb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rt.X, scr_rt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);

            // Drawing center "triangle" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.triangle_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                                  0, 0, (int)(scr_c_x - buf.Width / 2), (int)(scr_c_y - buf.Height / 2),
                                  buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            // Drawing side "round" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.round_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                                  0, 0,
                                  (int)(scr_rnd.X - buf.Width / 2),
                                  (int)(scr_rnd.Y - buf.Height / 2),
                                  buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            // Drawing corner "square" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.square_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                                  0, 0,
                                  (int)(scr_rb.X - buf.Width / 2),
                                  (int)(scr_rb.Y - buf.Height / 2),
                                  buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
        public override void DrawEditor(IBitmapView view)
            if (view.Image == null || view.Image.Width == 0 || view.Image.Height == 0) return;

            Gdk.Drawable target = ((FloatPixmapViewWidget)view).GdkWindow;
            Gdk.Rectangle image_position = ((FloatPixmapViewWidget)view).CurrentImagePosition;

            CrotateStageOperationParameters pm = ((CrotateStageOperationParameters)Parameters);

            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(target);

            // Draw center square dot
            Point C = new Point(pm.Center.X, pm.Center.Y);

            int scr_c_x = image_position.X + (int)(image_position.Width * C.X);
            int scr_c_y = image_position.Y + (int)(image_position.Height * C.Y);

            // Calculating new picture's real dimensions
            int trueWidth = image_position.Width, trueHeight = image_position.Height;
            double w1, h1;

            w1 = pm.CropWidth * image_position.Width;
            h1 = pm.CropHeight * image_position.Height;

            double asp_rat;

            if (pm.AspectRatioCustom)
                asp_rat = pm.AspectRatio;
                asp_rat = pm.PresetAspectRatioValues[pm.AspectRatioPreset];

            switch (pm.Mode)
            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.Disproportional:
                trueWidth = (int)w1;
                trueHeight = (int)h1;
            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.ProportionalWidthFixed:
                trueWidth = (int)w1;
                trueHeight = (int)(w1 / asp_rat);
            case CatEye.Core.CrotateStageOperation.Mode.ProportionalHeightFixed:
                trueWidth = (int)(h1 * asp_rat);
                trueHeight = (int)h1;

            // Calculating new corners positions and "round" dot position
            double ang = pm.Angle / 180 * Math.PI;

            CatEye.Core.Point lt_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                 - trueWidth / 2,
                 - trueHeight / 2);
            lt_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(lt_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_lt = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + lt_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + lt_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point rt_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                 + trueWidth / 2,
                 - trueHeight / 2);
            rt_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(rt_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_rt = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + rt_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + rt_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point rb_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                 + trueWidth / 2,
                 + trueHeight / 2);
            rb_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(rb_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_rb = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + rb_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + rb_corner_rot.Y));

            CatEye.Core.Point lb_corner = new CatEye.Core.Point(
                 - trueWidth / 2,
                 + trueHeight / 2);
            lb_corner_rot = CatEye.Core.Point.Rotate(lb_corner, ang, new Point(0, 0));
            Gdk.Point scr_lb = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + lb_corner_rot.X),
                (int)(scr_c_y + lb_corner_rot.Y));

            Gdk.Point scr_rnd = new Gdk.Point(
                (int)(scr_c_x + (rt_corner_rot.X + rb_corner_rot.X) / 2),
                (int)(scr_c_y + (rt_corner_rot.Y + rb_corner_rot.Y) / 2));

            // Drawing frame

            using (Cairo.Context cc = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(target))
                cc.LineCap = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
                cc.LineJoin = Cairo.LineJoin.Round;

                cc.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
                cc.LineWidth = 3;
                cc.MoveTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lb.X, scr_lb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rb.X, scr_rb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rt.X, scr_rt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);

                cc.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
                cc.LineWidth = 1;
                cc.SetDash(new double[] {3, 3}, 0);
                cc.MoveTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lb.X, scr_lb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rb.X, scr_rb.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_rt.X, scr_rt.Y);
                cc.LineTo(scr_lt.X, scr_lt.Y);


            // Drawing center "triangle" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.triangle_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                    0, 0, (int)(scr_c_x - buf.Width / 2), (int)(scr_c_y - buf.Height / 2),
                    buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            // Drawing side "round" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.round_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                    0, 0,
                    (int)(scr_rnd.X - buf.Width / 2),
                    (int)(scr_rnd.Y - buf.Height / 2),
                    buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            // Drawing corner "square" dot.
            using (Gdk.Pixbuf buf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("CatEye.UI.Gtk.Widgets.res.square_dot.png"))
                target.DrawPixbuf(gc, buf,
                    0, 0,
                    (int)(scr_rb.X - buf.Width / 2),
                    (int)(scr_rb.Y - buf.Height / 2),
                    buf.Width, buf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);