public static RequestOp CreateOp(object model, long timeMs) { return(new RequestOp( timeMs, model.GetType(), RequestVerb.Create, CascadeTypeUtils.GetCascadeId(model), model )); }
public async Task <OpResponse> Fetch(RequestOp requestOp) { if (requestOp.Type != typeof(Model)) { throw new Exception("requestOp.Type != typeof(Model)"); } switch (requestOp.Verb) { case RequestVerb.Get: var id = (IdType?)CascadeTypeUtils.ConvertTo(typeof(IdType), requestOp.Id); // ((IdType)requestOp.Id)!; if (id == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to get right value for Id"); } if (models.ContainsKey(id)) { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade.NowMs, connected: true, exists: true, result: models[id].Item1, arrivedAtMs: models[id].Item2 )); } else { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade.NowMs, connected: true, exists: false, result: null, arrivedAtMs: null )); } break; case RequestVerb.Query: if (collections.ContainsKey(requestOp.Key !)) { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade.NowMs, connected: true, exists: true, result: collections[requestOp.Key !].Item1,
public async Task TestCollections() { var path = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteAsyncConnection(path); var db = new TestDatabase(conn); await db.Reset(); var sqliteThingCache = new SqliteClassCache <Parent, long>(db); await sqliteThingCache.Setup(); var sqliteGadgetCache = new SqliteClassCache <Child, string>(db); await sqliteGadgetCache.Setup(); var cache = new ModelCache(aClassCache: new Dictionary <Type, IModelClassCache>() { { typeof(Parent), sqliteThingCache }, { typeof(Child), sqliteGadgetCache } }); var cascade = new CascadeDataLayer(origin, new ICascadeCache[] { cache }, new CascadeConfig() { DefaultFreshnessSeconds = 1 }); var collection_key = "my_things"; var ids = ImmutableArray.Create <object>(1, 2, 3); var response = await cache.Fetch(RequestOp.QueryOp <Parent>(collection_key, new JsonObject(), 0)); Assert.AreEqual(false, response.Exists); Assert.AreEqual(null, response.Result); await cache.StoreCollection(typeof(Parent), collection_key, ids, 0); response = await cache.Fetch(RequestOp.QueryOp <Parent>(collection_key, null, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(CascadeTypeUtils.IsEqualEnumerable(ids, response.ResultIds)); response = await cache.Fetch(RequestOp.QueryOp <Parent>("not_my_key", null, 0)); Assert.IsFalse(response.Exists); response = await cache.Fetch(RequestOp.QueryOp <Child>(collection_key, null, 0)); Assert.IsFalse(response.Exists); }
// // // // special case for enums // if (targetType.IsEnum) { // // we could be going from an int -> enum so specifically let // // the Enum object take care of this conversion // if (value != null) { // value = Enum.ToObject(targetType, value); // } // } // else { // // returns an System.Object with the specified System.Type and whose value is // // equivalent to the specified object. // value = Convert.ChangeType(value, targetType); // } // set the value of the property // propertyInfo.SetValue(target, value, null); // } private async Task processHasMany(SuperModel model, Type modelType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, HasManyAttribute attribute) { var propertyType = CascadeTypeUtils.DeNullType(propertyInfo.PropertyType); var isEnumerable = (propertyType?.Implements <IEnumerable>() ?? false) && propertyType != typeof(string); var foreignType = isEnumerable ? CascadeTypeUtils.InnerType(propertyType !) : null; foreignType = foreignType != null?CascadeTypeUtils.DeNullType(foreignType) : null; if (foreignType == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to get foreign model type. Property should be of type ImmutableArray<ChildModel>"); } // var typeLayers = GetTypeLayers(propertyType); // var nonNullableType = DeNullType(propertyType); // // typeLayers.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name != "Nullable`1"); // // var foreignType = isEnumerable ? propertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault() : null; object modelId = CascadeTypeUtils.GetCascadeId(model); var key = $"HasMany__{foreignType.Name}__{attribute.ForeignIdProperty}__{modelId}"; var requestOp = new RequestOp( NowMs, foreignType, RequestVerb.Query, null, null, 0, new Dictionary <string, object>() { [attribute.ForeignIdProperty] = modelId }, key ); var opResponse = await ProcessRequest(requestOp); CascadeTypeUtils.SetModelCollectionProperty(model, propertyInfo, opResponse.Results); //propertyInfo.SetValue(model,opResponse.Results); }
private async Task processBelongsTo(object model, Type modelType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, BelongsToAttribute attribute) { var foreignModelType = CascadeTypeUtils.DeNullType(propertyInfo.PropertyType); var idProperty = modelType.GetProperty(attribute.IdProperty); var id = idProperty.GetValue(model); if (id == null) { return; } var requestOp = new RequestOp( NowMs, foreignModelType, RequestVerb.Get, id, freshnessSeconds: Config.DefaultFreshnessSeconds ); var opResponse = await ProcessRequest(requestOp); SetModelProperty(model, propertyInfo, opResponse.Result); }
public async Task <OpResponse> Fetch(RequestOp requestOp) { if (requestOp.Type != typeof(Model)) { throw new Exception("requestOp.Type != typeof(Model)"); } switch (requestOp.Verb) { case RequestVerb.Get: var id = (IdType?)CascadeTypeUtils.ConvertTo(typeof(IdType), requestOp.Id); // ((IdType)requestOp.Id)!; if (id == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to get right value for Id"); } if (await _database.Exists <Model>(id)) { var meta = await _database.Get <CascadeModelMeta>(CascadeModelMeta.GenerateId <Model>(id)); return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade !.NowMs, connected: true, exists: true, result: await _database.Get <Model>(id), arrivedAtMs: meta?.arrived_at )); } else { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade !.NowMs, connected: true, exists: false, result: null, arrivedAtMs: null )); } break; case RequestVerb.Query: var collection = await _database.Get <CascadeCollection>(CascadeCollection.GenerateId <Model>(requestOp.Key !)); if (collection != null) { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade !.NowMs, connected: true, exists: true, result: collection.objectIds, arrivedAtMs: collection.arrived_at )); } else { return(new OpResponse( requestOp, Cascade !.NowMs, connected: true, exists: false, result: null, arrivedAtMs: null )); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Unsupported {requestOp.Verb}"); } }