Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to load a GameManager object from the values from this object
        /// so that the controls be can be loaded when the program starts
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GameManager Export(SecureUserData security, List <BlackJackPlayerControl> playerControls, MainForm table)
            // initial value
            GameManager gameManager = null;

            // local
            BlackJackPlayerControl playerControl = null;

            // If the security object exists
            if (NullHelper.Exists(security, playerControls, table))
                // Create a new instance of a 'GameManager' object.
                gameManager = new GameManager(NumericHelper.ParseInteger(Properties.Resources.TimesToShuffle, 0, -1), table);

                // create a houseRules object
                Options houseRules = new Options();

                // set the properties from this form
                houseRules.AllowDoubleDown              = security.AllowDoubleDown;
                houseRules.AllowDoubleOnSplit           = security.AllowDoubleOnSplit;
                houseRules.AllowDoubleOnTenOrElevenOnly = security.AllowDoubleOnTenOrElevenOnly;
                houseRules.AllowInsurance   = security.AllowInsurance;
                houseRules.AllowResplitAces = security.AllowResplitAces;
                houseRules.AllowSplit       = security.AllowSplit;
                houseRules.AllowSplitAces   = security.AllowSplitAces;
                houseRules.AllowSurrender   = security.AllowSurrender;
                houseRules.ComputerPlayersUnlimitedRebuys = security.ComputerPlayersUnlimitedRebuys;
                houseRules.DealerMustHitSoft17            = security.DealerMustHitSoft17;
                houseRules.DefaultBankRoll         = security.DefaultBankRoll;
                houseRules.DefaultComputerBankRoll = security.DefaultComputerBankRoll;
                houseRules.GameSpeed = security.GameSpeed;
                houseRules.HumanPlayerUnlimitedRebuys = security.HumanPlayerUnlimitedRebuys;
                houseRules.NumberDecks = security.NumberDecks;
                houseRules.Penetration = security.Penetration;
                houseRules.SaveSettingsOnThisComputer = security.SaveSettingsOnThisComputer;
                houseRules.TableMaximum = security.TableMaximum;
                houseRules.TableMinimum = security.TableMinimum;

                // Create a list of players
                List <Player> players = new List <Player>();

                // if Player1's Name is set that is consider playing
                if (TextHelper.Exists(security.Player1Name))
                    // Find the PlayerControl
                    playerControl = FindPlayerControl(playerControls, SeatNumberEnum.Seat1);

                    // if the control was found
                    if (NullHelper.Exists(playerControl))
                        // create player 1
                        Player player1 = new Player(security.Player1Name, security.Player1Chips, security.Player1IsComputerPlayer, playerControl);

                        // Setup the SeatNumber
                        player1.SeatNumber = SeatNumberEnum.Seat1;

                        // Is Player1 Sitting Out
                        player1.SittingOut = security.Player1SittingOut;

                        // Set the CountingSystem
                        string countingSystemName = security.Player1CountingSystem;
                        player1.CardCountingSystem = CardCountingSystemFactory.FindCardCountingSystem(countingSystemName);

                        // add this player

                // if Player2's Name is set that is consider playing
                if (TextHelper.Exists(security.Player2Name))
                    // Find the PlayerControl
                    playerControl = FindPlayerControl(playerControls, SeatNumberEnum.Seat2);

                    // if the control was found
                    if (NullHelper.Exists(playerControl))
                        // create player 2
                        Player player2 = new Player(security.Player2Name, security.Player2Chips, security.Player2IsComputerPlayer, playerControl);

                        // Setup the SeatNumber
                        player2.SeatNumber = SeatNumberEnum.Seat2;

                        // Is Player2 Sitting Out
                        player2.SittingOut = security.Player2SittingOut;

                        // Set the CountingSystem
                        string countingSystemName = security.Player2CountingSystem;
                        player2.CardCountingSystem = CardCountingSystemFactory.FindCardCountingSystem(countingSystemName);

                        // add this player

                // if Player3's Name is set that is consider playing
                if (TextHelper.Exists(security.Player3Name))
                    // Find the PlayerControl
                    playerControl = FindPlayerControl(playerControls, SeatNumberEnum.Seat3);

                    // if the control was found
                    if (NullHelper.Exists(playerControl))
                        // create player 3
                        Player player3 = new Player(security.Player3Name, security.Player3Chips, security.Player3IsComputerPlayer, playerControl);

                        // Setup the SeatNumber
                        player3.SeatNumber = SeatNumberEnum.Seat3;

                        // Is Player3 Sitting Out
                        player3.SittingOut = security.Player3SittingOut;

                        // Set the CountingSystem
                        string countingSystemName = security.Player3CountingSystem;
                        player3.CardCountingSystem = CardCountingSystemFactory.FindCardCountingSystem(countingSystemName);

                        // add this player

                // if Player4's Name is set that is consider playing
                if (TextHelper.Exists(security.Player4Name))
                    // Find the PlayerControl
                    playerControl = FindPlayerControl(playerControls, SeatNumberEnum.Seat4);

                    // if the control was found
                    if (NullHelper.Exists(playerControl))
                        // create player 4
                        Player player4 = new Player(security.Player4Name, security.Player4Chips, security.Player4IsComputerPlayer, playerControl);

                        // Setup the SeatNumber
                        player4.SeatNumber = SeatNumberEnum.Seat4;

                        // Is Player4 Sitting Out
                        player4.SittingOut = security.Player4SittingOut;

                        // Set the CountingSystem
                        string countingSystemName = security.Player4CountingSystem;
                        player4.CardCountingSystem = CardCountingSystemFactory.FindCardCountingSystem(countingSystemName);

                        // add this player

                // if Player5's Name is set that is consider playing
                if (TextHelper.Exists(security.Player5Name))
                    // Find the PlayerControl
                    playerControl = FindPlayerControl(playerControls, SeatNumberEnum.Seat5);

                    // if the control was found
                    if (NullHelper.Exists(playerControl))
                        // create player 5
                        Player player5 = new Player(security.Player5Name, security.Player5Chips, security.Player5IsComputerPlayer, playerControl);

                        // Setup the SeatNumber
                        player5.SeatNumber = SeatNumberEnum.Seat5;

                        // Is Player5 Sitting Out
                        player5.SittingOut = security.Player5SittingOut;

                        // Set the CountingSystem
                        string countingSystemName = security.Player5CountingSystem;
                        player5.CardCountingSystem = CardCountingSystemFactory.FindCardCountingSystem(countingSystemName);

                        // add this player

                // set the HouseRules & players
                gameManager.HouseRules = houseRules;
                gameManager.Players    = players;

                // if the HouseRules exist
                if (gameManager.HasHouseRules)
                    // create
                    BlackJackCardValueBase blackJackCardValueBase = new BlackJackCardValueBase();

                    // Set the times to shuffle
                    int timesToShuffle = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(Properties.Resources.TimesToShuffle, 0, -1);

                    // Create the Shuffler
                    gameManager.Shuffler = new RandomShuffler(houseRules.NumberDecks, blackJackCardValueBase, 0);

            // return value
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts a GameManager object to a SecureUserData object
        /// so the Options and Players can be saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameManager"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SecureUserData Convert(GameManager gameManager)
            // initial value
            SecureUserData security = null;

            // locals
            Options houseRules = null;

            // If the gameManager object exists
            if (NullHelper.Exists(gameManager))
                // Create a new instance of a 'SecureUserData' object.
                security = new SecureUserData();

                // if the gameManager object contains a HouseRules object
                if (gameManager.HasHouseRules)
                    // set the houseRules to make a typing a little shorter
                    houseRules = gameManager.HouseRules;

                    // set the value for each option
                    security.AllowDoubleDown              = houseRules.AllowDoubleDown;
                    security.AllowDoubleOnSplit           = houseRules.AllowDoubleOnSplit;
                    security.AllowDoubleOnTenOrElevenOnly = houseRules.AllowDoubleOnTenOrElevenOnly;
                    security.AllowInsurance   = houseRules.AllowInsurance;
                    security.AllowResplitAces = houseRules.AllowResplitAces;
                    security.AllowSplit       = houseRules.AllowSplit;
                    security.AllowSplitAces   = houseRules.AllowSplitAces;
                    security.AllowSurrender   = houseRules.AllowSurrender;
                    security.ComputerPlayersUnlimitedRebuys = houseRules.ComputerPlayersUnlimitedRebuys;
                    security.DealerMustHitSoft17            = houseRules.DealerMustHitSoft17;
                    security.DefaultBankRoll         = houseRules.DefaultBankRoll;
                    security.DefaultComputerBankRoll = houseRules.DefaultComputerBankRoll;
                    security.GameSpeed = houseRules.GameSpeed;
                    security.HumanPlayerUnlimitedRebuys = houseRules.HumanPlayerUnlimitedRebuys;
                    security.NumberDecks = houseRules.NumberDecks;
                    security.Penetration = houseRules.Penetration;
                    security.SaveSettingsOnThisComputer = houseRules.SaveSettingsOnThisComputer;
                    security.TableMaximum = houseRules.TableMaximum;
                    security.TableMinimum = houseRules.TableMinimum;

                // if the game manager has a list of players
                if (gameManager.HasPlayers)
                    // we must make sure we have five players seated; this is to ensure if a player was removed
                    // we do not leave him seated
                    bool seat1IsEmpty = false;
                    bool seat2IsEmpty = false;
                    bool seat3IsEmpty = false;
                    bool seat4IsEmpty = false;
                    bool seat5IsEmpty = false;

                    // iterate the players
                    foreach (Player player in gameManager.Players)
                        // determine where to store which player by the seat number
                        switch (player.SeatNumber)
                        case SeatNumberEnum.Seat1:

                            // this player is seated
                            seat1IsEmpty = false;

                            // Store the chips
                            security.Player1Chips = player.Chips;

                            // If the value for the property player.HasCardCountingSystem is true
                            if (player.HasCardCountingSystem)
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player1CountingSystem = player.CardCountingSystem.Name;
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player1CountingSystem = null;

                            // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                            security.Player1IsComputerPlayer = player.IsComputerPlayer;

                            // Store the name
                            security.Player1Name = player.Name;

                            // Is this player sitting out
                            security.Player1SittingOut = player.SittingOut;

                            // required

                        case SeatNumberEnum.Seat2:

                            // this player is seated
                            seat2IsEmpty = false;

                            // Store the chips
                            security.Player2Chips = player.Chips;

                            // If the value for the property player.HasCardCountingSystem is true
                            if (player.HasCardCountingSystem)
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player2CountingSystem = player.CardCountingSystem.Name;
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player2CountingSystem = null;

                            // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                            security.Player2IsComputerPlayer = player.IsComputerPlayer;

                            // Store the name
                            security.Player2Name = player.Name;

                            // Is this player sitting out
                            security.Player2SittingOut = player.SittingOut;

                            // required

                        case SeatNumberEnum.Seat3:

                            // this player is seated
                            seat3IsEmpty = false;

                            // Store the chips
                            security.Player3Chips = player.Chips;

                            // If the value for the property player.HasCardCountingSystem is true
                            if (player.HasCardCountingSystem)
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player3CountingSystem = player.CardCountingSystem.Name;
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player3CountingSystem = null;

                            // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                            security.Player3IsComputerPlayer = player.IsComputerPlayer;

                            // Store the name
                            security.Player3Name = player.Name;

                            // Is this player sitting out
                            security.Player3SittingOut = player.SittingOut;

                            // required

                        case SeatNumberEnum.Seat4:

                            // this player is seated
                            seat4IsEmpty = false;

                            // Store the chips
                            security.Player4Chips = player.Chips;

                            // If the value for the property player.HasCardCountingSystem is true
                            if (player.HasCardCountingSystem)
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player4CountingSystem = player.CardCountingSystem.Name;
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player4CountingSystem = null;

                            // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                            security.Player4IsComputerPlayer = player.IsComputerPlayer;

                            // Store the name
                            security.Player4Name = player.Name;

                            // Is this player sitting out
                            security.Player4SittingOut = player.SittingOut;

                            // required

                        case SeatNumberEnum.Seat5:

                            // this player is seated
                            seat5IsEmpty = false;

                            // Store the chips
                            security.Player5Chips = player.Chips;

                            // If the value for the property player.HasCardCountingSystem is true
                            if (player.HasCardCountingSystem)
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player5CountingSystem = player.CardCountingSystem.Name;
                                // store the system name
                                security.Player5CountingSystem = null;

                            // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                            security.Player5IsComputerPlayer = player.IsComputerPlayer;

                            // Store the name
                            security.Player5Name = player.Name;

                            // Is this player sitting out
                            security.Player5SittingOut = player.SittingOut;

                            // required

                    // if the value for seat1IsEmpty is true
                    if (seat1IsEmpty)
                        // Erase the chips
                        security.Player1Chips = 0;

                        // store the system name
                        security.Player1CountingSystem = null;

                        // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                        security.Player1IsComputerPlayer = false;

                        // Store the name
                        security.Player1Name = null;

                        // Is this player sitting out
                        security.Player1SittingOut = false;

                    // if the value for seat2IsEmpty is true
                    if (seat2IsEmpty)
                        // Erase the chips
                        security.Player2Chips = 0;

                        // store the system name
                        security.Player2CountingSystem = null;

                        // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                        security.Player2IsComputerPlayer = false;

                        // Store the name
                        security.Player2Name = null;

                        // Is this player sitting out
                        security.Player2SittingOut = false;

                    // if the value for seat3IsEmpty is true
                    if (seat3IsEmpty)
                        // Erase the chips
                        security.Player3Chips = 0;

                        // store the system name
                        security.Player3CountingSystem = null;

                        // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                        security.Player3IsComputerPlayer = false;

                        // Store the name
                        security.Player3Name = null;

                        // Is this player sitting out
                        security.Player3SittingOut = false;

                    // if the value for seat4IsEmpty is true
                    if (seat4IsEmpty)
                        // Erase the chips
                        security.Player4Chips = 0;

                        // store the system name
                        security.Player4CountingSystem = null;

                        // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                        security.Player4IsComputerPlayer = false;

                        // Store the name
                        security.Player4Name = null;

                        // Is this player sitting out
                        security.Player4SittingOut = false;

                    // if the value for seat5IsEmpty is true
                    if (seat5IsEmpty)
                        // Erase the chips
                        security.Player5Chips = 0;

                        // store the system name
                        security.Player5CountingSystem = null;

                        // set the value for IsComputerPlayer
                        security.Player5IsComputerPlayer = false;

                        // Store the name
                        security.Player5Name = null;

                        // Is this player sitting out
                        security.Player5SittingOut = false;

            // return value