static void Main(string[] args) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CapstoneDatabase"].ConnectionString; try { ParksInterface ui = new ParksInterface(); ui.RunCLI(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with the Park Reservation System. Out of service."); } }
public void Display() { // prompts user to view available campgrounds or return to previous screen // PrintMenu(); parkInfoSelection = CLIHelper.GetInteger("Select a command: "); Console.WriteLine(); if (parkInfoSelection != 1 && parkInfoSelection != 2 && parkInfoSelection != 3) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input, returning to main menu!"); Thread.Sleep(milliseconds); Console.Clear(); ParksInterface mainmenu = new ParksInterface(); mainmenu.RunCLI(); } // user selected to view available campgrounds // if (parkInfoSelection == 1) { // Clears screen and calls method that shows menu of campgrounds at the selected park // // prompts user to search for available reservations or return to previous menu // Console.Clear(); ViewCampgrounds(); Console.WriteLine(); PrintMenu2(); // Checks if user entered 1 or 2, if not, sends back to previous menu display // if (parkCampgroundSelection != 1 && parkCampgroundSelection != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input, Campground Menu!"); Thread.Sleep(milliseconds); Console.Clear(); Display(); } // user selected to search for available reservations // if (parkCampgroundSelection == 1) { // clears screen and displays a list of campgrounds for selected park // // saves selected campground and carries it to reservation subMenu // Console.Clear(); List <Campground> campgroundsForCurrentPark = ViewCampgrounds(); ReservationInterface reservationSubmenu = new ReservationInterface(campgroundsForCurrentPark); reservationSubmenu.Display(); } // user opted to return to previous menu // // the constructor keeps the selectedPark // // the method ensures the park info is redisplayed for the user // else if (parkCampgroundSelection == 2) { Console.Clear(); DisplayParkInfo(); CampgroundsInterface reuturnToPreviousMenu = new CampgroundsInterface(selectedPark); reuturnToPreviousMenu.Display(); } } // THIS IS ONE OF THE BONUS SELECTIONS FOR PARKWIDE RESOS (CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED) // else if (parkInfoSelection == 2) { Console.WriteLine("This option is currently not available, returning to mainmenu!"); Thread.Sleep(milliseconds); Console.Clear(); ParksInterface mainmenu = new ParksInterface(); mainmenu.RunCLI(); } // user opted to return to the main menu // else if (parkInfoSelection == 3) { Console.Clear(); ParksInterface mainmenu = new ParksInterface(); mainmenu.RunCLI(); } }