Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a list of strings, and builds VendingMachineSlot objects from each string them. Each string should be formatted as follows <br></br>
        /// slotName|itemName|slotPrice|itemCategory <br></br>
        /// This method should commonly be used in conjunction with the ReadStockFile method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stockLines">a list of strings representing the vendingMachineSlots</param>
        public void Restock(List <string> stockLines)
            decimal startCredit = CurrentCredit;

            //loop though each item in the stockLines
            foreach (string currLine in stockLines)
                /* Using currLine, build a vendingMachineSlot object
                 * currLine is a string. its going to look something like this:
                 * A1|Hershey's|2.50|Candy
                 * "A1" represents the slot identifier thing
                 * "Hershey's" is the name of the food item that will be sold in the VendingMachineSlot
                 * 2.50 is the price
                 * "Candy" is the food item's category

                string[] slotAttributes;
                //slotAttributes will contain something like ["A1", "Hershey's", 2.50, "Candy"]
                string             name;
                decimal            price;
                string             category;
                VendingMachineSlot slot;
                    slotAttributes = currLine.Split("|");
                    name           = slotAttributes[1];
                    price          = decimal.Parse(slotAttributes[2]);
                    category       = slotAttributes[3];
                    //build a new VendingMachineSlot object
                    slot = new VendingMachineSlot(name, price, category);
                catch (InvalidTypeException)
                    LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, "BAD STOCK FILE LINE: the category in the stock file may have been misspelled", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, "BAD STOCK FILE LINE: (this really shouldn't be possible, but the stock file line was null)", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                catch (FormatException)
                    LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, "BAD STOCK FILE LINE: Is the price an actual number?", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, "BAD STOCK FILE LINE: Is there the correct number of vertical bars in the line?", startCredit, CurrentCredit);

                /* add that object to our dictionary of slots
                 * A1 is the key
                 * the new slot object is the value
                this.slots.Add(slotAttributes[0], slot);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to dispense a vending machine item out of the vendingMachineSlot indicated. <br />
        /// If the slot indicated matches <b><see cref="SALES_REPORTS_PASSCODE" /></b>, <br />
        /// then the vending machine's sales report menu option will be unlocked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slotIdentifier">The name of the VendingMachineSlot to take from (i.e. "A1", "B1", "C3" etc..)</param>
        /// <returns>The item that the customer selected</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InsufficientFundsException">Thrown if the customer does not have enough money to purchase the item</exception>
        /// <exception cref="KeyNotFoundException">Thrown when the user enters an invalid slot (i.e. "AA1" or "dsbzf32a")</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the slot the user selected is sold out.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="SalesReportsUnlockedException">Thrown if the user unlocked the secret sales report menu option.</exception>
        public VendingMachineItem DispenseItem(string slotIdentifier)
            decimal startCredit = CurrentCredit;

            slotIdentifier = slotIdentifier.ToUpper();
            if (slotIdentifier == SALES_REPORTS_PASSCODE)
                this.SalesreportsUnlocked = true;

                throw new SalesReportsUnlockedException(message: "You've unlocked the super secret code to access the sales reports menu option.");
                VendingMachineSlot slot = this.slots[slotIdentifier];
                //check if they have enough money
                if (this.CurrentCredit < slot.Price)
                    throw (new InsufficientFundsException(message: "The customer does not have enough credit to purchase this item"));
                VendingMachineItem itemToDispense = slot.Pop();//try to get the item
                this.CurrentCredit -= slot.Price;
                LogToFile(AUDIT_LOG_FILE_PATH, $"{itemToDispense.Name} {slotIdentifier}", startCredit, CurrentCredit);

            catch (KeyNotFoundException e)//thrown if the slot not exists
                LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, $"SLOT NOT FOUND: {slotIdentifier}", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(e.Message, e);
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)//thrown if the slot is empty
                LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, $"ITEM SOLD OUT: {slotIdentifier}", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(e.Message, e);
            catch (InsufficientFundsException e)//thrown if not enough money
                LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, $"INSUFFICIENT FUNDS: {this.slots[slotIdentifier].Peek().Name} {slotIdentifier}", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                throw new InsufficientFundsException(e.Message, e);
            catch (SalesReportsUnlockedException e)//thrown if the user unlocked the sales report menu option.
                LogToFile(ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH, "SALES REPORTS UNLOCKED: ", startCredit, CurrentCredit);
                throw new SalesReportsUnlockedException(e.Message, e);