Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsa/wiki/index.php/Understanding_the_Unified_Genotyper%27s_VCF_files
        ///     See section on Strand Bias
        /// </summary>
        // From GATK source:
        //double forwardLod = forwardLog10PofF + reverseLog10PofNull - overallLog10PofF;
        //double reverseLod = reverseLog10PofF + forwardLog10PofNull - overallLog10PofF;
        //// strand score is max bias between forward and reverse strands
        //double strandScore = Math.max(forwardLod, reverseLod);
        //// rescale by a factor of 10
        //strandScore *= 10.0;
        //attributes.put("SB", strandScore);
        private static double[] AssignBiasScore(StrandBiasStats overallStats, StrandBiasStats fwdStats, StrandBiasStats rvsStats)
            var forwardBias = (fwdStats.ChanceVarFreqGreaterThanZero * rvsStats.ChanceFalsePos) /
            var reverseBias = (rvsStats.ChanceVarFreqGreaterThanZero * fwdStats.ChanceFalsePos) /
            var p = Math.Max(forwardBias, reverseBias);

            return(new[] { p, MathOperations.PtoGATKBiasScale(p) });