public override CodeCompletionKeyPressResult HandleKeyPress(ITextEditor editor, char ch)
			CSharpExpressionFinder ef = CreateExpressionFinder(editor.FileName);
			int cursor = editor.Caret.Offset;
			if (ch == '[') {
				var line = editor.Document.GetLineForOffset(cursor);
				/* TODO: AVALONEDIT Reimplement this
				if (TextUtilities.FindPrevWordStart(editor.ActiveTextAreaControl.Document, cursor) <= line.Offset) {
					// [ is first character on the line
					// -> Attribute completion
					editor.ShowCompletionWindow(new AttributesDataProvider(ParserService.CurrentProjectContent), ch);
					return true;
			} else if (ch == ',' && CodeCompletionOptions.InsightRefreshOnComma && CodeCompletionOptions.InsightEnabled) {
				IInsightWindow insightWindow;
				if (insightHandler.InsightRefreshOnComma(editor, ch, out insightWindow)) {
					insightHandler.HighlightParameter(insightWindow, -1); // disable highlighting
					return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.Completed;
			} else if(ch == '=') {
				var curLine = editor.Document.GetLineForOffset(cursor);
				string documentText = editor.Document.Text;
				int position = editor.Caret.Offset - 2;
				if (position > 0 && (documentText[position + 1] == '+')) {
					ExpressionResult result = ef.FindFullExpression(documentText, position);
					if(result.Expression != null) {
						ResolveResult resolveResult = ParserService.Resolve(result, editor.Caret.Line, editor.Caret.Column, editor.FileName, documentText);
						if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null) {
							IClass underlyingClass = resolveResult.ResolvedType.GetUnderlyingClass();
							if (underlyingClass != null && underlyingClass.IsTypeInInheritanceTree(ParserService.CurrentProjectContent.GetClass("System.MulticastDelegate", 0))) {
								EventHandlerCompletionItemProvider eventHandlerProvider = new EventHandlerCompletionItemProvider(result.Expression, resolveResult);
								return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.Completed;
				} else if (position > 0) {
					ExpressionResult result = ef.FindFullExpression(documentText, position);
					if(result.Expression != null) {
						ResolveResult resolveResult = ParserService.Resolve(result, editor.Caret.Line, editor.Caret.Column, editor.FileName, documentText);
						if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null) {
							if (ProvideContextCompletion(editor, resolveResult.ResolvedType, ch)) {
								return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.Completed;
			} else if (ch == '.') {
				new CSharpCodeCompletionDataProvider().ShowCompletion(editor);
				return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.Completed;
			} else if (ch == '>') {
				if (IsInComment(editor)) return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.None;
				char prevChar = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
				if (prevChar == '-') {
					new PointerArrowCompletionDataProvider().ShowCompletion(editor);
					return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.Completed;
			if (char.IsLetter(ch) && CodeCompletionOptions.CompleteWhenTyping) {
				if (editor.SelectionLength > 0) {
					// allow code completion when overwriting an identifier
					int endOffset = editor.SelectionStart + editor.SelectionLength;
					// but block code completion when overwriting only part of an identifier
					if (endOffset < editor.Document.TextLength && char.IsLetterOrDigit(editor.Document.GetCharAt(endOffset)))
						return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.None;
					editor.Document.Remove(editor.SelectionStart, editor.SelectionLength);
					// Read caret position again after removal - this is required because the document might change in other
					// locations, too (e.g. bound elements in snippets).
					cursor = editor.Caret.Offset;
				char prevChar = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
				bool afterUnderscore = prevChar == '_';
				if (afterUnderscore) {
					prevChar = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
				if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(prevChar) && prevChar != '.' && !IsInComment(editor)) {
					ExpressionResult result = ef.FindExpression(editor.Document.Text, cursor);
					LoggingService.Debug("CC: Beginning to type a word, result=" + result);
					if (result.Context != ExpressionContext.IdentifierExpected) {
						var ctrlSpaceProvider = new NRefactoryCtrlSpaceCompletionItemProvider(LanguageProperties.CSharp, result.Context);
						ctrlSpaceProvider.ShowTemplates = true;
						ctrlSpaceProvider.AllowCompleteExistingExpression = afterUnderscore;
						return CodeCompletionKeyPressResult.CompletedIncludeKeyInCompletion;
			return base.HandleKeyPress(editor, ch);
        public override CodeCompletionKeyPressResult HandleKeyPress(ITextEditor editor, char ch)
            CSharpExpressionFinder ef = CreateExpressionFinder(editor.FileName);
            int cursor = editor.Caret.Offset;

            if (ch == '[')
                var line = editor.Document.GetLineForOffset(cursor);

                /* TODO: AVALONEDIT Reimplement this
                 * if (TextUtilities.FindPrevWordStart(editor.ActiveTextAreaControl.Document, cursor) <= line.Offset) {
                 *      // [ is first character on the line
                 *      // -> Attribute completion
                 *      editor.ShowCompletionWindow(new AttributesDataProvider(ParserService.CurrentProjectContent), ch);
                 *      return true;
                 * }*/
            else if (ch == ',' && CodeCompletionOptions.InsightRefreshOnComma && CodeCompletionOptions.InsightEnabled)
                IInsightWindow insightWindow;
                if (insightHandler.InsightRefreshOnComma(editor, ch, out insightWindow))
                    insightHandler.HighlightParameter(insightWindow, -1);                     // disable highlighting
            else if (ch == '=')
                var    curLine      = editor.Document.GetLineForOffset(cursor);
                string documentText = editor.Document.Text;
                int    position     = editor.Caret.Offset - 2;

                if (position > 0 && (documentText[position + 1] == '+'))
                    ExpressionResult result = ef.FindFullExpression(documentText, position);

                    if (result.Expression != null)
                        ResolveResult resolveResult = ParserService.Resolve(result, editor.Caret.Line, editor.Caret.Column, editor.FileName, documentText);
                        if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null)
                            IClass underlyingClass = resolveResult.ResolvedType.GetUnderlyingClass();
                            if (underlyingClass != null && underlyingClass.IsTypeInInheritanceTree(ParserService.CurrentProjectContent.GetClass("System.MulticastDelegate", 0)))
                                EventHandlerCompletionItemProvider eventHandlerProvider = new EventHandlerCompletionItemProvider(result.Expression, resolveResult);
                else if (position > 0)
                    ExpressionResult result = ef.FindFullExpression(documentText, position);

                    if (result.Expression != null)
                        ResolveResult resolveResult = ParserService.Resolve(result, editor.Caret.Line, editor.Caret.Column, editor.FileName, documentText);
                        if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null)
                            if (ProvideContextCompletion(editor, resolveResult.ResolvedType, ch))
            else if (ch == '.')
                new CSharpCodeCompletionDataProvider().ShowCompletion(editor);
            else if (ch == '>')
                if (IsInComment(editor))
                char prevChar = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
                if (prevChar == '-')
                    new PointerArrowCompletionDataProvider().ShowCompletion(editor);


            if (char.IsLetter(ch) && CodeCompletionOptions.CompleteWhenTyping)
                if (editor.SelectionLength > 0)
                    // allow code completion when overwriting an identifier
                    int endOffset = editor.SelectionStart + editor.SelectionLength;
                    // but block code completion when overwriting only part of an identifier
                    if (endOffset < editor.Document.TextLength && char.IsLetterOrDigit(editor.Document.GetCharAt(endOffset)))

                    editor.Document.Remove(editor.SelectionStart, editor.SelectionLength);
                    // Read caret position again after removal - this is required because the document might change in other
                    // locations, too (e.g. bound elements in snippets).
                    cursor = editor.Caret.Offset;
                char prevChar        = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
                bool afterUnderscore = prevChar == '_';
                if (afterUnderscore)
                    prevChar = cursor > 1 ? editor.Document.GetCharAt(cursor - 1) : ' ';
                if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(prevChar) && prevChar != '.' && !IsInComment(editor))
                    ExpressionResult result = ef.FindExpression(editor.Document.Text, cursor);
                    LoggingService.Debug("CC: Beginning to type a word, result=" + result);
                    if (result.Context != ExpressionContext.IdentifierExpected)
                        var ctrlSpaceProvider = new NRefactoryCtrlSpaceCompletionItemProvider(LanguageProperties.CSharp, result.Context);
                        ctrlSpaceProvider.ShowTemplates = true;
                        ctrlSpaceProvider.AllowCompleteExistingExpression = afterUnderscore;

            return(base.HandleKeyPress(editor, ch));