public void DipoleSar_LumpedPort_MatchesReference()
            // Constants from Dipole_SAR.m
            double f0 = 1e9;
            double r = 50;
            double[] freqs = Utility.LinearSpace(500e6, 1500e6, 501);
            double meshRes = 2.5;

            var lumpedPort = new LumpedPort(0, 1, r,
                new Vector3D(-0.1, -0.1, -meshRes / 2),
                new Vector3D(+0.1, +0.1, meshRes / 2),
                ENormDir.Z, true);

            ReferencePort rp = new ReferencePort();

            // S11 over f
            Assert.Equal(rp.S11_real, (from S11 in lumpedPort.S11
                                       select String.Format("{0:e4}", S11.Real)).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(rp.S11_imag, (from S11 in lumpedPort.S11
                                       select String.Format("{0:e4}", S11.Imaginary)).ToArray());

            // Zin over f
            Assert.Equal(rp.Zin_real, (from Zin in lumpedPort.ZFdIn
                                       select String.Format("{0:e4}", Zin.Real)).ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(rp.Zin_imag, (from Zin in lumpedPort.ZFdIn
                                       select String.Format("{0:e4}", Zin.Imaginary)).ToArray());

            // Pin over f
            Assert.Equal(rp.Pin, (from Pin in lumpedPort.PFdIn
                                 select String.Format("{0:e4}", Pin)).ToArray());

            // Pin_f0
            double Pin_f0 = lumpedPort.GetPFdInAt(f0);
            Assert.Equal(String.Format("{0:e4}", rp.Pin_f0), String.Format("{0:e4}", Pin_f0));

        public void DipoleSar_Sar_MatchesReference()
            double f0 = 1e9;
            double r = 50;
            double refPin_f0 = 1.420492702441687e-027;
            double refMaxvalue = 3.336527874272695e-026;

            double[] freqs = Utility.LinearSpace(500e6, 1500e6, 501);
            var lumpedPort = new LumpedPort(0, 1, r, new Vector3D(-10, -1, -1), new Vector3D(10, 1, 1), ENormDir.X, true);
            double dutPin_f0 = lumpedPort.GetPFdInAt(f0);

            string sarFileName = @"ref_dipole_sar_dump.h5";
            var sarDump = new SAR(sarFileName);

            Assert.Equal(String.Format("{0:e15}", refPin_f0), String.Format("{0:e15}", dutPin_f0));
            Assert.Equal(String.Format("{0:e15}", refMaxvalue), String.Format("{0:e15}", sarDump.MaxValue));
            Assert.Equal(String.Format("{0:e15}", refMaxvalue / refPin_f0), String.Format("{0:e15}", sarDump.MaxValue / dutPin_f0));
Пример #3
        static void ProcessSAR(string inputFileName)
            // Constants
            XElement xDoc = XElement.Load(inputFileName);
            double f0 = Convert.ToDouble(xDoc.Element("FDTD").Element("Excitation").Attribute("f0").Value);
            var leQuery = from xe in xDoc.Element("ContinuousStructure").Element("Properties").Elements("LumpedElement")
                          where xe.Attribute("Name").Value.Contains("resist")
                          select xe;
            double r = Convert.ToDouble(leQuery.First().Attribute("R").Value);

            // Port calculations
            double[] freqs = Utility.LinearSpace(f0 / 2, f0 * 3 / 2, 501);
            var lumpedPort = new LumpedPort(0, 1, r, new Vector3D(-10, -1, -1), new Vector3D(10, 1, 1), ENormDir.X, true);
            double Pin_f0 = lumpedPort.GetPFdInAt(f0);

            // SAR
            string sarFileName = @"SAR.h5";
            var sarDump = new Postprocess.SAR(sarFileName);
            double totalPower = HDF5.ReadAttribute(sarFileName, @"/FieldData/FD/f0", "power");
            Console.WriteLine("Field maximum: {0:e4}", sarDump.MaxValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Field maximum location: ({0})", String.Join(",", sarDump.MaxCoordinates.Select(x => String.Format("{0:f2}", x))));

            Console.WriteLine("Exporting SAR dump slices to PNG files...");
            string filenameSarX = "SAR-X.png";
            string filenameSarY = "SAR-Y.png";
            string filenameSarZ = "SAR-Z.png";
            sarDump.ToPNG(filenameSarX, Postprocess.SAR.ENormDir.X, sarDump.MaxCoordinates[0]);
            sarDump.ToPNG(filenameSarY, Postprocess.SAR.ENormDir.Y, sarDump.MaxCoordinates[1]);
            sarDump.ToPNG(filenameSarZ, Postprocess.SAR.ENormDir.Z, sarDump.MaxCoordinates[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("Exporting SAR to VTK file...");

            // NF2FF
            Console.WriteLine("Calculating antenna parameters...");
            var nf2ff = new Postprocess.NF2FF(f0);

                Console.WriteLine("Maximum SAR:    {0:f3} W/kg (normalized to 1 W accepted power)", sarDump.MaxValue / Pin_f0);
                Console.WriteLine("Accepted power: {0:e4} W", Pin_f0);
                Console.WriteLine("Radiated power: {0:e4} W", nf2ff.RadiatedPower);
                Console.WriteLine("Absorbed power: {0:e4} W", totalPower);
                Console.WriteLine("Power budget:   {0:f3} %", 100 * (nf2ff.RadiatedPower + totalPower) / Pin_f0);

                Console.WriteLine("Populating manifest file...");
                var manifest = AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.OpenForUpdate(manifestPath);

                // Initialize Metrics list if necessary
                if (manifest.Metrics == null)
                    manifest.Metrics = new List<AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric>();

                // Look for existing metric. Create a new one if not found.
                string metricName = "SAR_max";
                AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric metric = manifest.Metrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(metricName));
                if (metric == null)
                    metric = new AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric()
                        Name = metricName
                // Set metric attributes
                metric.DisplayedName = "SAR maximum";
                metric.Description = "Maximum Specific Absorption Ratio (SAR) averaged over volumes containing 1 gram of tissue.";
                metric.Unit = "W/kg";
                metric.Value = String.Format("{0:e4}", sarDump.MaxValue / Pin_f0);

                metric.VisualizationArtifacts = new List<AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Artifact>();
                metric.VisualizationArtifacts.Add(new AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Artifact() { Location = filenameSarX, Tag = "CyPhy2RF::SAR::X" });
                metric.VisualizationArtifacts.Add(new AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Artifact() { Location = filenameSarY, Tag = "CyPhy2RF::SAR::Y" });
                metric.VisualizationArtifacts.Add(new AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Artifact() { Location = filenameSarZ, Tag = "CyPhy2RF::SAR::Z" });
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error reading far-field results: {0}", e);
Пример #4
        static void ProcessNF2FF(string inputFileName)
            // Constants
            XElement xDoc = XElement.Load(inputFileName);
            double f0 = Convert.ToDouble(xDoc.Element("FDTD").Element("Excitation").Attribute("f0").Value);
            var leQuery = from xe in xDoc.Element("ContinuousStructure").Element("Properties").Elements("LumpedElement")
                          where xe.Attribute("Name").Value.Contains("resist")
                          select xe;
            double r = Convert.ToDouble(leQuery.First().Attribute("R").Value);

            // Port calculations
            double[] freqs = Utility.LinearSpace(f0 / 2, f0 * 3 / 2, 501);
            var antennaPort = new LumpedPort(0, 1, r, new Vector3D(-10, -1, -1), new Vector3D(10, 1, 1), ENormDir.X, true);
            double Pin_f0 = antennaPort.GetPFdInAt(f0);

            // NF2FF
            var nf2ff = new Postprocess.NF2FF(f0);
                nf2ff.ToVTK(fileName: "directivity_pattern.vtk");

                Console.WriteLine("Radiated power:    {0,15:e4} W", nf2ff.RadiatedPower);
                Console.WriteLine("Directivity (max): {0,15:e4} dBi", 10.0*Math.Log10(nf2ff.Directivity));

                var manifest = AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.OpenForUpdate(manifestPath);

                // Initialize Metrics list if necessary
                if (manifest.Metrics == null)
                    manifest.Metrics = new List<AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric>();

                // Look for existing metric. Create a new one if not found.
                string metricName = "Directivity";
                AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric metric = manifest.Metrics.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(metricName));
                if (metric == null)
                    metric = new AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.Metric()
                        Name = metricName

                // Set metric attributes
                metric.DisplayedName = "Antenna directivity";
                metric.Description = "Antenna directivity.";
                metric.Unit = "dBi";
                metric.Value = String.Format("{0:e4}", 10.0 * Math.Log10(nf2ff.Directivity));

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error reading far-field results: {0}", e);