public static List <smrn> getAcceptedSMRNNO() { smrn sm; List <smrn> SMRNList = new List <smrn>(); try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = "select SMRNNo, SMRNDate, CustomerID from SMRN where DocumentStatus = 99 and Status = 1"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sm = new smrn(); sm.SMRNNo = reader.GetInt32(0); sm.SMRNDate = reader.GetDateTime(1); sm.CustomerID = reader.GetString(2); SMRNList.Add(sm); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(SMRNList); }
public Boolean ApproveSMRN(smrn prevsmrn) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update SMRN set DocumentStatus=99" + ", Status=1" + ", ApproveUser='******'" + " where DocumentID='" + prevsmrn.DocumentID + "' and SMRNNo=" + prevsmrn.SMRNNo + " and SMRNDate='" + prevsmrn.SMRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("approve", "SMRN", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean reverseSMRN(smrn prevsmrn) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update SMRN set DocumentStatus=" + prevsmrn.DocumentStatus + ", forwardUser='******'" + ", ForwarderList='" + prevsmrn.ForwarderList + "'" + " where DocumentID='" + prevsmrn.DocumentID + "'" + " and SMRNNo=" + prevsmrn.SMRNNo + " and SMRNDate='" + prevsmrn.SMRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "ProjectHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean updateSMRN(smrn smrnh, smrn prevsmrnh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update SMRN set CustomerID='" + smrnh.CustomerID + "'" + ", SMRNNo =" + smrnh.SMRNNo + ", SMRNDate='" + smrnh.SMRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', CustomerDocumentNo ='" + smrnh.CustomerDocumentNo + "', CustomerDocumentDate='" + smrnh.CustomerDocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', CourierID='" + smrnh.CourierID + "', NoOfPackets=" + smrnh.NoOfPackets + ", Remarks='" + smrnh.Remarks + "', ForwarderList='" + smrnh.ForwarderList + "' where DocumentID='" + prevsmrnh.DocumentID + "' and SMRNNo=" + prevsmrnh.SMRNNo + " and SMRNDate='" + prevsmrnh.SMRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "SMRN", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean validateSMRN(smrn smrnh) { Boolean status = true; try { if (smrnh.DocumentID.Trim().Length == 0 || smrnh.DocumentID == null) { return(false); } if (smrnh.SMRNNo == 0) { return(false); } if (smrnh.SMRNDate == null) { return(false); } if (smrnh.CustomerID.Trim().Length == 0 || smrnh.CustomerID == null) { return(false); } if (smrnh.CustomerDocumentNo.Trim().Length == 0 || smrnh.CustomerDocumentNo == null) { return(false); } if (smrnh.CustomerDocumentDate == null || smrnh.CustomerDocumentDate > DateTime.Today) { return(false); } if (smrnh.CourierID.Trim().Length == 0 || smrnh.CourierID == null) { return(false); } if (smrnh.NoOfPackets == 0) { return(false); } if (smrnh.Remarks.Trim().Length == 0 || smrnh.Remarks == null) { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Validation Failed."); } return(status); }
public Boolean insertSMRN(smrn smrnh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "insert into SMRN " + " (DocumentID,SMRNNo,SMRNDate,CustomerID,CustomerDocumentNo," + "CustomerDocumentDate,CourierID,NoOfPackets,Remarks,DocumentStatus," + "Status,CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwarderList)" + "values (" + "'" + smrnh.DocumentID + "'," + smrnh.SMRNNo + "," + "'" + smrnh.SMRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + smrnh.CustomerID + "'," + "'" + smrnh.CustomerDocumentNo + "'," + "'" + smrnh.CustomerDocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + smrnh.CourierID + "'," + smrnh.NoOfPackets + "," + "'" + smrnh.Remarks + "'," + smrnh.DocumentStatus + "," + smrnh.Status + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "'," + "GETDATE()" + ",'" + smrnh.ForwarderList + "')"; //"'" + pheader.ForwardUser + "'," + //"'" + pheader.ApproveUser + "'," + utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "SMRN", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public List <smrn> getFilteredSMRNHeader(string userList, int opt) { smrn smrnh; List <smrn> smrnhlist = new List <smrn>(); try { string query1 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,SMRNNo,SMRNDate," + " CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerDocumentNo,CustomerDocumentDate,CourierID,CourierName,NoOfPackets,Remarks," + " CreateTime, CreateUser,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,status,DocumentStatus,ForwarderList" + " from viewSMRN" + " where ((forwarduser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98) " + " or (createuser='******' and DocumentStatus=1))" + " order by SMRNNo"; string query2 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,SMRNNo,SMRNDate," + " CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerDocumentNo,CustomerDocumentDate,CourierID,CourierName,NoOfPackets,Remarks," + " CreateTime, CreateUser,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,status,DocumentStatus,ForwarderList" + " from viewSMRN" + " where ((createuser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98 ) " + " or (ForwarderList like '%" + userList + "%' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98 and ForwardUser <> '" + Login.userLoggedIn + "'))" + " order by SMRNNo"; string query3 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,SMRNNo,SMRNDate," + " CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerDocumentNo,CustomerDocumentDate,CourierID,CourierName,NoOfPackets,Remarks," + " CreateTime, CreateUser,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,status,DocumentStatus,ForwarderList" + " from viewSMRN" + " where ((createuser='******'" + " or ForwarderList like '%" + userList + "%'" + " or approveUser='******')" + " and DocumentStatus = 99) order by SMRNNo"; string query6 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,SMRNNo,SMRNDate," + " CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerDocumentNo,CustomerDocumentDate,CourierID,CourierName,NoOfPackets,Remarks," + " CreateTime, CreateUser,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,status,DocumentStatus,ForwarderList" + " from viewSMRN" + " where DocumentStatus = 99 and Status = 1 order by SMRNNo"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = ""; switch (opt) { case 1: query = query1; break; case 2: query = query2; break; case 3: query = query3; break; case 6: query = query6; break; default: query = ""; break; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { smrnh = new smrn(); smrnh.rowID = reader.GetInt32(0); smrnh.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); smrnh.DocumentName = reader.GetString(2); smrnh.SMRNNo = reader.GetInt32(3); smrnh.SMRNDate = reader.GetDateTime(4); smrnh.CustomerID = reader.GetString(5); smrnh.CustomerName = reader.GetString(6); smrnh.CustomerDocumentNo = reader.GetString(7); smrnh.CustomerDocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(8); smrnh.CourierID = reader.GetString(9); smrnh.CourierName = reader.GetString(10); smrnh.NoOfPackets = reader.GetInt32(11); smrnh.Remarks = reader.GetString(12); smrnh.CreateTime = reader.GetDateTime(13); smrnh.CreateUser = reader.GetString(14); smrnh.ForwardUser = reader.GetString(15); smrnh.ApproveUser = reader.GetString(16); smrnh.CreatorName = reader.GetString(17); smrnh.ForwarderName = reader.GetString(18); smrnh.ApproverName = reader.GetString(19); smrnh.Status = reader.GetInt32(20); smrnh.DocumentStatus = reader.GetInt32(21); if (!reader.IsDBNull(22)) { smrnh.ForwarderList = reader.GetString(22); } else { smrnh.ForwarderList = ""; } //smrnh.ForwarderList = reader.GetString(19); smrnhlist.Add(smrnh); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying SMRN Data"); } return(smrnhlist); }