public static List<Gun> GetInventory(string sourceCode) { List<Gun> inventory = new List<Gun>(); while (sourceCode.IndexOf("<div title=") != -1) { Gun inventoryGun = new Gun(); //get name int nameStartIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("<div title=") + 12; int nameEndIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("\'", nameStartIndex); string gunName = sourceCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, nameEndIndex - nameStartIndex); inventoryGun.Name = gunName; //get id # int idStart = sourceCode.IndexOf("c-id=\'") + 6; int idEnd = sourceCode.IndexOf("\'", idStart); string idNumber = sourceCode.Substring(idStart, idEnd - idStart); //get price int priceStartIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("c-val=\'") + 7; int priceEndIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("'", priceStartIndex); string gunPrice = sourceCode.Substring(priceStartIndex, priceEndIndex - priceStartIndex); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(gunPrice); sb.Insert(gunPrice.Length - 3, "."); string format = sb.ToString(); double Price = Convert.ToDouble(format); inventoryGun.IdNumber = idNumber; inventoryGun.MarketPrice = Price; sourceCode = sourceCode.Substring(priceEndIndex); inventory.Add(inventoryGun); } return inventory; }
public static List<Gun> GetItems(int bot, string sourceCode) { List<Gun> poker = new List<Gun>(); while (sourceCode.IndexOf("<div title=") != -1) { Gun addGun = new Gun(); //get name of gun int nameStartIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("<div title=") + 12; int nameEndIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("\"", nameStartIndex); string gunName = sourceCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, nameEndIndex - nameStartIndex); addGun.Name = gunName; //get price int priceStartIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("c-val=\'") + 7; int priceEndIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf("'", priceStartIndex); string gunPrice = sourceCode.Substring(priceStartIndex, priceEndIndex - priceStartIndex); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(gunPrice); sb.Insert(gunPrice.Length - 3, "."); string format = sb.ToString(); double Price = Convert.ToDouble(format); addGun.Bot = bot; addGun.MarketPrice = Price; sourceCode = sourceCode.Substring(priceEndIndex); poker.Add(addGun); } return poker; }
public static List<Gun> FindItems(List<Gun> testGun, bool Price) { DateTime current = DateTime.Today; string date = current.ToString("MMM"); List<Gun> gunList = new List<Gun>(); int counter = 0; foreach (Gun g in testGun) { string sourceCode = GetSource(g.Name); string interiorSource = sourceCode; string goingPriceSource = sourceCode; Gun addGun = new Gun(); double price = g.MarketPrice; if (Price) { int startIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf(date) + 20; //this changes the month to the previous if the current is not found and states that the data is old if (startIndex < 10) { date = current.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MMM"); startIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf(date) + 20; addGun.Date = "Old"; } else { addGun.Date = "Current"; } while (sourceCode.IndexOf(date) != -1) { startIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf(date) + 20; sourceCode = sourceCode.Substring(startIndex); startIndex = 0; } int endIndex = sourceCode.IndexOf(",", startIndex); string sPrice = sourceCode.Substring(startIndex, endIndex); price = Convert.ToDouble(sPrice); } //find going rate double goingPrice = FindGoingPrice(interiorSource); addGun.IdNumber = g.IdNumber; addGun.GoingRate = goingPrice; addGun.Name = g.Name; addGun.MarketPrice = price; gunList.Add(addGun); counter++; } return gunList; }
private void btnLoadSingle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtSingle.Text != string.Empty) { int botNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtBotNumber.Text.Trim()); string test = txtSingle.Text.Trim(); Gun addGun = new Gun(); addGun.Name = test; addGun.Bot = botNumber; objSteamFilter.Add(addGun); objSteam = SteamScraper.FindItems(objSteamFilter, true); foreach (Gun g in objSteam) { for (int i = 0; i < objPoker.Count; i++) { if (g.Name == objPoker[i].Name) { //Check my math double difference = g.GoingRate - objPoker[i].MarketPrice; double increase = difference / objPoker[i].MarketPrice * 100; double result = Math.Round(increase, 2); g.PercentChange = result; } } } dgvSteam.DataSource = objSteam; } }