public void PrintPersonalData(PersonalData pd) { Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", pd.PersonID); Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", pd.person.PersonName); Console.WriteLine("Birthday: {0}", pd.person.Birthday); foreach (var i in pd.addressList) { PrintAddress(i); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { IPDColl _PDColl = ClassDependency.PDColl(); IPrinting _Print = ClassDependency.Print(); PersonalData _PersonalData = new PersonalData(); Person _person = new Person(); Address _address = new Address(); WorkAddress _workAddress = new WorkAddress(); Console.WriteLine("Loading data!"); _PersonalData = new PersonalData(124, "Fx", "Yuhu", "20.03.1993", "Ab road", "mlm", "swe", "098"); _PDColl.AddData(_PersonalData); _PersonalData = new PersonalData(221, "CU", "lala", "10.04.1994", "cd road", "upp", "ops", "012"); _PDColl.AddData(_PersonalData); _PersonalData = new PersonalData(333, "Fx", "Yohi", "13.05.1992", "fg road", "sto", "idr", "056"); _PDColl.AddData(_PersonalData); _PersonalData = new PersonalData(123, "Fpp", "Yawhu", "22.06.1991", "hi road", "spt", "fkr", "021"); _PDColl.AddData(_PersonalData); _PDColl.SetEnum(); _Print.PrintCollection(_PDColl.GetPDCollection()); _Print.PrintPersonalData(_PDColl.SearchByID(123)); try { _Print.PrintPerson(_PDColl.SearchByID(4).person); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine("No more ID"); } _PDColl.SearchByID(123).person.UpdatePerson("haha", "Yawhu", "21.05.1989"); _Print.PrintPersonalData(_PDColl.SearchByID(123)); //// call dependency interfaces //IPersonalData PD = ClassDependency.CRUDPersonData(); //IPDColl PDCollections = ClassDependency.PDColl(); //// initiate data //Console.WriteLine("Loading data!"); //PDCollections.Add(new PersonalData(1, PD.CreatePerson("Fx", "Yuhu", "20.03.1993"), PD.CreateAddress("Ab road", "mlm", "swe", "098"))); //PDCollections.Add(new PersonalData(2, PD.CreatePerson("Cu", "Lala", "04.01.1994"), PD.CreateAddress("Ct road", "klk", "idr", "087"))); //PDCollections.Add(new PersonalData(3, PD.CreatePerson("Hu", "Heho", "06.02.1995"), PD.CreateAddress("jik vag", "ume", "swe", "111"))); //PDCollections.Add(new PersonalData(4, PD.CreatePerson("Vi", "Ses", "07.04.1993"), PD.CreateAddress("gij rud", "kla", "pol", "564"))); //Console.WriteLine("Data has been loaded! Press any key. \n"); //// Console.WriteLine("------ Print all data -----"); //Console.ReadKey(); //Console.Clear(); //bool exit = true; //do //{ // Console.WriteLine("Lab Assignment - Farrell Yodihartomo"); // Console.WriteLine("Contemporary Software Development - Uppsala University"); // Console.WriteLine("2IS055 - Spring 2019"); // Console.WriteLine("\n \n---- Menu -----"); // Console.WriteLine("Select the operation: "); // Console.WriteLine("1. Create new person (empty address)"); // Console.WriteLine("2. Create new person (with address)"); // Console.WriteLine("3. Update person name by ID"); // Console.WriteLine("4. Search by ID"); // Console.WriteLine("5. Search by full name"); // Console.WriteLine("99. Delete all the records"); // Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); // Console.Write("Your input: "); // int UserInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // PersonalData temp = new PersonalData(); // Random rnd = new Random(); // int setId = rnd.Next(1, 99); // switch (UserInput) // { // case 0: // Console.WriteLine("You are exitting the program.\n"); // exit = false; // break; // case 1: // Console.Clear(); // Console.WriteLine("Create new personal data\n\n"); // Console.Write("Input first name:"); string fname = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input last name:"); string lname = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your birthday (DDMMYYYY):"); string bday = Console.ReadLine(); // temp.CreateDefaultPD(); // temp.SetID(setId); // temp.SetPersonName(fname, lname); // temp.SetPersonBDay(bday); // PDCollections.Add(temp); // Console.WriteLine("New data has been stored."); // Console.WriteLine("DataID is: {0}",PDCollections.SearchByID(setId).GetID()); // Console.WriteLine(" \n\n\nPress any key. \n"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.Clear(); // temp = default(PersonalData); // break; // case 2: // Console.Clear(); // Console.WriteLine("Create new personal data\n\n"); // Console.Write("Input first name: "); fname = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input last name: "); lname = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your birthday (DDMMYYYY) :"); bday = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your street address: "); string street = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your city: "); string city = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your state: "); string state = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.Write("Input your post number: "); string post = Console.ReadLine(); // Person tempPerson = temp.CreatePerson(fname, lname, bday); // Address tempAddress = temp.CreateAddress(street, city, state, post); // temp.SetPersonalData(setId,tempPerson,tempAddress); // PDCollections.Add(temp); // Console.WriteLine("New data has been stored."); // Console.WriteLine("DataID is: {0}", PDCollections.SearchByID(setId).GetID()); // Console.WriteLine(" \n\n\nPress any key. \n"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.Clear(); // temp = default(PersonalData); // break; // case 3: // Console.Clear(); // Console.WriteLine("Update new personal name by ID\n\n"); // Console.Write("Type the ID here: "); // int idSearch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // temp = PDCollections.SearchByID(idSearch); // fname = Console.ReadLine(); // lname = Console.ReadLine(); // temp.SetPersonName(fname, lname); // //temp.SearchByID(idSearch); // Console.WriteLine(" \n\n\nPress any key. \n"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.Clear(); // temp = default(PersonalData); // break; // case 4: // Console.Clear(); // Console.Write("Search by ID. Type the ID here: "); // idSearch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // temp = PDCollections.SearchByID(idSearch); // temp.Print(); // Console.WriteLine(" \n\n\nPress any key. \n"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.Clear(); // temp = default(PersonalData); // break; // case 5: // Console.Clear(); // Console.Write("Search by Name. Type full name here: "); // string nameSearch = Console.ReadLine(); // temp = PDCollections.SearchByName(nameSearch); // temp.Print(); // Console.WriteLine(" \n\n\nPress any key. \n"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.Clear(); // break; // case 99: // Console.Clear(); // Console.Write("Are you sure (type 'Yes' or 'No')"); // string ans = Console.ReadLine(); // if(ans == "yes") // { // PDCollections.Clear(); // Console.Write("Clear all the database"); // } // break; // default: // Console.WriteLine("\n\nPlease give a proper input..\n"); // break; // } //} while (exit); }