Пример #1
        private static void RunSearch(int maxCost)
            Problem p = new Problem() { InitialState = "Arad", GoalState = "Bucharest" };
            Node solution = null;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            solution = UniformCostSearch.Search(p, maxCost);

            PrintSolution(solution, stopwatch);
Пример #2
        public static Node Search(Problem problem, int maxCost)
            // NOTE: a couple of performance concerns:
            // - opted for simplicity over performance in the priority queue implementation -- needs review
            // - PathCost is calculated recursively (multiple times) -- this could get expensive with a deep tree
            Console.WriteLine("Starting iterative lengthening search (max cost: {0})", maxCost);
            int nextRunPathCost = 0;

            // create the root node as starting point
            Node node = new Node()
                State = problem.InitialState,
                Action = new Action()
                    StepCost = 0,
                    DestState = problem.InitialState
                Parent = null

            // creat the frontier and the explored set
            Dictionary<string, Node> frontier = new Dictionary<string, Node>();
            frontier.Add(node.State, node);
            HashSet<string> explored = new HashSet<string>();

            while (true)
                node = RemoveLowestCostFrontierNode(frontier);
                if (node == null)
                    // if we have 'deeper' nodes (from a cost standpoint) run the search recursively, otherwise return null (no solution)
                    return (nextRunPathCost > maxCost) ? Search(problem, nextRunPathCost) : null;

                if(node.State != "ROOT")

                // if this node is the solution, return it
                if (problem.GoalTest(node.State)) return node;


                // run throught the node's children, adding them to the frontier (or updating existing paths in the frontier if there is a cost improvement)
                foreach (Action action in problem.Actions(node.State))
                    // new frontier node
                    Node newNode = new Node() { State = action.DestState, Action = action, Parent = node };
                    Console.Write("Checking: {0}", newNode);

                    if (!explored.Contains(action.DestState) && !frontier.ContainsKey(action.DestState))
                        if (newNode.PathCost <= maxCost)
                            frontier.Add(action.DestState, newNode);
                            if (nextRunPathCost == 0) nextRunPathCost = newNode.PathCost;
                        Console.WriteLine("-- Been there");
                        Node frontierNode = GetMatchingFrontierNode(frontier, action.DestState);
                        if (frontierNode != null && frontierNode.PathCost > (node.PathCost + action.StepCost))
                            int initialCost = frontierNode.PathCost;

                            // update the frontier node to reflect the improved path
                            frontierNode.Action = action;
                            frontierNode.Parent = node;
                            Console.WriteLine("-- updated frontier node with better path: {0}", frontierNode);
                            int newCost = frontierNode.PathCost;
                            Console.WriteLine("-- (Cost improvement: {0} - {1} = {2})", initialCost, newCost, initialCost - newCost);
Пример #3
        public static Node Search(Problem problem, int maxCost)
            // NOTE: a couple of performance concerns:
            // - opted for simplicity over performance in the priority queue implementation -- needs review
            // - PathCost is calculated recursively (multiple times) -- this could get expensive with a deep tree
            Console.WriteLine("Starting iterative lengthening search (max cost: {0})", maxCost);
            int nextRunPathCost = 0;

            // create the root node as starting point
            Node node = new Node()
                State  = problem.InitialState,
                Action = new Action()
                    StepCost  = 0,
                    DestState = problem.InitialState
                Parent = null

            // creat the frontier and the explored set
            Dictionary <string, Node> frontier = new Dictionary <string, Node>();

            frontier.Add(node.State, node);
            HashSet <string> explored = new HashSet <string>();

            while (true)
                node = RemoveLowestCostFrontierNode(frontier);
                if (node == null)
                    // if we have 'deeper' nodes (from a cost standpoint) run the search recursively, otherwise return null (no solution)
                    return((nextRunPathCost > maxCost) ? Search(problem, nextRunPathCost) : null);

                if (node.State != "ROOT")

                // if this node is the solution, return it
                if (problem.GoalTest(node.State))


                // run throught the node's children, adding them to the frontier (or updating existing paths in the frontier if there is a cost improvement)
                foreach (Action action in problem.Actions(node.State))
                    // new frontier node
                    Node newNode = new Node()
                        State = action.DestState, Action = action, Parent = node
                    Console.Write("Checking: {0}", newNode);

                    if (!explored.Contains(action.DestState) && !frontier.ContainsKey(action.DestState))
                        if (newNode.PathCost <= maxCost)
                            frontier.Add(action.DestState, newNode);
                            if (nextRunPathCost == 0)
                                nextRunPathCost = newNode.PathCost;
                        Console.WriteLine("-- Been there");
                        Node frontierNode = GetMatchingFrontierNode(frontier, action.DestState);
                        if (frontierNode != null && frontierNode.PathCost > (node.PathCost + action.StepCost))
                            int initialCost = frontierNode.PathCost;

                            // update the frontier node to reflect the improved path
                            frontierNode.Action = action;
                            frontierNode.Parent = node;
                            Console.WriteLine("-- updated frontier node with better path: {0}", frontierNode);
                            int newCost = frontierNode.PathCost;
                            Console.WriteLine("-- (Cost improvement: {0} - {1} = {2})", initialCost, newCost, initialCost - newCost);