Пример #1
         * Display the character on the screen (two different modes)
         * The top two lines, and the bottom line (or two) are left blank.
         * Mode 0 = standard display with skills/history
         * Mode 1 = special display with equipment flags
        public static void display_player(int mode)
            /* Erase screen */

            /* When not playing, do not display in subwindows */
            if (Term.instance != Misc.angband_term[0] && !Player.Player.instance.playing)

            /* Stat info */

            if (mode != 0)
                Data_Panel[] data = new Data_Panel[Misc.MAX_PANEL];
                int          rows = get_panel(1, ref data);

                display_panel(data, rows, true, boundaries[1]);

                /* Stat/Sustain flags */

                /* Other flags */

            /* Standard */
                /* Extra info */
Пример #2
        public static void display_player_xtra_info()
            int[]        panels   = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            bool[]       left_adj = new bool[] { true, false, false, false, false };
            Data_Panel[] data     = new Data_Panel[Misc.MAX_PANEL];
            for (int i = 0; i < Misc.MAX_PANEL; i++)
                data[i] = new Data_Panel();

            for (int i = 0; i < panels.Length; i++)
                int oid  = panels[i];
                int rows = get_panel(oid, ref data);

                /* Hack:  Don't show 'Level' in the name, class ...  panel */
                if (oid == 1)
                    rows -= 1;

                display_panel(data, rows, left_adj[i], boundaries[oid]);

            /* Indent output by 1 character, and wrap at column 72 */
            Misc.text_out_wrap   = 72;
            Misc.text_out_indent = 1;

            /* History */
            Term.gotoxy(Misc.text_out_indent, 19);
            Utilities.text_out_to_screen(ConsoleColor.White, Player.Player.instance.history);

            /* Reset text_out() vars */
            Misc.text_out_wrap   = 0;
            Misc.text_out_indent = 0;

Пример #3
 /* data_panel array element initializer, for ansi compliance */
 static void P_I(ConsoleColor col, string lab, string format, Type_Union val1,
     Type_Union val2, Data_Panel[] panel, ref int i)
     panel[i].color = col;
     panel[i].label = lab;
     panel[i].fmt = format;
     panel[i].value[0] = val1;
     panel[i].value[1] = val2;
Пример #4
        //size = panel.Length
        static int get_panel(int oid, ref Data_Panel[] panel)
            int size = panel.Length;
            int ret = panel.Length;
            Type_Union END = new Type_Union();
            Player.Player p_ptr = Player.Player.instance;
            Player_Other op_ptr = Player_Other.instance;
            switch(oid) {
                case 1: {
                        int i = 0;
                        Misc.assert(size >= (uint)boundaries[1].page_rows);
                        ret = boundaries[1].page_rows;
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Name", "{0}", new Type_Union(op_ptr.full_name), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Sex", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.Sex.Title), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Race", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.Race.Name), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Class", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.Class.Name), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Title", "{0}", new Type_Union(show_title()), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "HP", "{0}/{1}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.chp), new Type_Union(p_ptr.mhp), panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "SP", "{0}/{1}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.csp), new Type_Union(p_ptr.msp), panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Level", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.lev), END, panel, ref i);
                        Misc.assert(i == boundaries[1].page_rows);
                        return ret;
                case 2: {
                        int i = 0;
                        Misc.assert(ret >= boundaries[2].page_rows);
                        ret = boundaries[2].page_rows;
                        P_I(max_color(p_ptr.lev, p_ptr.max_lev), "Level", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.lev), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(max_color(p_ptr.exp, p_ptr.max_exp), "Cur Exp", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.exp), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Max Exp", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.max_exp), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Adv Exp", "{0}", new Type_Union(show_adv_exp()), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "MaxDepth", "{0}", new Type_Union(show_depth()), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Game Turns", "{0}", new Type_Union(Misc.turn), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Standard Turns", "{0}", new Type_Union((int)(p_ptr.total_energy / 100)), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Resting Turns", "{0}", new Type_Union((int)(p_ptr.resting_turn)), END, panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Green, "Gold", "{0}", new Type_Union(p_ptr.au), END, panel, ref i);
                        Misc.assert(i == boundaries[2].page_rows);
                        return ret;
                case 3: {
                        int i = 0;
                        Misc.assert(ret >= boundaries[3].page_rows);
                        ret = boundaries[3].page_rows;
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Armor", "[{0},%+y]",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.dis_ac),
                            new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.dis_to_a)  , panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Fight", "(%+y,%+y)",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.dis_to_h),
                            new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.dis_to_d)  , panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Melee", "{0}",		new Type_Union(show_melee_weapon(p_ptr.inventory[Misc.INVEN_WIELD])), END  , panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Shoot", "{0}",		new Type_Union(show_missile_weapon(p_ptr.inventory[Misc.INVEN_BOW])), END , panel, ref i );
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Blows", "{0}.%y/turn",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.num_blows / 100),
                            new Type_Union((p_ptr.state.num_blows / 10) % 10) , panel, ref i);
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Shots", "{0}/turn",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.num_shots), END, panel, ref i );
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Infra", "{0} ft",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.state.see_infra * 10), END , panel, ref i );
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Speed", "{0}",		new Type_Union(show_speed()), END, panel, ref i );
                        P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Burden","%.1y lbs",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.total_weight/10.0f), END, panel, ref i  );
                        Misc.assert(i == boundaries[3].page_rows);
                        return ret;
                case 4: {

                        temp_skills[] skills =
                            new temp_skills( "Saving Throw", Skill.SAVE, 6 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Stealth", Skill.STEALTH, 1 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Fighting", Skill.TO_HIT_MELEE, 12 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Shooting", Skill.TO_HIT_BOW, 12 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Disarming", Skill.DISARM, 8 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Magic Device", Skill.DEVICE, 6 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Perception", Skill.SEARCH_FREQUENCY, 6 ),
                            new temp_skills( "Searching", Skill.SEARCH, 6 )
                        int i;
                        Misc.assert(skills.Length == boundaries[4].page_rows);
                        ret = skills.Length;
                        if (ret > size) ret = size;
                        for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                            short skill = p_ptr.state.skills[(int)skills[i].skill];
                            panel[i].color = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                            panel[i].label = skills[i].name;
                            if (skills[i].skill == Skill.SAVE || skills[i].skill == Skill.SEARCH)
                                if (skill < 0) skill = 0;
                                if (skill > 100) skill = 100;
                                panel[i].fmt = "{0}%";
                                panel[i].value[0] = new Type_Union(skill);
                                panel[i].color = colour_table[skill / 10];
                            else if (skills[i].skill == Skill.DEVICE)
                                panel[i].fmt = "{0}";
                                panel[i].value[0] = new Type_Union(skill);
                                panel[i].color = colour_table[skill / 13];
                            else if (skills[i].skill == Skill.SEARCH_FREQUENCY)
                                if (skill <= 0) skill = 1;
                                if (skill >= 50)
                                    panel[i].fmt = "1 in 1";
                                    panel[i].color = colour_table[10];
                                    /* convert to % chance of searching */
                                    skill = (short)(50 - skill);
                                    panel[i].fmt = "1 in {0}";
                                    panel[i].value[0] = new Type_Union(skill);
                                    panel[i].color = colour_table[(100 - skill*2) / 10];
                            else if (skills[i].skill == Skill.DISARM)
                                /* assume disarming a dungeon trap */
                                skill -= 5;
                                if (skill > 100) skill = 100;
                                if (skill < 2) skill = 2;
                                panel[i].fmt = "{0}%";
                                panel[i].value[0] = new Type_Union(skill);
                                panel[i].color = colour_table[skill / 10];
                                panel[i].fmt = "{0}";
                                //last argument for likert was "panel[i].color"...
                                ConsoleColor c = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; //Random color...
                                panel[i].value[0] = new Type_Union(likert(skill, skills[i].div, ref c));
                        return ret;
                case 5: {
                            int i = 0;
                            Misc.assert(ret >= boundaries[5].page_rows);
                            ret = boundaries[5].page_rows;
                            P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Age",			"{0}",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.age), END , panel, ref i  );
                            P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Height",		"{0}",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.ht), END  , panel, ref i  );
                            P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Weight",		"{0}",	new Type_Union(p_ptr.wt), END  , panel, ref i  );
                            P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Social",		"{0}",	new Type_Union(show_status()), END  , panel, ref i  );
                            P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Maximize",	"{0}",	new Type_Union(Option.birth_maximize.value ? 'Y' : 'N'), END, panel, ref i  );
                            //#if 0
                            //    /* Preserve mode deleted */
                            //    P_I(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Preserve",	"{0}",	c2u(birth_preserve ? 'Y' : 'N'), END);
                            Misc.assert(i == boundaries[5].page_rows);
                            return ret;
            /* hopefully not reached */
            return 0;
Пример #5
        static void display_panel(Data_Panel[] panel, int count, bool left_adj, Region bounds)
            int i;
            string buffer;
            int col = bounds.col;
            int row = bounds.row;
            int w = bounds.width;
            int offset = 0;


            if (left_adj)
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int len = panel[i].label.Length;
                    if (offset < len) offset = len;
                offset += 2;

            for (i = 0; i < count; i++, row++)
                int len;
                if (panel[i].label.Length > 0) continue;
                Term.putstr(col, row, panel[i].label.Length, ConsoleColor.White, panel[i].label);

                buffer = String.Format(panel[i].fmt, panel[i].value[0].value, panel[i].value[1].value);

                len = buffer.Length;
                len = len < w - offset ? len : w - offset - 1;
                if (left_adj)
                    Term.putstr(col+offset, row, len, panel[i].color, buffer);
                    Term.putstr(col+w-len, row, len, panel[i].color, buffer);
Пример #6
        public static void display_player_xtra_info()
            int[] panels = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            bool[] left_adj = new bool[] { true, false, false, false, false };
            Data_Panel[] data = new Data_Panel[Misc.MAX_PANEL];
            for(int i = 0; i < Misc.MAX_PANEL; i++) {
                data[i] = new Data_Panel();

            for(int i = 0; i < panels.Length; i++) {
                int oid = panels[i];
                int rows = get_panel(oid, ref data);

                /* Hack:  Don't show 'Level' in the name, class ...  panel */
                if(oid == 1)
                    rows -= 1;

                display_panel(data, rows, left_adj[i], boundaries[oid]);

            /* Indent output by 1 character, and wrap at column 72 */
            Misc.text_out_wrap = 72;
            Misc.text_out_indent = 1;

            /* History */
            Term.gotoxy(Misc.text_out_indent, 19);
            Utilities.text_out_to_screen(ConsoleColor.White, Player.Player.instance.history);

            /* Reset text_out() vars */
            Misc.text_out_wrap = 0;
            Misc.text_out_indent = 0;

Пример #7
         * Display the character on the screen (two different modes)
         * The top two lines, and the bottom line (or two) are left blank.
         * Mode 0 = standard display with skills/history
         * Mode 1 = special display with equipment flags
        public static void display_player(int mode)
            /* Erase screen */

            /* When not playing, do not display in subwindows */
            if (Term.instance != Misc.angband_term[0] && !Player.Player.instance.playing) return;

            /* Stat info */

            if (mode != 0)
                Data_Panel[] data = new Data_Panel[Misc.MAX_PANEL];
                int rows = get_panel(1, ref data);

                display_panel(data, rows, true, boundaries[1]);

                /* Stat/Sustain flags */

                /* Other flags */

            /* Standard */
                /* Extra info */