Пример #1
        // constructor gets a reference to the world state
        public Grid(ControllerWorldState ws, double WorldWidth, double WorldHeight, int numX, int numY)
            this.prevLocations = new Dictionary<Robot, Coordinates>();
            this.prevLocationsForMark = new Dictionary<Robot, Coordinates>();
            this.WorldWidth = WorldWidth;
            this.WorldHeight = WorldHeight;
            this.NumSquaresX = numX;
            this.NumSquaresY = numY;

            cellData = new CellData[NumSquaresX, NumSquaresY];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumSquaresX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NumSquaresY; j++)
                    cellData[i, j] = new CellData(i,j);
Пример #2
        //        public void Mark(Robot robot, bool continuous){
        //            if(!continuous || !prevLocationsForMark.ContainsKey(robot)){
        //                  getGridLoc(robot.Location).pheromoneLevel++;
        //                  return;
        //            }
        //            Coordinates newLoc = new Coordinates(robot.Location.X, robot.Location.Y);
        //            Coordinates prevLoc = new Coordinates(prevLocationsForMark[robot].X, prevLocations[robot].Y);
        //            Coordinates curLoc = new Coordinates(prevLocationsForMark[robot].X, prevLocations[robot].Y);
        //            Coordinates startLoc = new Coordinates(prevLocationsForMark[robot].X, prevLocations[robot].Y);
        //            // Mark continuously with interpolation
        //            // Assume previous location is already marked
        //            //Console.WriteLine("In Mark:: new location is for " + newLoc.X + ", " + newLoc.Y);
        //            CellData finalSpot = getGridLoc(newLoc);
        //            CellData startSpot = getGridLoc(startLoc);
        //            //Console.WriteLine("In Mark:: destination grid coordinates is " + finalSpot.row + ", " + finalSpot.col);
        //            //Console.WriteLine("In Mark: Getting grid loc current spot for " + curLoc.X + "," + curLoc.Y);
        //            CellData curSpot = getGridLoc(curLoc);
        //            //Console.WriteLine("In Mark:: old grid coordinates is " + finalSpot.row + ", " + finalSpot.col);
        //            if (finalSpot.row == curSpot.row && finalSpot.col == curSpot.col)
        //            {
        //                // don't mark anything
        //                return;
        //            }
        //            double incr = (double)Math.Min((WorldHeight / NumSquaresY), (WorldWidth / NumSquaresX)) / 5.0;
        //            double dX = robot.Location.X - prevLocationsForMark[robot].X;
        //            double dY = robot.Location.Y - prevLocationsForMark[robot].Y;
        //            double incrX;
        //            double incrY;
        //            if (dX != 0 || dY != 0)
        //            {
        //                incrX = incr * dX / (double)Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
        //                incrY = incr * dY / (double)Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                // 0 distance
        //                incrX = 0;
        //                incrY = 0;
        //            }
        //            //Console.WriteLine("Incrx is " + incrX + " and incrY is " + incrY);
        ////            Console.WriteLine("Start spot: " + curSpot.col + " " + curSpot.row);
        // //           Console.WriteLine("End spot: " + finalSpot.col + " " + finalSpot.row);
        //            do
        //                {
        //                    CellData nextSpot;
        //                    //Console.WriteLine("In Mark: Before incrementing, we were at location " + curLoc.X + ", " + curLoc.Y + " trying to reach " + newLoc.X + ", " + newLoc.Y);
        //                    //Console.WriteLine("In Mark: We are at grid location " + curSpot.row + ", " + curSpot.col + " trying to reach " + finalSpot.row + ", " + finalSpot.col);
        //                    // Increment X and Y
        //                    curLoc.X += incrX;
        //                    curLoc.Y += incrY;
        //                    //Console.WriteLine("In Mark: After incrementing, we are at location " + curLoc.X + ", " + curLoc.Y + " trying to reach " + newLoc.X + ", " + newLoc.Y);
        //                    // Get next grid spot
        //                    nextSpot = getGridLoc(curLoc);
        //                   // Console.WriteLine("Current spot: " + nextSpot.col + " " + nextSpot.row);
        //                    // If different mark it
        //                    if (nextSpot != curSpot)
        //                    {
        //                        nextSpot.pheromoneLevel++;
        //                        curSpot = nextSpot;
        //                    }
        //                    //if (!inBounds(curSpot, startSpot, finalSpot))
        //                    //{
        //                    //    break;
        //                    //}
        //                } while (curSpot.row != finalSpot.row || curSpot.col != finalSpot.col);
        //                return;
        //        }
        public bool inBounds(CellData currentLocation, CellData startLocation, CellData finalLocation)
            int px = currentLocation.col;
            int py = currentLocation.row;
            int maxx = Math.Max(startLocation.col, finalLocation.col);
            int maxy = Math.Max(startLocation.row, finalLocation.row);

            int minx = Math.Min(startLocation.col, finalLocation.col);
            int miny = Math.Min(startLocation.row, finalLocation.row);

            return (px <= maxx && px >= minx && py <= maxy && py >= miny);