public static IQueryable<vw_ActivityLog> PrepareQuery(IQueryable<vw_ActivityLog> actHistoryQuery, vw_ActivityLog alog) { #region Append WHERE clause if applicable // Append filter for User Text or ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alog.UserText)) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.UserText.ToUpper(), alog.UserText.ToUpper())); else if (alog.UserID > 0) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => o.UserID == alog.UserID); // Append filter for Activity or ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alog.Activity)) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.Activity.ToUpper(), alog.Activity.ToUpper())); else if (alog.ActivityID > 0) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => o.ActivityID == alog.ActivityID); // Append filter for Claim if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alog.ClaimText)) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => Defaults.stringToStrList(alog.ClaimText).Contains(o.ClaimText)); // Append filter for File if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alog.FileName)) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.FileName.ToUpper(), alog.FileName.ToUpper())); //Apply date filter ( if (alog.ActDateFrom.HasValue) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => o.ActDateTime.Date >= alog.ActDateFrom_SQL.Value.Date); if (alog.ActDateTo.HasValue) actHistoryQuery = actHistoryQuery.Where(o => o.ActDateTime.Date <= alog.ActDateTo_SQL.Value.Date); #endregion return actHistoryQuery; }
public ActionResult Log(vw_ActivityLog searchObj, string doReset, string qData) { searchOpts = (doReset == "on") ? new vw_ActivityLog() : searchObj; // Set or Reset Search-options populateData(true);// Populate ddl Viewdata //DO THE FOLLOWING WHEN SEARCH, SORT & PAGE - all come here //if (doReset == "on") _Session.NewSort = _Session.OldSort = string.Empty;//Set sort variables //AT PRESENT ONLY 'RESET' & 'SEARCH' come here so need to reset //_Session.NewSort = _Session.OldSort = string.Empty;//Set sort variables TempData["SearchData"] = searchObj;// To be used by partial view return RedirectToAction("ActivityLog");//Though ajaxified but DON'T return - return View(); }
/* Group by sample * var result = from i in (from uh in db.UserHistories where uh.User.UserID == UserID && uh.CRMEntityID == (int)entity select new { uh.ActionID, uh.ActionType, uh.ObjectID, uh.Date }) group i by new { i.ActionID, i.ActionType, i.ObjectID } into g select new { g.Key.ActionID, g.Key.ActionType, g.Key.ObjectID, g.Max(uh=>uh.Date) }; */ public List<ActivityRpt.ActivityCount> GetActivityCount(vw_ActivityLog alog) { List<vw_ActivityLog> actList = SearchActivity(activitySortOn, alog); List<ActivityRpt.ActivityCount> actCountLst = new List<ActivityRpt.ActivityCount>(actList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from al in actList group al by new {al.ActivityID, al.Activity} into g orderby g.Key.Activity select new {ActivityID = g.Key.ActivityID, Activity= g.Key.Activity, Count = g.Count() }; //Populate ActivityCount list foreach (var act in grouped) actCountLst.Add(new ActivityRpt.ActivityCount() { ActivityID = act.ActivityID, Activity = act.Activity, Count = act.Count }); return actCountLst; }
public PagedList<vw_ActivityLog> Search(string orderBy, int? pgIndex, int pageSize, vw_ActivityLog alog) { orderBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) ? sortOn : orderBy; using (dbc) { IQueryable<vw_ActivityLog> actHistoryQuery = (from vw_u in dbc.vw_ActivityLogs orderby vw_u.ActivityID select vw_u); //Get filters - if any actHistoryQuery = PrepareQuery(actHistoryQuery, alog); // Apply Sorting, Pagination and return PagedList return actHistoryQuery.OrderBy(orderBy).ToPagedList(pgIndex ?? 1, pageSize); } }
public List<vw_ActivityLog> SearchActivity(string orderBy, vw_ActivityLog alog) { orderBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) ? activitySortOn : orderBy; using (dbc) { IQueryable<vw_ActivityLog> actHistoryQuery = (from vw_u in dbc.vw_ActivityLogs orderby vw_u.ActivityID select vw_u); //Get filters - if any actHistoryQuery = ActivityLogService.PrepareQuery(actHistoryQuery, alog); // Sort and return list return actHistoryQuery.OrderBy(orderBy).ToList(); } }
public List<ActivityRpt.UserActivity> GetUserwiseActivity(vw_ActivityLog alog) { List<vw_ActivityLog> actList = SearchActivity(activitySortOn, alog); List<ActivityRpt.UserActivity> usrActLst = new List<ActivityRpt.UserActivity>(actList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from al in actList group al by new { al.UserID, al.UserText } into g orderby g.Key.UserText select new { UserID = g.Key.UserID, Email = g.Key.UserText, Count = g.Count() }; //Populate ActivityCount list foreach (var act in grouped) usrActLst.Add(new ActivityRpt.UserActivity() { UserID = act.UserID, Email = act.Email, Count = act.Count }); return usrActLst; }
public List<ActivityRpt.MonthlyUserAct> GetMonthlyUserActivity(vw_ActivityLog alog) { //Ref: List<vw_ActivityLog> actList = SearchActivity(activitySortOn, alog); List<ActivityRpt.MonthlyUserAct> actCountLst = new List<ActivityRpt.MonthlyUserAct>(actList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from al in actList // Ref: group al by new { al.ActDateTime.Year, al.ActDateTime.Month } into g orderby g.Key.Year, g.Key.Month select new { YrMonth = new DateTime(g.Key.Year, g.Key.Month, 1), Count = g.Count() }; //Populate ActivityCount list foreach (var act in grouped) actCountLst.Add(new ActivityRpt.MonthlyUserAct() { YrMonth = act.YrMonth, Count = act.Count }); return actCountLst; // append + string.Format(countStr, g.Count()) before rendering view }