Пример #1
        public void CalculateBaseStatisticsTest()
            // Arrange

            // Create a sequence of 10 intervals with packet counts 100, 200, 300, ..., 1000
            BindingList<BatchIntervalMarked> batchIntervals = new BindingList<BatchIntervalMarked>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                BatchIntervalMarked bim = new BatchIntervalMarked();
                bim.BatchIntervalId = i;
                bim.CaptureBatchId = 0;
                bim.IntervalNumber = i + 1;
                bim.PacketCount = (i + 1) * 100;
                bim.Marked = CaptureState.Unknown;

            int expectedCount = 10;
            int expectedMean = 550;
            int expectedMin = 100;
            int expectedMax = 1000;
            decimal expectedVar = 91666.667M;
            decimal expectedStdDev = 302.765M;

            // Act
            BaseStatistics bs = new BaseStatistics(batchIntervals);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(bs.Count, expectedCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDecimal(bs.Mean), expectedMean);
            Assert.AreEqual(bs.Minimum, expectedMin);
            Assert.AreEqual(bs.Maximum, expectedMax);
            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Round(bs.Variance,3)), expectedVar);
            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Round(bs.StdDev,3)), expectedStdDev);
Пример #2
        public BatchStatistics CalculateBatchStatistics(BindingList<BatchIntervalMarked> batchIntervals, CaptureState captureState, BatchType batchType)
            decimal batchIntervalsMean = 0;
            decimal batchIntervalsTrimmedMean = 0;

            // Trim zero packets from the batch interval
            BindingList<BatchIntervalMarked> batchIntervalsTrimmed = new BindingList<BatchIntervalMarked>();
            foreach (BatchIntervalMarked bim in batchIntervals)
                if (bim.PacketCount > AnalysisConfiguration.HistogramBinSize)

            // Calculate statistics for the batch
            BatchStatistics bs = new BatchStatistics();

            if (AnalysisConfiguration.TrimSmallPackets)
                BaseStatistics stats = new BaseStatistics(batchIntervalsTrimmed);
                bs.IntervalCountTrimmed = stats.Count;
                bs.PacketCountMaximum = stats.Maximum;
                bs.PacketCountMinimum = stats.Minimum;
                bs.PacketCountMean = stats.Mean;
                bs.PacketCountStandardDeviation = stats.StdDev;

                // Calculate both means for updating the capture batch intervals
                batchIntervalsTrimmedMean = stats.Mean;
                batchIntervalsMean = Convert.ToDecimal((from t in batchIntervals select t.PacketCount).Average());

                // Get both counts for the batch
                bs.IntervalCountTrimmed = stats.Count < 0 ? 0 : stats.Count;
                bs.IntervalCount = batchIntervals.Count < 0 ? 0 : batchIntervals.Count;
                BaseStatistics stats = new BaseStatistics(batchIntervals);
                bs.IntervalCount = stats.Count;
                bs.PacketCountMaximum = stats.Maximum;
                bs.PacketCountMinimum = stats.Minimum;
                bs.PacketCountMean = stats.Mean;
                bs.PacketCountStandardDeviation = stats.StdDev;

                // Calculate both means for updating the capture batch intervals
                batchIntervalsMean = bs.PacketCountMean;
                batchIntervalsTrimmedMean = Convert.ToDecimal((from t in batchIntervalsTrimmed select t.PacketCount).Average());

                // Get both counts for the batch
                bs.IntervalCount = stats.Count < 0 ? 0 : stats.Count;
                bs.IntervalCountTrimmed = batchIntervalsTrimmed.Count < 0 ? 0 : batchIntervalsTrimmed.Count;

            // Update the batch mean - only for single batches, not cumulative batches
            CurrentCaptureFile captureFile = new CurrentCaptureFile();
            ProcessCapturePackets pcp = new ProcessCapturePackets();
            captureFile = pcp.GetCurrentCaptureFile(_CaptureFileName);
            int captureBatchId = captureFile.CaptureBatchId;

            if (batchType == BatchType.Single && captureBatchId != 0)
                    //ProcessCapturePackets pcp = new ProcessCapturePackets();
                    //if (!pcp.UpdateBatchMean(Convert.ToInt32(captureBatchId), bs.PacketCountMean))
                    if (!pcp.UpdateBatchMean(Convert.ToInt32(captureBatchId), batchIntervalsMean, batchIntervalsTrimmedMean))
                        throw new Exception("Error updating batch mean for CaptureBatchId " + captureBatchId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Error updating batch mean for CaptureBatchId " + captureBatchId + ": " + ex.Message);

            // Save the statistics to the database for display on the Analysis tab (save to DisplayStatistics table)
            SaveDisplayStatistics(bs, captureBatchId, captureState, batchType, true);

            return bs;