Пример #1
        public override byte[] Sign(byte[] publicKey, byte[] privateKey, byte[] M, byte[] context = null)
            ShakeDigest sha512 = new ShakeDigest(256);

            sha512.BlockUpdate(privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
            byte[] h = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(h, 0, 114);
            byte[] x = new byte[57];
            Array.Copy(h, x, 57);
            x[0]  &= 0xfc; // Clear lowest 2 bits
            x[56]  = 0;    // Clear the highest byte
            x[55] |= 0x80; // Set the highest bit
            BigInteger a = new BigInteger(1, x);

            byte[] A = publicKey;

            byte[] prefix = new byte[57];
            Array.Copy(h, 57, prefix, 0, 57);

            M = PreHash(M);

            byte[] domBytes = Dom(context);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(domBytes, 0, domBytes.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(prefix, 0, prefix.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(M, 0, M.Length);
            byte[] r1 = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(r1, 0, 114);
            BigInteger r  = new BigInteger(1, r1).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);
            EdDSAPoint rB = EdDSAPoint448.B.MultipleByScalar(r);

            byte[] R = rB.Encode();

            sha512.BlockUpdate(domBytes, 0, domBytes.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(R, 0, R.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(A, 0, A.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(M, 0, M.Length);
            byte[] kBytes = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(kBytes, 0, 114);
            BigInteger k = new BigInteger(1, kBytes).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);
            BigInteger S = r.Add(k.Multiply(a)).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);

            byte[] hash = new byte[57 * 2];
            byte[] rgbS = S.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
            Array.Copy(rgbS, 0, hash, 57 - rgbS.Length, rgbS.Length);
            Array.Copy(R, hash, 57);

Пример #2
        static public void SelfTest()
            BigInteger privateKey = new BigInteger("9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60", 16);

            byte[]     message0 = new byte[0];
            EdDSA25517 x        = new EdDSA25517();

            EdDSAPoint publicKey = x.GetPublic(privateKey.ToByteArrayUnsigned());

            publicKey = (EdDSAPoint25517)publicKey.Normalize();
            byte[]     rgbPublicKey = publicKey.Encode();
            EdDSAPoint pt2          = x.DecodePoint(rgbPublicKey);

            byte[] signature = x.Sign(rgbPublicKey, privateKey.ToByteArrayUnsigned(), message0);

            x.Verify(rgbPublicKey, message0, signature);
Пример #3
 public byte[] Sign(EdDSAPoint publicPoint, byte[] privateKey, byte[] M, byte[] rgbContext = null)
     return(Sign(publicPoint.Encode(), privateKey, M, rgbContext));