Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks against two instructions to see if there is a branch mispredict
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if there is was mispredict</returns>
        public bool isBranchMispredict(Instruction first, Instruction next)
            if (!first.isABranch())

            // If we got here, instr is a branch instruction
            bool branchPrediction = CPU.branchPredictor.predictBranch(first.address);
            bool actualResult;

            // if next pc == first pc +8 , branch not taken
            if (next.address == first.address + 8)
                actualResult = false;
                actualResult = true;

            CPU.branchPredictor.updateBranchSM(first.address, branchPrediction, actualResult);

            // Fixed this...it's an isBranchMISpredict function,
            // so if branchPrediction != actualResult, you mispredicted--that is, return true
            return(branchPrediction != actualResult);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the Decode Stage
        /// Checks to see if there is a stall on reading more instructions
        /// from the fetch stage due to a previously detected Branch Misprediction
        /// that has not completed the execute stage yet.
        /// Then it checks the last two instructions in the fetch stage to see
        /// if there is branch, and if it was predicted correctly.  This Enables
        /// a stall if necessary
        /// Otherwise, copy instructions from the fetch stage
        /// </summary>
        public void runCycle()
            if (CPU.fetchStage.isEmpty() || this.isFull())
                // Nothing to do here, fetch stage empty or we're full

            // Make sure that we are not in a stall state waiting on
            // a branch instruction to finish executing
            if (CPU.branchMispredictionStall == false)
                // Was the last instruction on the last cycle a branch? If yes, we need to check against our
                // member variable holding the info from that last instruction
                if (this.lastInstructionWasBranch == true)
                    Instruction firstInstr = CPU.fetchStage.peekInstruction();
                    if (true == CPU.fetchStage.isBranchMispredict(this.lastInstruction, firstInstr))
                        //branch misprediction!
                        CPU.branchMispredictionStall = true;
                        // No misprediction between fetches, we're good to continue as normal
                    // Reset this
                    this.lastInstructionWasBranch = false;

                // What we want here is to check each instruction one at a time to see if it's a branch instruction.
                // If it isn't, read it from the fetch buffer into the decode buffer.
                // If it is, is it the last instruction? If it's the last instruction, set our member variables
                // accordingly so we can check next time around
                while (!CPU.fetchStage.isEmpty())
                    Instruction currInstr = CPU.fetchStage.getInstruction();

                    if (!currInstr.isABranch())
                        if (this.isFull())
                        // It's a branch; if it's the last instruction in the fetch buffer, we'll need to check
                        // for a mispredict next time around
                        if (CPU.fetchStage.isEmpty())
                            this.lastInstruction          = currInstr;
                            this.lastInstructionWasBranch = true;
                            // It's not the last instruction, check for mispredict
                            if (true == CPU.fetchStage.isBranchMispredict(currInstr, CPU.fetchStage.peekInstruction()))
                                //branch misprediction!
                                CPU.branchMispredictionStall = true;

                            // We may be full now; if we are, break out
                            if (this.isFull())
                // We should have all the instructions from the fetch buffer now in the decode buffer
            } // End if(CPU.branchMispredictionStall == false)
        }     // End DecodeStage runCycle()
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks against two instructions to see if there is a branch mispredict
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if there is was mispredict</returns>
        public bool isBranchMispredict(Instruction first, Instruction next)
            if (!first.isABranch())
                return false;

            // If we got here, instr is a branch instruction
            bool branchPrediction = CPU.branchPredictor.predictBranch(first.address);
            bool actualResult;

            // if next pc == first pc +8 , branch not taken
            if (next.address == first.address + 8)
                actualResult = false;
                actualResult = true;

            CPU.branchPredictor.updateBranchSM(first.address, branchPrediction, actualResult);

            // Fixed this...it's an isBranchMISpredict function,
            // so if branchPrediction != actualResult, you mispredicted--that is, return true
            return (branchPrediction != actualResult);